Death Sutra

Chapter 622: Melee

At the age of twenty-four, the young swordsman who had not changed his name to "Silver Carving" faced the biggest and most difficult choice in life: he continued to make a name for himself, or accepted an invitation from a mysterious person. Enjoy the wealth.

He has just defeated 11 famous swordsmen in a highly anticipated competition. In the first three months, in order to compete for territory in southern Xinjiang, he spent three days and three nights killing dozens of masters and gaining the nickname. - Unbeaten Knife King, the Central Plains called him "Evil Knife". In the next ten months, he only carried more than a dozen brothers, swept a grassland tribe of thousands of people, and almost killed all adult men. Light, for the dead father and brother to avenge blood and hate.

He is a rising star on the grassland, and he can't believe it at a fast speed. Countless people take the initiative to come to the door, or worship, or trust, or win over. Gold and silver and women, the beautiful things that were previously out of reach. It falls from the sky like rain, and you can't hide without hiding.

Every morning, he woke up with a confused look, laboriously identifying the sleeping woman, recalling how much wine he had drunk last night and killing a few people.

The mysterious man appeared at this time, without the usual touting, nor the generous purchase, just to convey a view to him: the reputation of the rivers and lakes has always been good.

He is not the first knife squad to emerge. In fact, every three to five years, there will always be new people rising, setting off a storm and stepping on the corpses of their predecessors.

Strength and luck will make some risers insist on three or five reincarnations. It means that it is only twenty years or so. Then there is a loess, and the reputation disappears faster than the bones rot.

The mysterious man finally said to him: "If you want to break the cycle, come to me."

He is heart-warming, because he is going to challenge a senior master, just like the mysterious person. He has no personal grievances with this predecessor, but the simplest reason is that countless unrelated people are contributing to this challenge. : A mountain can not tolerate two tigers, unbeaten knife king wants to dominate the grassland, consolidate the existing site, you must defeat or even kill the predecessors on the road.

He saw his destiny a few years later, another young swordsman will challenge himself under the same teachings, he may win, but the challenger will not be cut off, but one after another until he dies of someone Under the knife.

Suddenly, the friends and relatives around the river and the brothers and sisters of the rivers and lakes have become a face, like a huge parasite, sucking his flesh and blood, and always ready to throw him away, attached to a new host.

He didn't drink all day, didn't touch the woman and the knife, meditated for a long time, finally wanted to understand what he wanted, so he went to see the mysterious person in the middle of the night and said that he accepted the invitation of the other party.

He left a letter claiming to withdraw from the rivers and lakes from now on.

After a year of trial and preparation, he became the King of the Khan, renamed the silver eagle.

The silver eagle originally thought that its withdrawal would cause a huge storm on the rivers and lakes. As a result, the mysterious people expected it to be almost unpredictable. Only a small number of people were affected. The pattern of the rivers and lakes has hardly changed. In less than a month, there are new people. Replaced his position.

After five years, the name of the undefeated Knife King has been heard by a small number of people. The silver sculpture does not even need to cover up too much. The reputation is like a flower, and it will never return to the former branch. Instead, it will become another reputation. Nurture: Occasionally, someone mentions the undefeated Knife, which is a story about how to defeat him and force him to wash his hands.

After more than a decade, Silver Eagle felt that his original choice was correct. Although life would never be **** again, the “river and lake” around King Khan was no simpler than other places, but he had everything a man should have: A stable position, a suitable money, a lovely wife and children, and a foreseeable future.

If you can sit down and talk with the Dragon King, these are the words that the Silver Eagle wants to say to him.

The mysterious man who was looking for him was one of the kings of Khan. Now it is his turn to play this role.

The dragon king’s martial arts is much better than he expected, but it is far less than the degree of the world. The strange coldness of the ice is indeed different. The response measures he took are not inferior to internal strength, and a strong force is issued. Immediately retreat and retreat, even if there is a little cold into the air, there is no need to worry, just as the Yuqing priests said, let it go, and endure it.

For the first time, Gu Shen encountered such a difficult opponent.

There are also many masters in Jinpengbao. The martial arts of some people may be higher than the silver eagle. However, in the rules of the killer, there is never a fight. This can not solve the battle, it will be separated immediately, or another Looking for a good opportunity, or choosing another day to fight, but today he is going to carry out a formal contest, must be divided.

Gu Shenwei can't see the full heart of the silver eagle. He only thinks that this person has a strong knife and a hard work. Although there is only a small amount of infuriating in every contact, it is not a small blow to him. Undoubtedly defeated, not to mention a shovel waiting to move.

He and the two Khan Wang Yiwei played more than 20 strokes in a short time, winning more than the previous few games.

Gu Shenwei feels almost the same, and then fights, he may be on the spot.

"Wooden old man!"

Most of the time, the old man was surrounded by swords and circled, and refused to fight with Yuqing Wu Lao and the wild horse. He knew very well that once he fell into the encirclement, he had few chances to escape.

The call of the Dragon King made him deeply troubled. The martial arts of the silver and the iron shovel were a lot higher than others, and he was a man who could not avoid it. But the Dragon King clearly ordered him to rush to help.

Xiaochu is really good luck. In such a sinister situation, he can be strictly protected. The two hunters in the Italian building have no way to get closer. The old man is envious of this. He can only listen to the call and throw the most dangerous. The place.

"Come on!" The voice of the old man is delighted, as if he had long waited for this opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Gu Shenwei and the old man of the wood are approaching each other. They have not been blocked too much. The place where the two groups meet is just the edge of the sword array.

This is the most chaotic moment of the whole contest. More than 20 people are intertwined, and the figures are flying around. The audience can't even tell who is fighting with them. They only hear the short second command of the Dragon King.


Many of these words have been said, and more people have heard it, but never once has brought such a big shock to them.

The sound of the Dragon King is neither high nor severe, but it is extremely far-reaching, revealing indescribable self-confidence. It seems that a command is made, not only a few people, but also a hundred thousand iron riders who cannot see.

Tens of thousands of North Cavalry cavalry unanimously opened the bowstrings and looked around nervously.

There are no invisible troops, only ten guards and Chunan screens.

In an instant, the guards were attacked by the defenders. The ten-handed epee was like a sharp windmill, pressed against the silver carvings and the iron shovel. Even the Khan Wang Yiwei and the Beiting Eagle claws had to temporarily avoid the edge.

Chu Nanping was left in the protection circle for a while. He waited patiently. He didn't know the purpose of the Dragon King. He didn't know what the Dragon King wanted to do. When the guards were withdrawn, the enemy in front of him was only Two hunts.

Two long swords pierced.

The hunchback has been looking for an opportunity to approach the south screen. When the sword stabbed, the two men were not prepared and could only avoid it and fall into the mixed crowd.

No one saw the scene at the time, but the old man suddenly jumped out of the battle group and yelled while running. "Two! Two!"

He killed the second goal and completed the task of the Dragon King.

The old man is rich in experience, and he does not need the reminder of the Dragon King. He will automatically find the weakest link in the enemy group. He starts with the three samurai of the Holy King, followed by the two hunters of the proud building.

He and the Dragon King kill one person.

Silver carvings and shovels also launched counterattacks at the same time, and their achievements were concealed by the voice of the old man.

The three dragon king guards died under the knife, and Gu Shen was too late to rescue.

The real melee began, but the duration was not long. The audience’s eyes had not yet found the focus. They did not even calculate the death of several people on both sides. The melee group suddenly seemed to step on the trap, or jump or run, scrambling. Run out.

"What happened?" The king stretched his neck and shook his body. The mount moved back and forth, pushing the horse of the Holy King to one side.

The King of the Holy Day did not care, and his face was filled with joy. "The Dragon King has recruited it, and even the knife has been thrown, down!"

The Dragon King is indeed like a trick, and he has no rules, but he did not follow the wishes and orders of the Holy King.

The fire was finally attacked in advance, and the ice was tired and tired of being led by the owner. When he turned his face, he turned his face and broke away from the control of yin and yang, and ran in the meridian that had just been repaired.

Gu Shenwei just wants to have another time.

He threw away the Wufeng knife, but pulled out the dragon's sword, bowed his head and felt the chaotic life around him.

He has not used the pure swordsmanship method for a long time. In the midst of an uproar, he can't tell who is the enemy and who is the friend. He can only pick the strongest breath and stab.

A total of three swords were stabbed, and two palms were opposite.

Gu Shen stayed in her footsteps and her face returned to pale.

There was silence around him, and he silently counted the bodies.

"The Dragon King won." The sound of the silver eagle was slightly bitter. Although he had already withdrawn from the rivers and lakes, he could not accept the defeated ending. He had a sword in his left shoulder and his body was trembling. He was a sword and a palm. He was the only one who immediately played against the Dragon King. The people who came down.

The shovel was lying on the ground, his chest was bleeding, his body was still shaking, his eyes were not alive, and he was in the second sword.

Daosheng was quite straight across the ground, almost no blood, and he was the third sword. He had the opportunity to quit, but he was pushed by the brothers and thoughts and slammed into death.

Chu Nan screen trembled, he did not leave the Dragon King, and smashed the palm of his hand.

The king of the Holy Day was stunned, and the disciple of Deyi was dead. The Dragon King actually won, but this is also the best time to catch the Dragon King. He obviously has lost his strength and can't persist for a long time.

The king of the holy day looked at the 30,000 cavalry under his command, and looked at the several princes around him and decided to make a desperate attempt.

"Live the Dragon King, kill other people!"

The king of the holy day quickly issued an order, and the horse ran into the cavalry group, away from the big hand of the king.

"Two kings..." The day was shocked by Wang Da.

Then, the two princes all fell into a greater shock.

The 30,000-strong cavalry of the North Court, which was extremely strict in military order, did not execute the command of the Holy King. Instead, they all looked at a person beside the Dragon King.

The silver eagle held a small Khan Wangling flag, and the other hand smashed on the wound and issued a different order from the Holy King. "Protect the Dragon King."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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