Death Sutra

Chapter 651: condition

What the four women need most now is a hidden place for a plan. There is no such magical corner in the tent. The only choice is the simple latrine outside.

So, Xu smoked into the inside, the three people were outside, pinching their noses for a while, and when they returned to the tent, they all looked pale and made the people feel uneasy, thinking that there was a problem in the food.

Lian Qing knew that they were planning to flee, so I looked forward to seeing Shangguanru, hoping to participate in it. Xu Yanwei first asked him a question. "Why, the nun's... things will be so stinky? You are not pure. Want to be vegetarian every day?"

Lian Qing was shocked. He couldn’t speak for a long time. If he was a robber, he could easily answer this question, or swear by arbitrarily, or tell jokes indecently, but he is now a monk and must take a serious look at the problem. Thinking, scratching his head, there seems to be no similar question and answer in the classics he has seen, so he said: "You don't know, the monk is even more stinky."

Xu Yan slightly raised his hand and fanned it in front of his nose. "No more than a quarter of an hour. Let's do it."

Lotus Qing was taken aback again. "This is what you started? You..."

Three of the four women will not be martial arts, and one skill will be lost. How can Lian Qing think about how they can escape.

But he can only be a bystander.

The Queen of the Skull called Shangguan Hong. "Do the monks obey?"

"I am obedient, they all admire His Highness, and say that His Royal Highness is willing to carry forward the Dharma. It is a feat of great merit."

The Queen of the Queens has already seen a tribute from the eyes of the monks and nuns. In Shangguanhong, I just want to be confirmed. By the way, let her three women hear. "Well, now I am in trouble, I need the comfort of Dharma most, I hope they can chanting I listen, the louder the better."

This requirement is very easy to achieve, and people always have to silently recite the chanting, and what about the Queen’s handcuffs? It’s just a matter of choosing a book, and it’s a bit of a hardship. In the end, it’s still a bitter, and everyone’s martyrdom.

Lian Qing first disdain, until the Master’s law is extended, he also sits down, and the voice is louder than anyone else.

After the king’s hands were combined, he followed the whisper.

This trick is very useful, and Buddha quickly helped her achieve her true purpose.

The officer rushed in and shouted: "Noisy, white raise your vultures, rice money enough to buy as many horses as you, and not to give Laozi a quieter? Midnight chanting, looking for death?"

The chanting sound was slightly weakened, and it was not high for a while. The crowds were trapped for a long time, deeply humiliated, and found that the sound of singing can make the guards upset, but it is even more energetic.

The officer was about to kick the leg, and Shangguan went forward. "I want to see the people here."

The officer accepted his foot and squinted at him. "I am, why, want to talk to me alone? My tent is much more comfortable than here."

"I want to see people who are proud of the building."

The officer stunned. "You mean the longevity mage? What time does he have to see you? Hey, let me go."

The officer smiled and reached out to grab the arm of Shangruru. Shangguanhong, who was sitting with the crowd, suddenly burst out. He pressed the officer down and pulled out the knife and placed it on the other's neck.

Shangguan Hongzhen did not want to save his half-sister, but the Queen’s orders did not dare.

"Don't mess!" the officer yelled.

When people saw that things were too big, they all shut up and let them go.

"This time we can see the longevity mage?" Shangguanru, although he does not like to kill, a small revenge for vulgar officers, is still very happy.

"Dare to move me a hair, you..."

"We are still us, will the old Khan and the Changsheng Master kill for a small prisoner?"

The officer was in a slogan for a moment, and when he spoke again, his tone softened. "The Master of Life will not live here. Where can I find it?"

"That's your business, it's not good, you send people to talk."

"Serve you, want to pass a sentence, say it early, can you move the knife first?"

Shang Guanhong glanced at the queen and the knife did not move.

"We have several requirements. First, men and women are different, monks and nuns are different, can't be closed together, we have separate tents."

Shangguan did not say the second request, Xu Yanwei rushed to say: "There is a bed in the tent, lying on the ground, I can't sleep."

"I have to take a bath, I have to change clothes, I am going to die." Xiao Feng slammed his sleeve and smelled it, and his face was disgusted.

"I want at least one maid." There are two people around the Queen. But Shangguanhong is a monk, and there are many inconveniences. Xu Yanwei is nominally a servant. His status is similar to that of his master. He supports her at most, and nothing else. able to do.

"Clean the outside latrines and have a chamber pot in the tent." Xu Yanwei added.

The four women said a word to me, and they couldn’t tell the difference. A female girl was encouraged and whispered: "You want a fan, everyone takes turns, the weather is too hot."

The officer heard a dizzy turn, and did not remember one. He nodded frequently. "Well, let me pass the message and let me go."

"You are a hostage, you can't let go, call your people to pass the message."

This is the most embarrassing moment for the officers. They rushed into more than a dozen soldiers. They were both shocked and funny. These monks have always been honest and hard to care for, making them careless. No one expected that when four women arrived, they would immediately cause trouble. Come.

The officer sat on the ground and coldly ordered the soldier to ask the Changsheng Master until he screamed, and a clever soldier understood his meaning. He was busy and left the tent.

The two sides are caught in confrontation.

After the Queen, please ask the public to continue to chanting, and the Vatican sings again, but the voice is much smaller.

Lian Qing whispered, "Is this your plan?"

"Wait for you." Shangguan whispered, "If there is an accident, you will not help."

Lian Qing glanced at Master and nodded.

When he needed his help, he soon came. The soldier did not go looking for a long-lived mage. He invited four companions outside the account and secretly turned to the back of the tent. He used the sharp edge to draw the opening and swarmed in, intending to take back the hostage.

Lian Qing was patient for many days and finally got a chance to vent. Finally, she remembered that she was a monk. The shot was not too embarrassing. She still pushed the intruders to the ground. The soldiers at the entrance of the tent had not had time to cooperate, and the woman’s hands were A few more hostages.

The prison riots could not be resolved. The soldiers could only report to their superiors. An aristocratic officer came in the middle of the night. He was very polite. He first expressed shock and surprise at the practice of male and female prisoners and the environment of the prison. He claimed that this was not the intention of the old Khan. Then carefully write down the cumbersome requirements of the women, saying that they will try to satisfy them.

Afterwards, everyone will feel that this rebellious action to improve conditions is extremely thrilling. At that time, it was more unremarkable. The soldiers only tried to save people once, and then they did not take other means. Most of the time they were confrontational. And waiting, in the end, Shang Guanhong even removed the knife from the neck of the officer.

In addition to the officers worried about their future, Tie Qing’s face refused to speak, and even the captured soldiers joined in the chat. “The monk is really strong.” This is what they often say.

In the early hours of the morning, the aristocratic officers returned and met the majority of the requirements of the four women. They could have a tent, and the females would be divided into another. The monks would also be locked together. After the latrines, people would clean up every day and bathe for three days. Once served, the lascivious officer was also transferred and replaced with a leader who respected the Buddha.

This is a big victory. The mutual trust between the four women has increased a lot. The Queen is even willing to talk directly to Xiao Fengqi, but her need for a maid alone cannot be realized. The officer only sent a rough ambassador. Son, the queen is never willing to let her touch herself.

The victory also made them firmly believe that the so-called longevity mage, that is, the zombie face of the proud building, must have another picture. Everyone has an idea in mind, who is not willing to say it, just guessing and guessing.

The longevity mage came from the night. At this time, several women have already taken a shower and put on new clothes. They are in a good mood. They are willing to accept as long as they are not too excessive.

The zombie face is still wearing thick clothes, and he is speechless. This time, there is no Xiaoyuetang disciple around him, and he can say something.

"You are the ones that the princes want to catch, I can't let you go." He first set a bottom line for the negotiations.

"You don't have to let people go, but don't hurt people. If you put medicine in the rice and force the monks to break the ring, what is your idea?" Xu Yan said with anger.

"This is a common trick in Wangcheng Lane." Changsheng Master does not deny it, nor does it feel too much. "I will not use it again. You can rest assured to eat and drink."

The four women looked at each other, but Xu Yanwei said, "You don't have to hide. If there are any conditions, we may agree or disagree."

The eyes of the long-lived mage swept away and finally fell on Shangguanru. "You have seven chapters before the gods." Then look at the queen, "You have the eighth and ninth chapters."

"You know everything." The Queen said coldly that the two chapters are one of her most important capitals and will not be handed over to anyone.

"As for the two of you." Changsheng Master looked at Xiao Fengqi and Xu Yanwei. "It is useless for the time being."

Xu Yanwei Liuui was upside down and just wanted to say that he was very useful and closed his mouth in time.

"I want the two of you to have no magic."

"Just take this to exchange?" The Queen looked at the simple tent and was very disdainful.

"I can't let go, but I can leak the news."

The suggestion of the Changsheng Master is already very obvious. After the Queen’s heart moved, he couldn’t help but look at Shangguan’s eyes and wanted to hear how she answered.

"We have to think about it."

The long-lived mage did not want to get the magic right away. He retired from the account. "I am not in a hurry. What are your requirements, even if you don't let people go, I can do it."

A few people really couldn’t think of more requests at the moment. Shangguan suddenly became interested in big hair and said, “Give a good altar to the wine.”

She needs to get drunk and then find ways to restore her skills.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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