Death Sutra

Chapter 652: Jiuxing

"The Dragon King never drinks."

Looking at Shangguan, such as a person to drink a small half of the altar wine, the Queen said coldly, this sentence, but it has not hurt the effect.

The taste of the wine was spicy and rough, and the queen did not drink it. Xu Yanwei and Xiao Fengyu also gave up after a few mouthfuls of drinking. Shangguan, while spitting his tongue, complained that he was not happy.

She is drinking at the perfect stage, like drunk and drunk, sober enough to feel all the good, numb to the wounded words of the Queen of the Queen.

Shangguan, like holding the jar alone, walked into the original big tent. Now there is only a monk living here. When he smells the wine, he panicks and avoids it. She walks straight to the front of two four Sangha blues. "The monk can have wine. ?"

Fa Yan’s smile is thicker than usual. Lian Qing has waved his hands again and again, his hands are hidden in his cuffs, pushing the Shangguan to go out. “Noisy, it’s really noisy, how old are you? This wine tastes...”

Out of the tent, Lian Qing He’s salute, sighed. “The little girl is bold and worthy of paying. If it’s ever... oh, don’t come again, smell your wine and hurt me for ten years.”

"Hey, isn't you only two or three years old when you are a monk?" Shangguanru’s mind is still sober.

"Master said that I have Huigen, and I have been a monk for ten years in my previous life, so... Hey, Amitabha, what kind of wine are you?"

Shangguan, like Haha, left with a smile and kept the ten years of practice in the past.

But she doesn't want to drink alone, but she doesn't want to listen to the cold words of the Queen after returning to the account. She walked around the jar and walked to the soldier's tent. The archer standing on the lookout on the road shouted loudly. Road: "Go down to the bar!"

More than a dozen arrows are aimed at her. The soldiers are jealous of me and I am jealous of you. No one is willing to put the first one.

The soldiers who were resting in the tent heard the sounds, all came out, and looked at the half-drunk girl, all laughing and laughing.

Shangguan also laughed. This is not the first time she was drunk, nor will she be the last time. "I invite everyone to drink."

The soldiers are watching the new leader.

The new leader is the only person who has not laughed. He will look at several tents with prisoners. "What kind of trick are you playing? No one is allowed to go, beware of fraud."

"Haha." Shangguan laughed loudly, held his hands up in the jar, and drank a big mouth, then said: "All said that the prairie men and the wine will drink, you are really disappointing."

"She is a little girl..." Some soldiers began to be unconvinced.

“Can she still drunk us all?” More soldiers are eager to try.

The leader snorted and turned back to the tent.

Seven or eight soldiers gathered around, each of them pulled out a wooden bowl from the arms, waist pockets, etc., and looked at Shangguanru with a smile, a little too embarrassed.

Shangguan Ruyi poured only the wine in the bowl, and finally he lifted the jar of wine to his ear and smiled. "Well, there is a little left. It seems that there is no way to enjoy it."

The soldiers did not care. One person first drank and pouted: "Good wine, drink with wine, drink and drink, just do it."

At the same time, everyone raised the bowl and held the altar.

Shangguan, like throwing away the jar, has been a little shaken. "I count on you, I will make up later."

"We must also come back."

The small banquet between the prisoner and the guards ended, and the leader came out of the tent, holding a jar of wine in his arms, which was a full circle than the Shangguan, and said with a cold face: "North The court people are not so stingy, they have to go back to the present, and the small amount of wine is a little farther away, don’t let the little girl look down."

No one admitted that the amount of alcohol was small, and the head of the man took out a clean bowl. Both the host and the host stood in the courtyard to drink. At the beginning, the atmosphere was rather dull. The two bowls of wine were down, and the soldiers quickly reached the same level as Shangguan. Talking and laughing, even singing and dancing.

"There is no wine, no meat, it is like..." A soldier can't think of the following words. Shangguan said, "There is no good saddle for the horse, the sword is not a sword, the beauty has no makeup, the emperor has no minister, the general has no soldiers." , it’s like..."

"There are no men in the girl." The soldier who said this sentence had five fists and six feet at the same time, and had to reluctantly go to the nearby camp to get meat.

The prison in the restricted area is an area with more than ten large and small camps, and many prisoners are being held. This place where Shangguan is located is already the best condition.

The soldiers who wanted the meat quickly completed the task, brought back a ox leg and four leg of lamb, all cooked, and the cold was just right, and four curious soldiers followed.

Everyone was familiar with them. They quickly set up a simple shelf with long guns, hung five pieces of meat on top, and took out a knife to cut and eat. Shangguan had eaten a little, and still drank most of the time.

The soldiers who were on the watchtower did not do it, and asked the leaders to treat them equally, taking turns to take turns to drink.

So the more banquet in the yard, the more enthusiastic the squad, the Shangguan did not remember how many people had touched the bowl, and did not remember what he had said before. In short, she felt very happy because everyone was very friendly to her, they were guards. With prisoners, who are also masters and guests, there is no loyalty, and there is no such thing as betrayal.

The two altar wines quickly drank, and the people who drunk the wine brought back more soldiers.

In the middle of the night, the small camp had already focused on ten people. Later, people didn’t even know why the banquet started. They saw the little girls drinking like men in the crowd. They all had a glimpse of it. , she will be her friend.

The former officer of the camp was here at this time, and he also held a small jar of wine. "It’s so lively, count me." He heard that there was wine and meat, but he did not expect to see Shangguanru, but also After a while, he smiled and said: "You are good to adjust this tone, say it early, come and drink a few bowls with me."

Shangguan Ru was so drunk that he would recognize the person in front of him and point to him and say, "You are not good, bullying a woman, not a prairie man."

Full of alcoholic drinkers, the interest is high, just a few pieces of beef and mutton can not satisfy the appetite, energetically ready to fight each other, Shangguan Ruyi provided them with a cathartic outlet.

The officer’s hand was halfway up and found that the people around him were not looking right. They hurried back three steps. “Don’t mess, do you want to commit the following?”

The new leader of the camp crowded out the crowd and spit out the wine and said: "A flatterer who can only bully a woman, even if it is not stable, what is your ‘up’? Today I am going to commit a crime.”

The officer's face was white, suddenly turned, and ran to the camp gate, an arrow smacked from the ear, he was regarded as a fugitive, and then his **** slammed his foot.

If Shangguan didn't see the whole process, she fell, but she didn't fall asleep completely. There was a pleasant noise in her ear. It seems that many people are eager to persuade her to drink. "A new bowl..."

When she opened her eyes again, she only felt her head cracked and her body was sore, as if the whole person had been torn into pieces, and then the artisan craftsmen barely glued together. "I am dead?"

"Almost," said a discouraged voice.

Shangguanru finally recognized who is in front of him. "Where is this?"

"Where can it be, the old place is awkward." Xu Yanwei said with a sigh of relief, holding a slap in his hand, carefully rubbing his forehead for Miss.

This is the big tent that is holding the monk. Shangguan is lying in the tightness, and his head is resting on the legs of Xuyan. In addition to the five steps, he sits with a smile and a lotus flower with a reverence.

"How come we come back here?" Shangguan wants to sit up and be held down by Xu Yan. "Also ask, you are so drunk that people are not saved. If it weren't for me, you were killed by a group of people in the North Court." I know, no one is willing to take you, but fortunately these two monks are good, otherwise you have to sleep with a stinky man, how can you get it out. Now give me a lay down, I am still a miss. It’s better than staying in the lane... I didn’t see you drinking in the stone fort.”

Shangguan smirked and smiled, closed his eyes, and then slept in the past, steadfast, no noisy and no nightmare.

Xu Yanwei looked down at the face that was so refined that it was like a jade carving. The movement on his hand was gentler. Suddenly, he was lucky to have no relationship with the Dragon King. He married several women, not a happy one, even counting Not normal.

Shangguan felt like he was awakened when he slept until the afternoon. Feyen and Lianqing accepted her thanks. Another group of monks glared at her. The taste of a tent was estimated to be dissipated for two or three days.

Last night's temporary banquet brought about the impact of the banquet. When I got out of the tent, Shangguan found that there were a lot of soldiers in the camp. Many people screamed at her face and smiled, but did not dare to speak.

“How did the people in other camps stay?” Shangguan felt very strange.

Xu Yan helped the young lady, and she couldn't wait to hit her twice. "I am afraid that they will leak the secrets. You are really good. You are drinking alcohol, and you are not looking for someone to help pass the message. If the Dragon King knows that we are here, it must be rescued immediately." people."

Shangguan is knocking on his head. "It’s stupid, I forgot all about it."

The young aristocratic officer who had negotiated with the four women came over, followed by two gunmen. "God’s head, please take a walk with me."

Xu Yan is in front of him, like a petite and aggressive female. "What? Tell you if you dare to touch Miss, Dragon King will dig your heart and lungs to feed the dog."

The aristocratic officer smiled. "I don't dare to touch your lady. I don't have to shoot the dragon king. The soldiers here can kill me half-hearted. Last night, that person could not walk in this life."

Xu Yanwei witnessed the incident with his own eyes. He let it go a little. Shangguanru didn’t have much impression. He stared at the aristocratic officer for a while. “Let’s have a bar last night?”

The aristocratic officer’s face was a bit red, “drinked two bowls.”

"Cut." Xu Yanwei can not be allowed to be a man like a lady. "Two bowls of wine will drunk you like a madman? I just took you back from him."

The face of the aristocratic officer was even more red. Shangguanru laughed and felt that the scene at the time was definitely very interesting.

This embarrassment did not go far. In the other tent of the camp, the soldiers withdrew, but Xu Yanwei refused to leave, and the aristocratic officers did not force.

"My name is Azhiba. I hope that you will not accept any request from the Changsheng Master. I will find a way to save you."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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