Death Sutra

Chapter 663: get together

The situation is not as chaotic as the imagination.

Since the news of the old Khan Wang’s illness, the familiar Longtang people have been prepared, especially the herdsmen. Their wealth is mainly livestock, most of them are stocked in the suburbs, and they are in danger of being out of the city. The loss is not too big.

It is true that many people have died. The old, the weak and the sick have been the first to bear the brunt. Many inexperienced foreigners have been ravaged and the tents have been burned. Only the royal palace camp in the north has escaped, but the Longting Foundation is still there. This is A mobile city can be easily rebuilt at any time. What is necessary is a new king.

The place where the kings meet is located at the southernmost tip of the Longting. All the people who enter the temporary camp can see the gray and ruin at a glance. Many places are still smoking blue smoke. Most of the corpses have been taken away by relatives and friends. There are still many Staying in the same place, the remaining little bit of flesh and blood, attracted many scavenging birds to hover in the air.

Nearly the generals of the servants seem to want to influence the kings in this way, but the outcome is a fiasco. At this critical moment of your life and death, every prince is trying to show his cruel side. They all appreciate the ruins with appreciation. Take a few deep breaths and swear by the words "a scent of meat."

Gu Shenwei also looked at the ruins. What I thought was the place where the Dutch woman was hiding. Turning around, he saw the near-serving army, and one of the most important figures in the entire North Court, perhaps the only one that could reverse the stability of the Qiankun. People.

Dadu is the half-brother of the old Khan. He has been in charge of the nearly three-year-old army. His position is stable, and even many people have doubts, thinking that he has poured soup into the old king.

Fang Wen has already conducted an investigation. The fact is that most of them have paid a great price for their status. He has never married his wife, and he has no children. Volunteer to live a life like a monk, rarely participate in frequent banquets of the North Chamber aristocrats, even in the most intimate occasions, do not express any opinion on the sweat dispute.

In short, this is a big capital that is similar to invisibility, and it is not the damage of the kings. He will probably never stand out.

Dadu is a serious old man with a slightly blessed figure. He is still very strong compared with his 70s and 70s of his peers. He is wearing heavy armor and standing at the door of the tent to welcome the guests.

His appearance is not good and deep, and Gu Shen has used these two words to describe the big capital and walked toward him.

Dadu 尉 clearly recognizes the Dragon King and does not wait for the introduction. Nodded and said: "The Dragon King comes early, please take a break inside."

The plain greetings indicate that the negotiations to be held will be a fierce battle.

Gu Shenwei was the fifth to arrive. The tent was very large. More than a dozen female slaves were nervously setting up the wine and drinking water for the guests. Fang Wen was screaming and introducing the four people in the account. "The fat man is the king of Zuo. Son. On the day of Zuo’s suicide, he immediately became self-proclaimed. It is said that several brothers are competing with him; the bearded man is the son of the new king, his father is killed..."

When the words were not finished, more participants came, and some were not the North Court princes, but the high-ranking ministers, or because they had the remaining army. Or because of the admiration, I was asked to decide the fate of Long Ting.

Whether it is mutual hatred or support, everyone has more eye contact and rarely speaks.

Finally, the king of the Holy Day and the capital of the capital were smashed into a book, breaking the silence of hostility.

For this rare gathering. The army of the Holy King retreated 30 miles. He himself agreed to take only two entourages, one guard, one staff member, and the same configuration as others.

"Many people are quite a lot." King of the Holy Day said loudly, as if this was the most common banquet in the North Court. "The Dragon King is here, haha, everyone is careful, his soldiers are the least outside, here he is the most threatening The characters, we can't beat him."

Gu Shenwei did not bring a sword, but the Holy King said that it was not too outrageous, that is, using the palm of his hand, he could kill many people present.

One of the tasks of Fang Wen is to solve the problem for the Dragon King, so he smiled and said: "After this tent, the Dragon King can not escape the pursuit of the North Court people even if he walks to the ends of the earth."

King of the Holy See wants to use jokes to lead the party. Like the efforts of Dadu, he has failed since the beginning. No one laughs with him, but the hostility is more obvious.

The pampered new Zuo Shiwang took the lead in making trouble. His position in the family is still unstable, so he is eager to gain prestige at this gathering. "People are all together, let us not talk nonsense, simply choose a Khan Wang now. Please allow me to recommend myself, as for the reason..."

"Because you are the most weighty?" The beard of the new king dismissed disdainfully. "I have no opinion on the election of the king of sweat, but my father was harmed by the villain. This must not be reported. You must first solve it. Let me say it."

The King of Heaven escaped in the scuffle, but the loss was not small. His heart was already suffocating. He was angered by the questions of the younger generation, and he took the case. "Who is the little rabbit? Who is talking with him? His mother, this is the battle." The dead are normal again. You are bad luck, who is the blame? If you are not convinced, let's fight again and see who has played."

The Shadow King is also one of the surviving princes. He got up and advised: "It’s all from the family. Where is the hatred? The Central Plains has gathered troops at the border and will drive straight in at any time. This is the biggest threat to the North Court. Let me say, let’s say, If you don't want to fight, you can choose to wait for the first time. Everyone will go to the Central Plains. Whenever you have the greatest credit, who is the new King of Khan."

One minister boldly swears: "But without the king of Khan, they can only fight for each other. It is definitely not the opponent of the Central Plains."

"The Central Plains people are timid and afraid of things. The North Court people have no problem with one enemy and ten, and give me 100,000 near the army. I will take the emperor back."

"Give you 100,000 near the army? Ha, your first thing is to kill us."


"Select the King of Khan!"

"Call the Central Plains!"


The female slaves have retreated to the side, letting the venue give the quarreling princes, several of them have already picked up their sleeves and are ready to fight.

The King of the Holy Day seems to like this scene very much, and the hurricane ignites everywhere. "You are so terrible that you are dying; I don't want to be King of Khan. You should choose not to choose me. The Central Plains is a big worry, how can you not fight?"

Gu Shen is silently watching. Listening to Fang Wen is to introduce the relationship and strength of all parties. He is the only outsider here. There are not many weights spoken. In fact, he can attend the party. The main reason is that Xiao Xiao’s can’t be a woman. Come in person.

"Day Shadow King." Gu Shen said to the whisper.

Fang Wen succinctly nodded slightly, "It is him."

Among the pieces of the sword, Gu Shenwei and Fang Wen noticed the same person. The old movie king did not die, but after the chaos, he gave the throne to a son. It was the smoothest and most uncontroversial transition among several princes.

The new Sun Yingwang is in his thirties. He has the flat face that is common in the Beiting people. He doesn’t talk much, but he always gets the consent of one or two people. Unconsciously, he becomes the new prince with the least enemy, that is, he ends. A meaningless quarrel, just to please the strongest ones. "You, most of us are invited, why don't you let him say a few words?"

Standing behind the big ones is the 100,000-strong army, the most powerful force in the face of Long Ting. His words are full of natural weight, so everyone shuts up one after another, leaving only a few people glaring at each other.

Like the Dragon King, Dadu is always watching silently. When he waits for his own opening, his first sentence shocks everyone. "I am ashamed of you."

Some people pretend not to care, some people jumped up in anger, and finally sat down honestly, 100,000 near the ranks of the army, almost half of the total number of soldiers in the Long Ting, enough to destroy any party.

The main forces of the kings are stationed in the frontiers. It takes at least one month to deliver and transfer troops. During this period, the nearest ranks have absolute advantages.

"I heard the cry of revenge." Dadu continued to say that among the people, his age is not the biggest, but his age is the highest, which gives him the right to blame. "No one mentioned the old king of sweat, have you forgotten?" Just five days ago, the old Khan was assassinated, his body was different, and his head was still missing.

King of the Holy Day coughed, "I remember that we seem to have rules, not mentioning this for the time being."

There is too much controversy caused by the death of the old Khan, everyone has suspicion, no one has clear evidence in hand, can not compete for results, so before the party all parties agreed to avoid the old Khan, did not expect the first destruction The rulers turned out to be the initiators of the party - most of them near the army.

"We have also ruled, we have to negotiate and end the chaos of Long Ting, but I have seen the chaos more serious." Most of them said coldly.

The atmosphere once again solidified, and it was very rare to participate in the political affairs of the capital. It became so aggressive that the kings and ministers who knew him were surprised and surprised.

Everyone thought of the 100,000-strong army, and even the Holy King did not raise any objections. He even echoed: "Who doesn't want to avenge the old Khan? Who is the murderer?"

"The murderer is sitting in us." Dadu screamed everyone again.

"Who? Please tell me most, I will kill him!" Zuoyi Wang Yizheng shouted sternly, but only his voice echoed in the tent, lonely and embarrassed, he slowly sat down, his face changed It’s hard to see.

"The murderer thinks he is clever and wants to plant the five maids of the old king." Dadu continued to talk and had a good idea. "But he did too much, the scene was clean, and the most stupid thing was that he took it away." Head."

Most of them paused and looked at everyone in the tent, but did not stay in anybody. "I want to say that this is a professional killer."

Gu Shen’s surprise in her heart is more than everyone’s, because he clearly remembers that the five slaves who killed the old Khan were the female corpses of the Shangguan and the wing guards who were fed with the drug. Blame the king of praise.

Why do you say that the site is clean?

"Dragon King." Dadu 点 first named the person, "Are you a killer?"

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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