Death Sutra

Chapter 664: Forced to ask

When I heard the name of the dragon king, Fang Wen was standing up, and Gu Shen gave the military officer a retreat and decided to personally fight.

"I used to be a killer."

Most of them ignore the word "everyone" and stare at the face of the dragon king. The look is harsh. "Do you think my judgment is correct? The old king was killed by a professional killer."

"I don't know, most of the information revealed by the Department of Health is too small."

There is a quiet tent, and no one wants to take the lead in such things. Maybe some words will provoke the disaster.

“What information do you need?” The voice of Dadu is getting more and more severe.

Gu Shenwei looked back at the other side firmly. If most of them want to test the real thoughts of the Dragon King, it is not so easy. "For example, the five maids, since they are on the scene, should see some clues."

"They are of course dead. The Dragon King won't even think about it."

Just after the succession, Saori, a short smile, seemed to think that the scene was very interesting. In a puzzled look, he coughed twice, but did not say a word.

"For the truth, most of them say what is what, I will not chaos ‘thinking’, because even if I think of one hundred possibilities, I will not add a point in fact.”

Most of them were silent for a while. They seemed to be very dissatisfied with the Dragon King’s answer. They were on the verge of anger, but when he spoke, his tone was moderated. "Well, I only said what I saw, the old Khan’s five. The maid sat on the bed, circled, each person's distance was equal, no clothes were worn, and a knife was held in his hand. His body was covered with blood, especially at the mouth. The middle of the five was the remains of the old Khan, without a head. There is a lack of part, which is what I saw with my own eyes, without any conjecture."

Everyone knows that the old Khan is dead, but few people know the scene at the time. They are all generals with soldiers and have seen countless bodies. Even killing many people with their own hands is still scared by some hints of the Metropolitan.

"You mean, they ate the body of the old sweat king?" The fat Zuo Wang whispered, his face disgusted.

"I want to come here." Dadu 尉 deliberately emphasized the word "thinking", and his eyes still stopped on the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei is one of the few people who are unmoved. "Who recognizes the body of the old Khan?"

"I myself."

"Based on it?"

Most of them stretched out two fingers. "First, the five maids are the old Khan, and they will never be wrong. Second, I am the younger brother of the old Khan, I recognize his things, I can guarantee that the whole grassland I can't find the second one anymore."

This second basis is said by the always serious big man, with a surprising comedy effect, everyone laughed out, and the Holy King took a shot on his head. "Yes, I saw it once when I was a child. It was so big that I was so scared that I didn't sleep well for a few days. If I were the five maids, I would probably not want to kill."

The atmosphere became more and more active, and Satoki jumped up and said: "The words that say true heroes are different from ordinary people. It turns out to be true. Let's not fight for it. Just take off your pants here. The biggest one is to be the king of Khan."

When the voice did not fall, Saori knew that he had made a mistake again. Although he did not know where the mistake was, but the laughter suddenly stopped, the surrounding eyes became cold, as if he was a fool.

Sasuke sat down and kept turning the wine bowl in front of him, feeling that he might be a fool.

Most of them continue to control the direction of the conversation. "What else does the Dragon King have to ask?"

"Is the head missing?"

"Yes, no one found."

Gu Shen made the scene appear at the moment. He clearly saw that the head of the old Khan was on the copper plate, and the body was randomly stuffed into the quilt.

"It's weird."

"Where is it strange?" Dadu seems to have identified the Dragon King as an insider, asking questions step by step.

"A killer, carefully arranged the position of the five maids, wants to plant them on them, but took the head and left the most obvious loopholes. This is very strange."

"Well, there are even more strange things. Someone told me that the Dragon King had stolen into the palace that night. I don't know if it is true?"

Dadu’s questioning made everyone look at the Dragon King, and the Zuo’s king’s words were stopped and his face was a little red.

Fang Wen is a heart beat, I don’t know how the Dragon King will answer.

"Yes, I used to go to the palace that night."

The Dragon King admits it. Most of them are swearing, and they are not guilty of confession, glare, or suspicion. They feel that today’s party will be **** on the spot, and everyone’s guards will be vigilant and ready to The Savior in a critical moment.

Saori thinks that the timing of this return will not be wrong anymore. He jumped up and pointed to the Dragon King and said loudly: "I know that you are a Western King, and when you come to Longting, you will not be able to go, you will have a ghost, I will Say what qualifications you have for attending today's party, and most of them are doubting you."

King of the Holy Day looked at the nephew with contempt, and now the most powerful princes are dead, leaving him standing out and screaming at everyone. "My stupid, don't doubt, you and your guard can play. But a dragon's finger."

"Everyone goes together and avenges the old Khan!"

There is no choice for the guard of Saori, who can only come forward and support the master's decision, but he is very happy to see that no one has responded.

Saori blushes and turns his head and glances at his staff. "Of course, today, most of the people here say, I listen to him."

King of the Holy Day crossed his hands on his belly and looked at his uncle who was a year or two younger than himself. "Hands hold 100,000 near the ranks of the army, and most of them are awkward. Now your words have the same weight as the old king. Let's say, you think Dragon King. Is it a murderer?"

"no, he is not."

“Why?” asked Saori, surprised, and began to wonder if everyone was uniting to play with themselves.

"Because he hasn't got any benefit so far."

Gu Shenwei did not get much benefit. The old Khan Wang died too early. His alliance with Xiao Yu’s family was not optimistic. In the eyes of the North Court aristocrats, it was more like a no-brainer. Even Xiao Xiao’s own person must be sheltered from the Japanese Yao Wang to barely retain his status.

"The Sun Yat-Sen and the Dragon King are a group, they..." Zuo-Yi frowned, because Laoyao Yaowang was an ally of the King of Kwa. King Kwazh is said to have been assassinated by the Dragon King. The relationship between the two is more chaotic than his imagination.

The Japanese Yao Wang Tosai snorted, he would not speak for the Dragon King, but to ensure his own interests, "My father did not commit suicide, my army was beaten. What benefits?"

The old Zuoji was suicidal because of fear. As a result, he provoked more gossips. The new Zuo Shiwang was most afraid to hear this. He took the case and started to sit on his knees. He snorted and gasped. He was not afraid of Tosai, but Taboo the stern eyes of the capital.

Most of them are looking for the Dragon King, and no one can let him transfer the topic. "But I want to know, what is the purpose of the Dragon King into the palace that night?"

"Old Khan invited me to talk about some things." Gu Shen told the truth.

"Since it was invited to the palace, why did the Dragon King sneak?" asked a prince.

"Old Khan wants to see my skills."

"He saw it?" Most asked.

"No, I entered the palace, did not find the whereabouts of the old Khan, and then left."

Gu Shenwei does not intend to tell the truth in public, it will only lead to more doubts.

Most of them bowed their heads, as if they were going to pick up the wine bowl in front of them. Speaking casually: "After leaving the palace, you went to assassinate King Kwa."

The Japanese Yao Wang Tosai missed a plate of meat on the table and rushed to say: "King of the Khan is not killed by the Dragon King..."

He must explain this. So as not to make people feel that he is a betrayal of the father and cousin.

Dadu smashed the Toss, but the voice was not big, but it was strong enough. "Let the Dragon King explain it himself."

"Kwai is killed by the people of Xiaoyuetang. I am at the scene, but I did not participate in the assassination. If I investigate seriously, I must be able to find witnesses."


"A killer organization, most of whom are women."

"The female killer is rare. There are a few of the dragon king's men, aren't they?"

"Well. Xiaoyuetang used to be an ally of the Dragon Army. We broke the night when the old Khan King was stabbed."

"Lie, all lies, what is so smart?" Zuo Wang always can not control his mouth.

Most of them were silent for a while, then turned to other participants. "There are indeed female killers in Long Ting. They are not one or two, but many, at least fifteen, and the generals of several princes are assassinated. related."

"A group of women?" This time is not just Sasuke, but others are surprised.

Most of them nodded. "I have exact evidence. I can't take it out for the time being. The Holy King may be willing to explain."

King of the Holy Day laughed loudly, picked up the knife that cut the meat, and inserted it on the table. "It turned out to be such a complicated circle. Most of them are actually skeptical about me, because now I have the most cavalry and the widest territory." It’s a magical way to get rid of dissidents."

"There is a little bit of relationship with the cavalry and the site. But not all of them, the female killers are hidden in your camp. After each assassination, you are a direct beneficiary. I have been thinking about who can get close to the old Khan. Not being blocked? Probably also a woman."

Dadu’s guess has a little deviation, but it is very close to the facts. Gu Shen can’t help but look at him.

In the way of asking questions, Dadu told Longwang to speak out of Xiaoyuetang. Obviously, he was more able to obtain the trust of the kings than to tell the truth directly. He was isolated from the insidious and complicated court for many years. He was not unfamiliar at all.

King of the Holy Day pulled out a knife and held it in his hand. "You, haven't you seen it clearly? Today, I am removed, tomorrow is the king of the day, who is the day after tomorrow? Whose power is the biggest, most of them want to destroy everyone. I am a king of sweat."

Most of them screamed like a lion roaring. "The thief of the North Court, the traitor of the grassland, stopped your provocation. Within two days, all the female killers were handed over. Who killed the old Khan, in the first instance? Know, you can't escape, don't even think about the power of the devil and the ghosts, the killer you sent, I will give you two pieces to return to you!"

The big cockroaches suddenly became angry, and all the people were horrified. The holy king was first stunned and then slammed the knife in his hand.

Most of them were behind the only guards flying forward, took a knife, gently placed on the table, the body is neat, no trace, obviously a first-class master.

Gu Shenwei whispered to hear Fang Wen: "The big capital is dangerous."

He thought the same as the military.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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