Death Sutra

Chapter 665: opportunity

The kings gathered in a rough way, and the King of the Holy Day, who had just gained a strong position, found that there was a mountain that could not be bypassed on the road.

Dadu is like everyone else, with only one staff member and one guard. When he issues the ultimatum and threat, it seems that 100,000 nearby soldiers are standing behind him, and the king of the sun wants to be as good as himself. The roar, but for many years, the sorrowful forgiveness finally gave up the upper hand. "I..." only issued one word, he was defeated, and there was no way to raise the pitch.

However, the King of the Holy Day is still very angry, knowing that he has an advantage, but he can't show it. It is like a treasure that is invaluable. It is like a slap in the face, which makes him more angry. He kicks over the wine, knocks down the staff, and walks to the tent door. Before turning around, he said, "Don't think that the soldiers are safe, don't think that the Dragon King can protect you!"

Most of them replied, "You only have two days."

Leaving or leaving, such a simple choice suddenly became a major decision with rich meaning. The fat Zuori Wang felt that he should seize this opportunity, so he ignored the suggestion of the staff, the first statement: "I did not expect The King of the Holy Day is so rebellious that he wants to kill everyone. Nothing to say, most of them are awkward. When I send troops to crusade two days later, count me."

"Yes, you can't let go of the Holy King." Others echoed, and then they left. Soon they will secretly send people and the two sides to contact at the same time.

Gu Shenwei did not express his position. Fang Wen was resigning to Dadu, and he left the tent with his guard Nie Zeng.

The Japanese Yao Wang Tosai sat on the horse and looked down on the dragon king who was approaching. "Today's plan is good. Now you have a lot of support, I don't think I need protection."

Not waiting for the Dragon King to answer, Tosai has already taken the horse to leave.

Fang Wen just happened to keep up, looking at the back of the Japanese Yao Wang, shaking his head and said: "Everyone thinks that the question and answer just now is that the Dragon King and the Metropolis have discussed it in advance, just to give the Holy King a surprise, hey, it seems that we It is the identity of the 'Tudor Party'."


After the horse was launched, Fang Wen continued to say: "No matter what, most of them will declare war on the Holy King. The two strong rivals will finally allow other forces to catch their breath. The only thing I worry about is that some people will sneak up."

"What do you think of the Japanese Yao Wang?"

"He? He is willing to do anything for that woman, including falling down the stone, Dragon King, he probably heard some rumors, a little jealous of you, you are still unknown when you are allied, you wake up, he seems a bit disappointed."

"Do we have any other choices?"

If you want to stand in the North Court, you must find a Khan prince who is a patron or a donkey. No one can be an exception.

Fang Wen thought about it, "have..."

The horseshoe rang behind him, and another prince caught up.

The new celestial king is a person who knows how to use a smile. He is amiable and not too pretentious. It is easy to get the good feelings and trust of the other party. He has received the attention of Gu Shenwei and the military division at the party just now.

"Dragon King please stay."

The two followers of the Shadow King stayed behind him for twenty steps. Fang Wen was eyeing Nie Zeng, and the two also sailed a distance forward.

"What is the advice of the Shadow King?"

The shadow king is not as well maintained as the average aristocrat, but he has been in the same age as the ordinary herders. His face is in the wind and frost. He looks at the ruins of Long Ting not far away, and sighs, "Everyone It is said that the North Court is used to fighting, and always chooses the most suitable King of Khan. Unfortunately, for those who have died, the New Khan is meaningless."

Gu Shen politely did not express his opinion on the tradition of the North Court. He looked up at the sky and thought that he would wait for the hovering cockroaches to wait for the huge body of the North Court. The empire is still dead, he can’t produce it. The same feeling as the Shadow King.

Perhaps it is because the topic is too heavy, and the Shadow King adds a smile on his face. "Most of the time I appreciate you."

"To tell the truth, look at his previous posture, I thought I would die here."

"Haha, the Dragon King is more concerned. The King of the Holy Day is an old liar, but he has a saying that is true. No one is the opponent of the Dragon King in this small area."

"Please thank me to Dadu, and the near-service army is the foundation of Long Ting's stability. I hope he can use this power well."

"Everyone wants the support of 100,000 cavalry. Does Dragon King want to take a slice of it?"

"The Shadow King is laughing, I am a foreigner. How can I participate in the North House?"

The shadow king converges on a horse and leans on the horse to get close to the dragon king. "The dispute between the kings of Khan is not only the housework of the North Court, but also a major event in the world. It is also an immeasurable influence on the Western Region. Therefore, everyone in the world is eligible to participate. I don't know, you have a good reputation among the soldiers, especially in the hearts of the nearest servicemen, even more than our princes."

"You are too self-effacing."

"Oh, Dragon King thinks that I am talking about the guest." The shadow king pointed at the ruins of Long Ting. "A city has lost its blessings. The ending is like this. The chaos has arrived. The brave soldiers also hope to get the cherished and cherished by the commanders. Protection. Regrettably, the kings only drove them to fight blood and sacrifice their lives for their own sake. But the dragon king is different. The dragon king was surrounded by tens of thousands of cavalry and fought for more than a dozen ordinary soldiers. Even the thousands of temporary loyalists were saved. The tens of thousands of cavalrymen were close to the army, and they saw it with their own eyes and admired the Dragon King."

"If it is not the old Khan Wang Kaien..."

"Before that, no one knows that the old Khan will be envious." The eyes of the Shadow King are shining, and it seems to be one of the admirers of the Dragon King. "At that time, I changed to anyone, including me. They will try their best to clarify the relationship, and even kill a few men to prove their innocence. In fact, the kings did the same, only the Dragon King, who took the risk and made himself stand up for the subordinates."

The Shadow King said that he was so sublime, Gu Shen had a long-lost embarrassment in his heart. At that time, he already knew that the Dutch woman had a decisive influence in front of the old Khan, and was willing to take risks. Since then, when the Dutch woman began to create chaos, he did not stop it, but waited until he confirmed that Han Wuxian was in the hands of the Dragon Army.

However, there is one thing in the shadow of the movie, Gu Shen is willing to take risks for the protection of the Ministry, because his subordinates are so a little bit, can not afford to toss, he does not stop the lotus girl, the most important reason is that Long Ting does not belong he.

"The praise of the Shadow King made me feel that there is no white dragon to see."

The shadow king has a low voice. "Of course there is no whiteness. Most of them appreciate the Dragon King very much. I hope to join hands with the Dragon King to recast the order of the North Court. As for myself, it is your admirer. As long as the Dragon King, I will kneel down. Thousands of cavalry, let you use it."

"Wow." Gu Shenwei had to admit that the weight of a prince from a prince was more than normal. It was a hundred times stronger than the old man and Shangguanfei. "I don't know what to say, I can get the shadow king and I am very happy with the trust of Dadu, I don’t dare to do it, and I can’t do it for the two.

The Shadow King smiled very happily. "There are still many things worth talking about, but now I am not in a hurry. After two days, I will revenge for the old King of Khan. I hope I can invite the Dragon King. Let's make a drink."


"A word is fixed."

"A word is fixed. Please allow me to say more, Xiaoyuetang's penetration is pervasive, and most of them should be careful, especially women, even women who do not have martial arts, can become assassins."

When the Shadow King left, it seemed that he was very concerned about the reminder of the Dragon King.

Fang Weng smiled and shook his head. "I really want to have something. I have offended a Japanese Yao Wang. I immediately got a Shadow King, and it is a coincidence. He is the most suitable candidate for me."


The two men followed each other. Nie Zeng followed behind him and watched the situation in a vigilant manner. He did not let go of any wind and grass. He had to meet the brigade guards ten miles away. He would never let the accident happen.

"In fact, I have not been optimistic about the Japanese Yao Wang from the beginning. I am proud, reckless, and short-sighted. This is not a big problem. The key is that he is obsessed with a woman and does not hide it. Of course, the hero can be romantic, but he is not Hero. The old Khan is sitting on countless Ji Yun, because he is famous, his status is as steady as a rock. What is the Japanese Yao Wang? Inherited the throne for a few days, the situation is chaotic, the need for the soldiers to charge, but he puts his energy in the favor On Luo Ning tea, it seems that the more than 10,000 soldiers are desperately responsible for him."

Gu Shen rarely saw the military indignation, and was slightly surprised. He quickly realized that the Sun Yat-sen’s eyes were higher than the top, and the dragon king was still arrogant, not to mention a little adviser. “You Also think that the touting of the Shadow King is justified?"

Fang Wen is laughing. "It makes sense. It makes a lot of sense. The Dragon King is like the opposite side of the Tosina kid. The original adventure is really good value for money, but don't be too serious. The reputation of a moment is not as good as a few hundred years. I want to investigate and see what the North Cavalry is all about the Dragon King, especially how much he is willing to make this impression."

"Don't hold too much hope."

"Yeah." Fang Wen was looking down for a while. "The Shadow King and the Metropolis are so active in wooing the Dragon King, and so concerned about the influence of the Dragon King among the soldiers. I guess the nearby army is probably a bit unstable."

Gu Shenwei thinks that the analysis of the military division is very reasonable. "The big capital invites the kings to publicly declare war on the Holy King. This may be the reason."

Revenge can always be a reason for unity.

"I think the opportunity is right in front of you." Fang Wen is very excited. "It's right in front of me, but I haven't figured out how to catch it and use it."

Gu Shenwei did not think about it, but one thing he must do is to proceed immediately.

The brigade guards waited in front, and the road was safe and sound, and Gu Shen said to the killer Nie Zeng: "Action tonight."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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