Death Sutra

Chapter 677: mutiny

As soon as Shangguan was right, shortly after her, the near-service army closed the camp and did not allow anyone to enter. The senior generals of the front line were transferred back, and more than 20,000 cavalrymen stood by.

"Yi Yaowang hopes to occupy the nearest army, so he will not let other princes enter the camp to participate in the election of the capital. Azhaba is trying to find a way." Man is responsible for transmitting information and frequently entering and leaving the tent.

Shangguan has only brought a small number of people, she also came to watch the war, halfway through the major changes, rushed to come, "Dadu is a good man." She said, probably the only guest who is sad.

The red bat looked solemnly and nodded to the dragon king. With the help of another female soldier, the tent curtain was opened and hung, and then kept outside the door, indicating that it was convenient to leave the man. In fact, it was necessary to avoid gossip.

Gu Shenwei sat on a low stool, pressed his elbows on his knees, just facing the door, and could see the situation outside. From Man’s feelings, he said some truths, officers of the centurion and above. The storm was brewing, and the ordinary soldiers were indifferent to this. They simply mourned and did not look at the officers who rushed in, as if these bosses were invisible ghosts.

"'Good guys' are superfluous at this time." Gu Shenwei stared at a group of soldiers. They stood around the fallen flag and lowered their heads. Although the distance was a little far away, Gu Shen clearly saw the soldiers occasionally looking at the eyes. Communication, it seems that someone is whispering.

Shangguan stood at the doorway near the door, supported the wooden knife, and looked out. He heard the words of the dragon king and smiled back. "It’s strange, I seem to know in advance that you will say this, listen to your tone, it seems to be with the good guy. 'There is hatred.'

Gu Shen used the expression of indifference to cover up the anger in her heart. In front of her, his emotions are particularly prone to unnecessary fluctuations. "Hate is not related to good people or bad people. Even the heroes who help the poor, there is also the opposite of revenge." You said that most of you are a good person, but he is dead. The 100,000-year-old servant who has been sheltered by him has become a pan-and-baked meal for everyone. The dragon court that could restore order will once again fall into chaos. This is what the 'good guys' do. So you think it is important to be a 'good guy' now, or is it not so good?"

Shangguan has been turning his head to listen to him, then turned around and his face gradually disappeared. "Do you also want Longting to restore order?"

Gu Shenwei did not expect Shangguan to pay attention to this sentence. He stunned and said, "No, at least not hope now."

The Dutch woman is his enemy. Her whole plan is crazy and vain, but at the beginning of the plan, it is not the same as Gu Shen. It is not surprising that many of the lotus women’s ideas are born from him.

Running from Man, interrupting the conversation between the two, the situation is getting more and more urgent, he has no time to sigh, can only do what he should do, "It’s awful, Tosai got the support of several Wanfu, not only refused The other princes entered the camp, but they also wanted to elect Dadu, and only allowed ten Wanfu and two deputy to participate. The people they chose must be Wutong."

Looking back from Man, he lowered his voice and said: "Azhba they are ready to launch a mutiny immediately."

"The mutiny?" Shangguan whispered, "The soldiers seem to not want to participate in this matter."

Shaking his head away from Man, "Of course, it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to participate, it will only make things more chaotic. Nearly the ranks of the commanders have more than 100 captains and more centurions. They are the backbone, as long as they can encourage them. 30% can change the situation."

Just sighed by the split of Man, when it was natural to exclude ordinary soldiers from the decision-making circle, Gu Shen listened to his ears and found it very interesting. "Torsai brought more than a thousand guards."

"Before the real power, Tossai did not dare to act rashly."

"Beware of revenge after the incident, even if you all like the bones of the election, you may not be grateful to a group of officers who have committed the following."

It’s a bleak feeling from Man. “It’s for this reason that many officers are unwilling to participate in the mutiny.”

"In this case, only the enemy can be allied. The more officers there are, the less revenge afterwards."

"Allied with the enemy?"

"Don't think about letting the bones be a big deal, ask other officers' ideas, and put all the people they support on the waiting list, even if this person may be the sorrow of the Holy King."

From Man, I obviously felt that this idea was not very reliable, and the mouth opened and closed. There seemed to be many reasons for rebuttal. In the end, I did not say a word. I hurriedly ran out of the tent and conveyed the meaning of the Dragon King to Azhba and others.

Shangguan was so eager to watch, and his face smiled. "This is the means of the Dragon King. I have to study hard."

Gu Shenwei snorted, his mood was very bad, and it was becoming more and more difficult to stay calm. "This is the only means for the weak and the humble, and of course you will find it strange."

Shangguan showed a apology, and then he took a breath. "You forgot, my brother and I are relying on you in the sea, and have been fighting against Jinpengbao. So I don't feel strange about the alliance with the enemy." Just... not very used."

Gu Shen’s anger in his heart vanished. When the correspondence was in the past, he was full of trust in Shangguan, and even pinned the last hope of the decisive battle on her, but when she met, she always felt that she was an enemy, not a partner.

This is unfair to Shangguan, and it is not fair to the Dapeng bird who died.

Gu Shenwei’s mood was once again ups and downs, and he was finally firmly controlled. “I am very used to it. I can live to the present, relying on this, Daxueshan, Tuofang, Xiangji’s country, Xiaoyaohai, and even Jinpeng. I have alleged alliances for a few times, and even my queen is for an alliance. I am the most insidious and treacherous person in the world."

When she said these words, Gu Shenwei was proud.

Shangguan seems to be infected by him, and his eyes are shining, but she shakes her head. "You are not such a person, because you protect all the alliances, there are not many people in the world who can do this. The killer of the third brother is now under your command." You have no chance to get rid of them."

"It will be in the future."

"But as long as the alliance has not passed, you will not, so you are not insidious and cunning." Shangguanru's nephew is getting brighter and brighter. "In the Longting restricted area, you are willing to give up more than a dozen subordinates. Everyone admires you. ”

"I am willing to go out because I know... in short, it is a shocking sale."

"In any case, you are not the bad person you imagined. I know that you have killed many people, but you have never killed innocent people for no reason. You are not an old man."

The old man coughed twice outside, and he is now a loyal follower of the good girl.

Shangguan laughed. "In the old wood, you are not killing people for fun."

Gu Shen felt that there was a net in his cover, which made him very vigilant. "If you are asking for Jinpengbao, it is too early."

Shangguan was ashamed and slowly lowered her head. She wanted to tell, but suddenly she found that she was hiding this thought. It was a sweet dream. She never dared to think too much, and sometimes she could not help but work hard to achieve it.

From the excitement of Man, he rushed in like a hurricane, blowing away a faint awkward atmosphere. "Success, at least 70 of the commanders and 500 centurions are willing to start."

Needless to say, the rest of the matter is outside the account, the officers in droves are heading towards the middle account, and in order to avoid more accusations, everyone has no weapons.

The soldiers seem to have expected this scene to happen, the head hangs lower, and they turn a blind eye to the officers passing by.

“Very smooth.” Looking at the Dragon King from the admiration of Man, “It’s not just Azhba who formed a group. At least three or four big gangs, find the leader, and hit it off. Tossai wants to reach a wish today. It’s not that easy. Azheba wants to ask the Dragon King, what should I do next?”

It is difficult for Tossai to recommend his own people to be a big man. The same is true of Ajba and others. Bone is now only one of several candidates and does not have an absolute advantage.

"What is Azhaba's idea?" Gu Shen is a military division who has no intention of becoming a certain officer.

"He is prepared to continue the alliance strategy and draw a few Wanfu and the officers in their hands with the deputy."

"It's so good."

Tossa nodded firmly, as if he had completely forgotten the feeling of splitting.

He was just about to leave, Gu Shen was calling him. "Wait, the alliance with other officers is very smooth?"

"Very smooth, almost no persuasion, everyone is against Tosai, hey, he has few supporters among the officers below the commander."

"Be wary of the most active officers, they may be the next enemy."

Another man from Man, nodded again and hurried out of the tent.

Gu Shenwei looked at Shangguan Ru, "Hey, you said it wrong, Tosai has formed an alliance with me, but I don't want to help him, I don't want to protect him."

"It’s Xiaoshi’s alliance with Tossai, not you.” Shangguanru has already got rid of the entanglement in his heart. “Everyone knows that Tosai is jealous of you, not killing you.”

Shangguan’s gaze showed a hint of embarrassment. “The ability of gossip can be really big.”

"She is a stupid woman and she is self-sufficient."

Shangguan laughed and said, "Men both like stupid women, and they are often planted in the hands of stupid women."

"Don't say that you know this kind of thing very well. This is what Xu Yanwei should say."

Shangguan, like a pair of stunned appearances, "If you don't mention me, I really can't think of it. This is what Xu Yanwei told me. She said..." She stopped in time, but her face was a little red.

Gu Shenwei did not ask, he was surprised that the military officers outside were dying of his own life and death, but he was not nervous at all, and did not want to go out and watch. He liked the tent.

"How long has it been, this seems to be the one we talked the most." Shangguan, like turning around and looking at the soldier still in silence, his head slightly sideways, leaving Gu Shen as a deserted back.

The noise in the distance suddenly came, mixed with anger and sorrow, and Gu Shen was awakened from a dream that had just risen.

The military officer's mutiny seems to be not so smooth.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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