Death Sutra

Chapter 678: select

The beautiful day of the day Yao Wang Tosai cast a shadow.

In his original plan, when the near-service army and the king of the holy day were in full swing, they sent a decisive force to lay the victory in one fell swoop, and then divided the 100,000 cavalry with the Wanfu Chang Uzuri. Get the biggest one.

The development of things was smoother than he had imagined. Most of them were assassinated. By returning the remains, he was able to enter the camp and was expected to win the entire army. He could not have imagined that a group of junior officers would have broken down the big things.

Outside the tent, hundreds of military officers shouted for revenge for the capital. In the tent, ten Wanfu and two deputies gathered together in a pile of whispers. The look was quite serious, but it was only half a day passed. Make any plans.

As the only bystander, Tossa was so gloomy that he couldn’t help but slap the case. “The near-serving army is the most powerful force in the North Court. It has always been known for its loyalty. When did a group of slaves be so arrogant?”

"They are not slaves." A Wanfu chief corrected: "but the best children sent by the tribes, serving the king of Khan, in the future..."

"In the future, it will become the backbone of the family, and it will be the basis for maintaining the reunification of the North Court." Tosai said coldly, and he has been familiar with these phrases since he was a child. "Is there no one in the service army to teach them to obey orders? Or today?" The near-service army is different from the previous one. Can you commit the following?"

"The expressions of the officers may not be appropriate, but they want to revenge for the big capitals. There is nothing wrong with it." The deputy is standing up, this is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a strict The long face, not humble when talking, even has a point to fight against the court.

Tosai has long thought that Bone Lun will be his own enemy. What surprised him is that these 12 generals who can decide the fate of the near-serving army just said that they are unassuming, and when they hear the voice outside, they immediately change their attitude and begin to perfuse. Yourself.

He glanced at his spokesperson. At this time, Wutuo should show his position and loyalty.

Wucuo is almost the same age as the bones. He is very fat and has a strong and bearded beard. He is extremely heroic. Only those who are familiar with him know that this is a very cautious person.

Cautiousness is an extra quality today. Wuzuo can be the result of the support of the Japanese family. He must stand firmly on the side of Tosai. "Cough, it is like this. Most of them are assassinated. Of course, we must report, as well as the hatred of the old King of Khan, it is even more reported, otherwise our faces are thrown into the sky. But to revenge, there must be a person who has a principal, the group dragon can not be without head, so the imperative is still Immediately select the new Metropolis, ordered by the Metropolitan, and the outside officers will naturally obey."

This sounds very reasonable. Tosai nodded and looked at the bones provocatively to see what else he could do.

The bones did not speak, and the other generals remained silent.

Tosai felt that he was about to win, and the noise outside was suddenly raised, as if the officers had lost control and was about to rush into the tent.

At the curtain of the curtain, a guard was coming in. The look was flustered and hurriedly salute. "The officers asked to meet with the adults."

"Ha." Utcu issued a short laugh. "How many people are outside?"

"Probably...about five or six hundred people."

"Tell them that the main account is too small to accommodate them."

"The officers will send a few representatives..."

"Noisy!" Wu Zuo screamed, remembering that he is still only Wan Fu, there are two deputy sergeants on the top. "The officers have to be inseparable. This wind must not be long. Please ask the two adults to make a decision."

The two deputy monks looked at each other and their thoughts were similar. The bones had a sigh of relief. "Now it is a special period. You can't stick to the rules. Why don't you let the military officials come in and talk about it? The North Court does not have a King of Khan now, no matter who is a big man." Nothing can be justified, and the recognition and support of the officers is very important."

Tosai is filled with indignation. He is the grandson of the old Khan, and the Khan of the future. He is here, and all natural names are justified. Bone Lun said that this is almost equivalent to publicly opposing himself.

In addition to more than a dozen tents, Gu Shen is still sitting on a low stool and listening. The Shangguan is looking forward. "Azhaba will they succeed?"


The Dragon King answered so surely that Shangguan was puzzled and turned to look at him.

"Tossai is arrogant, but he is not stupid enough to come home, whether he wants or not, he can only accept the demands of the officers."

The voice just fell, Shangguan, who had been rushing in the military camp, ran in, rushed to the younger sister and nodded excitedly to the dragon king: "It’s getting noisy, this time it’s really noisy, and other officers are rushing to support. Anyone who is out of the house will be seen as a coward and a traitor. Oh, I didn’t expect that the big assassination would bring such consequences."

Shangguan has had contact with the officers and understands their thoughts. "In the North Court, the nearby army is a unique army. The other armies from the commanding to the soldiers are from a fixed number of tribes, and they are loyal to one prince. Nearly the soldiers have fixed sources of soldiers. More than half of the officers are selected from all tribes. They serve for at least ten years and will return to the army of the tribe. According to the standards of the North Court, they are not particularly 'loyal' to the nearest ranks. ""

Shangguanfei is even more excited. "In this case, why did the Dragon King not grab this army, and with 100,000 troops, he can sweep the grassland, not to mention..."

Not to mention breaking through the Yuyu City and Jinpeng Fort, Shangguanfei could not say anything.

Shangguan Ruyi answered this question to the Dragon King. "Because these officers will still owe their allegiance to this tribe, not to outsiders. There are some officers in the service army who have been promoted from the soldiers. They are more determined and will only be loyal to the new Khan."

Shangguanfei is not very convinced, but also wants to persuade the Dragon King, the sound of the old man outside, "Shangguan Fei, this stinky boy, get out of me, I want to check the progress of your training in these days, almost, I Removed the bones of your body."

Shangguan Fei was so scared that he spit out his tongue. He was never a model of hard work and hard work. The old man was not a good teacher.

Although Shangguan is a younger sister, she always plays the role of a father and a brother in front of her twin brothers. She already knows that Shangguanfei is studying five-hole punches and solemnly reminds: "You are not allowed to kill others, the old man, and the others who will kill him later." It’s on you.”

"Ah?" Wood old man felt that he was really embarrassed, and instead said in a more severe voice: "Shangguanfei, then dare to kill, I... cut your little things and send you to Wangcheng Lane to pick up passengers."

Shangguanfeifu went out with a slap in the face, and complained in a half sentence.

Hearing the vulgar threat of the old man, Shangguan’s face was a bit red, and he saw that the Dragon King was staring at himself intently. His eyes were softer than ever before. He was close to a shallow smile. “Are you laughing at me?”

Seeing Shangguan’s teaching of his brother, Gu Shen’s return to Jinpengbao was a shameful experience. In the darkness of the layers, there was occasional sunshine.

The noise in the distance became a cheer, reminding Gu Shen to live in the real world for him.

Coming from Man Mantou, he ran in. "Success, the commander is also eligible to participate in the election."

Tosai agreed very reluctantly. He knew very well that the so-called revenge for the capital is just an excuse. The officers have no ulterior motives, but he has no choice. Among the senior generals, only Wutuo is his staunch supporter, others are all clear or Standing on the side of the officers, suddenly, the Japanese Yao Wang became a weak side, and he brought more than a thousand guards, even without a large number of officers.

"Wanfu and Vice Dusit will launch four candidates, and the officers can launch one. It is not particularly desirable to choose the majority of these five people, but it can only do this step." A little regret, I feel that the victory is not thorough enough.

"I am afraid this will take a long time." At the moment, the camp near the camp is undulating, and the situation may change in a blink of an eye. Gu Shen is worried about night dreams.

Man sighed. "No way, the officers are temporarily aligned, but only give a candidate. The Dragon King can imagine how fierce this will be. The initial election is tonight, and the results will be announced tomorrow morning."

"What about the prince outside?"

"Second time will let them in, all the princes can only stand by and can not be elected."

It sounds very reasonable. Gu Shenwei is even puzzled. Did the Dutch woman and the Holy See expect this officer to change? Where are the traps they arranged for the Yosemite King Tossa?

When Man walked out of the tent, he was extremely nervous. The alliance of the officers was short-lived. It was about to start a battle between you and me. He did not have much confidence in the ending.

Gu Shenwei refused to give his opinion. Although he had some ideas, in this chaotic situation, every choice may produce unexpected results, letting him change from a "military division" that is a magical machine to a sinner who leads to failure.

"The Dragon King is very prestigious among the officers." Shangguan said softly.

Gu Shenwei’s feelings are not obvious. He has a question in his heart and took the opportunity to say it. “You are familiar with the officers here?”

"Yeah." Shangguan said in a generous manner, "I know some people in prison, introduce each other, and get more and more people. They are very good at dealing with them."


"what why?"

"What do you want from the near-service army?"

"Is there something that Dragon King can't guess?" Shangguan smiled.

Gu Shenwei guessed it, but he couldn't understand it. The reason was just the words of Shangguan who refuted his brother. "This is useless. You know very well that the North Court soldiers will not join the Dragon Army."

"I have to try it. Everyone thinks that no one dares to kill the old Khan. What is the result?" In the eyes of Shangguan, the Dragon King and his brother are two opposite people. She does not feel that they are inconsistent.

"But you..." Gu Shen did not know how to say it. He didn't understand why Shangguan had to take the initiative to do this for himself.

Shangguan clearly understands what he means, the expression on his face becomes mild, and the only remaining childishness disappears. "You will protect the people who trust you. I don't want the grassland to become a killing field, so I hope that the near army will become your subordinate." ""

Recalling the reaction of Azhba and others in the morning, Gu Shenwei felt that this plan was as unrealistic as the Dutch woman. "Only killing can benefit me."

"I will fight for another choice for you." Shangguan is as firm as a tone, revealing the arrogance of "Ten Gongzi".

Gu Shenwei solved the Wufeng knife and crossed it in front of the knee. "If the result of the election is not bones, Azhba wants to solve the problem with my knife. I agree. Tosai wants to get rid of me, I will preemptively, he will escape. Near the army, he will also die in his own camp; the Dutch woman and the Holy King are already in my assassination plan. Hey, except everyone, everyone wants me to pull the knife. This is my only way, choice? You have, I don't."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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