Death Sutra

Chapter 693: dispute

Every time an officer returns, Tulsa’s face will deepen.

There are very few good news. Most of the officers are ignorant of what is happening in the camp. When their orders are ignored, they are even more alarmed than the soldiers.

This kind of thing should not happen or happen. The military command in the North Court is as heavy as the mountain. The near-service army is a model of strict military discipline. In the face of such open disobedience, the officers have nothing to do and can't think of any experience that can be learned.

Tsursan looked at the aristocratic officers who had swarmed back, and they felt sick and angry, but they had to slap their heads to hear their reports.

"The soldiers are crazy and refuse to execute the order."

"Running around doesn't know what I want to do."

"The soldiers of the Japanese Yaowang were killed almost."

"I saw a centurion killed and he clashed with the soldiers..."

"The tenth 10,000th army... I don't know where to go."

Only a few officers know how to change, and found that the soldiers did not follow the "in place" command, immediately called the soldiers who were willing to obey to gather in the main account.

Tsursan found that he had made a mistake. If the soldiers were ordered at the beginning, the number of people who came could be more. But now there are only a thousand people, just in front of him. There are still soldiers who change their minds and turn to join the loss. In the crowd.

He felt a trace of fear. The officers gathered around him were almost all nobles. There were not many soldiers from the soldiers. It was even rarer, and most of them joined the soldiers.

Such an obvious huge split, why is there no sign in advance? Why no one ventilates himself? Isn’t it the most general who is loved and respected by ordinary soldiers?

In the face of fear, Tulsa’s instinctive reaction was to meet up, so she laughed a few times and turned and said to several princes: "It seems that some people don't want me to be a big man. I don't care. I can't go home and let the sheep go. The temper of a person is awkward, and he can’t look down on the little man who puts a dark arrow. He can’t take him out.”

The princes have their own concerns. They have not felt the danger. Like the Shadow King, the first thing they see is the opportunity.

It is now the case that it is no longer necessary to cover up the relationship between them. The King of the Holy Day stands side by side with Tulsan. First, he said to the kings: "Don't think that a small change can turn things around. It was chosen by all the officers."

Then the king of the holy day turned to the officers in groups. "This is your big capital. Who has any opinions?"

There was a cold voice in the crowd. "I heard that there is one more blood sheepskin. Is it true?"

"Lie!" The king of the Holy Day was so arrogant.

A young prince said in an inappropriate manner: "This is indeed true. Let's check the bloodstains."

The accusation of the Japanese Yao Wang did not disappear because of his assassination, but the impact was even greater.

Victory is slipping away from the fingers. The Holy King must do something. He did not respond to the doubts of the people. Instead, he suddenly said loudly: "The Dragon King is the Dragon King who is engaged in ghosts. He plans plots in the camp. He runs when the mutiny happens. And, next to the Shadow King, the Shadow King is the mastermind, everyone saw it."

The panic is getting more and more serious. Any accusation, as long as no party has come out to argue, will almost be accepted by all, and the transfer strategy of Saint Jr. will be almost successful.

"Who said that we ran?" The shadow king squeezed out from the officers, and he was sweating, but his expression was extremely calm. "The Holy King, you are the elder, the old generation of the prince is running low, you can be responsible for speaking." ”

The king of the holy day is red, but he refuses to admit his mistake. "What about the Dragon King? Where do you hide in the intrigue?"

"I am here." Gu Shenwei said in the crowd, "I am engaged in a person's "intrigue."

Some people laughed. The accusation of the King of the Holy Day was not rigorous. At this time, no one believed that Azheba said the thoughts of most people. "How can the dragon king be a foreigner, how can he instigate the soldiers to resist?"

The King of the Holy Day still wants to talk, and Tsang Shan stopped. He is the nearest general of the army. He encountered this kind of thing on his first day of office. He has to rely on himself to turn the tide. "No matter who is the ghost, you can definitely find it later." The most urgent task is to stabilize the military. Who can tell me what is going on with his grandmother? What do the soldiers want? Who do you want to kill?"

The officers couldn't answer this question. A few of the soldiers who were ordered to come in were already scared and couldn't speak.

The Shadow King coughed and stood in front of the King of the Holy Day and said to the crowd instead of Tulshan: "I have already investigated it. This is not an ordinary mutiny. It is not necessary to bother to find the instigator, because the instigator does not exist at all. If you have to say something, it is that the old Khan and his predecessor are mostly stunned."

The two dead, the Shadow King half-joking, shocked everyone, dozens of soldiers even kneel on the spot, bowed and whispered.

"The soldiers are dissatisfied." The Shadow King said loudly, knowing that every sentence of his own is very important, "they are dissatisfied with the remains of the old Khan Wang have not been properly buried, dissatisfied with the insurmountable assassination, dissatisfied with the service of the assassination. Indifference, in a word, they are not happy with everyone."

The audience was quiet, only heard the sound of killing in the distance. The shadow king pointed to the place where the killing occurred. "The silver armor of Tossai will be wiped out by the whole army. Once the soldier kills the red eye, no one can control it. I suggest All the officers immediately returned to the team and asked the soldiers' wishes. The kings were here and they could give a reply immediately."

Nearly a thousand military officers whispered and talked about it. The suggestion of the Shadow King is a bit dangerous. The soldiers in the camp are no longer the obedients they are familiar with, but a group of silent defenders. Returning to the team means scattered and scattered results. May be broken by each.

The person who feels the most profound about the danger is Tulsa. In the suggestion of the Shadow King, there is no new location for the big capital. He smells the challenge and the power to seize power. He then glances at the Holy King around him and says out loudly: Don't panic, who else knows more about the nearby soldiers than those of us? They are all prairie men. Who will bury their dissatisfaction in their hearts? They must be provocative, let them kill and let them vent, and I will go into the brothers in person. Among them, out of the provocate, everyone will wake up and re-obey orders."

There was a public dispute between the Shadow King and Tulsa.

Gu Shenwei stood quietly listening to the crowd, and the shadow of the day and the shadow of the king, the information he had was actually very pitiful, mostly guessing, but guessing may be very accurate. According to his observation, the soldiers behave more spontaneously. It’s not someone who instructs, although the action seems to be justified, it’s more like an instinctive reaction to rigorous training.

He remembered that the left general Du Guzhen said that the North Court army is not the same as the Central Plains and the Western Region. The soldiers have been hunting for horse riding since childhood. Military training has been started since then. Everyone knows the duties and position, and the commander only provides The direction of travel, the specific tactics have long been engraved in the hearts of every soldier.

But Tul's guess is probably right. The instability of the military is one thing. It is another thing to turn into the same defense. It is hard to imagine that no one is manipulating.

Gu Shenwei slowly moved in the middle of the officers and found that the people who supported Tulshan would be a little more. He is the new big man, and he is familiar with the officers. The most important thing is that his plan does not seem to require officers. adventure.

The shadow king and Tsursan have changed from dispute to mutual filth. The latter believes that the former is the planner of the mutiny, and they present one piece of evidence that is true and false, even suggesting that the other party is related to the death of the predecessor. "Since you became the Shadow King of the Sun, these days have been trying hard to please the Metropolis, and you have to come to the military camp almost every day. What is your heart?"

Tulsan was fat and anger, and it seemed to be fat again. The words were full.

The Shadow King is not a person who is easily irritated, but he is never afraid. He is waiting for Tulsan to raise this topic. "Do you know that most of you are dying?" Yes, why is he staying up late for no reason? Going out, with only five guards around?"

"Of course, some people encourage the majority to do this, and then leak the news, this person must be deeply trusted." Tulsan looked at the shadow king with contempt, and convicted the other with a look instead of a language.

The Shadow King felt that the time had come and pulled out a folded note from the wrist. This is evidence that the Dragon King had given him enough to completely defeat the fat man in front of him. "This is the last command before the birth of the capital..."

"Revenge!" Someone shouted, and then three soldiers pulled the knife and rushed to the Shadow King.

Gu Shenwei has been slowly pacing in the crowd, and has maintained a distance of fourteen and five steps from the Shadow King. She has already prepared for saving people.

But he is not blocking three soldiers, but the assassin behind the shadow king.

No one knows where the assassin came from. From the direction of appearance, there may be a follower of a certain prince. It is strange that no one has an impression on this ordinary face.

Pulling the knife and getting out the knife, Gu Shen completed her task in an instant, and jumped to the front of the shadow king.

The three soldiers failed to rush to the front of the Shadow King and were caught by a group of officers.

The assassination began to end soon, and most people have not responded. The Shadow King has seized the opportunity to say aloud: "This order was handwritten by the cousin, saying that the enemy is likely to send assassins into the camp, asking for bones. Lundu is strict and guarded. Look at this sentence, 'Wanfu Changwucuo came up with a trick...'"

Tulshan made a screaming roar, "It turned out to be you!"

Wu Zuo stayed like a chicken, and his body was short. He almost fell to the ground. "Not me, obviously..."

Tsursan pulled the knife and cut it to Wucuo. Gu Shen opened the knife and said, "Leave the mouth."

Utopia seemed to feel thirsty, his hands scratching his throat a few times, suddenly revealing the fierce light, and rushed to the nearest one, Wang, and bit his mouth.

Gu Shen was leaping, and the handle was smashed in the back of Wutuo. Then he took out a pill and stuffed it into Wuzi’s mouth.

The lotus girl left a lot of medicinal herbs, Gu Shen has been carrying with him.

Wu Zuo is still in a coma. Shangguanfei ran from a distance and shouted in his mouth: "The silver armor is dead, and the silver armor is dead."

Behind him, the black-pressed crowd is slowly coming to the main account, standing in unison, faceless, and the knife in the hands of many people is still stained with blood.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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