Death Sutra

Chapter 694: crowd

There are always such subtle moments, and everything is undecided. Everyone's actions will affect the development of the whole situation. Everyone does not know what to do. Like a group of animals standing on the vast grassland, facing the enemies of the natural enemy, the first An animal that ran out will determine the overall direction.

The aristocrats in the camp near the camp were in this state. Many ideas and plans were springing up, and no one thought that the leader of the first action would be the fat Zuo.

Compared with Tulsa, the new Zuo Shiwang can only be regarded as a little fat man. Among the kings, his strength is not the weakest and one of the weakest. Few people think that he is very smart, but he is in a stunned way. In the eyes of the crowd of officers, awkwardly ran to the tens of thousands of soldiers who were slowly approaching, and when they fell by Shangguanfei, they almost fell, eager to see the reunion after the mother and son were separated.

"I am the grandson of Saori, the old king of Khan! Within ten days, I want to make the old Khan king one in one! The traitor who sold the big scorpion has been found by me. Everyone puts in my majesty, the first thing is Revenge! Revenge with blood..."

The king of Saori is very fast, as if this is his last chance to speak. Behind him, the officers and the princes look at each other silently, both ridiculous and heart-wrenching.

Zuo Shiwang really couldn’t move, and slowly changed to walk, but his mouth was not idle. He was still screaming and promised. “When I became a King of Khan, the squadron of the nearest army doubling, everyone remembered... ”

The miracle appeared, and the slowly advancing soldiers actually stopped, as if they were listening carefully to the words of Zuo.

At the same time, the competitors acted.

Tulshan wanted to get on the horse. After trying twice, she didn’t go up. She angrily pushed down the helper and ran forward. She shouted: "I am Tulsa, just like you are ordinary cavalry. I just got I chose to be a big man, please listen to me with a word..."

"I am the son of the old Khan, I have the will that he passed to me..."

"It’s a huge gang that’s mostly ruined, only I can get them all out!”





Boasting and promising rainstorms, mixed with reckless lies, in the twinkling of an eye, the aristocratic officers who are the backbone of the near-serving army become unindependent abandoners. The kings squeezed from among them as if they were stalking and not leaving. Far away, Wang Ye shouted: "Re-elect the officers, no one has no job!"

The plan of the King of Shadows to expose the traitors in the public was so half-dead. The assassin's body behind him and the three soldiers in front of him were not enough to attract attention. In fact, the officers were more and more fearful, and the common sense of crisis made everyone feel The more and more tight, the policeman who looked at dozens of times more than his own, and the princes and generals who were desperate to please the soldiers.

This is the original plan of the Shadow King. It is not so straightforward and vulgar. He wants to gradually gain the trust and loyalty of the soldiers. But he has no ability to control the situation. The silence of the soldiers has changed from threat to encouragement. He Must join the competitors.

"I want to publish the full text of the evidence." The shadow king squeezed out and it was already at the end.

Gu Shenwei grabbed his arm. "Don't go, the soldiers don't want this."

"No one knows what the soldiers want, and someone has to tell them and lead them." The shadow king is eager to show his enthusiasm. He has always been cautious, and the frenzied atmosphere of the military camp is still infecting him.

The Shadow King has already received the support of Dadu, so in his mind, he is more qualified than the other princes to control the 100,000 nearby troops.

This is the new ally of Dragon King. From the time of acquaintance to the alliance, it takes only three or four days. Gu Shen has little influence on it. Moreover, he can't say anything. Everything is feeling and guessing. Maybe any prince can speak. soldier.

Gu Shen is releasing his hand.

"Don't the Dragon King go with me? The soldiers near the army are very impressed with you."

Gu Shenwei heard this sentence frequently, but he stood in the military camp. From yesterday morning to now, all day and night, I was not aware of it. "I am a foreigner, I am afraid that it will be counterproductive."

The Shadow King probably thought that he nodded and continued to squeeze out. The officers automatically gave up a passage.

Shangguanfei has come to the Dragon King and has a sigh of relief. He whispered: "The Shadow King does not need protection. Let's go quickly. To be honest, the soldiers in the camp can be a little scary. I am a bit red-eyed. meaning."

Gu Shenwei is not qualified to compete for the nearby army, so there is no need to take risks, but he does not want to leave immediately. "Wait."

Azheba walked over with Man and followed dozens of officers.

The development of the situation is too different from their imagination, and the young aristocrats obviously do not know how to deal with the immediate crisis.

"We have not yet thanked the Dragon King for his life-saving grace." Azheb said.

Gu Shen is a move in the heart, nearly a thousand officers are also a force, plus the family behind them, may be stronger than the near-service army, but he immediately gave up the idea, "You don't have to worry, no matter who controls the near army, no matter who What commitments are made now, and you still have to rely on you to maintain the integrity of the army."

Even if it is only to please hundreds of tribes and families, the new powers will leave this group of officers, Gu Shenwei feels no need to be too straightforward, not to say.

More and more officers gathered and heard that the Dragon King's comforting face was alleviated.

The soldiers who had been ordered to sneak off one by one, leaving only aristocratic officers on the open space in front of the main account.

Gu Shen first went to the assassin's body and looked down for a while, tearing off a piece from his clothes and gently rubbing the face of the body on his hand.

Like the guards of Azhba and others, this is also a real man. Gu Shenwei has been looking for Xiaoyuetang’s disciples. The result is nothing. Since the assassination of Dadu in the morning yesterday, they seem to be dying. In the shadows.

The lotus girl wants to be in a mess, why not show up at this time?

Gu Shenwei went to the three captives again. They had recovered from the panic and said evilly: "See you, the brothers are awakened, even if you really have a magic bird, you can't escape the hands of the ten-handed army."

“Does the brothers know about the three of you who have been bought?”

A prisoner took a sip on the ground and refused to answer the question of the Dragon King. "Quickly let people go, otherwise you will not die."

Gu Shen has not heard such a direct threat for a long time, and is very curious. He walked around the trio. "Which tens of thousands of people are you?"

"Take your ass." One person replied.

"No., seventh." Another way back.

"Which team?" Gu Shenwei continued to ask, the three captives did not answer.

Azhiba found a small wooden strip from a prisoner and glanced at it. He said: "The Seventh Manners, Six Divisions, Four Battalions and Nine Teams."

An officer squeezed over and said in amazement: "They are not four battalions. I can guarantee that I know everyone in the camp."

"He is the four battalion centurion." Azhiba whispered.

"Take these three people to the ‘brothers’.” Gu Shen said.

The three captives suddenly changed their faces. "I would like to persuade you to give me a question. Don't bother with the host of our service."

The public provocation caused public anger, and the officers rushed to the top, pulling the three captives and ordering them to confess to the instigators and associates.

"Wucuo, asked Wucuo, he woke up."

Wanfu Changwutu woke up and stood up in vain. He did not understand what the princes and generals in the distance were fighting like a trader.

"In the traitor, you killed a lot of cockroaches." An officer rushed up and beat Utto a slap in the face.

More officers are surrounded by three prisoners. "Is this the assassin you brought in? How many people? How quickly?"

Wu Zuo's thick beard was screamed by angry officers. He was so screaming and screaming. "I am not me, it is not me. It is Tsang Shan. I persuaded that the capital is leaving the camp." He, I am willing to face quality."

A high-ranking commander shouted: "The confrontation, the confrontation, the revenge for the capital, the soldiers are relieved."

"Confrontation!" the officers said, this is not just revenge, but also a way to eliminate the gap. Everyone has a hope in their hearts. As long as they sneak out, the anger of the soldiers will be vented and everything will return to normal.

Three or four hundred officers were surrounded by Wu Zuo and the captives, and they also walked toward the black-pressed soldiers.

In addition, hundreds of officers were at a loss and stood still and hesitated.

Azheba did not leave. "What plans does Dragon King have?"

Gu Shenwei has no plans. Like everyone else, he is deeply surprised by the changes in the near-serving army. He is more pessimistic than everyone. In his opinion, the prince and the officers are so eager to get the support of the soldiers. It is really a big mistake. Wrong, revenge, reward, and accusation, these actions will only make the silent soldiers more and more confident about their own strength.

With power and no leader, the most chaotic scene will be ushered in.

"Prepare the horses as much as possible." Gu Shen can only guess the future and can only make the worst plans.

Azhba nodded solemnly and immediately summoned the officers around him to bring the nearby horses together. Just when the two men spoke, a large number of officers chased Wutuo and also participated in confrontation.

He did not leave, and he first discovered the signs of division between officers and soldiers. He was still shocked by the facts at hand. "The waiters are finished, they are all looking for death."

The officers brought in horses. They chose to believe in the Dragon King. They were close to the mount and waited for orders. Shangguanfei whispered and made up his mind not to leave the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei took a reins from Azhaba and looked at the farce in the distance. I thought that maybe a miracle happened.

The officers who were surrounded by Wutuo had joined the arguing princes and generals, and the noise was magnified several times, but one sentence could not be heard.

"Getting started." Gu Shen was the first to jump on the horse, and the miracle still did not happen.

The silent soldiers suddenly surged and wanted to safely pass through the sea of ​​unpredictable people. Gu Shenwei did not have a good grasp.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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