Death Sutra

Chapter 713: Invite

Gu Shen is full of doubts and can only solve one by one.

The two sides went on strike, and Shangguanru and others waited for him to come back. Gu Shen immediately summoned the silver eagle. Khan Wang Yiwei was an important figure. Because of the "Destiny" of the nearby Shaman Shaman, the head he had mastered became more and more important.

As a sign of trust, Gu Shenwei first gave only one Indra syrup to the other party.

The silver eagle took the pill and did not take it immediately. "When I walked into the tent, the five maids were still not dead. They said something inexplicable. It didn't matter. Their smile... with the Xiaoyuetang disciple. same."

The five female slaves around the old Khan are trained by Han Fen personally, and will inevitably learn some of her habits. The silver carving thus confirms that the murderer is indeed not the Dragon King.

"Before this, you are interested in Xiaoyuetang." Gu Shenwei said.

The silver carving nodded. "It is not Xiaoyuetang that is attracting my attention. It is the king of the Holy Day. He has risen among the ten kings. He has benefited a lot from the death of the old king of Khan, and many of the mage around the old king of Khan finally I belonged to him, I didn’t expect..."

Silver Eagle did not expect that the number of Xiaoyue disciples who served as guards would be so many, and the means would be so unexpected.

"But I still don't understand." Silver Eagle felt that he had explained it clearly and went to the next topic. "What is the relationship between you and Xiaoyuetang, and the woman named Han Fen?"

"We used to be partners, and then became enemies. We re-aligned two years ago. On the night of the killing of the old Khan, we broke again." Gu Shen responded briefly and vaguely, but basically explained the whole process.

The silver face was expressionless and suddenly smiled. "In the case of alliance, the Dragon King seems to be particularly casual."

"Well, it’s almost the same person who came here. Just outside a few tents, sitting on Shangguanyun, the son of Solitaire, we reached a short-term alliance."

"The old Khan will never do this. He hates his heart and mind, but he seems to appreciate the Dragon King."

"The natural power and the power that is won is the difference between the old king and me."

The silver eagle thought about the words of the Dragon King. He looked up and said, "So you don't care about the suspicion. As long as some of the purposes are the same, you are willing to form an alliance with them?"

"Please don't think too much about me, but it is true for you."

The silver eagle looked at the pill in his hand and sighed. "Three times, you have done it. I have only one purpose. I found the real murderer and avenged the old wicked king. This is what I owe him."

The silver eagle swallowed the antidote. "My name is Moline, the name of the past, the name of the future, I need a knife, and I need to--" Molin, who changed his real name, took a deep breath, "a few sheets of paper."

The skill has not recovered immediately. Moline endured abdominal pain and walked out of the tent at a majestic pace.

Fang Wen was rushing in. He thought he would be the first one. He was a bit embarrassed about the King of the Khan. "Is he willing to hand over the head of the old Khan?"

"I haven't said this yet, but don't hurry to find your head until you know the truth about the ‘magic bird.’”

Fang Wen shook his head, but he meant to agree. The Dragon King did not come to him to comment on the King of the Khan, so he immediately began to explain, "Please ask the Dragon King to forgive my self-assertion."

"The three armies are one, and with this, you can make up for it."

"Oh, I don't ask for merit but ask for nothing, thank you for the forgiveness of the Dragon King. Cough, in fact, the biggest credit is the Queen."

This answer is indeed beyond the expectation of Gu Shenwei. The Queen of the Queen has no roots in the North Court. Where can the ability to integrate the three armed forces?

Fang Wen misunderstood the look of the Dragon King and hurriedly added: "From the beginning to the end, I have never seen the Queen, and all of them are passing through."

"Well, let's talk about what is going on."

After the Dragon King left the camp yesterday evening, Fang Wen was thinking about the current situation. How do you think that the 10,000 cavalry under the command of Xiao Xiao is the key to solving all problems? How to gain the trust of this smart woman is an insurmountable obstacle. .

Xiao Yu is indeed very clever. In her mind, her position depends only on three factors: the old Khan, the 10,000 cavalry, and the Duoton prince.

The old Khan is dead, and Duo Dun is far away in the Western Region. As a woman, he wants to gain a foothold in Long Ting and ensure his safety. He must firmly grasp the army in his hand.

She trusts the Dragon King, but she has not yet trusted to surrender everything.

Fang Wen came up with a bold idea. He returned to the Dragon Camp and sent someone to ask Xu Yanwei.

After three consecutive visits, Xu Yanwei came to see him reluctantly. The first sentence was: "Don't fight the idea. The old lady is only watching people not watching the money. You look like this, the food in the grassland is so delicious. ?"

"When did you become a 'old lady'?" Fang Wen asked strangely. The two had a relationship of dew, and he had to admit that he was not as good as before.

"Hey, the dragon king's woman broke the heart. You don't know how much they fight in prison. I am like the Dragon King's old lady."

Fang Wen is laughing and shaking his head and telling his own plans.

Xu Yan was slightly surprised. "You are looking for death. You have to sell the queen. I want to let the queen volunteer. If the Dragon King doesn't like it... The Dragon King will definitely kill you."

"With my understanding of the Queen, she will definitely agree. Anyway, you are just passing the message without losing anything."

"Who said, with the king like a tiger, a word can bring a lot of trouble, and I am accompanied by a tigress - if you dare to spread this sentence, I will spread your misery in bed everywhere. phase."

Fang Wen is thinking in his heart that "a woman is difficult to raise" and makes a series of guarantees on her mouth. "It won't be, my mouth is strict. The queen may be a bit harsher, but it will never be for you. Who doesn't know you? How important is she..."

Fang Wen was shooting for a while, and Xu Yanwei finally agreed to pass the message.

To her surprise, the Queen immediately agreed, "The military master, immediately sent someone to see Xiao Xiao, saying that I want to visit her now."

Xu Yanwei regretted it. He knew that the Queen would be such a reaction, and he should not specifically emphasize the role of the military division.

Xiao Yu accepted the visit request of the Queen, and on the way, Xu Yanwei understood the whole thing and understood what he should do.

This is a typical conversation between women. First of all, it is a chilling and a welcoming one. The topic is quickly transferred to the details. This is a headache for a long time, and it is worried about the hidden troubles.

Xu Yanwei often intervened in a good way, inadvertently revealing how much the Dragon King cares about this young and beautiful queen, she reports to the Dragon King every day about her physical condition.

Xiao Yan is very interested in this topic. Xu Yanwei soon realized that he was over-represented. He had a certain understanding of the relationship with the Dragon King. So she quickly adjusted her strategy, suggesting that the Dragon King had too many names. I loved the object, but I chose the queen.

The cooperation of the Queen of the Queen is seamless, from the prevention of Xu Yanwei to the helpless lament, and finally reveals the gratitude and smugness of the winner.

"Speaking of it, it’s all women who make sacrifices." Xiao Yu’s end of the chat. "You came to ask for the Dragon King?"

The Queen of the Kings admitted, "The Dragon King treats me deeply, and the Stone King Room is preserved. It is also the power of the Dragon King. But I am just a weak woman. I can’t report it. I only want to go. There is only one way. I hope that As a quality, in exchange for the trust of Xiao Yu's. If Xiaoshi is a man, I will not dare to come. If the Dragon King is informed, I will never allow me to come."

Xiao Yan holds the hand of the Queen, "What do you think of as a quality?" Can I let the king be a hostage? But then, it is not convenient for you to live in the Dragon Camp. I live here. The ladies of more than a dozen countries in the Western Regions are scared to death. If you are not calm, are you willing to help me comfort?"

At the moment of stepping out of the tent, Xu Yanwei and the Queen of the Queen looked at each other and knew that they had done it.

Fang Wen is still in the heart, but he keeps playing drums. When he hears that the Queen will stay in the camp of Xiao Xiao, he will start counting down and plan to ask the soldiers again after half an hour.

Xiao Yu took the initiative to invite the Dragon King.

It was too late. There was not much disguise and awkwardness in this conversation. Xiao Xiao said that he could borrow 10,000 cavalry. "When you arrive in the Western Region, you must return the military power to me."

"That is of course, this army belongs to Xiaoxie whenever and wherever. When it comes to the Western Regions, the Dragon King has his own army and will return the command to Zhao."

"And, I will lend the army to the Dragon King. You have to let the army of the Sun Yat-sen and the Shadow King go to the Dragon King. I want my 10,000 cavalry to fight alone. That can't be done."

Fang Wen is eager to obtain the military power of Xiao Yu, the purpose is this.

On the same night, the Dragon King competed with the Central Plains in the refugee camp, and Fang Wen was busy with the vertical and horizontal.

The next object to be convinced is Xiao Wang Sun Shuli Tu, Fang Wen did not think too much, soft is not hard to come, to deal with a child does not need too much trick.

Therefore, when Fang Wen went to see Shuli Tu in the middle of the night, he took a sturdy spurt. As a result, he walked into the tent and saw an unexpected scene.

Han Wuxian is playing the game with Shu Litu and Nie Zeng. Several guards are at the door and can't stop applauding.

Shu Litu and Nie Zeng are hiding everywhere. Han Wuxian blindly put his eyes on his ears. He only looks for the two people by smell, or reaches for a finger or pops up a bean. If they are all, they will hide behind the guard. Also useless.

Nie Zengpei is obedient to the five bodies, and if there are others around, I really want to bow to this crazy woman as a teacher.

Fang Wen was just coming in, Han Wuxian smiled. "I smell the taste of white fat."

Everyone applauded and sighed. Fang Wen was the face of the board, indicating that the guards were going away, and then said, "I want to talk to the Shadow King alone."

Han Wuxian took out the earplugs, and Fang Wen said it again.

Han Wuxian is still blindfolded. "Little Nie Zeng, do you say that we will obey obediently?"

Nie Zeng shook his head. "The Dragon King said that he is not inseparable, that is, he does not leave, except for himself, no one can let us leave."

Fang Wen is a red face, but he does not dare to lose his temper to Han Wuxian. He can only look at Nie Zeng, and the young killer is not afraid.

Sulliant's face is also red, it is the result of play, but he let the military rid of the embarrassment, "No need to say, I am willing to unite with the Dragon King, please the military division to start acting."

Fang Wen was stunned. I didn't expect that people who were busy this night were not just themselves.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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