Death Sutra

Chapter 714: fact

Fang Wen is making a contribution, but it also leaves the Dragon King a problem.

"The queen is very brave and has the trust of Xiao Xiaoshi by his own strength. I think that no matter whether it is public or private, the king should take time to visit her."

Gu Shenwei couldn't help but wonder who the "truth" of the military division was dedicated to, but he had to admit that the Dragon Army was the biggest beneficiary, "I will."

Fang Wen was retire, Gu Shen was sitting alone for a while, went to meet Shuli Tu, and called Moline on the way.

The 12-year-old child already has three tops on his head. He has withstood the test of the battlefield on the first day, and his performance is very calm and mature, which is unexpected to many people.

"I am looking forward to meeting with the Dragon King." He said that although the voice is slightly weak, like a little girl, but there is a temperament that is not humble, it is not daunting.

The guards and the waiters retired with enthusiasm, and Nie Zeng and Han Wuxian did not respond. The two were guarded by Shulitu, but they were like him.

"It seems that you have changed your mind." Gu Shen did not regard the other party as a child.

"It's hard to say." Shulitu glanced at the sweaty king wing guard around the Dragon King. "But the silver carving stands on the side of the Dragon King, which really adds to my trust in you."

"His Highness recognizes me?" Moline was a little surprised. He remembered that he had only seen the old Khan Wang Sun Sun long ago. At that time, Shu Litu was only five or six years old.

"Someone has described your appearance to me. In fact, I also remember that the old Khan King trusts you more than the trust of most children and grandchildren."

If this sentence comes from an adult prince, it will be a terrible threat. It is said by the 12-year-old Shu Litu, but it is completely praised. Moline slightly bowed to accept this honor. "My original name is Mo. forest."

"No longer called silver carving?"

"Well, I will not serve the second King of Khan. The only duty of this life is to avenge the old Khan, to annihilate Xiaoyuetang and to kill the imperial family."

Han Wuxian sat on a soft couch, removed the armor and garland, and raised his long hair and said: "Hey, your tone is not small, Xiaoyuetang is mine, you 'destroy' let me see ""

Han Wuxian language is as soft as an ignorant girl, but Mo Lin immediately feels that the scalp is numb, and the right hand can not help but extend to the handle.

"This is the main character of Xiaoyuetang, Han Wuxian." Gu Shen introduced.

Moline’s hand was put back in place, but the vigilance in his heart was not relaxed at all, but he corrected his own words. “I want to kill the Xiaoyuetang disciple who is loyal to the lotus girl.”

Han Wuxian’s face is more intense, and the voice becomes dreamlike. “I like you.”

Moline didn't dare to answer the sound. He admired the dragon king and even dared to join hands with the madman.

Shulitu looked at the Dragon King. "Can you say everything?"


"Maybe I guessed wrong before. The Dragon King is really innocent. All the conspiracy is planned by the Dutch woman and the Xiaohongyue, but this cannot change the fact that you are a foreigner. How can I believe that you have no ambitions on the grassland? ?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "There is still a fact that has not changed. Although you have an army, but you don't have security, your life is in my hands, so I don't need to prove how big my ambition is. Instead, you have to prove yourself. It’s reasonable to be loyal to me.”

Shulitu was obviously irritated. Even at this time, he did not make a big noise like ordinary children, but stared at the Dragon King quietly, and then looked at Nie Zeng and Han Wuxian.

Nie Zeng didn't talk, but the look has become strict. Han Wuxian sighed indifferently. "I am very happy when you draw me. I hope that you can continue in the future, but this will not make me soft. I promise that you are not The first cute child who died in my hand."

Shulitu's face was a bit red. In the past night, he spent a great deal of time to appease and please Nie Zeng and Han Wuxian. He once thought that there was an opportunity for the two to be loyal to themselves. As a result, Han Wuxian was still ruthless, and Nie Zeng did not waver.

"I am deeply impressed by the ministry of the Dragon King." Shulitu hopes to disguise his disappointment, but he is only twelve years old, and his voice is still a bit of a sour feeling.

Nie Zeng and Han Wuxian are not true loyalists. Gu Shenwei has no intention to explain the complicated relationship. He only wants this precocious child to recognize the facts. "You have to work hard to survive."

Suddenly, the Dragon King became as majestic as the Grandpa Shadow King, as terrifying as he was.

Shulitu's face was redder and his eyes were slightly drooping. This was his usual reaction in front of his grandfather, but he took the courage to say what he dared not say in front of Grandpa. "In addition to my life, I will finally get it." what?"

"To see your abilities, you may get the true loyalty to your warriors, the reputation of the princes and grandchildren, and even the entire grassland."

Sullivan's face is not only red, but still hot. "You will let me let go?"

"I have never bound your hands and feet."

Shulitu took another look at Nie Zeng and Han Wuxian. Indeed, the two men only protected him and banned him from committing suicide. He never restricted him to anyone.

"I will consider it." Shulitu reminded himself to be calm, and this kind of thing does not need to be answered immediately.

Moline felt that his previous judgment on the Dragon King was inaccurate. The Dragon King was not unpredictable. He had strict principles and a clear bottom line. He was too different and often overlooked.

"The head of the old Khan, how is the Dragon King going to deal with it?" Molin asked from the tent of Shulitu, this is his most important interest dispute with the Dragon King.

Gu Shen thought for a moment, "Do you believe in the shaman near the army?"

Moline has heard that the great shaman conveyed the "destiny" in public, and snorted. "They are just a group of clowns. They are similar to the mages in the palace. They think they can control people. I think they are looking for a dead end."

"No one can properly bury the old Khan, so keep the secret of your head."

Moline was very surprised. He thought that the purpose of the Dragon King’s tying himself was for the head. The words of the Dragon King made him feel vigilant. He said that he would not serve the second King of Khan. Naturally, he would not rely on other people. There is something I need to do."

"The magic bird in the mouth of the shaman makes me very confused. Even if the Dapeng bird really came here, it seems that there is no need to associate with the election of the new Khan. I hope that you can help me figure this out."

Gu Shenwei did not use the tone of the order, he knew that Moline was not his own subordinate.

Moline was slightly covered, "I will find out."

He is the king of Khan, and the oldest Khan is the most loyal person who is recognized as the most loyal to the old Khan. He has great influence among ordinary soldiers, even beyond his own imagination. Gu Shen is the most fancy.

Before Molin retire, he glanced at the noisy crowd in the distance. "They both seem to have to fight for one."

The slaughtering dog is confronting the old man.

When he first met, he did not believe that the short and small guy in front of him was the big devil in the North Court that year, shaking his head in a hurry. "Impossible, you can't be an old man, I remember what you look like."

The old man recognized the dog. "Good girl, what do you bring to this old dog? The rest of the bones in the camp have no place to deal with it?"

Shangguan coughed twice seriously. "You two grievances are unclear, but here is the Dragon Army camp. I have to go through the three chapters of the law first. The first one must not blame each other for swearing, the second..."

The slaughter dog still didn't recover from the shock, staring at the old man's left and right. "It doesn't look like it. It's quite like talking. Are you really an old man?"

"Is this still fake?" Wood old man began to be angry. "The woman who slept with me recognized me. You will not recognize me if you lose this hand?"

"I haven't slept with you, I don't know that you are normal." The slaughter dog sighed. "I heard that your skill is damaged, not as powerful as before?"

"Who said it?" Wood old man violently jumped.

"I said, this is not a lie." Shangguan said with a cold face, her three chapters of the law have been ignored before being ignored.

"Oh, nothing, this is not a secret. Many people know that you don't have to be proud of the old dog. Even if there is only one success, I will still beat you. This will be lost. You don't even want the last name. 'Dog'."

The dog can easily not be angry, and shakes his head again and again. "The victory is not martial, no need to compare. In fact, you may not be my opponent in the past. One person just told me that the killing effort is not the same as the competition. I am finally I understand that where I lost in the past, I will not make the same mistake again. Oh, unfortunately, my name is a short cut, and your body and skill are also shorter. What do you mean when I win?"

There is no special meaning for the slaughter dog. It is a contempt and provocation when the outsiders hear it. The old man jumps higher. "No, it must be better than the old man. Even if the skill is damaged, Still the world... In short, it’s better than you. Good girl, this time you can’t stop it anyway, no more than this one, I’m going to die.”

Shangguan did not speak, but the dog turned and left, sighing and sighing. "If you come to the house, the sister can't say anything about me."

The old man of the wood catches up with a punch, but he has to force the opponent to do it.

The dog’s head didn’t go back easily. “Well, it’s not as powerful as it used to be. I know why, why have I been practicing for more than ten years? The poor teacher and sister are still expecting me to save my reputation, no chance.”

The slaughter dog has no intention of angering the old man, but the old man is more and more angry. He has to fight for him, but whether it is a speech or a challenge, the dog will refuse, and occasionally he will use his power to avoid it. .

When Gu Shenwei came over, the two were still entangled. The onlookers were all watching the excitement. Except for the Shangguan, no one would persuade them. But the old man had a temper and couldn’t listen.

Shangguan looked at the Dragon King with distress, "What should I do?"

"The old man, walk with me."

"The Dragon King is just right. You are most familiar with my martial arts. Can I beat this old dog?"

"Can't beat."

When the old man slammed, Gu Shen continued: "But you are more useful than him."

The old man is still arguing, and the analysis of the Dragon King’s words is praised, and Gu Shenwei has turned to others. “Please ask Sun Shen, Shangguanfei and Shangguan’s head to come with me. I have something to ask.”

Sun Shenji’s phrase “Nothing is disappearing” makes Gu Shen always feel uneasy, which is one of the doubts he must ask.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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