Death Sutra

Chapter 727: God bird

Shangguan Ruyi looked back and looked at it. He saw the Dapeng bird descending from the sky. Even if he looked far away, it was an animal of prestige.

She thought that it was a bad omen for her father to kill two Jinding Dapeng, and she was the promoter behind her. Today, she has become an "accomplice" to destroy Jinpengbao.

A deep sense of fate soaked the whole body, diluting her confusion about parting and the future, and then she thought that the decision of the Dragon King was wise, and the country of the world of isolation was the best of his own. Ground.

The red bat and the head of the coach are driving side by side, and there is a complaint in the face. "Why are the Dragon Kings eager to take us away? Can the female soldiers of the country of Xiangji not be able to fight?"

Shangguan laughed and experienced too many betrayals, sometimes letting her turn a blind eye to the loyalty around her. "The North Court has been chaotic, and the Western Region is about to become a fierce land. The Dragon King hopes that when we are still safe, we will return to the incense." country."

The red bat eyes lit up. "Then we sent troops, attacked the dragon king from the north and the south, and attacked Jinpeng Fort, right?"

"Maybe." Shangguan knows that this is almost impossible.

The red bat has just resumed its skill, and it is very a bit of a slap in the face. "When we go through the thousand rides, we can play with Jinpeng Fort. Even if there are only a thousand people, we are not afraid."

Shangguan shook his head. "The Dragon King left the third brother in his hand and sent the Jinpeng killer to walk with us. It is threatening Jinpengbao. This is not a fight."

The red bat has become accustomed to the thinking of being the enemy of Jinpengbao. He always forgets that the head of the teacher is the daughter of the one-step king. After thinking for a while, he understands that "the third brother" refers to Shangguanyun. She is silent and feels that she may be accidentally wrong. What?

Shangguan, like a slight bend, glanced at the red bat. "Do not worry, I will let you be a messenger in the future. There is always a chance to see the Snowy Mountain Swordsman again."

Two red bats flew up on the red bat face, and after a while they looked up proudly. "He didn't want to betray his wife in Da Xueshan. I told him that he would wait for him, even if he didn't care."

The red bat usually has a lot of courage, but Shangguan is still a little surprised. "Dragon is a good man."

"I know." A smile appeared on the face of the red bat.

There was a clear riot in the army in the distance, but it was not like a war. The Shangguan was transferred to the horse's head and continued on the road. The future is still dark, but she does not want to wait passively.

In addition to a few carriages, the queen of the queen put down the curtain, and the "Queen" of the country of Xiangji also left the North Court, which made her feel a little relieved, but not completely practical.

The opposite Xu smoked and complained, "The Dragon King is really unrequited, even if there is no farewell, it seems that we are all cumbersome, saying that if you walk away, you will leave."

"The Dragon King is not as ruthless as you said." The Queen is leaning on the pillow. She hates this monotonous journey. This is the second time she has returned to her home country from afar. Her mentality is very different. For the first time, she is a sly, the only one. It is bloodline. This time she is still awkward, but she has the possibility of being able to grasp the real power.

Although not yet out of sight, no woman can affect the Dragon King.

Gu Shen had planned to beat the nearest army in a step-by-step manner, but when the opportunity came early, he greatly accelerated the process. This was a great adventure. The shamans had more experience, or some soldiers were tougher. It may make him lose.

The 100,000-strong servant lay down the bow and arrow and bowed to the Dragon King and to the Red Dapeng.

Red Dapeng grew taller, and the top feathers and eyes became more and more beautiful. Under the sunlight, the feathers of the whole body shone with black light.

This is a creature beyond imagination, noble and proud, fearful, but there is no trace of magic.

More than forty Da Xueshan swordsmen, like the king, rushed to kneel down.

Red Top Dapeng seems to remember these people, with two claws pushing hard, skipping from the head of the big shaman, shaking his head and accepting the worship, then jumping to the Dragon King and gathering his wings.

It is no longer as sloppy as Gu Xiaowei as a child, but gently rubbing on the shoulders of humans with the edge of Lily.

Gu Shen pulled out the knife and pointed to the big shaman who fell to the ground. "Seeing his true face is a punishment for his abuse of the name of the old Khan."

The big shaman collapsed. "Right, I am a liar. I have never accepted the will of the old Khan. It is her, she is..."

Gu Shen made a look, and the dragon turned over the cloud and immediately pressed the big shaman with several swordsmen to turn him into a prisoner.

Shulitu led several officers to arrive, surprised to see Red Dapeng, not too close.

Gu Shenwei said loudly: "The old Khan Wang Shengtian, the new Khan Wang Shang Dengji, the name of the nearest serviceman is temporarily unavailable. This is the old Khan Wang Zengsun, inherited the shadow king, the Japanese Yao Wang, the Kwa Niu king, the three kings, you To be loyal to him."

The response of the nearest service army was a whistling sound, from weak to strong, from low to high. It sounded a bit sultry, but it was the way the North Cavalry agreed.

Sulliant was shocked, but he knew what he should do, jumped from the nervous horses and slowly walked toward the red top Dapeng, close to the tempting but dangerous source of power.

Red Top Dapeng stared coldly at the little man who came.

Even Gu Shenwei can't order what it does or don't do. During the Snowy Mountains, it learned to coexist with humans. Since then, it has rarely hurt people, but has never relaxed its vigilance against human beings.

When he walked ten steps away, Shulitu felt strong hostility, like an invisible wall, making people difficult to walk. He slowly took off his helmet and a knife, carefully placed on the ground, and his heart continued to move forward.

The hostility disappeared, and Red Top Dapeng removed his gaze, combing the feathers with a long lieutenant, and occasionally patted him on the back with Gu Shen, as if testing his strength.

It is true that not many people can withstand this shot.

Shuli still did not dare to close the Dapeng bird, but stood beside the Dragon King, raised his right arm, accepted the protection of the **** bird, and shared the light of power.

Nearly the screaming of the squadron became more and more intensive, and the red-top Dapeng erected his head, suddenly flapping his wings and flying, circling in the low air, and returning to Gu Shenwei.

The two armies of the embarrassed voice at the same time.

When Gu Shen was doing everything, the female soldier team had already gone far.

Red Top Dapeng was treated with extraordinary treatment. When it jumped into the military camp with awkwardness, the crowd swarmed and bowed, and the old man wanted to touch his feathers, and the result was a winged fan. A few dozen steps away, no one has dared to enter within ten steps.

Although it is not as tall as the legend, but after seeing it from the general to the servant, no one believes it will be the magic bird that destroys the grassland.

This is the peak of the reputation of the Dragon King in the grassland. He finally found a foothold in this strange land and felt a trace of safety. In the past, thousands of Snow Mountain swordsmen provided this kind of security.

Fang Wen did not support it at all. However, he was more excited than everyone else for the great victory. "The bird appeared too timely, and the Dragon King has already arranged it, isn't it? If there is such a thing in the future, can you tell me in advance..."

The military division was also the first to get rid of the excitement and make suggestions to the Dragon King. The two men issued a series of orders in the name of Shulitu. Due to the joining of the nearby service troops, the balance of power around the Longting was suddenly broken. They had to take the opportunity as soon as possible. Destroy your opponent.

Shulitu has been watching. He rarely interjected. He began to take a serious look at the Dragon King and hoped to learn something from this foreigner. Therefore, even if certain orders were unnecessary to him, Shulitu did not express his opinion. Instead, think carefully and look for the reasons behind it.

Gradually, he understood the intentions of the Dragon King and the military division, and suddenly felt chilling.

The father may not do this. Shulitu makes a comparison in his heart, but the grandfather and grandfather’s practice of going to the king is like the Dragon King. He is not familiar with Zeng Zu’s old Khan, but if the rumors are basically true. The old Khan will be more ruthless than the Dragon King.

The order was conveyed one by one, Fang Wen was retire, Gu Shenwei still stood at the table, staring at a simple map, suddenly raised his head and said to himself: "What do you want to say?"

Unlike Grandpa and Grandpa, the Dragon King is whispering, but always encourages people around to talk. Shulitu is not used to it, looking down at his knees. "I wonder if there is a better way to deal with it. This 100,000 is near the ranks."

"Think of it?"

Shulitu shook his head. "The grandfather once told me that he can allow the subordinates to make mistakes, and can allow occasional rudeness and wildness, but never allow rebellion. It is a line. Once the person is crossed, he is not punished as he should. The line will lose its meaning."

He paused and felt that he was not qualified to preach to the Dragon King. Gu Shen praised him: "There are works under the royal court, and among the kings, his subordinates are the most loyal."

Shulitu smiled. "The near-service army killed the entire camp officer and was tempted by several shamans. It crossed the line and they benefited from it. They also felt their strength. Such an army has lost its value. I always think that the Dragon King has a Dapeng bird and has a high prestige. Can it create a miracle?"

"There is no miracle in this world." Gu Shen explained patiently to Xiao Yan, I believe that one day the other party will become an ally capable of acting autonomously. "I did not expect Red Dapeng to accept the call. I even fly it. Long Ting is not sure, but it is only an accident, not a miracle. The soldiers feel at a loss. They don't know who they are fighting for, they need instructions from God, then I will give them a god."

"Like the big shaman?"

"Well, just like him, but I feel that I am doing better than him."

Shulitu smiled. "It's much better. Compared with the Dragon King, the big shaman is like a harlequin that doesn't play well."

"I hope that I will never use such a trick forever, but I can’t hope to be the master."

Shulitu understands that this is the case. "100,000 nearby soldiers must perish."

"have to."

100,000 people, Shu Litu trembled in his heart.

Gu Shenwei’s heart is not as calm as he is, and he has never decided the fate of so many people.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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