Death Sutra

Chapter 728: question

The first day of the melee.

The Dragon King issued the last and asked the kings' army to remove the ziji's king before dark, waiting for the new Khan to re-enclose the seal. This rude and arrogant command of course did not agree. It was the afternoon and the war began.

In order to distinguish it from the melee that happened when the old Khan Wang Shengtian was on the night, the second melee was called "the battle of the full moon", indicating that this was the month after the old Khan Wang left the world.

Nearly the ranks of the army were divided into ten tens of thousands of troops, five raided the ruins of the Dragon Court, and the other five marched in different directions, with the target of as many as hundreds of miles away.

The 30,000 cavalry of Shulitu also invested in the battlefield of Longting as a reserve force.

The kings quickly rushed to the king of the Holy Day and played the banner of the "five kings" with a force of about 50,000 to 60,000.

Nearly the army showed great strength, but it was also immature for the new election. They defeated the number, and their losses were also in the thousands. Until the 30,000 reserve army launched an attack after dark, it completely defeated the enemy.

Gu Shenwei watched the battle, but méiyou personally participated, and Red Top Dapeng stood beside him, and every take-off would cause an attack frenzy.

This is not decisive. Although the army of the Holy Day has retreated, it has abandoned the big battalion near the ruins, and has re-entered the tens of thousands of miles. It still maintains the scale of tens of thousands of people.

In the name of Shulitu, the Dragon King finally occupied the entire Longting, on top of the ruins, adding a large number of corpses, Gu Shen had to forcefully block, in order to prevent Dapeng birds from eating their eyes.

After returning to the camp, Shulitu was silent than usual, removing the armor and retiring very early. In the book and story, he saw more tragic war scenes. But no matter how good the words and rich imaginations can be compared with the **** reality.

He needs shijiān to accept it all.

Fang Wen did not go to watch the war. He has a set of sayings: I am, I can't see too much blood, whether it is fear in my heart or sympathy, it will affect my future judgment.

But he believes that Dragon King and Shulitu should be on the battlefield. What is upheld is another set of sayings: the king has to be ruthless, even the yidiǎn killing scene can not bear, how to control a country and even the world life and death?

Fang Wen is feeling mǎnyi for today's results. "The Holy King is almost unable to hold on. He can defeat the kings in Longting. Our army will take the lead and fight for one tomorrow. The kings will definitely surrender."

"Can't fight tomorrow." Gu Shen said.

"For shime?" Fang Wen was a little surprised. "The King of the Holy Day refused to go out. Let the near-service army attack, they are very militant now, it is the most available shihou."

"The Holy Day will hold on, and our soldiers will need to rest."

Fang Wen is even more surprised. Although some méiyou expressly express their opinions, he believes that Dragon King is a mingbái person. "Is this not better?"

It is a good way to defeat both the defeated division and the fearful war.

"You don't want to let the whole army have doubts?"

"Of course not." Fang Wen is for a while. "Well, rest for a day or two. Dragon King. You won't... change your mind? I am zhidào. It's hard. You used to be famous for protecting the subordinates, but now..."

"Two days off, is there news in the southeast?"

"For the time being méiyou, but I think it's going to be faster, let's get a quick fix."

The army of Long Ting is far from the full strength of the North Court. Even the majority are not counted. The real army is on the border of the southeast and is ready to start with the Central Plains.

Since the death of the old Khan, the trend of the border has been receiving much attention, and now it is a month. The news was very pitiful. Gu Shen had only happened on the border of Zhidào. As for who was the last winner and beneficiary, I still don’t know.

Fang Wen was retire. When he left the tent, he saw a small group of people coming over. When he passed by him, he turned a blind eye. He thought about it and then re-entered the tent behind him, but he was invited to go out by the two officers.

A total of eleven people, the leader is Xiao Yu, followers are all young officers, including the newly re-used Azhba and Liman.

Gu Shen was interested in the integration of the team, so several camps were merged into one big camp, and Xiao’s camp was among them, becoming a camp in the camp.

Seeing these people, Gu Shenwei guessed their general purpose.

The officers paid respectfully to the Dragon King, but Xiao Yu’s arrogance was uncharacteristically.

Xiao Yu was dissatisfied with the ultimatum issued by the Dragon King. She would like to see the kings surrender, and would like to see another result. "The Dragon King hǎoxiàng is about to forget Doddon."

These eleven people are the backbone of Duo Dun in Long Ting, and they are also the first to vote for the Dragon King.

"The timing is not yet." Gu Shenwei stood at the table and only used the question of Xiaozi's four words.

"What do the Dragon King think is the time? Now the kings have lost, they can just ask them to admit that the Prince of Dothan is the new King of Khan. I don't mention it at this time, I am afraid that there will be no better in the future."

Xiao Yu’s performance was out of standard. After surrendering ziji’s cavalry, she lost her confidence and lost the distinctive and straightforward temperament.

Gu Shen turán remembered the old Khan Wang's judgment on her: Xiao Yu's fall in love with Prince Duo Duo, the incident itself is a punishment for her.

Gu Shen calmed down the tone and explained: "Long Ting is just a small battlefield. The bigger battlefield is the entire grassland. The chaotic situation on the southeastern border is very k结束néngyijing. There will be a really powerful enemy. He is the Prince of Dothan. The time. Only the princes and grandsons who won the future war can become the undisputed new Khan, and the king’s current recognition is irrelevant."

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, apparently carefully weighing the words of the Dragon King. "You will hand over the army to Prince Doddon?"

"If you don't unite, no one is the opponent of the Southeastern strong."

"But... I think we should let the soldiers zhidào the presence of Prince Dudun, and they will not be able to change the object for no reason."

Gu Shenwei swept through the faces of eleven people. "I have only one side relationship with Prince Dudun. I don't know much about him. You make me believe him. So, if he is as qualified as you said, King Khan, at this moment, nothing will happen."

With the southeast border yiyàng, the news from the Western Region is also very small, Dodu is yijing to control more than 100,000 cavalry stranded in the Western Region. Still no one is zhidào.

Xiao Yan’s eyes are more obvious, and she’s wary of the Dragon King.

Among the ten officers, he was the first to speak from Man. "I think the words of the Dragon King are justified. We are not going to 'send' an army to Prince Doddon. He has this ability, and nénggou is fighting for the allegiance of the grassland cavalry. Anyway He will not lose to a ten-year-old child."

"I am afraid that the opponent that Duo Dun will face in the future is not just a child." Xiao Yu's staring at the Dragon King, the situation changed too jiliè, relying on the Dapeng bird descending from the sky, the Dragon King turán has a trace of divinity, which makes her feel To the huge wēixié.

The non-Khan prince and grandson can not inherit the sweat position, but with the help of the power of ghosts and gods, under the banner of the old Khan king, who can zhidào dragon king how many tricks can be made and how many people are respected?

"I think the prince's ability should be far beyond the children, after all. How much do you believe in him?"

"The daring and wit of Prince Dudun, no one in the entire grassland can compete with it." An officer rushed to say.

"Then you have shime to worry about?" Gu Shen is a "you", but has been parked on Xiao Yu's face.

Xiao Yu's turán smiled and became slick with the former yiyàng. He turned to the ten officers and said, "Hey, I said that the dragon king has to deal with it, huh, huh, we all add together. It is not as big as a dragon king to the prince of Duoton, Our eyes are all right. Dragon King. We not only believe in the Prince of Dothan, but also believe in you."

"I am very honored." Gu Shen is too modest for méiyou, but I feel that ziji should make some concessions. "The reputation of Prince Dudun is in your hands. As a foreigner, it is worthless. The army is here, loyal to today. Your people will be transferred to Prince Dudun in the future."

This means that Xiao Yu and others can freely promote the reputation of Prince Dudun without any hindrance.

The farewell shihou, Xiao Yu's completely restored to normal. Hǎoxiàng is extremely mǎnyi for this meeting.

Azhba left without leaving. The excuse was to report the military situation. He is now one of the main generals, and he is famous for his archery.

Fang Wen is caught in the opportunity to come in, pretending to look for things in the pile of paper on the table, listening to the two people talking.

Azhba saw it, méiyoutèbié cares, because many of his zhidào dragon king's practices are white ideas.

He is more straightforward than Xiao Yan.

"I thought the Dragon King was a bit, but now I am a bit skeptical."

Fang Wen is almost unbearable, wants to turn his face and see how the Dragon King responds to this blatant following crime, but he can only listen, the Dragon King has no snoring, hǎoxiàng is encouraging Azheba to continue, which makes the military sense .

"When I heard that the Dragon King was in the siege of a thousand troops, he was a shihou who stood up for more than a dozen men. I think this is definitely a commander who is loved by soldiers. When you help us in the near camp, help us cope with the crisis. Shihou, I think this is a wise man. When you are in front of the two military squads, I think this is a real king."

Azhba tried to control the mood in the tone, but fènnu still involuntarily rose. He was never good at trying to figure out what he wanted. Today, he has to fight against the tiger’s whiskers. "But today, I am very disappointed. The dragon king intends to use After a series of wars, completely remove the nearby soldiers? They just owe allegiance to you, killing and killing on the battlefield, and méiyou hesitating from beginning to end. The Dragon King is personally burying the followers of ziji."

Fang Wen is anxious, and even coughing a few times, indicating that the dragon king mǎshàng prohibits Azhiba from going on, the conspiracy is a conspiracy, can not openly talk, the savage general has committed taboo.

But he was not only surprised, but also very disappointed. The Dragon King actually performed very weakly, and his tone was more moderate than usual. "And shime, you can say it."

Azheba gasped, and the attitude of the Dragon King made his anger nowhere to vent. He whispered: "No, I want to know how to deal with the alive army who is still alive."

Can not say, Fang Wen is a secret in the heart, heard the sound of the Dragon King, a happy heart.

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