Death Sutra

Chapter 737: rule

Shime is a rule of the rivers and lakes, and wood and the dog have a very different view.

"You make one step, I let one step, and both sides have their own income. This is the rule of the rivers and lakes."

"Hey, shy, you make one step, if I want to catch up with one step? How do you zhidào I will definitely give you a yyàng concession?"

"No guānxi, the rules are not between two people, you need to maintain the entire rivers and lakes together, you break the rules, there is no way to stand on the rivers and lakes, everyone can look down on you, attack and attack" "fiction."

"Oh, do you think I haven't been there? Hey, I am still living well, look at you again, keep the rules for so many years, be managed by your sister with the dog yiyàng. Right, your dog knife that year. Why not?"

"Sister Sister said that the elders of the famous family can not be too murderous, so we abandon the knife with a stick. As for the advantage of obeying the rules, there is a lot of people and even strangers waiting for you, not like you, except for the Dragon King, no one will Take care of you."

"Retained? You said that the Dragon King took me? Dragon King, tell him, is the old man helping you so much? I am watching the dragon king to be hungry and stay here, the one-step king cried and thought of me, all of them were strict. Rejected..."

The dog is laughing and not talking. Although he is not good at taking the idea, people are not stupid. The old man who is a wooden shihou may have smashed him. Now only six or seven successes are common, and only the dragon king will When it matters.

Gu Shenwei only brought a dozen people. In the empty, like a group of impolite ghosts, the quarrel between the old man and the slaughter dog added yidiǎn to the place.

He méiyou interspersed, and the heart of the so-called rivers and lakes rules also have ziji's view, the pursuit is to pass the rules to give the master a fatal blow, similar to the wood old man, but the killer can not pursue personal fame. It is normal to be retired and obscured.

He is no longer a killer, he still can't get rid of the killer's thinking habits.

"Bei Ting is the shime rivers and lakes rules?" Gu Shen asked the Molin around.

Moline hǎoxiàng is not willing to talk. He has been swaying through the rivers and lakes and has achieved great success. Méiyou has nostalgia for that experience. "It is similar to the Central Plains. The Beiting people love to talk big, but they say it will become." ”

"Hey, the Central Plains people are actually like this." The butcher's eyes widened in surprise, and this kind of similarity is sexy. "But according to my observation, it is best for others to say to ziji that the less guānxi on the surface, the better, such as the apprentice touting It is not as good as the disciples of other martial art occasionally said two sentences."

"Hypothesis. It is too hypocritical." Wood old man is indignant, he has always been the world's first wicked person, the most unbearable people are even more shameless than ziji.

"Is this hypocrisy?" The butcher seriously thought for a while. "Things that are good for both sides cannot be hypocritical."

"Account, as long as the insincere is hypocritical." Wood old man's words chiseled.

"According to what you mean, you have to say anything under any circumstances?"

"Of course, the old man... doesn't lie very much. I hate whoever likes to say it."

"For example, I think this palace is so sneaky that it is a little scary. I really don't want to go inside, but also say it straight out?"

"Hey, I should say it, I feel a little surprised. Dragon King, are you tèbié like to come out to do things at night? Dig a head. Can't you come during the day?"

Gu Shen is not, he likes it, it gives, but leaves him more room to play.

The dog is still thinking about the topic of "hypocrisy" and indulging in a moment. "For example, if you like Han Hanxian, but always quarrel with her, is this hypocritical?"

"Not counting!" Wood old man stood on the horse, angry, "Who said that I like the crazy woman? I slept together, I will eat the grass? Ha, she is unrequited love..."

"Hypo." Tu Tu nodded seriously, hǎoxiàng finally mingbái the meaning of the word, turán straight up and looked around a few eyes, "I do not zhidào here the rules are shime, but we hǎoxiàng was, you are not snoring, is Didn't you see it or not?"

"Of course, I am not afraid." Wood old man patted the horse and said loudly: "The Western King Dragon King is here, and the sneaky rabbit scorpions have given me a gimmick to meet!"

The dog has a happy color and said to the dragon king: "The same is true of the rules of the Western Region. Hey, the old man is talking to the dragon king, but if you are in the Central Plains, we will never say shime 'rabbit scorpion', just in case Is it big?"

In the dark, at least a hundred people are scattered around, forming a simple encirclement.

There was a loud voice on the opposite side: "Qingcheng is here, isn’t the Hu people still out of the country?"

"You enter an inch, I am one foot, the Central Plains people are not happy, this is the result of unruly rules." The dog whispered a comment, and then looked around, "not zhidào Qingcheng head now surnamed Liu or surname Lu."

The words of the dog are whispered, the old man is just the opposite. "Which Qingcheng is at the head, is your fight in the end?"

A small group of people came from the opposite side, stopping at more than ten steps of difāng. Zhouwéiturán lit up dozens of torches. One middle-aged swordsman with a long face was carrying his hands and said: "In the lower Qingcheng school, Liu Qingyu ""

Standing on the left side of Liu Qingyu is a thin high swordsman, younger than him, yidiǎn, his face is red, and he is particularly eye-catching under the fire. "In the lower Qingcheng head, Lu Wei."

The old man laughed, holding his stomach and falling down from mǎshàng, pointing to the red-faced swordsman. "Your surname ‘驴’ is even, it’s called ‘face’, haha, red-faced scorpion, it’s really rare.”

The dog slapped his head and shook his head. Obviously, if the old man was yidiǎn, he was not in compliance.

The opposite of Lu Wei really méiyou good face, but it is not him who stands up to speak, but Deng Yuanlei around him, "wood old man, restless rude, the mouth is not really good."

"Who said it? Waiting for me to be dumb, you are zhidàoshime is the real skill. Cough, you...".

"The old man, come back."

Deng Yuanlei was humiliated in the Dragon King Army Camp. It was obvious that Liu Qingying and Lu Ying had to rely on Lu Wei. There were many things to say, and the old man was so excited that he just started to open his head and was stopped by the Dragon King.

The old man looked back at the Dragon King with great enthusiasm. Almost in the face of pleading, in the end, he was still dejected and took the horse back to his place. He turned his back to everyone and could not help but sigh.

Moline jumped off the horse and walked out a few steps. "The two Qingcheng heads. Which one should I talk to first?"

Everyone in Qingcheng did not say anything, but the one who stood up was the sect of the sect. "There is something to tell me." The voice is as strict as the disciple.

The butcher coughed a few times, turán jumped off the horse, stood with the old man, and turned his back to everyone.

The old man whispered, "You are a short, fat sister who can't follow the rules."

"Hey, she is an elder, can... a little out of yidiǎn." The slaughter dog said in a lower voice.

Molin Zuoyou looked at it and said loudly: "You are the Central Plains. But you ran to the North Court to make waves. I am a lot of Wang Kuanhong, and ordered you to leave on your own, and you must not make mistakes."

Everyone laughed, only two of the Qingcheng palms were cold, and Tu Yu said: "The Central Plains martial arts also gave you an order: surrender the old Khan, and you will not die."

This is a standard "rule of the rules" quarrel, although the two sides have a strong tone. However, méiyou was insulted, and Gu Shen was quietly listening. It is quite similar to the rules of the Swordsman in Saitama City.

A young Zhongyuan swordsman was bored, shouting loudly when no one spoke on either side: "The nonsense is useless, we have a lot of people, they are few people, and they embraced the dragon king. The skull is natural."

Moline sneered and said: "The dragon king led the army to a thousand horses. He thought that the Central Plains martial arts were the most disciplined and never depended on more for a living, so they only committed themselves in danger, but they could not think of it."

A dozen voices simultaneously accused the Central Plains knife. The knifeman was red and red, slowly receding and never showed up again.

The slaughter crutches went to the ground with a heavy stamp. "Since the Dragon King came to meet as a martial arts person, we will compete and the number will be the same, and no one will take advantage of it."

Moline shook his head. "Dragon King is not coming for the contest today."

"Isn't it, is it to come to the past?" The slaughter's wrist twisted and the cane was several inches into the ground.

The slaughter dog sighed. "The temper of the sister is always not changed."

The old man of the wood comforted: "Reassure, your sister's appearance is the shield of the arrow, and the Dragon King will not let her go."

The two glared, and Molin yijing explained that there was a meaning. "The dragon king and the Qingcheng two schools were more than wujing. At that time, they were victorious. The dragon king wanted to zhidào. This kind of competition had to be jinháng several times. He had no time. I will accompany you."

Tu Yu was blushing. She was very convinced of the result of the contest, but she could not deny that she had lost. Her younger brother was standing behind the dragon king.

Liu Fangsheng has always been at his father's side, and the injury is yijing. There are a few steps ahead. After the murder of the murder, he said: "The last time we contested, we did lose. The mistake is not wrong. It is the second generation of our Qingcheng School. Self-reliance, defeated by the Dragon King knife, but also tired of sending two elders."

The slaughter dog looked down at the old man and nodded with appreciation. "This is the real rule of the Central Plains."

The old man chopped off with disdain.

Liu released the words to please most people, claiming to be younger, and did not give the Qingcheng faction too much face, at the same time, but the traitor Deng Yuanlei secretly satirized, "This time, Qingcheng head personally went on, representing the whole Qingcheng School, no matter what, is the last time. As for other sects, we must not be the master."

Tu Yu is very self-sufficient, but he still respects the head of the faction. mǎshàng said loudly: "As long as it is in Long Ting, he is willing to share the honor with the Qingcheng School."

As soon as she spoke, she did not send disciples to express her views. There were more than a dozen Central Plains sects in large and small, but there was room for each party. The location was limited to Long Ting, so as to prevent people from taking the position as lower than Qingcheng.

Molin looked at the Dragon King and Gu Shen nodded.

"Well, the Dragon King has a request." Molin was out of the river because he was tired. At this moment, he enjoyed the taste of this river. "He must first see the hand of Qingcheng, if it is the same as the previous two. The disciples are almost the same, and this is not a big deal."

This sentence caused public anger, the Central Plains people shouted loudly, Liu Qingyi and Lu Wei looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Tu Yu said loudly: "Well, let the Dragon King see Qingcheng and send people out."

Wood old man is eager to try, turn to fight, "Dragon King, do you want me to play?"

Gu Shenwei didn't want to use his martial arts. "You two, with your eyes wide open, this is tonight."

Knowing oneself and knowing oneself, Gu Shenwei feels that it is necessary for ziji to understand that the real Central Plains martial art is a shime-like.

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