Death Sutra

Chapter 738: Misleading

The old man and the dog licked his eyes and watched two short and wonderful contests. He shook his head and sometimes nodded. There was no comment in the meantime. For the old man, this is a more difficult requirement than forbidding him to kill. He even did it. Arrived.

The two Qingcheng leaders humiliated each other before they were first played by Liu Yuanzhang. The opponent was Moline.

The fast knife is against the fast sword, the two are from the beginning to the end, and the onlookers are almost too late to cheer. Until the end of the contest, the accumulation of a good voice is also poured out at the same time.

Mo Lin and Lin Yuanzhang seem to have reached a tacit agreement, retreating in unison, collecting weapons, nodding their heads, and not winning.

As an informal contest, this is also a rule, no one will show off the trick, and will not stalk.

The second game was still met by Mo Lin against Lu Wei. The whole process was so strange that few people understood it. After the end, the good voice was also sparse. Only Deng Yuanlei exaggeratedly clap his hands and admire. His expression is not so much admiration. It is better to say that it is fear.

Most of the surprises are from Lu Wei. The contest has not yet begun. Some people find that his face is redder, as if he is burning charcoal. Then he waved his sword and danced around without a hit. The goal is not like self-defense.

Lv Wei is like a literati who is drunk and smoked. He is dancing with his sword and doing whatever he wants.

In the face of this almost no threatening swordsmanship, Moline did not make a move for a while, holding a machete, like a child student who could not understand the master literary talents, and dare not speak up and say nothing.

In the end, the two still handed a trick, Lu Wei self-study and danced nearly a column of incense time, Mo Lin took the lead in attacking, this knife is still lightning-like, Lu Wei seems to be recruiting and seems to have not repaid, few people Can be clearly stated, in short, as soon as the scimitar entered the scope of the sword dance, Moline immediately quit.

Just when everyone thought that the competition would continue, Moline nodded and said that he had finished.

Tu Yu faintly saw some doorways, but could not accurately describe it. Especially when he saw the opposite brother’s brows locked, he seemed to see more things than himself, and made her feel ashamed, but her face never showed up. , Loudly said: "The dragon king of Qingcheng's head has already seen it, can you qualify for the competition?"

"Yes." Gu Shenwei personally answered this question. Lv Wei's sword method surprised him, but he would not show it. "The day after noon, Xiao Wangjun camp, welcome you to come to watch the battle."

"Your military camp? Don't go!" Deng Yuanlei refused even if he didn't even think about it. "The Dragon King chose the time and the place was decided by us."

Gu Shenwei has already transferred the mount, indicating that the old man and other people are on the horse and are ready to leave the palace.

Moline’s last one was launched. “The Dragon King believes that the Central Plains will behave in a discipline, and you have to believe in the Dragon King once.”

Deng Yuanlei knows the Dragon King's "rules" most, and said loudly: "The Dragon King is a killer, he will only use whatever means, restless..."

After the words were not finished, Tu Yu interrupted him. "The sects believe in the Dragon King. At noon the day after tomorrow, the Dragon King Barracks will not be seen."

Deng Yuanlei knew that this old woman had a bad impression on herself, and she sneered twice. As a result, Liu Fangsheng also announced with aloud: "The Qingcheng head Liu Yuanzhen will face the battle."

Deng Yuanlei’s eyes turned to Lu Wei and found that he could not get any support. He had to say: “Since everyone believes in the Dragon King... there are still things that are not clearly stated, the rules of the rules, the head of the old Khan...”

The Dragon King and his party have gone far, only Molin is alone. "You want the head, the Dragon King wants the hostage, it's that simple." After a few steps, Moline turned back. "The body of the old Khan is going to take away. ""

Deng Yuanlei felt faintly wrong, but he did not dare to scream again, and the two Qingcheng leaders were watching.

"The hostages are mine." Lu Wei said, because the excitement sounds a little trembled, and it is completely different from the calm temperament when he made a move.

"The head is mine." Liu Yuanzhen was very upright and more frank than the other party. "Whoever gets the head of the old Khan who is the head, I will give you this opportunity, you should be grateful."

“I am grateful?” Lu Wei appeared more excited, her lips trembled, and she could hardly speak.

Among the people, only Tu Yu was qualified to be a good person, so he stood between the two. "We are all Central Plains people, don't let outsiders see jokes in the North Court." When she said this, she glanced at Deng Yuanlei, "Since If you have decided to take the lead, don’t say it’s useless.”

The remains of the old Khan King stopped in a tent deep in the palace. Only five or six monks took care of them. They could smell a strong smell when they were far away. They were willing to hand over the headless body to Moline. It seems a bit disappointing, but it is also a relief.

The monks thought that the last thing to collect the body would be a prince, and they would be rewarded for their good work, but now the kings died, and the unsuccessful body became a hot potato.

Several soldiers shoveled the soil to prevent the odor from continuing to spread, and then placed the cockroach in a large net, which was transported by two horses.

The three Central Plains people have been staying nearby. They don't care about the broken bodies, just preventing Moline from taking the opportunity to dig his head.

They did not find any anomalies.

Gu Shen is familiar with this smell, almost unaffected, quietly observing the reaction of the soldiers.

The soldiers executed the orders, but looking at them, no one believed that the sloppy body would be the old Khan himself.

Moline was probably the only one who felt sad. He personally participated in filling the soil and helped the soldiers carry it to the big net.

After re-starting to leave the palace, he said: "The old Khan always feels that the people around him are not credible. He often says that everyone wants him to die. I didn't expect the truth to be the case."

"More people simply don't believe that he will die." Gu Shen said that the soldiers near the ranks of the soldiers said that they had joined the 500 guards and were returning to the military camp.

"I don't know which kind of person will disappoint the old Khan." Mason still feels incredible. The old Khan also got a lot of betrayal and extreme loyalty, but the result is almost the end of an exposed body. "Loyalty will also produce No evil, I guess few people believe this."

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, Gu Shen did not believe it. In terms of loyalty, he just had to satisfy his food and clothing. The old Khan Wang had already been a big fish, and the two had no comparability.

At this moment, most of his thoughts still recall the martial arts of the two Qingcheng leaders, especially Lu Wei. Behind him, the old man and the slaughter dog are also whispering, and they are very energetic, not at all like A person with hatred.

Gu Shenwei's eyes fell on the back of a soldier. He didn't pay attention to how long he had been staring. He suddenly felt a chill, and then he raised his hand and ordered the team to stop moving forward.

Most of the five hundred cavalrymen followed, and only four people led the way. One of them was Gu Shen’s heart.

In the darkness of the night, Gu Shen has never been accustomed to the vast grasslands. If it is not paying special attention, I often can't tell the direction. "Where are we going?"

Moline woke up from the grief and immediately found the problem. "It's too south."

Gu Shenwei pulled out the knife, and the four leading soldiers leaped from the horse at the same time and leaped in different directions. It was obviously not an ordinary Beiting cavalry.

But these four people have lost their chance to escape.

Gu Shen jumped to catch up with the person he most suspected, and hit the other side. When he caught the fainted captive, Molin, Mu Laotou and Tu Tu also succeeded.

The old man forced the murderous impulse and said to the slaughter dog: "I am faster than you."

The cavalry behind was immediately surrounded, and all the troubles were lost. I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Gu Shen took off the captive's helmet and revealed a long hair. It was obviously a woman, and she wiped a few times on her face. The cavalry all exclaimed in unison.

"Prepare for combat." Gu Shen ordered that the disciples of Xiaoyuetang would lead the team to astray, and they must set up an ambush.

Five hundred cavalry responded quickly, or bowed to prepare for war, or pulled out a knife guard, or went out to patrol, each performing their duties, without the need for the Dragon King to issue specific orders.

Four prisoners, only Gu Shen is in the hands of Xiaoyuetang disciple, the other three are all Beiting men.

Moline first asked for export. "They killed the people when they took the lead, but he didn't know where the ambush was."

Gu Shenwei did not notice the wrong direction. The cavalry behind him followed the Dragon King and did not dare to ask questions. In fact, they did not know what the purpose of the trip tonight was.

Gu Shenwei woke up the Xiaoyuetang disciple in his hand. "What is your name?"

This person is not very old, in order to pretend to be a man, there is a lot of things in the clothes, Gu Shenwei is thus seeing the flaws, she looked at the Dragon King, a hint of fear in his eyes, "Han Han."

"Where do you want to take us?"

Han Xiao smiled for a moment, showing the typical Xiaoyuetang madness for the first time. "Where to take it?"

Gu Shen’s mouth licking her mouth is too late.

Han Yu took the poison and killed himself. Gu Shen left the body and looked at his palm. He found that there was no abnormality. He said: "The soldiers who found the way, kill the three people."

The old man snorted with excitement, but Gu Shenwei forbade him to do so and handed this simple task to the cavalry.

The three captives were either broken in the acupuncture point or were broken and lost their ability to escape. They faced dozens of sharp arrows and spoke loudly in Beiting, but did not win sympathy.

There are no virtual arrows, and everyone has been shot more than ten.

Moline has already found the way to recognize the road, and heard the screams of the captives before they died. "They said that the Dragon King is a reincarnation of the devil, dedicated to the scourge of the grasslands."

Gu Shenwei jumped on the horse, I believe that this reputation will follow himself for a long time, not too wrong, at least he is not to benefit.

The team just adjusted its direction, and suddenly there was a torch in the south. Although Gu Shenwei did not enter the ambush circle, it was not too far away.

"Can I kill people this time?" The old man was excited, but the torches were more and more, and there were thousands of ambushes. He was a bit vague. "The eighteenth generation of the tortoise, the mother of the tortoise, is still Just run and play."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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