Death Sutra

Chapter 76: Alliance

Gu Shenwei was very surprised. He was still in danger of getting out of the fire. In the past few months, he experienced two painful tortures, but he immediately understood why the Dutch woman had this question.

He used to practice martial arts with the Dutch women. At that time, the internal strength was only normal. Now, in three consecutive trials in the monthly test, the skill has increased significantly. It seems that the hidden dangers in the acupoints have been removed.

"No, you misunderstood, I... another reason."

"I thought that we have two agreements and are friends of the same camp."

The Dutch girl obviously didn't quite believe his words. Gu Shen was not surprised by this. He was measuring the matter in his heart.

Gu Shen was a naive little young master. He has become more suspicious than the most sophisticated old man since his family was broken. He instinctively does not believe in anyone, and because of this, he can not make a friend in the fort.

However, the word "friends" is a huge temptation. He needs friends. There is no possibility of revenge alone. Even if one is practicing invincible martial arts, it is impossible to defeat Jinpengbao, which is deeply rooted in tens of thousands of people.

"Show you something."

Gu Shen made a decision to find the unnamed sword from the collections under the boulder and solemnly handed it to the Dutch woman. "Look at the last few pages."

The Dutch woman took over the broken book and simply glanced at it and closed it.

"what is this?"

"I don't know, I got it by chance. I read the words on the last few pages and I was silent when I was in the fire. This can't get rid of the **** of the Snow Maiden, but it can enhance the internal strength. You can know it when you try."

The Dutch woman is as suspicious as the Huannu, and the pictures of the monks in the book are hard to make people think of it as a way of doing things. She opened the book again and her eyes stayed on the last few pages.

"You can take it, and it will not be harmful if you get it right."

"I will give it back to you."

"Well, but I want to remind you that the swords in front are best not to learn. I used it once and almost was cut off by my opponent."

The lotus girl nodded. "That, goodbye."

"Goodbye, there is that bird..."

"I won't tell anyone."

The lotus girl left with the nameless sword, Gu Shen waited for a while before leaving, not knowing that her decision was not correct.

The death of Shangguan Yuxing and Yunbao, and the clothes left at the edge of the cliff, naturally caused countless rumors, but Jinpengbao did not seriously investigate the matter, and soon accepted the conclusion drawn from the scene, and killed an unsatisfied Shangguan. The children of the family and an apprentice who has not yet graduated are far less important than the death of a killer.

However, the development of the matter is not as simple as that predicted by the female girl, and it is contrary to Gu Shen’s original expectation: no one took revenge for Shangguan Yuxing, and even his sister Shangguan Yu did not find the door, but the cloud leopard caused it. A series of revenge actions.

Gu Shenwei’s fourth monthly test was very smooth. The original opponent was dead. The apprentices who were temporarily transferred were generally less than ten strokes. The waist was smashed and the body was almost broken into two pieces.

In the evening of the same day, Gu Shenwei went to buy Master for the Master and encountered the first assassination in the ruins of Mudao Lane.

The customers in front of the wine stalls are always the most, and the dozens of killers and killer apprentices are crowded together, just like keeping the lion and tiger bears in a cage. What is rare is that nothing has happened for so many years.

Until this day, when the value of Zhongqiu, Shibao was very heavy in the evening.

Gu Shenwei just squeezed in the middle of the crowd. When the dagger was stabbed, there were people around, there was almost no room for dodge. In a critical moment, it was the family's harmony and saved his life.

Yang Jin drums the yin and condenses, Gu Shenwei's waist muscles slide forward two inches, escaped a fatal blow, then desperately pushed everyone away, rushed into the wine stall, knocked over the illuminated small lights, the scene Immediately messed up.

Until the end, Gu Shenwei did not confirm who the assassin was, and did not understand how the riots broke out. It seemed that the people in the crowd were caught in the water, and the murderers smashed them. At the beginning of the assassination, they also started to move.

The riots in the black market lasted for a quarter of an hour, until the night watchers rushed to quickly disperse the crowd.

A total of ten people died, only three were killer apprentices, and the remaining seven were slaves of the various houses, who came here to sell things.

Afterwards, he was glad that he had followed the rational arrangement and ran away, instead of staying at the scene to catch the murderer. In the midst of chaos, he could not find any clues, but he might be killed by mistake.

The dagger did not stab the key, but Gu Shen left a penetrating blood hole in his waist. Although he already had many scars made by his master Tie Hanfeng, this was the first memorial by the assassin. .

Gu Shen ran back to her place without hesitation, and the blood flow at the waist was not stopped. The iron cold front who was waiting for the drink did not say anything. First, he bandaged the wound for the apprentice, then listened to him telling the story, and finally laughed, "No. What's the big thing, every year, if the apprentice doesn't come to such a few games, it's not normal. If you die, you will be honest, even if you are dead."

Iron Hanfeng said that he had vowed to go down the mountain the next morning and went to the busy "business".

But this is not a small fight every year, but a huge killing in a few decades.

The next day, everything was calm, and there was no trace of the incident last night. In the evening, the night awakened the killing instinct of the killer apprentices. The assassination took place together, just after midnight, and the frenzy was over. At the end, the southeast corner of Jinpengbao has laid down thirty-four bodies.

Gu Shen was assassinated for the second time. The two masked people seemed to know that Tie Hanfeng had not returned to the mountain and went straight into the small courtyard. One person took the wind and started one person.

Gu Shenwei, who did not fully accept Master's statement, kept vigilant, wearing clothes while going to bed, holding a narrow knife in his hand, waiting for the assassin to go to the bed, and when the knife was ready to start, he stabbed the other's heart.

The assassin in the house died silently, and the outsiders felt that the situation was wrong and immediately fled.

Gu Shen opened the masked black cloth of the deceased and saw an unfamiliar face, so he resisted the body and went out of the house wall and went back to sleep.

The next day, Tie Hanfeng still did not come back. The Lotus girl had a door in the morning, not only returned the unnamed swordsmanship, but also brought ten apprentices. They wanted to set up a life-and-death alliance with Huannu.

The Dutch woman was advanced and handed over the sword. He did not mention it. Gu Shenwei immediately understood that the Dutch woman had just experienced the enchantment and verified the magical effect of the text.

"We people need to unite."


"Well, we, a lot of people, can only be united to avoid the scam of Snow Mountain."

"It seems to have to be like this."

The female girl was called out by ten apprentices. When they entered the hospital, they saw the body of the corner, and the confidence immediately rose.

The person responsible for explaining the whole incident is not a Dutch woman, but an apprentice who is already 17 or 18 years old. Among them, he is the oldest.

The source of the Jinpengbao killer apprentice is very complicated. There are servants recommended by the institutes, but this is only a minority. Most of them are children who have bought or robbed from all over the Western Region. These children are not ten years old. They must be trained for a few years. I completely forgot my life experience before I sent to Dongbao to participate in apprenticeship training.

During this period, these children have forgotten their surnames, parents, and hometowns. They are full of thoughts of murder and allegiance. The strongest killers are often from them.

However, because these children spend a long time together, the phenomenon of gangs is extremely serious, and there are often uncontrollable acts of vendetta between the gangs. This is the root of what Tie Hanfeng calls “every year.”

This year is also the same, there are a group of teenagers, there are dozens of people, martial arts high-powered, heart-wrenching, just entering the fire-fighting institutes, they have a common feature, in order to strictly adhere to the principle of killer silence, voluntarily cut the tongue.

In the Western Regions, people habitually regard the violent people who are savage and sullen as the residents of the Snowy Mountains. Therefore, these teenagers are called "Snow Mountain Gangs". Some of them are indeed the children of Jinpengbao who have been robbed from Da Xueshan. They have long since remembered. In life, instead of taking Jinpengbao as a loyal target, he will become a killer and will not be merciless to the Da Xueshan swordsman.

Snow Mountain has always been rampant, and has provoked many beams among the apprentices.

The clouded leopard is an important member of the snow mountain gang. He died in the gravel cliff without knowing it. He was also charged with dirty crimes. The people in the gang vowed to avenge him. The first suspected object was to go to the corpse at that time. The second slave is the Dutch woman who went to the corpse, but at the beginning of the assassination, the target was infinitely expanded, and other gangs took the opportunity to get rid of the enemy.

"We are all slaves in the fort, and are recommended to Dongbao. Although they have masters, they are also a group. Others call us ‘arm slaves’.”

All the servants of Jinpengbao have a mark on their arms, which is branded with their own name. Gu Shenwei never thought that this would be a gang, and he was one of them.

Not trained in the carving wood, it really made him miss a lot of things.

"There are other gangs who are also dissatisfied with Snow Mountain. They are willing to unite with us and everyone will deal with the dumb."

Ten young apprentices looked at the slaves with full expectation. He was the strongest martial artist in the arm and slave gang. He had four consecutive defeats, and few people in the Snow Mountain gang could achieve such a record.

"Okay, let's fight."

Twelve hands with knives are stacked one after the other, the bottom is the slave, the top is the lotus girl, the only female killer apprentice in the house.

"What about the killer masters? What about the management in the courtyard? What attitude do they have?"

"No one will interfere." The answer is the Dutch woman. "This is also a good way to eliminate apprentices. Everything depends on ourselves, the people who survive, the ones who kill the most, not only will not be punished, but may also be introduced in advance. Get the killer status."

Gu Shen is a move in his heart. He doesn't know that Dongbao has such rules. If so, what else can hesitate?

He is ready to kill.

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