Death Sutra

Chapter 77: Killing

As the Dutch woman said, the apprenticeship was not interfered. Jinpengbao was happy to see the future killers undergoing the most rigorous and true killing training, but only made a few unwritten rules.

The killing is limited to the East Fort. Specifically, it is the area south of the Fireworks, east to the cliff, and south to the Knife Lane. Any killer apprentice who dares to go beyond the scope will be killed by a hidden guard.

The killing is only for apprentices. Except for the first night, anyone who starts with the servant is also dead. Even so, few servants dared to enter Dongpu, and the black market was canceled. The chores responsible for the cleaning of the meal only came in the same situation. When they let go, they immediately left. In those days, Dongbao was a piece. Dirty, almost the same as the ruins of the Wood Knife Lane.

The killer masters abide by the principle of non-interference. At the beginning of the killing, they all made excuses to leave the residence. Anyway, there was no black market. The life in the fort was very inconvenient. Most people went to Nancheng to enjoy the beauty of alcohol and wine, making this month a rare holiday.

The only remaining killer masters, after the successful assassination of the arm slaves, all left and handed over the site to the red-eyed apprentices.

The assassination was Gu Shenwei’s retaliatory action, and the target was called “Coyote”.

Most of the members of the Snow Mountain Gang abandoned their real names and used the beast to pretend that the coyotes were one of them. It was a young boy with a strong sword and a good knife.

"It is he who assassinated you in the black market."

A member of the arm slaves vowed to say that they did not submit any evidence, but they were approved by all the members. Everyone agreed that they would take him to work. The arm slaves killed seven people in the first two days of killing. The biggest loss, the urgent need to restore status and face.

In fact, contrary to what the oldest apprentice asserted, there is no gang who is willing to join forces with the slaves. Many people hate Snow Mountain for help, but they also hate the boys on the arms. They used to be fortune. The slaves in the house are inextricably linked with the courts. They often come to visit friends from the past, like the slaves and the dead slaves, or even the East Fort, which has expanded the arms and slaves. Rift between other apprentices.

This is the first time that Gu Shen has entered the group. Although he is recognized as the strongest martial artist, he does not immediately achieve the highest status. Everyone is watching and wanting to gain the respect of everyone. He must also show more leaders. charm.

That afternoon, there were more arms and slaves members who heard the news, and gathered a total of fifty-eight people before and after. The owners who served in the past were different. The internal contradictions of the Shangguan family were naturally reflected in the slaves. There are quite a few apprentices who want to compete for the vacant "helper" position.

Therefore, assassination of the coyotes has a double meaning: revenge and dispute. Gu Shen is determined to take the initiative in this game.

The Coyote’s master did not leave Dongbao, which was the biggest obstacle to the assassination.

The Dutch woman got a lot of information, and Gu Shen made a bold plan. There were only three participants.

The Coyote's Master has a total of six apprentices, one of whom will participate in the monthly test on the third day of the black market assassination. This is the only surviving daily activity of the Fireworks, as long as the living apprentice must participate.

The first person in the assassination team happened to also participate in the monthly test on the same day, so he was responsible for the surveillance. As soon as the coyote's younger brother entered the house, he immediately sent a signal to the Dutch woman who was at the door.

Gu Shen was wearing a standard black dress with a killer apprentice. She was ambushed near the residence of the Coyote in the middle of the night.

The Dutch girl came to change her class. Her task was to send a letter. When the coyote's younger brother returned in advance, he tried to stop or kill him.

Gu Shen took the knife and walked out of the hiding place, and entered the courtyard where the coyote lived.

It is much larger than the residence of Tiehan Feng. The killer master is resting in the house. The coyote and several brothers and sisters are practicing the knife. Gu Shen rushed to them and nodded. Nothing to say, a frustrated look, straight into The "self" room.

This is the first few days of the killing. The vigilance of everyone has not yet reached the point where the wind is raging. Gu Shenwei’s body is very similar to the disciple who participated in the monthly test. Although it is a bit strange to keep the masked face after the monthly test, it does not cause doubt. Who can think of an apprentice who dares to assassinate under the eyes of the killer Master?

The relationship between the coyote and the younger brother is good. I practiced a knife outside and went into the house to ask the younger brother's monthly test results. It seems that he lost again, but it is a blessing to not lose his life.

Just like hiding in the bed and waiting for the arrival of Han Shiqi, Gu Shen was holding his breath behind the door and feeling guilty. Once again, he felt that his plan was full of loopholes. The coyotes might not come in, or they might come in with others. The details of life are always full of uncertainty, and the intelligence of the woman may be wrong.

The result was smoother than imagined. Gu Shenwei finally had a back-to-back killing. He stabbed himself from the coyote and waited for him to fall to the ground. He immediately grabbed his hair and followed his master's teachings to cut his head.

Once things happened, Gu Shenwei’s nervousness disappeared immediately, and the incidents were dealt with in an orderly manner. The blood on the knife was wiped out, a black coat was found, the head was wrapped, and the room was walked out of the yard at a relaxed pace, without squinting.

The other four apprentices showed a surprised look, but they didn't react immediately until the black masked man disappeared for a while, and they only thought about seeing the coyotes that had not appeared for a long time.

The killer Master was furious and almost killed the remaining five apprentices. Afterwards, he suffocated, but he was greatly appreciative of the assassination's courage. He could not find an apprentice to revenge himself, so he left Dongbao on the same day. The apprentice left a message, "Either live to kill the assassin, or die to see Master."

In order to prevent this humiliating thing from happening again, the last few killer masters also left, and a greater assassination frenzy came.

The assassination was quickly spread. Everyone knew that this was a slavery. He immediately obtained the allegiance of the members of the armed slaves and provoked successive assassinations.

In the month before the winter, Gu Shen lived in a fixed place, lived in the courtyards of all members, and even hid in the ruins of Mudao Lane for a while.

There is never a safest place to hide, and the only way to live is to pre-empt as many people as possible.

Gu Shenwei divided 58 people into several groups of three to five people, divided them into districts, designated targets, and sometimes even personally participated in the assassination plan. He himself and the lotus girl, and one named slave. The teenager is a group.

The Dutch woman quickly showed the talent of the killer. The slave has always been a weakness, but his master is the three young masters. The three young masters are closely related to the eight masters. Gu Shen can only take him. After all, other young masters The slaves in the courtyard are even less trustworthy.

The assassination activities are like tides. There are ups and downs. At most, there are thirty or forty people who die every day. In a few days, the parties have a truce in order to replenish food, weapons, clothes and other materials.

Participating in the monthly test became a veritable death journey. The unfortunate apprentices had not gone to the door of the alchemy school and died. The lucky one found that after entering the simulated house, there was no opponent on the opposite side.

No one dares to go to the cliff to throw the body, it almost means to throw yourself down.

If you want to act publicly, the apprentices must be in groups of three, and there are several protectors in the dark.

The assassination is getting more and more difficult. At the same time, a group of highly skilled and successful apprentices are famous. The apprentices have developed a kind of skill. They can distinguish who the assassin is from the murder method, and thus can calculate the record. And even ranked rankings.

Although Gu Shenwei planned many assassinations and participated in most of them, he was not the highest ranked person. In the statistics of different gangs, he has been in the third and fourth positions.

Many people have found that the surviving people are not necessarily the martial arts apprentices. Several of them have emerged in the carved wood courtyard. They have been slashing their opponents in the monthly test. They were killed in the first few days of the assassination, but instead Some previously unknown people have not only survived, but have also been increasing their homicide.

There is a boy named "Flower Flower", which is one of the best. In all the statistics of the gang, he is in front of the slave.

Liuhua surnamed, born in the west of the quicksand land, thin and short, looks ordinary, in the carving wood, his only attention is the strange surname and name, after entering the fire-fighting institute, never had a knife in the monthly test The enemy’s score was once chopped.

It’s this seemingly weak teenager, who didn’t join the gang, didn’t have any helpers, acted alone, and went out of the ghosts. He assassinated eleven apprentices in the first three days. At the beginning, everyone gave him the name of someone who killed him. Until someone discovered the unique killing technique of running water.

Liuhua is a sharpshooter. He made a short bow. Although the range is greatly shortened, it is easy to hide. He only starts within 20 steps. According to the result of the first arrow and the enemy's reaction, he has a shot. The opportunity of three arrows.

He only uses arrows to kill people. He must be taken back after murder. He never stays on the body, and no matter how many arrows he shoots, one of them must shoot from his mouth and pass through the back of his head.

His nickname is therefore called "sealing", "sealing flow" has once become a nightmare for apprentices, especially those who have humiliated him, and all of them have watched their mouths.

Liuhua has greatly improved the status of the archer. In Jinpengbao, apprentices who specialize in bows and hidden weapons have always been in a weak position. "Long shots are not as close to attack, because the closer you are, the more you can judge the opponent's life and death". This is in the killers. A famous saying circulating in the middle.

However, after all, Liuhua is single-handedly fighting. The main purpose of killing is to report private enemies. The scope of influence is not big. In Dongbao, the number of murders is unquestionably ranked first. Others say that this is the only thing that dares to dare. The object of the challenge.

It was a boy named "Wild Horse" who kept a record of assassinating at least one person every day. He killed 69 people in a month, enough to kill a medium-sized gang. Finally, he had a whim and wanted to help with the slaves. The leader of the slaves publicly contested and ended this ridiculous killing.

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