Death Sutra

Chapter 78: duel

The first leader of the Snow Mountain gang was on the fifth day after the death of the Coyote. He started with another gang. Gu Shenwei had already made a detailed plan, but did not have time to implement it.

The Snow Mountain helped the three-day dragons without a head, and there was a serious guilt. One-third of the members died during this period until the wild horses suddenly emerged.

Gu Shenwei once saw this strange teenager. For a scholar, his body is perfect, but what is more noticeable is his face. His eyes are far apart, and the nose is from The forehead hangs straight over the lips, without any ups and downs in the middle, and keeps the two eyes eternal, which makes him look like a low-intelligence from any angle.

This impression is a fatal mistake.

The wild horse martial arts is strong, although not the strongest person in the gang, but he has outstanding resilience and calm and ruthless character, to make up for the deficiencies in the knife.

The singularity of the seals, the arm slaves team assassination, the wild horses are different from them, he is like a mature Jinpengbao killer, good at organizing mass assassinations of dozens of people, several small gangs are He hit the net.

He also has a magical ability to let his members worship him almost as a god, and every time he succeeds in encircling the target, he must leave him the honor of killing, and his attachment is enough. A few of them have a small heart.

After a month of killing, more than 600 apprentices, plus hundreds of apprentices from previous years, more than a thousand teenagers between the ages of 10 and 18 survived less than 200. The survivors were exhausted and even secretly The indulgence of the Shangguan family, which began to indulge, also began to feel uneasy, and felt that the killing had exceeded the acceptable limit.

At the best time of this truce, the wild horses released their words and made a public confrontation with the slaves. No matter who wins or loses, the assassination will end here, and no one will take revenge.

Xueshan Bang and Arms Gang are now the two biggest gangs, each with thirty or forty core members. Other apprentices, except for solo travelers like Liuhua, basically choose to join one of the two groups. Some even join the two groups at the same time. This brings convenience to the message.

Gu Shenwei faces a difficult choice.

Refused to fight, he will carry the crime of "killing", everyone does not want to carry out this killing game, and even the most determined supporters in the gang have also shown hope, and hope that the leader can fight.

Accepting the challenge, he does not have the grasp of victory, defeat means death, which means that he only killed an insignificant superior official, and the end of revenge has not yet begun.

The Dutch woman is the only person who publicly expresses that she does not support the duel. "We are killers. This is not the way the killer solves the problem, and it is also likely to be a trap."

In the past month, the relationship between Huanu and the Dutch woman has been very close to the attributes of "friends". Huannu is the recognized leader of the arm slaves, and the lotus woman is his most important and most effective assistant and staff.

Gu Shenwei was very surprised. The woman who was silent and utterly ridiculously had a wonderful relationship. In fact, she is more like the core and pillar of the help than the slave. If she has been worrying about it, she is simply "each is her master." The reason is enough to let the young slaves fall apart.

She does not use her own beauty, but her excellent insight and ability in a language. She often persuades the other person to change her mind and temporarily forget the original owner and recognize the benefits and necessity of the union.

Therefore, her position has an extremely important influence in the gang.

This is Gu Shen’s role as the “leader” for the first time. Before the age of fourteen, there were martial arts and high-powered fathers and brothers who were always around. He played more of a naughty and innocent protector, except for the little boy who was disobedient. He has not yet managed to manage others, but he knows that he has gained glory and at the same time shoulders unshirkable responsibilities.

Ironically, whether it is the hostile Snow Mountain gang or the arm slave gang that he commands, he will be the enemy of his revenge in the future.

Gu Shen decided to fight.

Steady means retreating. Since in the process of repaying blood debts to Jinpengbao, every step will be put to death and then born, why bother to care about this time?

The duel is scheduled to be three days later and the location is the ruins of the Wood Knife Lane.

After the announcement, the assassination of Dongbao was greatly reduced. There were only a few sporadic cases in three days, and one of them almost destroyed the duel of the time and place.

No one knows why the "sealing flow" came out at this time. As early as a few days ago, he had rarely murdered, but when the two gangs deliberately stopped fighting, they assassinated the important figures of the slaves.

The woman who suffered the assassination was the Dutch woman.

Ordinary guesses believe that Liuhua does not want to end the assassination frenzy. He was originally an insignificant little person. He gained a great reputation through the arrow and the body. He enjoyed the pleasure of hiding the enemy in the dark, so he wanted to destroy. Two groups of peace talks.

Huannu and Mustang are helping the middle leaders. Killing them is the most difficult to cause war, but the assassination is also the most difficult. Therefore, he chose the lotus girl, the spiritual pillar of the arm slave, as a female apprentice, and his strength is weaker.

This is another prejudice of Dongbao. Just as everyone generally thinks that bows and arrows are one level lower than swords, the popular view is that women are not suitable as killers.

There are no more than one hundred female apprentices in Dongbao. After a month of **** cleaning, only ten people are left, and the death rate is much higher than that of male apprentices.

Liuhua ambushed on the courtyard wall, wearing a gray cloak, covered with dust, looking far away, almost integrated with the stone bricks, he waited so much for a long time, starving, only necessary Drinking a little water, I finally waited for the opportunity to appear alone.

There were strict guards inside and outside the courtyard where the Dutch woman lived. That night, she walked out of the room to meet with the people of Xueshan to discuss the details of the duel. It only took a short step of ten, and she could keep the book with the outside. Help the apprentices meet.

Liuhua strictly abides by his assassination principle. When the Dutch woman approaches the gate of the hospital and enters the 20-step range, she only shoots two arrows and hits the arrow. But he did not have time to fill an arrow in the lotus woman's mouth. The apprentices of the guards rushed out, and Liuhua had already chosen the evacuation route and quickly disappeared.

This is the only time that Liuhua has not been able to leave a mark in the target.

Arms and slaves were indignant, and Gu Shen vowed to avenge her in public, and assassinated Xueshan to help an important member in the middle of the night.

Although everyone knows that this is a handwritten flower, it is also a symbol of the solitary killer who is relying on the snow mountain gang.

At this critical juncture, it is almost impossible to keep calm. The Mustang has shown a rare ability to control, not only to stop the chaotic revenge of the crowd, but also to send all members to search for the flow of flowers to prove that they are not behind the scenes.

In the handling of this matter, Gu Shen was deeply ashamed in her heart, and the duel has not yet begun. He has lost two strokes in both leadership and determination.

Seeing that the situation is out of control, the Dutch woman woke up. She had two arrows in it. One arrow was close to the heart, and one arrow penetrated the left arm. Her reaction was still faster than the assassin expected, and she avoided it when she was in the blink of an eye. The key.

Dongbao only has the most common traumatic medicine, but it is not the doctor. The Dutch girl is in a coma for a day and a night. She wakes up miraculously. The first sentence to open her eyes is, "Don’t be fooled. This has nothing to do with Snow Mountain. It's over."

It was through this incident that Gu Shenwei began to completely trust the Dutch woman. He had been hiding the skepticism against the girl and finally disappeared.

When the two first met, the indifferent attitude of the woman unconsciously affected Gu Shenwei. He suffered from various expressions such as intimidation and contempt, but he never encountered such unreasonable disregard, especially they were slaves. At the same level, for a long time, Gu Shen’s remaining self-esteem has been deeply hit.

Now, these are gone.

The duel between the slaves and the wild horses was held as scheduled. The lotus woman insisted on taking the injured. She is the most important assistant of the "helping the Lord" and has the obligation to take the wind for him to prevent the other party from setting traps.

Everything went smoothly. Two members of the gang were out of the box. No one was allowed to show up on the grounds of injury. Everyone was black and masked without weapons. The two sides counted the number and ensured that there were no hidden killers. The three men, the arm slaves helped eighty-nine people, and the unexplained flow of flowers, the East Fort apprentice survived a total of 193 people.

Liuhua has never been discovered. The two gangs searched the East Fort and did not find clues. In the end, everyone can only believe that he jumped off the cliff. This is not a rare thing. In the past month, dozens of apprentices have suffered. Do not hold the **** pressure, choose to end your life.

The apprentices gathered in the wooden knife lane, and the air was filled with the feeling of nervousness, vigilance, and joy. No matter who wins or loses, the one-month nightmare is finally over.

The duel between the killers will naturally not face-to-face test. The slaves and the wild horses will enter the ruins consisting of the remains of seventeen courtyards from two directions, with the help of the wreckage and the dead wood. Destroy each other, there is no time limit, until one of them is killed, it may be just a blink of an eye, or it may last for several days.

Gu Shenwei had already thought about a plan. After the woman woke up, the two men discussed it again and felt that it was feasible.

The Mustang is a hunter. When there are many people, he takes the means of encirclement. When he acts alone, he uses the patient tracking and the traps arranged beforehand to kill the enemy. The Dutch woman remembers every assassination of the wild horse, and the conclusion drawn from it, with Gu Shenwei. The plan coincides.

After entering the ruins, Gu Shen will carefully move forward and search for the traps under the Mustang cloth. This stage can't be used. It depends on experience and intuition. After a while, he will lay his own trap: leaving on the way. Unremarkable traces, attracting the attention of the wild horses, and then returning to the original road for a short period of time, ambushing the wild horses at the predetermined position.

He and the Dutch woman agreed that this is a matter of a few knives, or whether they are born or dead, which one is right.

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