Death Sutra

Chapter 783: Binding

Seeing the moment when the Dutch woman appeared in the move, Gu Shen understood her intentions.

The method of improving the strength of the dead is very strange. It is necessary to kill the master who is comparable to himself. At least once a year, otherwise it is likely to be countered. The two are like crazy horses running, knowing that the end is a cliff, not only Can't stop, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Gu Shen once thought that the Dutch woman had got rid of this bondage, and now it seems to be wrong.

The Dutch woman always used the sword, but she added Xiaoyuetang's exercises in the sword method. Gu Shenwei integrated the sword method into the knife method. The same way, the delay can be delayed, but in any case, they still Need a deadly sword.

The two have met many masters, but none of them is comparable to Luo Qibai. He is like a treasure, tempting two dead people to practice, whoever kills this person can get a huge improvement.

The partner of the Dutch woman is the wild horse. Gu Shen shows some signs of the dead from the knife of the wild horse. Obviously, the Dutch woman did not teach him all the exercises.

Zhongyuan people and Tianshan Zongzhong counted, relying on many people, and desperately chasing the ambush, some people shouted on the way, "Come, don't let the Dragon King run!" They regarded the night girl dressed as the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei is following the crowd at this time, and he thinks about the similarity of this farce. The goal of the two forces is not the old man and the butcher, but he himself. They don’t believe in the dragon. Retreating.

As the main bait, the Dutch woman ran in the forefront. The wild horse occasionally stopped and counterattacked. At most two or three knives, one would kill one. Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng all looked for the "Dragon King", and the killing of the wild horse did not stop it.

In the city, half a circle, the lotus girl took everyone to the reincarnation mountain in the southern wilderness. Here is the home of the undead body of Saitama City, and also the granary of a large group of crows. Gu Shen was here to decide to set the Dragon Army flag as a blood red crow.

Gu Shenwei did not mention this matter to anyone, but the Dutch woman still regarded the reincarnation as a battleground.

The lotus girl rarely makes a move, like a ghost of ecstasy, flashing in the crowd. The murderer is still a wild horse, but he is very careful to stay away from Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng. These two masters are the exclusive prey of Yu Zhongshi, and he is not qualified to be close.

Gu Shen joined the battle group for the sword. This is an opportunity. He can get rid of the lotus girl and get rid of the constraints and threats of Xiaoyuetang. At the very least, he can't let the sword of the lotus girl be improved again.

Many insights from the general outline of the Book of Nothing. Gu Shenwei also wants to practice, no one is more suitable as a tester than a Dutch woman.

When the old man and the dog arrived, Gu Shen had just stabbed three knives.

With regard to these three knives, he tied the lotus girl, and she could no longer move around in the crowd, and she must fight back with a sword.

The two shots are killing, but no one has ever made the real dead man through the sword, and they are waiting for the best time.

Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng finally slowed down from catching up. Immediately bind your own members to form an encirclement. Their top priority is to kill the wild horse.

The Mustang has already taken out the battle group, standing on a **** other than a dozen steps, watching the battle below, ready to escape.

Luo Qibai looked at the opposite Li Tongsheng. Both of them had the strength to get rid of the wild horses, but no one wanted to abandon the two goals. The talent they have recognized is the Dragon King.

The two made the same decision.

Five Central Plains people and four Tianshan apostles were placed in a good position and kept on the periphery. Their mission was only one, preventing wild horses from being chaotic.

Luo Qibai pulled out his long sword and Li Tongsheng was still unarmed. Join the battle at the core level at the same time.

The dog was suspected at this time. "Who is this who is playing?"

The old man is looking at the drunk, and most of his body is coming out. "The dragon king is an enemy three, no, the lotus girl is helping him, no, they are playing more, not right, white ghosts and stone monsters. They are also calculating each other, going to his grandmother, these four people are fighting each other, they want to kill the other three, enjoyable, too enjoyable!"

Nine people on the periphery have already found two old men, but they have stood firm and no one has come to attack.

The slaughter dog also straightened up. "Who is another person? The sword is good."

"Beyond the Xiaoyuetang disciple, he is a crazy lotus girl."

The dog has always heard of her name and nodded. "It's amazing, but... it seems like a lot of loopholes."

"Can you see the loophole?" Wood old man did not believe it.

The crows in the air gradually dispersed, the moonlight was clean and the dog slept more clearly. "Isn't it? The lotus girl's sword is too murderous, the move is too fierce, there is almost no defense, if it is not good, I can't stand it." For so long, the dragon king’s knife is simple and steady, and it seems to be even more powerful.

"Hah, the four words that are ridiculous and generous are most suitable for you. They use the same kind of martial arts, but the dragon king uses the sword to replace the sword. And he uses the palm of the defensive, the knife is the same as the lotus girl. It’s all desperate.”

During the two people’s talks, the situation on the field changed.

Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng finally reached a tacit agreement, suspended the confrontation, and jointly attacked two masked people. The former is a swingy and fierce sword. The latter has a strong palm-like wall, just one attack and one guard, but it also complements each other.

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman can't shoulder the enemy together. They are fighting for their lives.

Both of them were surprised. Gu Shenwei felt that she had deeper understanding of the dead, but she did not occupy a clear advantage. Since the First World War, the Dutch woman has taken a different path. I did not expect that it would not be beyond the Dragon King.

The dead man asked the user to use his sword to make every effort. After Gu Shen tried to practice the yin and yang, he could use a part of the yin to use it. This made him a little more defensive, so he accepted Li Tongsheng. Partial power.

The most threatening is Luo Qibai. His swordsmanship is like a group of silk spider webs. At first, it doesn't show power. Slowly, it gets tighter and tighter. When Gu Shenwei and the lotus girl discover it, they can't easily get rid of it. The attack between the two people began to decrease, and more energy had to be spent on the other sword.

The old man frowned and wondered: "No, the dead man should not only have this level of power."

The dog’s eyes are bright. Although he is the subordinate of the Dragon King, he also has a little pride of the Central Plains. “The Luo family’s swordsmanship, the martial arts of the Central Plains, even the Luo family, there are not many people practicing. Hey, I haven’t seen it for more than a decade. The progress of young people in that year was so fast, it was much better than my retreat. The old man, the high-ranking martial arts, the West and the North Court are not as good as the Central Plains. The Western Region is invincible, because it is not the real Central Plains."

"Hey." The old man of the wood spit a few times. "There are few people who are proud of it. They are all from the Central Plains. You don't have a master."

The slaughter dog was unmoved, and he said with a smile: "There are no masters, but they didn't come. You didn't see the Dragon King."

The old man looked up and down the dog. "What are you doing so happy? Are you a young boy betraying the Dragon King?"

The butcher dog suddenly remembered his identity. "Yeah, I will say a few words. Luo Qibai looks at my thin face and may be able to stop."

The old man in the wood is blocked with a long sword in front of the dog. "Be honest, your 'thin face' is left to eat. Who told you that the dragon king will definitely lose? Surviving in danger, winning in defeat, this is the dragon king. You have not seen the routine."

The dog’s attention was attracted to another thing. “The one-armed man is coming, what does he mean?”

The old man was surprised and his face was full of enthusiasm. "Hey, the old horse brother, I haven't seen it for a long time. It has always been good? Hey, the imperial teacher is going to hold on, can't you help? Just now I saw your knife." New learning a lot of moves, fast, powerful, has surpassed me... old dog!"

The old man of the wood broke off and the dog slaughtered, but he voluntarily waved a single knife.

The Mustang's knife has arrived.

The narrow knife and the wide knife fight together, the old man jumped on the periphery, and the more he saw it, the more surprised he was. "The old dog can't lose to the younger generation, the little dumb martial arts, not your opponent."

That is to say, the old man of the wood can see clearly, the wild horse not only learned some of the dead, but also other strange martial arts, the speed of progress, even with the elders.

The dog does not know the wild horse, but also feels that the young man’s knife is not ordinary. "I want to make a trick."

"If you have a move, why not talk nonsense." Wood old man cried.

After the dog slaughtered the knife and lost it to the old man, he changed the stick method. However, the knife method did not fall. The current fierce knife method was used. It was faster than the wild horse, the knife and knife collided, the sound was huge, and the spark splashed. It seems to be more than a four-person duel in a dozen steps.

The old man in the wood holds a long sword, jumps and looks for a chance to make a move, and his eyes have not left the Dragon King and others. "Dragon King, bad girl, the dead man is really good to use, I am gambling you will win."

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women are bound each other, because they are surprised by each other's progress, and there are two strong enemies around them. The two are afraid to make a pure death, and they are afraid of the moment after the move. Will become a fatal vulnerability.

The sky is getting brighter, and the crows are waking up, standing on the rocks around the heights, like a group of unscrupulous audiences, waiting indifferently for more killings and blood, and occasionally having gallbladders flying on several bodies. The body is coming and going.

The Central Plains and the Tianshan apostles in the periphery are getting more and more nervous, and they keep looking back at the battle, slashing their crows and protecting their bodies.

The two pairs met more indifferent eyes than the crows. They did not collide with each other and did not produce a sense of warmth. The two men passed by and escaped the clutch of Li Tongsheng, stabbing Luo Qibai at the same time.

Luo Qibai took a step back.

This is a very ordinary scene. The people who looked back did not see any difference. The old man in the distance shouted with delight: "Swords and swords! Swords and swords!"

Stimulated by the Dragon King and the Dutch girl, the old man finally made a move to the wild horse, and he also had a "sword and sword" with the dog.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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