Death Sutra

Chapter 784: Strangle

Many years ago, when Gu Shenwei and the Dutch girl decided to practice the dead man’s classics, each time they practiced, they would eventually become a life-and-death struggle, so they could only kill one person and the other in the dark, and then tell their feelings. To promote each other.

By the time the swordsmanship is increasing, the differences between the two are getting bigger and bigger, and even this little promotion is redundant.

Therefore, in the minds of Gu Shenwei and the Dutch women, the dead man is a unique practice, and even the most common cooperation seems to be inconvenient, not to mention the so-called "swords and swords" of the old man.

Gu Shenwei stabbed the knife to Luo Qibai and did not "help" the woman's intention. She only felt that this person's swordsmanship is the strongest and the threat is the highest. If there is an opportunity, it should be the highest priority killing target. There have also been experiences of simultaneous attacks, but no synergy has been formed.

It was the look of the lotus girl, which changed his mood and knife.

Indifference is a thick layer of shackles that blocks the eyes of the world, but is open to the same kind. Gu Shen can feel the ardent hatred of the woman.

The death of the slaves, the frustration of love, the contradictions of interests, and the differences of the exercises are all sources of hatred. They are combined in a strange way to make hatred even stronger. What is different is this Hatred has some unspeakable pleasure.

This pleasure becomes the connection between the two.

Gu Shenwei’s hatred has been spurred. Over the years, he has been like a hardworking craftsman who has been carving and refining the rough hatred until it slowly presents a soft and delicate shape.

The Dutch woman let him understand that in the interior of the statue, hatred is still a beast that is not sure to accept the bondage. It is only crouching.

Gu Shen has not only stabbed Luo Qibai for that knife. In his will, the blade will continue to advance after penetrating the enemy. The Dutch woman is the ultimate goal.

The purpose of the Dutch woman is the same, and the willingness is even stronger.

Hatred and pleasure are mixed, and both emotions command the master to kill each other with an unquestionable attitude.

This is the most fierce life and death, and its own safety has become insignificant.

It’s just that they are separated by one person.

Luo Qibai was shocked, and the power of the sword was multiplied at the same time, and his slashing sword was instantly cracked. And he simply did not understand where this power came from.

Fortunately, once he quit the battle group, the Dragon King and the Dutch girl immediately fight together, and did not continue to pursue.

Li Tongsheng has not found any danger. Luo Qibai gave up the core wèizhi. He subconsciously rushed over to seize. As a well-known thief and Tianshan sect, he also has his own pride.

This arrogance almost killed him.

With the sword attacking, Li Tongsheng immediately understood why the Central Plains took a step back. The woman's sword is murderous and meets with the palm of the hand. It is like a huge wave hitting a stubborn rock. The man's knife is like a poisonous snake in the dark, launching an unexpected attack in the tiny gap of the palm of the hand.

Li Tongsheng's light work is not a strong point. He can't take it back like Luo Qibai. He can only tumbling on the spot and stunned.

The Dragon King and the Dutch girl still have not pursued. Once they lose their common goal, their offensives turn to each other.

But the situation has changed completely.

Luo Qibai turned out to be the core of the battle. Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman used most of their energy to deal with him. Li Tongsheng was on the verge of restraining another part of the energy of the two.

Nowadays, Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman have become the absolute core, and the sword has come to the sword, and the fight has become more fierce. Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng can only see the stitches, and no one dares to break into the middle of the sword.

"Get on the same!" Li Tongsheng called, he is a Western thief, only seeking victory without rules.

Four Tianshan apostles heard the war and the five Central Plains people hesitated. In the acquiescence of Luo Qibai, he also turned to join the melee, and these nine people formed a third-tier circle.

On the other hand, the old man and the dog have finally gained the upper hand.

The wild horse martial arts refined, not much worse than the slaughter dog, plus many years of jingyàn and a strong tyrannical enthusiasm, the battle just took the slightest advantage at the beginning, the dog said on the mouth to make tricks, killing tricks, my heart can not get up, Still to keep the main.

Encouraged by the Dragon King and the Dutch woman, the old man of the wood has helped the war. It is still east and west. There is no rule, but the power is gradually increasing, overwhelming the momentum of the wild horse.

Among the people, the old man of the wood had the least pressure. While attacking the wild horse, he did not forget to watch the more jiliè in the vicinity. He yelled in his mouth. "One more knife! Another sword! Two little fools, how do you play yourself?" Get up, you can kill the enemy with just one stroke!"

Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman can't do anything more. Their real goal is still to each other. Turning the sword to others means surrendering their lives.

The old sword of the old man is more and more smooth, his martial arts is quite mixed, and there is much research on martial arts. The dragon king and the lotus girl do not listen to persuasion, he will turn his attention to others. "Old dog, what are you hiding? Going forward, the Mustang will definitely avoid it. If you chase after it, you will win it. You are mostly buried in the soil. He is still a young boy. Although he has one arm less, he is more than you, so he is afraid, not you are afraid... ...Bunny scorpion, it’s good to start, you forgot my kindness to you? If it weren’t for me to take it, you would be a wild horse and become a fertilizer for weeds...”

The wild horse and the old man lived together for a long time. The most unbearable thing was his embarrassment. He had to endure it at the time. Now the strength is reversed, and the shot is unrelenting, and more than half of the offensive is transferred to the old man.

The dog slaughtered and asked strangely: "You let me go forward, how do you always hide and hide?"

"It's not the same." The old man's skill is damaged. He knows how much martial arts knows how to do it. He can only use the fragrant scent of the scent that is rarely used, and he will do his job. "The old man is destined to live longer and live for six or seven decades." The wild horse is born short-lived, I can't live with him this year, so I still have more life..."

"I am very good, I can live for many years. How do you say that I am not as good as a wild horse?" The dog is close to Zhu, and is becoming as jealous as the old man.

This pair of wild horses can be double tortured. The only answer he can make is the faster and faster knife.

The dog slaughtered the wild horse's sharp knife, and the old man turned and ran. "Dragon King, let me help you!"

A dozen steps, but three or two steps, he has entered the outermost circle.

The wild horse is chasing after. Join the team with the slaughter dog.

The situation was even more chaotic. The bodies scattered on the ground lost their protection. The crows began to compete for breakfast, and the hoarse noise was deafening.

The only beneficiary of the melee is the old man, who has the smallest size and excellent workmanship. Except for the wild horses, no one has regarded him as the main target. He has many favorable factors, flying around in the crowd, and once even rushed to the Dragon King and the Dutch women, and personally realized the power of "swords and swords."

"Great!" The old man was more embarrassed than Li Tongsheng, but his face was extremely excited. "I understand, haha. I finally understand!"

The old man did not say that he understood anything, but he changed his tactics and continued to exert pressure on the nine outsiders, forcing them to move closer to the core and occupying the space of Luo Qibai and Li Tongsheng.

This is a peculiar battle. The forces of all parties form a vortex together. Gradually no one can easily leave the battle group.

Luo Qibai was the first to be alert and made a slight trade-off. Say loudly: "Li Tongsheng, each fighting. Or side by side to the enemy, you make a choice."

Li Tongsheng snorted, and he felt that the space was cramped and the pressure increased sharply. After three palms, he said: "Side by side."

"Everyone retreats and kills the three people outside." Luo Qibai's strategy is to kill the troublemakers first. Let the Dragon King and the Dutch woman kill each other.

The old man called, "The wild horse, let's put down the grudges for a while, although I have more complaints about you, but I don't account for it."

The wild horse obviously did not have Li Tongsheng to speak, and the narrow knife did not slow down.

The Central Plains and Tianshan Zong together surrounded the Dragon King and the Dutch woman. They did not relax their vigilance, and they did not concentrate on dealing with foreign enemies until Luo Qibai ordered it.

The duration of the melee was not long, and the horizon was not even fully illuminated. A series of accidents led to its sudden end.

The first accident was Li Tongsheng, who shot a Zhongyuan person without warning. "The four pairs of four talents...", the voice has not fallen, and the sword has been stabbed.

The second accident was Luo Qibai. It is hard to say that he had premeditated, or changed his moves too quickly. In short, Li Tongsheng had just shot his sword and he had stabbed him. "Western people are not credible!"

It is still Luo Qibai who continues to create accidents. After a sword succeeds, he immediately retreats to the outermost periphery, and with an enemy, he will force everyone to the Dragon King and the Dutch woman.

His tactics are the same as those of the old man, but the opposite is true.

The melee becomes a strangle, and the sword in the vortex does not allow any outsiders to intervene. Even if it is just inadvertently inserted, it will lose its life. Not everyone has the strength of Luo Qibai or the lightness of the old man.

Luo Qibai is tired of it. He has turned everyone to the core of death. Even the Central Plains is no exception. He believes that the pair of men and women who are dead and alive will eventually leak out in the process of strangling the people.

The old man, the slaughter dog and the wild horse were forced to unanimously, but they were still not opponents. They moved a little bit and were getting closer and closer to the sword.

The old man only escaped with an idea. He ran into the circle on his own initiative, but he did not expect to be trapped inside. "Dragon King, don't stop, everyone will die!"

Gu Shenwei couldn't stop, and didn't even dare to have the idea of ​​stopping her hand. The sword of the lotus girl hung over her head at all times, so that he could even breathe carefully.

"To die together!" Wood old man also made a sigh of relief, the dog and the wild horse actually understood his meaning, the three at the same time made a move, tightly entangled Luo Qibai, pulled him into the water.

Gu Shen was smashed out of a crack with the sword of the Dutch woman. Both of them felt a strong desire and must block the crack.

The intruders fell one by one, and only Luo Qibai was left. He insisted on ten tricks, with huge doubts and puzzles, and the last one fell.

There was only one knife and one sword left. At the moment when Luo Qibai fell, Gu Shen took a shot, and the lotus girl greeted with the fingers, and both of them retreated at the same time.

After the lotus woman suddenly jumped out of a figure, long hair drifting, ten fingers into claws, dozens of crows and figures flying together.

"The traitor!" Han Wuxian finally waited for the opportunity.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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