Death Sutra

Chapter 792: No hate

Shangguan turned around, his mouth smiled, and looked at the dragon king in the shadow. "Is this the feeling of being enemies with you?"

Gu Shen left the shadow, stood outside the five steps, and shook his head. "No, I didn't want you to be an enemy."

Shangguan’s eyes were carefully observed for a while. “Is your wound hurt?”

When the two men were separated in the Dragon Court, Shangguan had a bite on his lips. Gu Shen had a lot of doubts, but even the old man did not dare to ask questions.

He raised his hand and touched it. "Leather trauma."

"Ha ha." Shangguan said that he couldn't tell what it was. When she didn't meet her, there was only the dragon in her mind who was gloomy and full of conspiracy. But once face to face, the impression of the slave was overwhelmed, she didn't dare With these two words, I am afraid that I will be regarded as a humiliation by the Dragon King.

"Do you want to know what my father told me?"

"Well, if you can."

Shangguan raised his head and thought for a while. "He said that he missed me very much and regretted the decision to kill me. It was not his true intention. He also said that I hope to return to Jinpeng Fort. My room is intact, everything is intact. I can come back, I am still a ten son."

Gu Shen is slightly annoyed, "You are lying."

Shangguan sighed. "This is what I want him to say. In fact, he regretted not saying anything. It seems that the design of killing me and my brother has never happened. He actually...had nothing to say."

"Nothing to say?"

"He just stood there." Shangguan pointed to Gu Shen as the place three steps away from the right. "Look at me, don't talk, and soon leave. I thought it was a dream."

"But he did come."

"Yes, he left this." Shangguan took out a jade card from his arms. The green jade is faintly engraved with the word "peng". This is not the "absolute" plate that ordinary killers have. It has a higher rank and more rights in Jinpengbao.

Gu Shen glanced at it and eased the tone. "I said, you should return to the country of Xiangji."

"Don't turn a blind eye to what is going to happen?"

"You want to be in the war? Very good, make a choice now."

"Choice? I have never had a choice. I can't go back to Jinpengbao, and it is impossible..." Shangguan, like shaking his head slowly, is too much to be entangled, and is far beyond her ability to bear. "This is the world." There must be a reason for fine wine."

"No amount of wine is useless." Gu Shen believes that she must be cruel at this time. "I will soon launch an attack on Jinpengbao. I will kill the one-step king and his supporters. If I fail, it will be me. This is the fact that I can't change with wine and anything."

The Shangguan sat awkwardly and said for a while: "Doddon is fully wooing the North Court cavalry that you brought back. He is very popular among the North Court people. You have to be careful."

She is shifting the topic, Gu Shen is inseparable, since she does not return to the country of Xiangji, she must face the cruel reality. "I am still waiting for your answer."

"What? Right, Jinpengbao's business." Shangguan was immersed in meditation. "When I sent my brother to the happy sea stone country to die, I didn't have to go with it. The mother asked me to go, she hopes that I will come. I can plead with my father. But... I refuse to plead, and my mother is very angry. In a sense, my father didn’t really want to kill me."

Gu Shenwei did not speak, and the feelings of the father and the daughter could not be argued or explained. Shangguan could only find the answer by himself.

"But my father didn't save me." Shangguan continued to say, "Now he came to see me because everyone said that I am the queen of the country of Xiangxiang, because the tens of thousands of troops and Tongtianguan Dodon said. I have to blame me. There is no family in Jinpengbao, my father hates my mother, my mother hates me, and everyone, from top to bottom, hates my father, but refuses to show it."

"Only you don't hate him." Gu Shenwei's voice is more and more gentle. "You don't hate anyone."

"I can't hate it." Under the infiltration of two tears, Shangguanru's eyes are bright and bright. "A thought of those deaths and killings, when I think of things I have done before, how can I still hate others? To please Father, I killed the Dapeng bird. In order to compete with the Bengbu, I ordered the killing of countless swordsmen. They killed each other in front of my eyes and burned them, but I stood upstairs and thought it was Victory and glory."

Gu Shenwei went to the front and was still hesitating. Shangguan was already in his arms, holding his waist and crying silently.

He put his hand on her head, and there was no weakness in his heart. Before he decided to meet, he had already struggled with the possible feelings and locked them in the corner in advance, but he waited for a while before saying: "The world is ugly. You are not the worst person in the world. At least it will not be worse than me, and it will not be worse than the old man."

Shangguan laughed and straightened up. He found his tears soaked his clothes in a large piece. He was embarrassed to raise his hand and wipe it, touching the rough scar inside. The whole body passed a chill, but his fingers stayed there. Gently rubbing, "You are not a bad person, the old man has not done bad things for a long time."

"He doesn't do bad things because he doesn't have the ability. As long as he restores martial arts, the person he wants to kill first is me and you."

“It’s not that easy to be a bad person.”

"Well, you have to be stronger than others, think farther, start faster, and feel more awkward."

Shangguanru’s hand left the Dragon King. “Sometimes you are surprisingly similar to my father.”

"From the day I entered Jinpengbao, I was determined to be the same person as the One-Step King, because he killed my family, indicating that he is stronger than my father and brother."

This is a naked way of revenge. When Shangguan hears his ear, his heart trembles, and he feels that the man in front of him is similar to his father. "No..."

"No." Gu Shenwei rushed and said, "How can I do if the one-step king does what the enemy does? He won't be soft, and I won't."

Shangguan is like a big dream, the thing is very simple, but she is not willing to think, "You will not kill him, he will kill you."

Gu Shen nodded.

Shangguan’s look returned to normal. “I will not do anything that harms the interests of the Dragon Army, and I will not ask you again. That is the hatred between you and the One Step King. Jinpeng Fort has stood for many years and should have been dumped. But I will not tear it down for you. As long as I save Shaomin, I will return to the country of Xiangji as soon as possible."

"It's best." Gu Shenwei said very officially, still believes in her without reservation, beyond everyone else, but there is no clear reason.

"I still recommend that you be wary of Duo Dun. He is not simple. You have not seen his performance in Xiaowan. The North Court soldiers, although you brought it, really like the prince. Their cheers are from the heart. This is not a waste of this."

"Duo Dun is not worried." Gu Shen is still not doing anything right, "He is like the old Khan, he regards loyalty as a natural thing, he can let him play between the palms, but he is not the old king, but also Will never be the owner of the North Court."

The calmness of the Dragon King made Shangguan admire and a little angry. "Do you think that the near-service army will not be loyal to Duoton?"

Among the more than 100,000 Beiting cavalry that Gu Shen has won, more than 90,000 nearby soldiers are the core, not only the largest number, but also the strongest fighting force. They stay in Longting, overthrow the hills, guard the mausoleum of the old Khan, while Prince Luo Luo, who blocks the westward advancement, will decide the next move after the spring and summer of the wild grass cover all traces.

"It is not easy for anyone to get the loyalty of a nearby service."

"You'd better have other ways to deal with it. Doddon is better at wooing people than the Ten Kings in the North Court. To be honest, you can't compare him in this respect."

Gu Shenwei didn't say anything, Shangguan suddenly had a red face. "Tell you, if I am forced to marry Dudun, even if it is only possible, you will be the only person I hate in this world."

"Doddon is delusional."

When Gu Shen left, it was already in the middle of the night, and immediately found Xu Xiaoyi, worried that she might have wasted too much time in Shangguanru. "The one-step king is in Tongtianguan."

"What?" Xu Xiaoyi was shocked. "How... there is no sign."

"He probably arrived three days ago and may stay here now."

"I immediately sent all the staff to inquire."

"No, that would make you feel like a snake, I probably know where he is hiding."

"Doudun." Xu Xiaoyi screamed, then lowered his voice. "Doddon has been hooking up with Jinpengbao. The one-eyed king will see the general trend and will definitely ask him for help."

"Doddon looks down on Jinpengbao. All he wants is that the servant is not an ally. The one-step king will not ask for help from him." Gu Shen has another idea, but needs more evidence. "How is the ink coming out?"

"Ink out?" Xu Xiaoyi was very surprised. On the surface, the commander of the Yucheng City Superintendent and the 70,000 Beiting Cavalry, but the real power is in the hands of the Superintendent of the Superintendent, if the Shangguan is like a whimsy to save his troubles, He is still a prisoner.

"it's him."

Xu Xiaoyi quickly sorted out his thoughts. "Ink is out, it’s very honest. I don’t usually go out. I occasionally drink and drink with the old people, but I don’t see him making a bad move. He didn’t even go to the barracks.”

"I haven't found you or Shangguan coach?"

"No, not at all, oh, I understand." Xu Xiaoyi finally followed the idea of ​​the Dragon King. "Ink is a slap in the face, and Duo Dun took the military power and shut him up. The old guy certainly does not want to be humiliated. But the ten sons saved his life. He pretended to be ignorant. The dragon king was so big on the backing that he was not ignorant. Obviously there was another means of revenge..."

“There are many people who protect Xiao Fengqi and Lu Qiying. The two of them are very important now.”

"Yes, what about ink? Do you stare or not?"

Gu Shenwei decided to go in person, and Xu Xiaoyi’s opposition did not let him change his mind. He would like to know if there is still a gap between his martial arts and the one-step king.

This is an opportunity.

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