Death Sutra

Chapter 793: Help

Xiao Fengqi regretted her own arrogance. Based on her observations in Longting and the fact that Longwang borrowed more than 100,000 Beiting cavalry, she thought that Yuyucheng would soon get rid of the control of Jinpengbao, but in the view of Tongtianguan. Smell, so that her heart is not so practical.

The king's grain and grass were all stopped in the customs. It was difficult to walk. The soldiers and the refugees passed on the story of Prince Duo Dun. It was rarely mentioned that the Dragon King. If a person stands outside for half an hour, he will be influenced by the street talks and completely believe in the prince. Will be the king of the future.

Xiao Fengxi was remorseful, but she had not changed her mind. She believed that the Dragon King, when the man ruthlessly refused his own flattering, she knew that his ambition was not small.

This is like doing business. If you are ups and downs, no one can accurately predict. Sometimes, just because too many people believe that a certain product appreciates, and as a result, everyone hoards, and odd goods become a disaster.

The Dragon King is in a delicate stage. He believes that he has a lot of people and he does not believe that he has more people. Xiao Fengzhen thinks this is the best time to openly join the Dragon Army. It is too early to be too risky. It may become irrelevant at a later date. "People".

She was not a gambler, but she was tired of welcoming the people in the lane. After returning from Longting, she was tired of Meng Mingshu’s arrogance and stupidity. The Meng family would cross, not to die in Jinpengbao, or to die in the Dragon King. However, her "second brother" is not knowing herself, but she is still tossing that woman.

On the insurance front, she decided to test the influence of the Dragon King.

Xu Xiaoyi received the invitation and immediately rushed in. He knew that the woman was not young. When he was still thief in the smelly street in Nancheng, she was already famous and became the dream of countless men.

Xu Xiaoyi is no exception. The last time I met, there was a dragon king present. He didn't dare to show it too much. Now he finally has the opportunity to express his dreams and become excited. "Mr. Xiao, you may not remember, we are actually neighbors in the people's lane. I lived next door for a while. I really didn't think... I don't mean anything else... I just want to say that it is my pleasure to work with you."

Xiao Fengxi was used to this kind of man, and he consciously showed a smile of joy and perfunctory. "I remember, you are the younger brother of Xu Yanwei. It is not a good place to stay in the lane. It is not a good place. If you come out, never go back. ""

"Yes, my sister and I have the same idea, but Mrs. Xiao..."

"I am looking for you to ask for help."

"The Dragon King said. ‘In the future, Mrs. Xiao will be in charge of the Longjun’s financial power. Xu Xiaoyi’s full-time job in front of the horse, and the rushing effect, can’t be undone”, so even though Mrs. Xiao’s order is, can she still say the word “help”?

Xiao Fengqi accepts the flattery of the other party. This is really common for her. Even the reaction is natural and her eyes are wide. Looking at the face of the flatterer for a little while, showing trust. It also shows surprise and high above.

"I came to the two officers last night and said that I was visiting. I refused. They were not very happy when they left."

"I heard that." Xu Xiaoyi sent people to protect Xiao Fengqi, can not pretend to be ignorant, so revealed a very angry look. "The long-lost bastard, two little centurions, dare to climb Mrs. Xiao?"

"It has nothing to do with the size of the official position. I have already announced that the golden basin will wash my hands. I will never pick up the passengers. Even if Prince Dudun visits, I can't meet each other. Are you right?"

"Yes, it’s right, Mrs. Xiao rest assured that I will immediately send people to ensure that all the people are stopped outside."

Xiao Fengxiao shook his head with a smile. "It's not good, it seems like I am deliberately pretentious."

"Hey, Mrs. Xiao means..."

"Dragon King and Bei Ting are allies. There is no need for me to have a dispute. Therefore, I would like to ask you to say hello to the people in charge of the city. Everyone has nothing to worry about, no one should refute anyone's face."

"No problem." Xu Xiaoyi took the chest and promised, "I have to let the two officers go to the door to apologize."

Xiao Fengqi shook his head again. "You misunderstood, people want to see me is also a good intention, why do they apologize? As long as the front door is deserted, I have nothing to ask for."

Xu Xiaoyu opened his mouth and thought that the words "the front is cold and clear" are all scared to death in the Nancheng priests. Xiao Fengqi actually "does nothing", and the name is a famous name, but this can't be exported. Smiled: "I understand, everyone knows that I know mutual respect."

"It means that the Dragon King probably doesn't want the place where I live."

Xu Xiaoyi retire, always walked to the entrance of the hospital and felt that his eyes were staring at the back, making him uncomfortable to walk. He whispered: "It’s a very powerful scorpion. My sister can’t keep up with it. Oh, it seems that I have no hope. It is."

Gu Shenwei is resting in the room, pondering the possibility of the one-step king still staying in Tongtianguan, and how to approach him, listen to Xu Xiaoyi's report and ask: "Do you understand what she meant?"

Xu Xiaoyi thought about it, but he didn't have the essentials. When the dragon king opened his mouth, he suddenly realized that "the surname Xiao's nephew does not trust the dragon king, and wants to see how your relationship with the Beiting people is."

In the face of the Dragon King, Xu Xiaoyi dismissed Xiao Fengyi's performance. In a slap in the face, Gu Shenwei had to remind him: "Xiao Fengqi withdraws from staying in the lane, and he will not mention the word "婊子" in the future."

"Yes, it's a smooth mouth." Xu Xiaoyi's mouth should be accepted, but my heart always wondered if the Dragon King was going to bed with this nephew. When he found out that this thought was extremely disrespectful to the Dragon King, he hurriedly expelled it from his mind and turned to his sister. When he took the initiative to send his arms and did not seduce the Dragon King, Xiao Fengyi probably did not.

Gu Shenwei thought for a while, "Is there a lot of people who have the same thoughts with Xiao Fengqi?"

Xu Xiaoyi laughed two times. His duty is to collect intelligence. He can't take good pictures. "It is no wonder that Long Wang borrowed hundreds of thousands of cavalry from the North Court, but only brought back to 10,000 people. It was an alliance with the Dragon King, but it was too late to draw a line with Jinpengbao. But this is not a big deal. The Dragon King sent troops, and everyone immediately changed his attitude."

"Well, how are you going to deal with Xiao Fengqi's request?"

"I will personally go to see the right general Shang Liao, and ask him to wake up to the North Tingjun generals and constrain the officers. This will be solved, and there is no need to disturb Dudun."

"How do you explain the identity of Xiao Fengqi?"

"From good niece, we can't force people to return to the old business. Anyway, before the Meng family's gold and silver arrive, it is not possible to publicly announce that she is paying for the dragon king."

"Why can the Dragon Army speak for a good woman?"

"This..." Xu Xiaoyi took the question of the Dragon King as a test, and his mind quickly spun. "Because Xiao Fengyi followed me from the good?" He said that he shook his head. "It is estimated that few people will believe it."

"Go to the head of the official school and tell her that there is another female soldier in the country of Xiangji."

Xu Xiaoyi screamed and then laughed. "Good idea, I don't know if Xiao Feng is willing or not."

"She will be willing. Don't go to Shangliao later, go see the ink, let him solve this, I will go with you."

Xu Xiaoyi has already understood the Dragon King's intentions, but he is also very worried. "In case the one-step king is really out there... Long King, I don't believe in your martial arts, but there are so many masters around the one-step king, you are alone..."

"Do not worry, it will not use force."

Gu Shen made a promise.

Xu Xiaoyi went to see Shangguan, and went to the city to meet the ink in the afternoon. He brought four men, including the Dragon King after Yi Rong.

Gu Shenwei did not even bring a knife, he did not want to cause the enemy to be alert.

The sky is not big, 70,000 soldiers are stationed in the four or five barracks inside and outside the city. Ink is the commander of the whole army, but does not live in any barracks, but is somewhere in the north city, and does not like the tent. Similarly, he can accept the stone-wood houses of the Western Regions.

Before and after the house, it was the largest residence in the city. There were not many guards and the inspection was not strict. After the notification, Xu Xiaoyi was summoned smoothly, but the four men could only stay in the front yard.

The other three are Xu Xiaoyi's right-hand man. They never ask for strangers, concentrate on chatting with the guards, and don't let go of any opportunity to collect intelligence.

From the answers of the guards, Gu Shen learned that there were not many guests in the past few days, and even the number of visits by the old ministry was getting less and less. The Dudun Prince not only harvested the loyalty of young officers and ordinary soldiers, but also slowed down. Slowly get the approval of the veteran.

Are there any strangers in the house? The guards all shook their heads. From the Lord to the servants, there were only twenty people. It is true that strangers can’t hide their gossip.

After half an hour, Xu Xiaoyi came out. When he left the city, he said to the Dragon King: "It’s an old fox. I don’t care what I’m doing, and the two officers are not doing anything. It’s no need to make a fuss. I remind him that he is free. When he took the merits of Shangguan’s head, he reluctantly agreed to issue an order and told me that it might not be effective.”

After finishing the ink, Xu Xiaoyi whispered: "What do you see? Is that person really?"

Gu Shen nodded, the guards did not lie, they knew nothing, but several houses around the ink house were emptied, and the ink claimed to be because the sound was too noisy. In the eyes of Gu Shen, those places were just right. It is the best place to guard in the dark.

Gu Shen went on the second day of the night, stayed outside the ink house for an hour, and did not find any signs of dark whistle. After midnight, he decided to take risks.

The guards in Mofu are already exhausted. Gu Shen is very easy to get around them. They are still careful and arrange a lot of retreats in advance.

There was no difference in the front yard. Most of the people in the backyard were already asleep. Only one room was lit with lights, and the figure was shaking on the window.

Gu Shen took a breath and quietly listened to it for a while. The people inside were inked out, and occasionally said nothing to say anything, not like someone else.

Lights went out.

Gu Shen thought for a while, sneaked into the next room, there was no sound inside, but he suddenly had a feeling that the One Step King lived here.

He took a step back and looked at the thin window paper, hesitating to go back and forth.

One arm broke through the window and did not make any sound. The window paper melted instantly.

Gu Shenwei did not retreat, hard to pick up this palm.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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