Death Sutra

Chapter 794: Night drink

Xu Xiaoyi was restless. He grew up in Yuyu City. He heard that Jinpengbao was so powerful and terrible from childhood that he had deep fears about the one-step king. He could not stop the action of the Dragon King, but he could not do nothing.

Four more have passed, the sky is going to light up, Xu Xiaoyi can no longer sit down, pacing back and forth in the house, several times wanting to order his men to go to inquire about the situation, and finally hold back.

Gu Shenwei came back at the last moment before dawn, and went down into the house and fell down. Xu Xiaoyi used all his strength to hold him, and even towed him to the bed.

The dragon's pale face was like a pile of snow at the moment, and even his lips lost color. His eyes stared at Xu Xiaoyi, apparently enduring great pain.

When the matter came to the fore, Xu Xiaoyi calmed down. He knew that the Dragon King had the hidden danger of going into flames. He needed a quiet environment to resist the power, but the situation at the moment was very dangerous. "Is it really a one-step king?"

Gu Shen’s approval for the blink of an eye, he had to bite his teeth to deal with the coldness of the body that is out of control, and can’t tell the difference.

Xu Xiaoyi’s brain has never been so fast. “Don’t think about anything about the Dragon King. I will arrange it properly.”

Xu Xiaoyi’s own place is not safe. He has a number of strongholds inside and outside Tongtianguan, but there is no one who knows and can satisfy the requirements of retreat. He thought for a while, went out and ordered, and let all the men defended several places. According to the point of view, I hope to temporarily confuse the enemy’s search.

However, none of his men could stop the Jinpeng killer. Even if he was surrounded by three circles, he could not protect the safety of the Dragon King. He thought for a while before he made his own claim and decided to ask the Shangguan to come over.

Shangguan seems to have felt that something happened, not only arrived by himself. Dozens of female soldiers will also be brought.

Thousands of female soldiers in the country of Xiangji are still escorting the ladies of all countries. Only a very small number of people meet with the head of the head under the leadership of the red bat.

Shangguan looked through the door and asked Xu Xiaoyi to talk to her in the next room.

"Dragon King can't stay here." Shangguan said.

"Yes, I have an idea. Shangliao and Shule Prince brought 5,000 resurrections. One thousand of them are directly affiliated to the Dragon King. The resident is not far from here. It is about a day away. They are very loyal to the Dragon King. They can protect the Dragon King. Safety."

“Shang Liao is worthy of trust?”

This is a problem. The direct army is more loyal and has to follow the orders of the right general. If Shang Liao wants to put in one or two assassins, no one can stop it.

"What should I do? The place that is closer is Xiaowanguo. It is also the Beiting army stationed there. Can you do it?"

This is also a problem. Shangguan said: "Do you believe me?"

"Dragon King believes in you, and I believe in you."

"Send the Dragon King to Xiaowanguo, Duodu has agreed to release the grain and grass team in Guanzhong, and the Dragon King can be mixed in."

"But the safety on the road..."

"Let Shang Liao and Shule Prince send troops to escort, don't tell them about the Dragon King for the time being. I will follow."

Xu Xiaoyi nodded. Xiaowan’s capital city was closer to Tongtianguan than the nearest military station. It seemed like a good idea to use the cover of the grain team. He quickly calculated it. "Bringing troops to Shang Liao and Shule Prince, and making the necessary arrangements, I am afraid I will not be able to catch up with the team that started this morning."

"Then wait a day, I protect the safety of the Dragon King. You go busy."

The Dragon King was completely handed over to Shangguan, and Xu Xiaoyi was a little uneasy. The right hand unconsciously lifted up and gently rubbed the moustache on his lips. After thinking for a while, he said: "The person who hurts the Dragon King is the one-step king."

"I know." Shangguan Ru actually revealed a smile, so that Xu Xiaoyi felt very uncomfortable in his heart. "The one-step king will not come in person. He is hiding in the ink, and he certainly does not want to know that this time has probably returned to Jinpengbao. It is."

Xu Xiaoyi thinks that the analysis of the ten sons is very reasonable. "If it is just an ordinary killer, the ten sons will definitely be able to deal with it."

Shangguan smiled and nodded. He did not point out an obvious fact: the person who followed the one-step king is definitely not an ordinary killer.

Xu Xiaoyi hurriedly went out. Since Shangguan was brought with a female soldier, it was meaningless to make a suspicion. He withdrew his hands and asked them to take charge of the peripheral warning. He went to see Shangliao and Shule Prince.

Shangguan, if she arranged a female soldier to defend the house, she was familiar with the Jinpeng killer style, so it was arranged very carefully, and even the roof was sent to take turns to monitor.

After everything was done, she sneaked into the Dragon King's room.

Gu Shenwei is working hard to resist cold, the whole body is slightly trembling, the face is white like paper, but a few drops of sweat are oozing out on the forehead. His escape from the fire has been greatly improved, but this time it is coming, it is more serious than he imagined. .

Shangguan looked at the familiar and strange face.

Gu Shen opened her eyes and looked very slowly.

When Shangguan went out, Hung Hom moved to a chair, and she sat in the courtyard, untied the wooden knife and put it on her lap, whispering, "Get the wine."

The red bat obeyed, but took a jug of wine and a tiny cup.

Shangguan did not care, the red bat was full of a cup, and she took it for a long time before she drank it.

Xu Xiaoyi was busy for a morning, things were not very smooth. Right General Shang Liao was very surprised by this sudden request for borrowing. He asked Dong to ask the West, and it took a while to reluctantly agree, and only sent 50 soldiers. "No. More, you know that the main force is in the South, I only have these people."

Prince Shule is better at speaking, but he did not bring in many soldiers. He could only divide 100 people, plus dozens of temporary hired swordsmen, and finally settled 200.

These knives have been personally screened by Xu Xiaoyi. Most of them have cooperated before, at least they are familiar with it, and they will not be faked by Jinpeng.

Next is to find a credible team, but also a lot of time, all the busy is already in the afternoon, Xu Xiaoyi mouth dry, even the water can not care about drinking, still thinking about where there will be loopholes, this is his first time Direct confrontation with the Jinpeng killer, in addition to a little more people, there is no advantage.

Shangguan still slowly tastes wine in the yard, and a small pot goes down less than half. Xu Xiaoyi rushes back and gives himself a few more cups. He shakes the empty jug and presses down the voice and says, "I will send someone later. Click here."

The red bat returned to the room to rest. Not in the yard, Shangguan, like a child who is doing bad things, quickly nodded and agreed. "I let Xiaofeng pick up. If you want to protect, protect it together."

Long Wang and Xiao Fengzhen’s transfer of Meng’s property will not be concealed for too long, and the first place in Yuyu City will soon receive much attention.

"Lv Qiying, do you need protection?"

"For the time being, the One Step King won't care about him."

After all, Lu Qiying is only a car owner. It is not worthy of being alone.

"Tomorrow Dragon King is mixed in his team. Early in the morning, Lu Qiying does not know, Dragon King... Can you act now?"

"should be no problem."

Xu Xiaoyi took a breath and turned his head to look at the setting sun. "It’s coming at night."

Everyone in Saitama City knows what this sentence means: for ordinary people, this is a signal of carnival, and for Jinpeng killer, it is when you open your eyes and kill.

"You don't have to stay here."

"No, I want to stay."

Shangguan looked at Xu Xiaoyi's cheeks and thought that the Dragon King was not a loner. His supporters were even more loyal than the partners around Duo Dun. "But you can't use it here."

Xu Xiaoyi's face is slightly red. But he knows that Shangguan is a good intention. "Well, I will stay outside and be on call."

Shangguan laughed. "First let people send the wine, long nights, I don't want to sit like this."

At the beginning of the night, Shangguan had a small table in front of him. There are four wine jars on the top, which are filled with Prairie Milk, Western Wine, Central Plains Daughter Red and Flower Carving. More than ten wines were lined up from the cup to the bowl, and a few fruits were placed.

Xu Xiaoyi is much more generous than the red bat, and he is not worried that the ten sons will be drunk.

There is only one person in the yard, and her female soldiers are guarded everywhere, and they will arrive at a sound.

Shangguan is drinking very slowly, and more time is used to taste the difference and special features of each kind of wine. I think this is more interesting than a big mouth drink. Soon she understands that there is a suitable drinker to be excited. The enthusiasm of mad drinking, at this moment, accompanied by her only the moon in the sky and the figure on the ground.

The Dragon King will never become a good drinker. Shangguan is quite sorry. He took a wooden knife and danced for a while. He vowed the body's alcohol and sweat. Afterwards, he was so excited that he stared at a row of wine and watched it for a while. Finally, I chose the biggest bowl. I whispered before drinking: "Fortunately, the red bat can't see it."

Drinking a bowl of wine, dancing for a while, the Shangguan is happy, and it is not important to think that there are any friends.

Using internal power to force out the wine is one of her unique skills. She can not only ensure the amount of alcohol, but also avoid the anecdotes after drinking too much. Although it is very wasteful, she is not tired, and even thinks that this is also helpful for the cultivation of internal strength.

She danced the knife and did not have a fixed routine. She was purely happy. She used the dark fragrance that the old man taught her. The left hand was from time to time to practice seven turns and seven points, and the mood was getting better and better.

One more, two more quickly passed, Shangguan decided to control the amount of alcohol, and for more than half of the night, she can no longer let Xu Xiaoyi send wine, and can not be drunk and smoked to protect the Dragon King.

Three more, four more safe and nothing, four altar wines left a little, Shangguan as painful determination, endure not to touch them, the wooden knife in the hand dances faster, under the moonlight, the figure becomes like a faint fog .

"Your knife has improved a lot," said one voice.

The female soldiers hidden in the vicinity immediately acted, and the Shangguan raised his hand to indicate that they stayed in the same place and turned to look at the familiar figure coming out of the Dragon King's room.

"I still can't find your whereabouts."

"With your speed of progress, I will not be able to see you soon. Have you learned anything else?"

"The Book of Nothing is stolen. I have all gone."

"If you open your mouth, I will give you the magic of nowhere. What makes me angry is that you not only carry my books, but also give it to outsiders."

Shangguan laughed. "I know, but I am as afraid of you as everyone else. I dare not speak."

The two men were silent for a while, and the voice became cold when the one-step king opened his mouth again. "You still choose to stand on the side of the Dragon King. You are very clever, even when you cross the sea, when will you send him away?"

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