Death Sutra

Chapter 814: Out of the way

Gu Shenwei put the Wufeng knife on the ground and spread his arms. This made the audience sigh of relief. Fang Wen knew that the Dragon King had something to say, and he swallowed his words very interestingly. //High speed update //

Gu Shenwei spoke to the generals quickly. "The North Court is a powerful country in the world. It only takes one or even less power to determine the survival of the Western Regions. The countries are therefore willing to be vassals and come to seek generations. The alliance, I, Dragon King, is one of them. But what I saw today, I am very disappointed. The splitting of the North Court is an indisputable fact. There are kings and wolves in the outside, and there are strong rivals in the outside. Who can support the owner of the North Court, but not the righteous business, despise the prince of Khan, bullying the weak allies. The general general, the day after the king will be handed over to you, is to fight for a moment?"

The speed is full of red, Xiao Xiao is a native woman, and the name of the old king of sweat, he can not refute, the dragon king is a foreigner he does not like, even dare to speak, can not help but angry, heavy He snorted, "What is the consequence of the alliance with the Dragon King? I personally experienced it. Where were you when the king was killed? Isn’t that Xiaoyuetang and the Dutch woman not brought to Longting?"

When the Dragon King spoke, Fang Wen felt that he needed help, so he squeezed in the crowd and squeaked it to Molin. He glared at him and found no effect. He simply pushed behind him.

With Moline’s martial arts, the ten squares of the news are also unmovable, but he still took two steps to answer the question. The only questions he said were that some people believed that “the generals were wrong. The Moon Hall is not brought to Longting, they are self-recommended. They are mixed into the queue of the Changsheng Master. Dragon King is the victim, like everyone else."

Khan Wang Yiwei’s words are very weighty. Moline did not mention the old Khan, but everyone understands what he meant. The old Khan’s emphasis on and dependence on the Changsheng Master is no secret in the North Court.

The speed is still full of anger, and the Dolcha, who just lost the king, has been tossed. The wine has been almost awake, feeling the strong hostility around, and screaming at the old general, whispering: "The Dragon King is not willing to do it, I don't want this woman to be."

The speed of the head turned to look at the son of the king who was not a weapon with a sharp look. The heart regretted for a while, and Dolcha’s usual boldness was most like Pharaoh. However, at a critical juncture, there is no similarity with his father.

Fang Wen is a smack of the dragon king, indicating that he took the opportunity to find a step, the Dragon King did not see, took a step, said loudly: "The speed general. Xiaoyuetang is the enemy of both you and us, if you wish Alliance, I can't ask for it. If you are self-defeating, you will regard it as an enemy. Although the Dragon Army is weak, there are also tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Although the Western Region is narrow and there are enough places for the Hanghang people to ride, you might as well set the time. Let's fight a dead battle."

Fang Wen was shocked. He thought about what happened to the Dragon King. He usually said it carefully. Today, it seems to be possessed by Xiao Xiao’s possession. His temper is so scary that he looks at the opposite Shangguan and can’t help himself. Sighed.

The woman was expressionless, but her eyes were fixed on the dragon king, as if the people around him did not exist.

"The most important purpose of Xiaoyuetang is to make the world chaos and chaos. They are so good to fish in the water. If the old general does not care..." Fang Wen can only remind him of this level. Otherwise, it seems to be intentionally weak.

The speed of the people looked around, and they thought a few thoughts in their hearts. There was no need for the cooperation of Dolcha, but the son of the king of the day had been frightened, and his face was bloody. There was no gas of the king. The man swiftly waved, "Ha, Xiao Xiao’s big rush to come to be a guest, what are some of the men fighting here? What are the alliances, who will be allied with each other, and the banquet of the Hang people is not over yet, continue! I’m going to ask Xiaorui personally. If you can't get rid of the gas, we will look down on them."

The people quickly deliberately avoided the question of the Dragon King, and did not make a choice in public.

A storm finally ended, but the balance on the surface was completely destroyed. Several parties were eager to analyze the pros and cons, so they went back to the tent.

Soon, Gu Shenwei’s tent gathered a small group of people. Fang Wen was following the Dragon King. Mo Lin was called by him. After a while, Shu Litu did not ask for it. The military teacher felt that it was not enough. With the consent of the Dragon King, I personally went to Shangguanru.

Shangguan is quieter than usual, staying at the door, bowing his head, not much.

Fang Wen is the leader of the talks. He first brought a message. "Doddon took the speed and Dolcha into the tent of Xiao Yu's tent. I don't know what to talk about. I wanted to let Xiao Yu and Nai Hang The family came over and it was a bit bad now."

The idea was originally conceived by Shuli Tu, so he said: "Not necessarily, Duo Duo is not willing to share power with others. This is probably impossible to change. If he wants to use Xiao Xiao's pressure to serve the Hang people, the result will only be It’s the same thing. It’s one thing to lose speed and face. It’s another thing to let him surrender 100,000 cavalry.”

Fang Wen did not refute or agree, but asked: "The speed will come to you sooner or later, how do you plan to answer? Agree with his request, Feng Duocha is the king of the day, the woman is the Hang woman. ?"

Shulitu shrugged, his child's face was full of adult calm, and he glanced at the Dragon King. "There is no other choice."

"The key is, are you going to be sincere or slow?"

Shulitu took another look at the Dragon King. "Of course it is sincere and true. It is better not to be an allied ally."

Fang Wen is a smile, a rare nod. Long Wang decided to leave this child. It is really a very correct decision. The only thing that needs to be guarded is that the Dragon King does not overturn the ship in the gutter.

Moline didn't understand what it meant. He coughed and said, "I know that this has nothing to do with me, but the old Khan Wang was very jealous of the power of the Hang people before he was alive. He once wanted to destroy the day and the king at any cost..."

Shulitu calmly replied, "The old Khan Wang is far-sighted, his idea is correct, but he is jealous of the old king, not the current Dolcha. Dolcha will be a good ally, if the speed Looking for me to form an alliance, I will spare no effort to support Dolce to go to the king on the day."

Moline stunned, although he followed the old Khan Wang for many years. The intrigue between the nobles was still in the fog for him, so he bowed to Shuli. "I am talking too much."

Shulitu smiled. "No, actually, I really need someone who reminds me of the old Khan’s thoughts. It will be a great help."

Fang Wen was cast a warning to the Dragon King, telling him that the struggle to win the hearts of the people has begun inside.

Gu Shenwei didn't care. He would rather choose a dangerous allies who can be alone, and don't want to help. The former needs to be on the lookout. The latter is a gift to the enemy.

"God officials, how come you come?" This question is only suitable for the Dragon King, but I also want to know, but I have never spoken.

Shangguan’s stunned, as if he had been interrupted, “Xiao’s asked me to come, she said... she said she didn’t want to be alone. So... if it’s not convenient, I can leave at any time.”

"No, I just want to know what Xiao Xiao is thinking."

"She wants to marry Dudun, but she doesn't care about it."

"Hey, if Dodon is not a King of Khan?" Fang Wen is very disdainful, and he does not believe in the so-called "love."

"I don't know." Shangguan was smiling. "Xiao Xiaoshi probably thinks that as long as she has her help, Duo Dun will definitely be a King of Khan."

"This woman is not simple." Fang Wen is giving a conclusion. "She may have broken the big thing of Duo Dun and may become our enemy."

Shulitu suddenly laughed and laughed, as if thinking of something very interesting. "The performance of Xiao Xiao's today gave her a shackle. Everyone thought she was strong against the old Khan. It would not be easy to marry Dadun again."

"Small 阏 不会 will not care." Shangguan said that she knew the woman. Xiao Xiaoshi once persuaded Shangguan to marry Dudun. After being rejected, he performed very regretately, but after that, his attitude became very close. .

In order to love her, she will use whatever means.

"Duo Dun cares." Fang Wen, Shu Litu, Long Wang said together, only Moline did not say anything, it seems the same view.

When Shangguan saw the huge difference between himself and the man, he smiled and said: "Maybe, I didn't think about it."

"But Xiao Xiao is still very important. If Duo Dun is not sensible in her, she will lose a lot of support at once. In any case, the Bei Ting people will not like the prince who is dominated by women. Hey, if you can know Xiao Xiao The real idea of ​​the family is just fine.” Fang Wen said carefully, I hope Shangguan is a smart person.

Shangguan began to think wrong, especially the phrase "the prince who was dominated by women". He just wanted to defend and found that the eyes of the four people were all staring at themselves, and they were a glimpse. They immediately understood the hidden meaning in the military commander. "Do you want me to explore the real thoughts of Xiao Xiao?"

She said "you" in her mouth, but her eyes only fell on the dragon king alone.

Fang Wen wanted to answer for the Dragon King, and felt that his position was meaningless. His mouth was a few times, and he coughed twice. One word did not say.

Gu Shen nodded, I don't know why, it was not so difficult to open a female soldier to the country of Xiangji.

Shangguanru laughed again. "Okay, let me give it a try."

Fang Wen was the first to breathe a sigh of relief. "Great, good talk between women and women. Shangguan teaches the head really help, we... Dragon King..."

The military division found that there were too many words, and all of them retired. Shulitu and Moline also left, and Shangguanru stood at the door without moving.

"Is there anything else?" Gu Shen asked.

"Dolcha's business... You are in my head, I am very grateful."

"Nothing, you won't marry him anyway, and you will be offended at the same time."

"Are you sure that I don't want to marry him?" Shangguan was ashamed and his mouth was smiling.

Gu Shenwei feels that the heartbeat is accelerating, and the voice is still as calm as ever. "I just guessed it."

"Oh, sometimes you are really boring." There is no regret and resentment in Shangguanru's tone. "One more thing, have you arranged a lot of people in Saitama?"

"Yeah." Gu Shen was immediately alert to the heart. He sent the old man, the dog, the Shangguanfei, and the south screen to the Yucheng City. Shulitu was just arrived, Hu Shining and the group of young killers were also ordered to sneak into The person who placed Xu Xiaoyi and Han Wuxian included most of his killer power.

"Then you have to be careful, I don't know... I just want to do something, but it must be related to Yuyucheng. Don't ask me for details, it's just a feeling."

Gu Shen knows that Shangguanru’s feelings will not be wrong.

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