Death Sutra

Chapter 815: Inquire

On an open space in the military camp, Tie Ling trained a meeting and Jin and Gu's knife, and tried the yin and yin of Han Wuxian, and found that she still preferd the latter martial arts.

Hehe Jin progressed slowly, and the Dragon King was once in abundance. She must be cautious and steady when she practiced alone. As for Gu’s knife, she has never felt the mystery. The **** is not the same, it seems It is especially suitable for the no-brain magic. Each time it is practiced, both will be enhanced and clearly identifiable, as if two trees were growing in front of them.

However, Tie Lingling still practiced the first two kinds of martial arts with a sweet mood. That is what the Dragon King taught her. It is different and others will not.

When I grow up a little longer, Dragon King will look at me with different eyes. She thinks that the image of Chunan Screen is inexplicably interspersed. She smiles coldly at the illusion and whispers: "When you look at what time you are." ""

"Good knife method." Someone praised.

Tie Ling turned around, a dozen steps away, Shangguan and the red bat are clapping her, she did not find it early.

"What is this knife? Look at a bit familiar." Shangguan asked.

Tie Ling smiled and walked over. She liked Shangguanru. She didn't have any embarrassment. "If my sister is laughing at me, this is what the Dragon King taught me. It is the knife of the Central Plains Gu. I have practiced for a while, I don't think How good."

Shangguan knew why the knife was familiar. The Yang Yangshuai of that year left a deep impression on her mind. So far, Tie Ling’s knife is exactly the same as the old man.

"This is a deep knife. You can slowly understand the mystery. I have seen a master with my own eyes. With this set of martial arts, I have lost several Jinpeng killers."

"And then?" Tie Ling blinked.


Tie Lingling didn't quite believe that "the master was assassinated, isn't it? Hey. Why did the Dragon King let me learn this useless knife?"

"Because normal people hate killers, even those who hire killers are wary of them, and you are a cute little girl, Dragon King is reluctant to let you be a killer."

Tie Lingxiao smiled as bright as the morning. "I am seventeen next year, but it is not a little girl."

The red bat gently taps on the forehead. "Oh, I am twenty-seven next year, don't you want to be an old woman?"

The three laughed at the same time.

"Like my sister, where are you going?"

"Someone invited me to drink, um, do you want to go there?"

"I? Dragon King won't let me drink."

The red bat squatted on the shoulders of Tie Ling. "Does the Dragon King say that when you are 17 years old, you can become a big girl to drink?"

Tie Ling's face was reddish. "I am going, drinking, just like my sister is fine. I am fine."

"And this time drinking is not the same, we still have a task." Shangguan is attached to Tie Ling's ear, "Tell the news for the Dragon King."

"Then I must go." Tie Lingling was even more excited. "What do I need to do?"

Shangguan had this idea after seeing Tie Lingling. "I might show you martial arts. You can make it out of the housekeeping skills."

"Don't kill." The red bat hurriedly added that she was always a bit uneasy about the killer.

"Dragon King also does not allow me to kill." Tie Ling said with dismay, "This is an order that cannot be violated."

Xiao Yu has returned to normal. She successfully saved her position and pressed the leader of the Hang Dynasty. Afterwards, he forgave the speed and Dolcha at the right time, but she knew that the price she paid was not small.

"Who is this little sister? How have I never seen it? Is the country of Xiangji specializing in beauty? I also want to live for a few years." Xiao Yu’s first sight of Tie Linglong, pulling her Look at the hand.

Tie Ling's face is even redder. At the side of the Dragon King and Xiaoyuetang, no one can boast that she looks good, even the first south screen. It’s just a few words of sweet talk, and most of the time it’s the same as wood.

"I am not a person in the country of Xiangji. I am a guardian of the Dragon King, called Tie Lingling."

Xiao Yu was very surprised, sweeping and sweeping around Tie Ling and the red bat. "You two are like sisters, but they are not together with the township."

The two actually don't have much in common, but Tie Lingling has green eyes, and the red bats are similar to the Hu people. In the eyes of outsiders, there are some similarities.

Xiao Yu Shi turned to Shangguan Ru, "The Dragon King hides such a small beauty, you have to be careful."

Shangguan is laughing like a haha. "I came to drink, but it is not jealous. What about wine? I haven’t had a long time to drink."

The banquet started immediately. Xiao Yan’s called two female officials to sit with them. They were all middle-aged women. The old Khan Wang died, nowhere to be, and went to Xiao’s here. It’s a specialty, atmosphere with wine and happiness. So it becomes more active.

Tie Linglong thought that she was just a foil, but she did not expect to become the protagonist. Xiao Yan’s seemed to be particularly interested in her. She kept asking Dong to ask the West, and also took a few knives to see a few eyes, especially curious about what women’s martial arts functions. degree.

"Hey, if you don't have a knife, who can think of you will be martial arts? I always thought that the woman who practiced martial arts is as big as a man." Xiao Yu's nickname is amazing.

"If my sister will also be martial arts, and it is much more powerful than me." Tie Lingling has already drunk a few glasses of wine, and his head is fainting, but his mood is extremely happy, and he is not constrained.

Shangguan Ruan shook his head again and again. "I can't do it. Others beat me. I ran fast. I really wanted to fight back..." She took out her own wooden knife. "This thing can't scare anyone."

Xiao Yu’s ignorance of Shangguan’s martial arts has always felt that she is not as good as the red bat. She is quite convinced of these words and sighs. “You have a female soldier and a dragon king. You don’t have to do it yourself. Instead, it’s me. The power of the chickens, the guards raised are all useless, a bunch of people can not beat one, almost let me be humiliated in public."

Xiao Yu’s still remembers Dolce’s story. The four guards were besieged and they had to be slipped to be able to subdue them. Now she remembers that she is still afraid after a while, and that Dolce is really mad, she is not only face-to-face. Nothing remains, and status and power are affected.

"There are not many guards, and one or two of the best are enough." Shangguanru strongly agrees with Xiao Yan's complaints.

"No, the old sweat king's wing guards are only seven people. The ones he always stays with are only silver sculptures. So, I have to find a way to find a few martial arts high-powered guards."

"You can let Dragon King help." The red bat plugged in.

Xiao Yu’s smile is silent. Tie Linglong knows that he should be on the court, and by boasting his own martial arts, "I am the lowest martial art by the Dragon King, but if I encounter Dolcha, a finger can make him lie on the ground."

The red bat pushed and the two female soldiers smashed. Tie Lingling got up and danced the knife. The killer's knife method was too simple, so she showed Gu's knife method, but it drastically speeded up and violated the original intention. It looked more powerful and powerful, and everyone cheered.

Xiao Yu’s interest is getting higher and higher, and it’s really called four guards. Then, together, they were easily defeated by Tie Lingling, and they did not use a knife, all with a few fingers.

Except for Shangguan, no one can see that the most powerful martial arts of this little girl is actually fingering.

The guards also knew that this was not a real fight, and that they were defeated and thoroughly served. A guard even boldly said: "That Dolce can't look down on a woman. I really hope he can meet a girl."

Xiao Yu’s interest ended here, and the rest of the time indicated that the two female officials kept persuading. Words no longer mention martial arts and guards.

Tie Ling was drunk, fell on the red bat's leg and slumbered, and occasionally uttered a sentence in his mouth. "Not convinced to fight again."

"She has never had such a lot of wine." The red bat said with affection, "I will send her back to rest."

The red bat was holding up with Ling Ling, and Xiao Yu’s commanded two female officials to help. Her female slaves quickly cleaned up the table, refilled the wine, and quit the tent with interest.

There were only two people left, and Xiao Yu suddenly sighed. "I really envy you."

"Envy me?"

"When you are humiliated, a man stands up for you. I want to be in my own eyes. I am shameful. I am willing to exchange everything for you."

Shangguan has a little pride and bitterness in his heart. "This man is willing to stand up for me, but will never return for me. I am the daughter of Jinpengbao. He and Jinpengbao have a deep hatred that cannot be solved."

Xiao Yu heard about some things, but did not ask, staring at the wine glass in front of him. "Dragon King will agree to send me a guard? Like Tie Lingling."

"Yes, but I have to see what exchanges Xiaolan takes."

The drunkenness of both of them disappeared.

Xiao Yu’s suddenly took the hand of Shangguan’s at the table. “I used to be very confident. I thought that the status of the man is higher. I can control it in my hands. Now I am a bit confused. I have to say that power is more tempting than women. What should I do? Silent dedication, help him seize power, or... simply let him have no power and no attachment to me?"

"You are a small ,, qualified to choose between the two."

Xiao Yan smiled. "And you silently give, is the Dragon King let you come to me?"

The banquet was initiated by Xiao Yan, but she understood the Shangguanru’s intentions early in the morning.

In the tent in the distance, Tie Ling was drunk on the couch, and his mouth was upside down. The names of Long Wang, Xiaochu, Nie Zeng, such as sister, Han Wuxian and so on were entangled.

The red bat sat next to her, feeling both funny and suspicious, thinking that she was still a little girl after all, and the outsiders could hear clearly, but she did not know which one she really loved.

Until Tie Ling’s breathing was steady, no longer talking nonsense, the red bat left, and a female alcoholic needs her care.

It’s already dark outside.

Tie Linglong sat up fiercely. She basically forgot about the things after drunkenness, but remembered that she seemed to have some thoughts that should be secret. She was embarrassed to ask the red bat, so she quietly followed and wanted to hear the red bat. What does Shangguan say?

She gently put her ear on the tent, heard the laughter of Shangguanru, did not get drunk, could not help wonder if the two were laughing at themselves, but the red bat quickly came out, it seems that it is not chewing the tongue.

Tie Lingling feels a little relieved and slowly withdraws. In order to avoid a team of patrol guards, she has been in the shadow for a while, so that she will occasionally see someone enter the tent of Shangguanru.

The man's movement is obviously a killer, but it is definitely not a dragon king.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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