Death Sutra

Chapter 898: Ten children

Zhang Wei, who has taught ancient books in the old castle, has plenty of time to design a clear path for the future: the one who provides power to him on the top is the one-step king and Jinpengbao, and the north court that rushes to the front. With the Central Plains, alongside him is his favorite student Shangguan Yun, who never looks back at the followers and losers.

On this road, Huannu is nothing but a smoky, even less important than Shangguanhong who has been used by him for a while.

Therefore, in the face of the Dragon King, Zhang Hao couldn't help but feel mixed. The Huanuo of the year did not fall behind him, but he needed to look up and look up. The stigma contained in it even made him restless.

But he will not show it. Zhang Huan is Zhang Wei. Even though his heart is full of waves, his face is still quiet. Although the road he designed has been destroyed beyond recognition, he still has the opportunity to completely defeat the Dragon King when he has not gone to nowhere.

"You are my enemy." Zhang Wei said.

Only those who know the gentleman very well can make a compliment in the words. Gu Shen is one of them, so he bowed his tribute. "I am honored to be able to achieve this status."

"You want to ask me for advice. First answer me a question, honestly, you can't have a half-false."

Zhang Wei still can't change the habit of teaching. Long Wang is always the student in his eyes who regularly gives wine and occasionally humbly asks for advice.

"I have more lies than the truth, but for Mr. Zhang, I will break the case once."

"Well, you can rest assured, I don't ask about your future. I just want to know how you got around the army of the Luo Luo and then rushed into the Chinese army. It takes a very complicated plan. I have to have the ability to look at the whole situation. I don't believe it - there is no need for it - there are such people in the Dragon King."

The simplest and most direct answer: it is a miracle.

The battle of the thousand rides was full of accidents and accidents from beginning to end. Gu Shenwei had spent a lot of energy investigating the conspiracy and wrestling that took place at the battlefield. The result was still in the fog, only the most obvious traitors could be dug up. As for their influence on the war, they never understood. .

Zhang Wei raised a difficult question to answer. Gu Shen did not want to lie, and did not want to throw out the simple mysterious answer. He thought for a while and said: "I have planned with the military general. But I have not been able to implement it completely. My initial thought was to block Rolo’s attack and prove that he was not unbeatable to boost morale, and then waited for the winter to arrive. He was behind the army of Luo Luo. Even the Chinese army was not in the original plan. The truth is ,I'm lost."

Zhang Wei listened to this incredible answer, grabbed the teacup on the table, sipped as much as drinking, and then laughed a few times. The expression became relieved. "It turns out that it is..."

A burden in Zhang Xin’s heart has finally been relieved. “I thought... forget it. The Dragon King is honest, I have to be polite, talk about your doubts, be more detailed. Don’t cover up, that’s only Will confuse me, not give you an idea."

Zhang Wei is proud of his own wisdom and eyesight. When he learned from the Dragon King that the Qianqiguan fiasco had nothing to do with the strategy, confidence came back.

Gu Shenwei felt that she was telling the truth, but did not fully express the real experience of the war. Lost and miraculous are the overly simple answers. There are no Longmen soldiers who have vowed to follow him. The unstoppable attack, even without the resistance of Man and Xiao’s troops in the left wing, is impossible for the Shulitu Army to win.

It’s too complicated to list everything, and Gu Shen finally chose to go around. He said the information he got from Mrs. Meng. “I don’t believe her, but I can’t think of it, Mrs. Meng’s frame. What is my means and what is the purpose? She has fallen out of favor with the One Step King, and betrayed me to the Central Plains, and provoked my struggle with the defending, almost sinning the possible backing, what benefits can she get? ?"

"You think that I am against Mrs. Meng, so I will help you out?"

"Yes." Gu Shenwei need not say more, Mrs. Meng's means of dealing with the enemy knows that her loss of favor shows that the adultery is exposed, but behind the scenes is the operation of Zhang Wei, the teacher will not be unprepared.

"I persuaded the king to kill this woman. After a hundred, he did not agree. I thought that if the army of Luo Luo can be brought back to the Western Regions, the weight of the speech will be more sufficient. It will be easier to get rid of Mrs. Meng. I didn't saved her."

"Well, the result is unintentional, so she won't be grateful to me."

"Will the defending champion kill you?" Zhang Wei asked, he had begun to think about the possible conspiracy. This is his preference, even if he is helping the enemy, he must do his best.

"I have some personal grievances with him."

"Do you suspect that he hired a killer to assassinate his family?"

"Possibly, but the defending and the One-Step King don't seem to be particularly close, so I suspect he is just an insider. Anyway, I killed his son and he wants revenge."

"It’s revenge." Zhang Yi dismissed a sentence. He’s the same as Fang Wen’s. He felt that it was the burden of the emperor’s hegemony. “Mrs. Meng’s own man’s own assassination of the Central Plains envoy, but will Responsibility is pushed to defending?"


"In fact, if you can really prove that the ambassador is the defending, it is a good thing for Saitama, for the entire Western Region."

"I suspect that when defending Ms. Meng asked for help, she already thought of this and would definitely take precautions."

"This is a trap." Zhang Wei said affirmatively, "I don't know the defending, but I know that Mrs. Meng is not as weak as you think. The Lord forgives the ten sons, and will forgive his wife sooner or later, so you said Meng. The lady is out of favor, not exact. It is only temporary. I believe she still has a plan. She hopes to regain the favor of the king. At the very least, she will take Shangguanfei back to Shibao."

"This is not easy. It is easier for the single step king to accept Mrs. Meng than to accept Shangguanfei."

Shangguanfei’s character and hobby are the biggest obstacles for him to return to Shibao, and the One Step King cannot turn a blind eye to it.

"Unless..." Zhang Wei pondered for a moment, "unless the king has only one son left."

"Shangguanyun." Gu Shen immediately thought of the three young masters who were arranged by him in Xiaowan.

Zhang Wei sighed for a long time. "The three young masters let the king disappointed. To tell the truth, I also feel a little disappointed. He has lost his fighting spirit and would rather surrender to the Dragon King than to fight. Meng will still get rid of him sooner or later. But will not list him as the most important goal at the moment."

The son of the One Step King is either dead or wounded, unless there is another illegitimate child, Gu Shen can only think of one person left, "The son of Luo Ning tea?"

"Shangguancheng, he is called Shangguancheng, this year... It’s four or five years old. I haven’t seen him. It’s said to be very clever. There is a prophecy in Shibao that is called “Cross into the King” or “Ten of the King”. In short, in the 'ten', the king seems to believe it in particular. The ten son is a tomboy, not counting it, Shangguanhong - the king has never wanted to admit him, nor is it counted, so the son of Luoning tea is the first Ten sons, his name was taken by the One Step King himself. This 'cheng' word has already indicated his attitude."

"He is only one...not much bigger than a baby." Gu Shenwei felt a little unbelievable.

"When a person stays at a high place for a long time, and no one cares about it, he always believes in the set of things. The victory of the Dragon King 'Lost' is several times, and he will believe it. The Lord is like this, I can understand, But persuaded not to move, he is convinced that this little child will inherit the king."

When a person falls to the bottom of the valley, he will believe in the destiny when he is helpless. Gu Shen remembers how obsessed with looking for "the god" when he was just a family.

The highest and the lowest have a wonderful similarity. Gu Shenwei sent a small emotion in his heart and immediately turned to the crisis in front of him. "So Shangguan Chengcai is the biggest obstacle to Shangguanfei's return to Jinpengbao."

"At least in Mrs. Meng’s opinion." Zhang Yan’s fingers were soaked in water, and he was drawn on the table. I didn’t know what to write, but the idea was not interrupted. “But she didn’t dare to do it. First, the Lord likes it. The youngest son, second, hey, I didn’t expect Zhang Yan to say this. The beauty of Luo Ning tea is huge. Even the king wants to use it. This is also the amulet of Shangguancheng."

Gu Shen can imagine that as long as Jinpeng Fort is strong again, Luo Ning tea will slam back to the side of the one-step king and offer all the gains she has won.

"So Mrs. Meng wants to take away the Luoning tea by someone else's hand, but she still can't move Shangguancheng."

Zhang Wei shook his head. "Ten Zicheng" is actually an eleventh stroke. However, Shangguancheng is the tenth son on the surface. It is actually the eleventh. Can he really become a king? Hey, things can’t be thought of, the more you want to Confused, I am about to believe in that messy thing."

Zhang Wei said a strange word, wiped the water on the table, looked up at the Dragon King, and his eyes became cold and severe. "There is a rumor that although it is not widely spread, there are many people who know it, saying that the Dragon King was in the stone. In the fort and seven little grandmothers, the limit of the master and servant is exceeded, and things that should not be done."

"This is the city of Saitama, and the rumors will be produced again. No few people take it seriously." Gu Shenwei did not promise to tell the truth in this matter.

"You don't need too many people to be serious, as long as you can let the king believe, or even just doubt, the purpose of Mrs. Meng has been reached: to clear the obstacles to Shangguanfei back to the stone fort, if you can just remove the dragon king, it is a stand The great merits of the project are a hundred times more than a thousand times better than the defeated military division."

Zhang Wei took the tea and said it was a drop-off.

Gu Shenwei got up and said goodbye, and my heart was clearer than when I came.

Zhang Wei and Mrs. Meng are deadly enemies, but his analysis is not biased. Gu Shenwei wants to understand where his mistakes are. Luo Ningcha, the ignorant Luoning tea is the core of the whole conspiracy.

Seeing that the Dragon King left the pub, Zhang Wei also understood one thing: the Dragon King can win because he knows how to use the power of the enemy, and this is the reason he taught to the slaves.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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