Death Sutra

Chapter 899: Enemy

I heard that the Dragon King only took two followers to see the Tianshan Zongjun division. Zhong Heng was shocked. "Excuse me, the Dragon King’s move...somewhat rash. Although it is now a truce, Jinpengbao may still turn its face and then look for it. Responsibility, defending will only thank the one-step king, not resentment."

"Zhang Wei did not dare to kill me at Tianshan Zong's rudder, because he knew very well that the armistice agreement was reached under the supervision of the Central Plains. The defending champion would then thank 'the one-step king, and he would kill one person to plug the mouth. Zhang Wei also counted on me to defeat Mrs. Meng."

"Can you not punish him alone? After all, he wasted a great opportunity."

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "The one-step king needs Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei will also find an excuse to explain."

Zhong Heng still thinks that Long Wang is too adventurous. Although he has been in Saitama City for a few years, he knows very little about the relationship in Jinpeng Fort. He can't help but shake his head again and again. "Is this Zhang Wei and Ms. Meng's hatred so deep? Even better than foreign enemies. Joining hands? One-step king... It’s really hard to believe that this kind of thing will happen around him, but I can understand that Jinpeng Fortress has been strong for decades and there must be a lot of hatred inside. Hey, Zhongyuan, Beiting, Western countries Even the little Jinpengbao can escape the shackles of civil strife, which is one of the important reasons why I have to rely on the Dragon King."

Zhong Heng took the opportunity to take a small shot, but Gu Shen was very clear in her heart. There was a kind of grievance and hatred around him. The reason why it was not so obvious was that his power had just been formed for many years. Prophecy to him: If you win several times, the Dragon King will believe in destiny.

The Dragon King will not only believe in the destiny, but also form the imperial court and appoint officials. The people around him will inevitably get more and more, and then he will have to balance and use one faction to suppress the other. This is what the old Khan Wang did. This is also the case in the Central Plains. When Gu Shen was in the Jinpeng Baibaiyuan to accompany Zhang Wei to organize the files, I found that the single-step kings of the past were playing the same tricks.

Gu Shen treats this kind of thing calmly and quietly. He does not make any judgments. In fact, he is already trying to balance the various people around him. When he has captured Saitama City and Jinpeng Fort, he has to work to create a more precise balance.

Now, he only wants to beat his opponent in a short battle.

"No matter what. Zhang Wei provided valuable advice. He knows the one-step king and understands the internal situation of Jinpengbao. This is something that no one else can match." Gu Shenwei did not praise the wisdom of the enemy counselors in the face of Zhong Heng. .

Indeed, Dragon King is back safely. Unscathed, it will be dawning, and Zhong Heng has nothing to say about it. So he coughed twice and began to report his achievements. "I have seen the Central Plains deputy and revealed a little to him. He Very interested. The envoy was assassinated. As a deputy, he not only sneaked out of the Western Regions, but did not receive any credit. He may have to take some responsibility, so he is willing to dig up the locusts and make a contribution."

The smudges of defending a large number of bets are temporarily not used, Gu Shenwei said: "Let me talk about that Zhang You."

"Zhang You is not simple. The deputy told me that Zhang You was named as the emperor and he was a servant. There was no power in the palace. He was very arrogant in the envoys. Ma Lian was very polite to him before he was a child. He never regarded him as a man. The waiter looked at it. If I guessed it well, Ma Lian has changed from neutral to the Queen Mother, but I did not expect that she will still be a victim."

Gu Shen nodded, and my heart was more numerous.

"As for the plan to defend the defending, I also have a guess." Zhong Heng continued to say, knowing that it is possible to list all kinds of possibilities by himself, and then correct it by the Dragon King. "Under normal circumstances, the Dragon King will accuse the Western Regions of the guards from hiring a killer from Nancheng. However, if evidence is needed, it is only necessary to say the name of Mrs. Meng. In this way, the one-step king will be nervous and naturally stand on the side of defending."

"The next step is to confront the quality. In order to wash the suspects, the defending will invite more fair witnesses, such as the sorghum of the four sangha. May may call Mrs. Meng, or may not. In short, Mrs. Meng will deny her The Dragon King said those words. Whenever Shangguanfei will stand on which side, it will be judged by the Dragon King himself."

"Furthermore, Mrs. Meng, the one-step king, and the defending champion will work together to lead the killer to Mrs. Luo, and the Dragon King. The one-step king will fill in the indignation and even take a shot in public, and everyone will forgive him afterwards. After all, it is Dragon King. In the end, the one-man king killed the dragon king, and Mrs. Meng removed Mrs. Luo and her son, and the defending officer reported a big hatred, and all of them got what they wanted."

Zhong Heng’s inference is reasonable, although he can’t guess some details. For example, how to make everyone believe that the murderer is Luo Ning’s men, how to imprison the Dragon King, and pull out the “sexuality” of the two people, but probably Have it already.

Gu Shenwei can't be more detailed than speculation. "If I don't mention the assassin, I will push the responsibility to Zhang You? This will not lead Mrs. Meng."

"The key is evidence. I guessed that he was a leaker based on Zhang You’s status. But there is no way to say this. There is no direct evidence."

Zhong Heng is right, Gu Shenwei has no way. "There is only one way left."

Zhong Heng thought about it for a while. In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart. He had many years of experience telling him that he had to rush to give advice when he offered advice. However, some words still have to be said by Dragon King himself. "Dragon King does not violate any Promise and agreement."

"Yes, I just need to sit back and let the one-step king lead the real murderer to Xiaoyuetang, and then the Dragon Army and Jinpengbao will join forces to chase the lotus girl."

When the Dragon King said that "to chase the lotus girl", the tone was so dull, and Zhong Heng was relieved. "There is an unpredictable disadvantage. A Xiaoyuetang district, regardless of how many women have secretly done in the Central Plains. They are all unknown people, pushing the charges on their heads, may not calm the anger of the Central Plains court, or will send troops into the Western Regions."

"Look at Xiao Wang's business, but after this matter is resolved, I want you to immediately return to Xiaoyaohai to assemble the army, and send people to Loulan, the easternmost part of the country, to inquire about the news. If the Central Plains army really wants to come, the Dragon Army must preemptively win. Saitama City."

"Follow the order." Zhong Heng succumbed to the promise, the Dragon King's decision is correct, as for a few months of wasted, delaying the attack on Yuyu City, there is no way to do things, there are better choices, always have to work hard.

There are 10,000 Jinpeng troops outside Yuyu City, one or two thousand in Qianqiuan, and 20,000 in the Central Plains. However, there are 10,000 of them in the singularity of the Central Plains. It is possible to maintain neutrality. There are 20,000 troops controlled by the Dragon King. Can also provide three or four thousand, Shule country may be more ... Zhong Heng has begun to calculate the military strength of both sides, I feel that the plan to seize the city is still feasible.

It was dawn, and it was nearly two hours away from the three-day deadline. The defending people sent people to send letters, hoping that they would meet in the four sangha blues at noon, and Gu Shen agreed.

I traced the clues day and night, but the result was just to find out the enemy's traps and avoid them. Gu Shen was disappointed. As for the Xiaoyuetang and the Dutch women who would be sacrificed, he didn't have much thought. Their Crazy plans are a threat to everyone, and they have to be eradicated sooner or later.

After the lotus girl completes the martial arts, the strength will rise sharply. It may not be as invincible as Han Wuxian said, but it is enough to escape alone. No one can stop her.

Gu Shenwei is still somewhat guilty about her teaching the dead man’s swordsmanship. Although it is a modified sword, and most people learn from the wild horses, the source is a lotus girl, at least two people. , Mustang and Shangguan Hong, learned "Xiaoyue Jianfa" from her.

Gu Shen gave birth to a childish ambiguity in his heart. He thought that he and the lotus girl's swords were irreplaceable. There are indications that the Dutch women are cultivating more suitable partners.

As usual, he did not let himself think too much, and he worked alone in the tent to drive out the tiredness.

After half an hour, Tie Linglong came back. She was ordered to go to see Luo Ning tea and bring back a lot of news.

"That woman." Tie Ling said with anger, I can't imagine how there would be such a nasty woman in the world, and the men are eager to go. "She said that the armor given by the dragon king is too old, the style is not uniform, it is not as good as the original Something, she has no face to see her men, let you think again, and say that if Xiao Wang is there, he can certainly do better. It is really mad at me."

"Don't care about her." Gu Shen sent the equipment to Tieshan for obeying his promise, but Xiaoyaohai and Shuleguo were expanding their army. The number of troops increased sharply, and the arms were nervous. They could not provide the golden light and uniformity of Luoning tea. Armor with full of prestige.

Tie Linglong did not want to care about her, but a fire in her heart could not go down. If the Dragon King ordered her not to do it, she would teach the greedy woman. "And then I asked her if there was any recent camp in Tieshan. People, she didn’t even know anything, she would say 'my three thousand iron rides'."

The Tieshan army is in its infancy, and even the horses are not complete. In the imagination of Luoning tea, it is still "three thousand iron rides."

Tie Lingling complained a few words and found that he was becoming embarrassed and hurriedly turned to the topic. "Tieshan's 'General' is quite familiar with the situation. He said that there are about a thousand soldiers in the Tieshan Army because of Jinpengbao. The reason was only joined. Since the army returned to Mrs. Luo, almost every day, soldiers fled, and the roots could not stop. He did not want to stop. I asked him about the situation of young soldiers. He said that about two months ago, it was thousands. Shortly after the end of the battle of riding the gate, when Xiao Wang asked the one-step king to return the Iron Mountain to the original owner, a group of teenagers joined the army, probably more than 20 people. He remembered very clearly, because the group of teenagers were different, very silent, martial arts It’s very good, but it’s not very good to ride a horse. They are now the guards of Mrs. Luo and they look very loyal, but they ran five people at seven or eight days ago.”

"Five people?" Gu Shen was a little surprised.

"Well, Mrs. Luo doesn't know about it now, no one dares to tell her."

When the assassination of the Central Plains was killed by Shangguan Hong, there were still four left. Gu Shen guessed that the four teenagers would probably be the witnesses who would accuse Luo Ning Tea and Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei suddenly raised a thought, can you sacrifice yourself to escape the trap?

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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