Death Sutra

Chapter 918: Climbing

Stepping on the knee-deep snow, Shangguanhong looked up at the black hole, and his heart burst into anger. "It should be here, it may be frozen. ※※

A few years ago, Shang Guanhong accidentally heard a secret from Mrs. Meng. There was a straight down road in Shibao, which led to the river at the bottom of the cliff, in order to use the water in a critical moment.

For two days, Shangguanhong walked around the river valley for almost half a lap and finally found it. The hole was three or four feet away from the frozen river. It looked not too big. In fact, it was thicker than the commonly used water tank. The shape shows some traces of the artificial carving.

In order to find it, Shangguanhong’s neck is about to break.

From the bottom of the cliff to the absolute look, high not to see the top, fearing that there are more than a thousand feet high, climbed along such a small cave, Shangguan Hong thinks chilling, secretly pray that the Dragon King must not choose himself.

Gu Shenwei did not bring too many people, Shangguanhong, Mu Laotou and five Hu Shining trained killers, a total of only eight people.

The old man also looked up and looked at himself. He thought that he was small and exquisite. The Dragon King would bring his own purpose. So he said first: "It is quite suitable for me to see the size of the hole. But let me first say that I have no use for this passage. After that, maybe there is a snake and reptile inside. If I accidentally scream, it is not timid, nor is it to report to the people on the mountain."

Gu Shen took a few steps back, so that you can observe the situation of the cliff. "This passage is not all cut out."

"Yes, some of it is made of clay against the cliffs. I said, the one-step king is not a god. How can it be such a long hole? But for many years, the mud is estimated to become a stone. The old man responded quickly.

"Go and see it."

The old man nodded. Suddenly understood, "Dragon King wants me to go up and see?"

"You are better at lighter work."

"Thank you for the king's praise." Wood old man said with a bitter face, "But I haven't practiced the ability to drill holes, or I can't see the hole in the head."

"Most of this passage should be made of mud, without drilling holes, and climbing up outside."

"That's also dangerous. If it falls, it won't be found in a complete body."

Gu Shen did not intend to persuade him to make a circle of rope and two long and thick nails. Stuffed into the old man's head, "Ready?"

The old man is helpless, "Dragon King, let me say first, in case I have a three-length and two short. You can't forget me when you talk about it in the future. Even if you are chasing it, you have to give me an official position. As for the silver medal - 唉I have never done a few good things in my life, you will help me to help the poor, and tell them who the money is..."

The old man’s cockroaches will not end, and Gu Shen grabbed him with both hands. Throw it up.

The old man yelled in the air, but he easily jumped over the hole and stabbed the nails in the hand. "Hey. It's really not a stone."

The old man was hanging on the cliff, and a few pieces of gravel fell from the hole. Shangguanhong picked it up and smashed it into powder. Excited to say: "The Dragon King guessed it was right, hehe. It is aging."

The old man slanted the rope on his shoulders, holding a nail in each hand, struggling to climb up, and when he encountered the right terrain, he showed his light and leaps and quickly became a black dot.

There were not many places, the black spots gradually became larger, and the old man was down again. It was wise not to jump to the ground immediately, but to condescend to say: "If you find something, you must first say something to the Dragon King."


"The hole is very clean, there is a chain, you can climb up..."

"Don't move it." Gu Shen ordered, fearing to alarm the people above.

"Oh." The old man climbed up again.

When the old man was nearly disappearing, Gu Shenwei said to Shangguan Hong and the five killers: "You stay here, don't move, don't let outsiders get close."

Without risk, Shang Guanhong breathed a sigh of relief and said hurriedly: "Yes, Dragon King, we will not move in one step."

Gu Shenwei can jump directly on the light, but he still climbs the gap in the cliff according to his former habits.

The wall of the cave was pierced by a wooden old man with a nail, and Gu Shenwei saved a lot of trouble.

If the Great Wilderness Gate knew that there was such a passage, there would be no need to prepare a large number of nails.

After a few dozen heights, Gu Shenwei saw a big gap, apparently long ago, revealing the chain that the old man said. Gu Shen gently touched it and found no rust on it. It indicates that Jinpengbao has been maintaining this passage.

As the altitude rises, the wind becomes stronger. Gu Shen has become careful and has kept a barely visible distance from the old man, trying not to use jumping action.

After nearly two hours, Gu Shenwei looked up and saw a protruding stone platform, guessing that the above is probably Jinpeng Fort.

The old man in the wood squatted in a shallow depression, and said to the dragon king under his feet: "At the end of the day, the rest of the section is really a stone hole, what should the Dragon King plan to do?" He had long discovered that the Dragon King was behind.

"Wait for the darkness." Gu Shenwei said that playing the striker with the old man is the most risky place for this action. He has not trusted this magical head, but there is not much choice.

The old man has tied the rope to his waist and threw the other end to the Dragon King. "Hey, we are really two heroes on the rope..."

Gu Shenwei also tied the ropes, and found a place to accommodate the feet nearby. Standing on the wall and listening to the ears, except for the sound of the wind, there was no movement.

The old man in the wood stared at the dragon king intently. His face looked like a smile. "Is the Dragon King getting the dead in Jinpengbao?"


"People are not as good as days, and they have their own will. The Shangguan family occupied the secret that Jinpengbao had not discovered for nearly a hundred years. It was actually taken by the Dragon King. Hey, what is going on?"

"You are not convinced?"

"How dare I?" Wood old man's eyes widened, revealing a hurtful look. "I just want to say that the Dragon King's luck is really good, how many times he died, and the dead man passed the sword."

Gu Shenwei did not say anything.

The old man refused to shut up, and turned to look at the sun that had fallen halfway. "We are in the northeast of Jinpengbao. Is the Dragon King familiar with this film?"

The northeast should be the scope of the inner house. Gu Shenwei has never been there. "Alright," he said.

"After going up, the Dragon King has already thought about it, isn't it?" After waiting for a while, the old man asked himself, "Of course, the Dragon King has never been unprepared."

Quiet for a moment, the old man seems to suddenly think of something. "There is a small problem, I always wanted to ask the Dragon King."


"You told me that there are several kinds of practice methods for the dead. Indeed, the dragon king and the lotus girl are obviously the same kind of swordsmanship. They are completely different when they are displayed. They usually don't melt together, and they can combine swords and swords when they are facing the enemy. - Really weird, is there any secret?"

"You are very interested in the dead man?"

"Oh, curious, Dragon King knows, I like to study martial arts. How can I not be interested in the martial arts of such a deep and mysterious death?"

"There is no secret." Gu Shenwei said that he did not know why he could fit with the Dutch sword. "I believe this sword is the same."

I am very satisfied with this somewhat perfunctory answer. I am nodded. "I believe in swordsmanship. This is probably the most difficult step in the cultivation of the dead. Hey, has the Dragon King thought about it? One person adopts two methods at the same time, his own sword. What about the merger? Is it not as great as Xiaochu?"

Gu Shen is a glimpse. He has never had this idea. "One heart may be used twice, but the belief must be unique. The two methods are not confident about which method."

"It makes sense." The sky is getting darker, and the old man has completely hidden into the cliff. He can only determine his existence through ropes and sounds. "But since the dead have a variety of training methods, there are two suitable for simultaneous cultivation. ”

Gu Shen kept silent, then said coldly: "Break this thought."

“What thoughts?” Wood old man asked in surprise. “Do you think of two practice methods? I just think about it...”

"You will never get a dead man."

"Hey, Dragon King always thinks that I am so greedy, I am purely curious, really. But... what Shangguanhong and the wild horse count, can actually learn the dead."

"Do you want to go to the lotus girl?"

"The evil woman?" Wood old man had eaten the suffering of the lotus girl, and she was filled with indignation when she mentioned her. "If she kneels down and asks me, I don't want her dead man."

"The wild horses who study the dead are incomplete, and there are likely to be hidden dangers."

"It’s too much like a woman can do, so say, she doesn’t touch anything she touches. The woman’s heart is very deep, so she won’t lose money.”

Gu Shenwei agrees with the old man, but he has never thought about what the Dutch woman will send Han Fen to her side.

The sky is completely dark, the moonlight is bright, Gu Shen is pulling the rope, indicating that the old man is walking with himself. He has chosen a safe route to bypass the obstacles on the top of the head and climb from the other side.

Gu Shenwei returned to Jinpengbao again. Through the moonlight, he saw a wasteland. Only a solitary stone house was built on the edge of the cliff. More than a hundred steps were the towering stone walls.

He has no impression of it.

The two untied the ropes and stalked along a solid snowy road, and the old man finally closed his mouth.

There was a locked portal on the wall. Gu Shen did not try to open it. She crawled slowly along the stone wall. The old man was not so cautious and jumped to the top of the wall twice.

There is a narrow alley in the wall, and there are two independent small houses on both sides, which are very similar to the residence of Master Dongbao Killer.

Without the light, Gu Shenwei can feel that many people live in the yard.

Here is the residence of the Qing noodles, Gu Shenwei suddenly understands.

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