Death Sutra

Chapter 919: Thick sword

The courtyard is small and the walls are high, like a half-thick chimney. Literature wxba

He is a green face, standing in such a courtyard, slightly lowering his head, holding a sword that is not common in Jinpengbao, and occasionally stabbing it, it seems that he is not satisfied at one time.

For three days, the sword of the Central Plains did not have a trace of his mind in his mind. Instead, it became clearer because of the strengthening over and over again.

The sword of the Central Plains is very fast, but it is not so fast that it can't be avoided.

The sword of the Central Plains is very stable, but the vast majority of the green noodles that persist in practicing the sword for more than ten years can probably reach this level.

The sword of the Central Plains is very accurate, unbiased, and the target is in the throat, but for the green face, this is the basic skill of getting started.

Only one thing, the green face saw it, but it could not be done: the post-production.

As the ultimate killer, the best skill of Green Face is to find the first opportunity. The killer does not have an advantage in the face-to-face competition. I am afraid that I will not find the opportunity, and the public opinion will be made after the public; but the swordsmanship of the Central Plains is different. In the state of the move, it is firmly in the upper hand.

Thousands of miles apart, there has never been contact, and the swordsmanship of the Central Plains is just the trick to restrain the Western killers.

"He must have a peculiar way of judging in order to see through it in a flash." Qing said loudly, the sound slammed into the wall and swayed back into his ear as if another person was talking to himself.

The courtyard next door is empty, and in the next courtyard, another green face stands.

He held a narrow knife and suddenly jumped forward, stabbing the wooden target outside the seven-step, and immediately retreating after hitting, and the look seemed less satisfied.

This celebrity has an audience and stands almost everywhere. Followed him one step forward and back, his face was weak and pale after the injury, and his right arm was out of the palm, she did not cover it.

Qian Qian shook his head. "It's still not right. The Dragon King's knife is not only fast, but unexpectedly fast. When I play against him, almost every move feels unprepared."

Chimney-like courtyards one after another. There are more than 30 vacant people, and there are more than 30 people living in the house. Dozens of people are practicing in their own right: 13 people imitate Luo Qikang, seven people imitate the dragon king, and five people imitate the lotus girl. The three people imitated the first Nanping, the slaughter dog and the Beiting people Molin, and four people stood in the same place, and did not move for a long time, I do not know what to do.

The old man slowly became indignant by surprise, and finally walked out of the place where the green face lived. He whispered: "The one-step king didn't even put me in the eye! The guy who sent the old dog is also worth learning? This... ... really mad at me."

Gu Shenwei did not relax his vigilance, indicating that the old man was banned.

The purpose of imitation is not to learn. But to find loopholes, whether it is a contest or a assassination can be used, this is one of the plans of the One Step King.

Gu Shenwei looked for a moment in the darkness and waved to the old man around him. Said he would go back.

This time, he sneaked into an uninhabited courtyard where the old man was blowing outside.

The courtyard is deep and the moonlight can hardly come in. Gu Shen kept a half-squatting posture and took care of it for a while. Quietly walked into the only room.

The door was half-covered, the room was dark, and even the killer who used to go to the night became the same as the blind.

But Gu Shenwei is sure that no one in the house, his ears are extremely sharp in the killer.

Gu Shen turned left as soon as he entered the door and marched against the wall.

On the first lap he figured out the size of the house. The strange thing is that the house is semi-circular, all made of stone, which is much smaller than the outside, indicating that the wall is very thick.

On the second lap, he walked a little slower, carefully rubbing on the stone wall, and finally confirmed that the roughness on the top was not naturally formed, but the artificially carved lines, all of which were humanoid patterns with knives. It is much wider than a narrow knife.

Gu Shenwei remembered a young face he had known before, and Xiaoyuetang was not easy to put in the spears of the Jinpeng Fort. She is only loyal to Han Wuxian, there is no need to hide secrets for the One Step King, but she never mentioned these humanoid patterns...

Outside the door opened, the old man seemed to have no time to give an early warning. Gu Shen had no choice but to climb up the stone wall quickly.

Compared with the small area, the wall is very high. After two or three or four feet, it is the roof. There are no human figures. Gu Shen turned sharply, leaning against the stone wall, separating the legs, and tipping on the gap that he touched before. The two arms stretched into a word, the left hand held the scabbard against the wall, and the right hand grabbed another gap, barely let Keep your body balanced.

Gu Shenwei just stood firm and there were two people coming in. One person closes the door and the other ignites the oil lamp on the small stone table in the middle.

Gu Shenwei finally saw the shape of the stone house. It was indeed a semi-circle. He stood on the straight side and could just see the pattern on the opposite wall.

The pattern lines are simple and unrestrained. It is a set of knives that he has never seen before. It is very different from Jinpengbao's narrow knives, and it is quite open and quite a bit like the Central Plains style.

The two people who came in were all green, and Gu Shen held her breath, hoping that they would not stay here for too long.

A blue face is holding an oil lamp. The two men shoulder to shoulder and look directly at the leftmost figures. It is obviously not the first time to come here. No one speaks and silently tries to figure out.

After a quarter of an hour, they only finished the last four or five strokes. They put the oil lamp back on the one-legged stone table and pulled out a knife from the table. It was very similar to the knife in the figure. .

The typical Jinpengbao practice style, the shot is hot and ruthless, there is no point to learn from the meaning, it seems to be desperate, knife and knife collided, Mars splashed, the powerful knife wind blows the oil lamp swaying.

After a few moves, the two stopped their hands, put down the knife, and started the discussion across the stone table.

"This set of knives is very different from what we have learned before."

"Unfortunately, we saw it too late, only a few months, can not learn the essence of it, otherwise it will not let the Central Plains people in the Jinpeng Fort."

"The sword of the Central Plains is very powerful."

"Well, when we learn the knife here, we can surpass the Central Plains."

The two green faces went to see the graphics on the stone wall.

It turned out that there has been no opening here. It is no wonder that the customs broker has never mentioned it. Gu Shen thinks that the so-called a few months ago was probably before and after the battle of the thousand riders. At that time, Xiao Wang just intended to select the owner of the city.

Why did the single-step king want to let the green face abandon the existing assassination skills and change the school to completely different martial arts? Did he know that there will be a face-to-face competition? Or do you really want to reborn and completely remove the traces of the killer?

Gu Shen is full of doubts in her heart.

But what he is most worried about is that it is not an easy task to hide his whereabouts on the top of two green faces. When the two men had just made a move, he took the opportunity to take a few breaths, and then he had to hold his breath.

The two green faces returned to the stone table.

"That's it." One of them said, "There is no end to learning. If you practice it, it will only slowly improve. Let's test it."


The two stood silently and seemed to be communicating in a mysterious way. After a while, a blue face picked up a thick knife. Another crested face has two handles.

The new technique is the test of the two.

The thick knife flies, it seems that the stone house must be destroyed, but it gives Gu Shenwei a chance to breathe.

The daggers are very different, and the green faces that use them are like a huge insect. Quickly rushing around, although not the same as the narrow knife, Gu Shenwei can still see the obvious Jinpengbao style.

This is a face-to-face competition. The style of Jinpengbao is not dominant. Gu Shenwei can see the nearly complete thick knife method. The name of the green face is like a decent appearance, but he still can't completely remove the habits of the past. Occasionally, the speed will be increased, which will affect the thickness of the knife and expose the flaws.

There are a few more tricks, and the thick knife will be defeated. Gu Shen thought, and then suddenly shocked: the dagger green face is rolling on the ground, from the bottom up, you can always see the outsiders standing on the high ground.

Gu Shenwei can not make a post-production effort. He is ready, as necessary. He had to make a move first, and then immediately greeted Mu Laotou Shunyuan Road down the mountain, the plan to steal Jinding Dapeng will only be postponed.

Jinpengbao's assassination technique is fast and light, almost indiscriminate, and the lower plate is usually unstable. This will become an obvious shortcoming when the thick knife method is applied. The dagger green surface is the discovery of this point. attack.

He has already won the game.

In the past few months, the two men practiced a new knife almost every day, but did not cultivate any partner feelings, and did not even know each other's names, and would not be merciless in an inspection.

The seventh time I turned over, I was ready to use the dagger to send out the green face of the killing. My eyes finally plunged to the height of the wall. When I saw the extra person, he was surprised but not confused, and immediately changed the target of killing.

Gu Shen is leaping down. He will give priority to killing the thick knife with no defense, and then deal with the dagger that has already found him.

The thick knives are the only unsuspecting people in the house, so they continue to use the new knives that are still immature and ruthlessly slash to the accomplices.

Although the two green faces fight like life and death, they are not real enemies. Because of this difference, the dagger’s green face ignores the danger from companions. Just after a thought, it is cut into two. cut.

Gu Shen was in an emergency, almost fell off the stone wall, and the right finger tip forced it to stabilize the figure.

The thick knife looked at the body on the ground. After a while, I went to see the figure on the wall. "It’s a bit strange." He said, put the thick knife under the stone table, dragging two bodies away from the room, no blowout oil lamp .

He probably will come back to clean up the blood on the ground.

The opportunity to get out is right in front of you. Gu Shen held the wall with her right hand, fell three times, and gently fell to the ground. She did not immediately leave the house. Instead, she jumped to the far right side of the semicircular wall in two steps—there was two lines in it, and he did not see it on it.

Snowy mountain peak


Gu Shenwei quickly went out of the house, just climbed to the wall, and the thick knife and green noodles returned.

In the depths of Jinpengbao, there is a martial art hidden in the Daxue Mountain, and it is a knife that Gu Shen has never heard of and has never seen before. This is really weird, and it is even more weird than a lot of green faces to imitate himself and Luo Qikang.

Daxueshan is a swordsman...

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