Death Sutra

Chapter 920: Wu Jian

Seeing the dragon king jumping from the wall, the old man was relieved, and when he moved to a secluded place, he whispered, "Scared me, I thought the two bodies... I am fine, I have not lived up to the good girl."

Gu Shenwei snorted softly. "Wait here, I will be back soon."

"Ah, Dragon King still wants..."

The old man has not finished talking, the dragon king has disappeared.

Gu Shen was confused by what he had just discovered. The Daxueshan men were all swordsmen. Only some women would have some rough knives. How could they leave the martial arts such as the "Scorpio Knife Method" and hide it in Jinpeng Fort?

He has to find out the truth and must see more stone chambers.

There are quite a few vacant courtyards. Gu Shen has experience for this time. After diving in, he went straight to the far right corner and explored the words engraved there.

Da Xueshan Xiaojianfeng

Falling Goose Thirteen

Gu Shenwei probably touched a few graphics, knowing that this is also a set of knives.

In successive stone houses, the martial arts of the Daxue Mountain are engraved. The falling peaks, the multi-peaks of the peaks, the Huagaifeng, the Dajianfeng, and the Xiaojianfeng are all listed, swords, swords, sticks, guns, fists, palms, legs, fingers. The sample is complete, especially the knife method is more, the vagueness is the source of the Daxueshan epee, but the moves are hundreds of times more.

The stone chambers on the south side of the narrow alley are estimated to have about fifty or sixty kinds of stunts. Even if they are placed in the Central Plains, they are enough to support the first-class big names, and they all have the name of Daxueshan.

Gu Shenwei became more and more curious, almost forgot the most important task tonight, and went to the north row of courtyards to explore. There are obviously fewer green faces here, and only four or five courtyards stand in the courtyard.

The stone houses in the north are all rectangular. Gu Shen started from the far right and began to explore. The result is all graphics. There is no word, until he changes to the far left, he only touches the name of martial arts.

The first line is a strange thing he doesn't know. I don't know which Western word is the second line. The second line is the Zhongyuan word: Xuan Dufeng is a short-edged skill.

Xuan Dufeng went to the fort, and Gu Shen thought for a while before she remembered where she heard the name.

There is a flower priest in the country of Xiangji, claiming to be a sacred king. The upstairs and the lotus girl have told some absurd stories, mentioning that Jinpengbao was originally called the Fortress. The most famous name is Xuan Dufeng, the main name of the castle.

Gu Shenwei is the story that I heard from Shangguanru, because I have nothing to do with it. I didn't particularly care about it. I didn't expect to touch these words in the most intimate areas of Jinpengbao.

Gu Shen has changed a few unmanned stone rooms. The engraved ones are all martial arts to the ruins of the ruins, there are freehand techniques, and there are all kinds of strange weapons. In the eighteenth, he touched the "single-knife technique", which is the Jinpengbao knife-knife method.

Time is getting late, Gu Shen has reminded himself that it is dangerous here and again. He is not a large group of opponents, but he is reluctant to leave immediately, always want to know the martial arts content of the next stone room.

In the single stone room, he stayed for a while. There are a lot of knives inscribed here, some of which are not found in the Jinpeng knife method, and there are some differences.

Now the Jinpeng knife method has become a simpler and more practical after a bit of injury. However, it lacks the agility and singularity of the original knife.

The three stone rooms in succession are single-handed.

The green faces of the practice gradually dissipated, and some people simply rested in the stone room. Gu Shen was more courageous and even lit an oil lamp in a stone room.

This wall is engraved with the "long blade technique", which is the sword method. Gu Shen has never seen a killer used.

A total of fourteen strokes, not finished, the remaining moves must be engraved in other stone rooms.

This is a set of martial arts abandoned by Jinpengbao, which is almost unrepresented in the narrow knife method. Gu Shenwei quickly understood the reasons. Most of the moves on the walls were deliberately seeking new ideas. There were even many places that did not conform to martial arts. For example, back-to-back counterattacks were almost equivalent to death.

The original owner of Jinpengbao was defeated by the subordinates. It is not unreasonable. The martial arts of the surnamed holy king is too many tricks and is not practical. It is far less than the Daxueshan martial arts on the opposite side.

Unfortunately, there are only martial arts names and figures on the wall, and occasionally one or two notes, there is no record of the Snowy Mountains and the Fortress.

It is the long-blade technique that was completely abandoned by the Shangguan family. Instead, it occupied the most stone chambers. There are seven in total, and there are more than one hundred strokes. One trick is more strange than one trick. In the eyes of normal martial arts, more than half are like active exposure. The flaws invite the enemy to kill themselves, and the lack of care between the many moves is not like the same martial arts.

Gu Shenwei was awakened in the third long-bladed stone room. There was a picture engraved there, and the moves were weird. Some of the sword-bearers’ eyes were obviously covered by cloth, and they simply didn’t want to see the enemy. It is.

What kind of sword does not need eyes? Gu Shen made a sudden jump in her heart.

The dead man he cultivated is sometimes like this, and it is still the most powerful part!

Suddenly, a thought entered Gu Shenwei’s mind. He was stunned by the whole person, holding the oil lamp and watching the swords on the wall motionlessly. He was completely surprised and completely forgot that he was in danger.

Gu Shen’s death is mainly based on the words, only twenty-nine pictures, suggesting that twenty-nine kinds of practice, relying on self-understanding, Gu Shen and the lotus women each participate in a practice Law, and then promoted in actual combat.

In fact, there are routines and moves in the dead, but they are not recorded in the book, they are all engraved in the stone room.

Those who are weird to seem to be suicidal, if explained by the doctrine of the dead, will be everything, not only harmless, but also wonderful.

There is a lack of care between the moves, because they are not a set of swords, but twenty-nine sets, corresponding to the twenty-nine pictures in the book of the dead, although each set is only a few tricks, but can greatly expand the dead The application skills of the sword method.

Too many doubts, Gu Shenwei can only answer with guesswork.

The founder of Xuan Dufeng to the fortune, probably the author of the dead man, is a martial arts singer. I don’t know why. His descendants of the wind have lost the vital swords, leaving only a bunch of unknowns. The sword of the cloud, so the power is completely lost, but was overtaken by the subordinates, the Holy King was forced to flee to the country of the South.

The ancestors of the Shangguan family must have inextricably linked with the Daxue Mountain. They bring more martial arts that are not suitable for assassination, so they learn from each other's strengths and combine the old castle with the big snow mountain to form the killer knife today.

A few green faces are fortunate enough to get in touch with more martial arts, but they have not seen the original move before. They can only learn the part that has been transformed by Shangguan. The one-step king wants to remove the traces of the killer, so it will make an exception for the Qingmen to practice. The original martial arts of the Da Xueshan in the stone room.

Some of the martial arts in the northern stone chamber still have reference significance, attracting several people. As for the "long-blade technique", it was completely forgotten. Although there were spare oil lamps in the seven stone rooms, it was hardly ignited before Gu Shenwei.

Why can Da Xueshan be degraded by martial arts rich and varied to only a little clumsy epee sword, but it is Gu Shen’s big doubt that he can’t guess the clue anyway.

Gu Shenwei has completely forgotten the task of the old man and the trip. Looking at the graphics in the seven stone rooms, I went back to the third room. There are five sword-bearers blindfolded in the figures engraved here. It is the extension of his practice.

There are only five strokes, but Gu Shen can look at it intently, and unconsciously pull out the Wufeng knife and practice as usual. At the beginning, it was extremely unsatisfactory. So I thought about the mysterious annotations in the scriptures and gradually realized that I found that my previous moves were too restrictive. Ten percent of the power but played 50 or 60%.

"Hey, hey." Gu Shen whispered to himself, and he and the woman were smeared into a dead man. They thought they were real masters, but they were just getting started. There is still a long distance from the entrance to the hall.

Oh, the oil is running out.

Gu Shen is unaware. Still staring at the wall, I woke up for a while and found that the sky outside was already bright.

His heart is also bright.

Gu Shenwei and the lotus girl had little experience and shortsightedness, and did not find the rich connotation of the dead. In contrast, the old man is a martial artist, just on the cliff. He said that the dead may have two kinds of training methods suitable for simultaneous study. He was scorned by Gu Shenwei, and his old man was right. There are two kinds of practice methods. All of the twenty-nine kinds of practice methods are still a set of swordsmanship. If one can only cultivate one of them, how did the sacred king of the sacred lord create the martial arts?

Regardless of the danger of exposure, Gu Shen returned to the first stone room of the long-blade technique. She watched the swords from the beginning, and confirmed the words in the dead man’s scriptures, inferring the corresponding training methods. Numerous ignorance and ambiguity were suddenly open, and at the same time there were more doubts, forcing him to face the simple graphics of the stone wall.

This thought is one day, Gu Shen is not leaving the first stone room.

Fourteen pairs of graphics, a total of fourteen strokes, corresponding to the four practice methods, are all Gu Shen did not think of.

The Tibetan woman comprehends the "killing", Gu Shen is the "death", Shangguan Hong faintly touches "survival", the four methods here have no word title, Gu Shen is based on the records in the scriptures. Named as forgetfulness, cherish life, sword and materialization.

Until then, he finally admitted that the Dajue Jianjing is the most accurate name. The dead man can only summarize the practice of several of them. For example, in the practice of cherishing the students, there are three strokes in total, and the recruitment is inseparable, but always At the last moment, let the opponents have a way of life. If you have to continue to move, you are likely to incur the same result.

Twenty-nine kinds of practice methods must have a main line running through them, and Gu Shenwei has not yet realized.

On the night of the night, he went to the second stone room to watch and found that four of them were consistent with the killing practice of the lotus girl. The lotus girl is now killing one person. If you learn these four tricks, you can use more than one complicated tactic. .

Gu Shen can't help but imagine the Dutch woman as the enemy in front of her, and ponder the way to crack.

Overnight, Gu Shen did not sleep, did not eat or drink, although I have not found a way to win the woman, the understanding of the dead is deeper.

The second day came, Gu Shen was ready to go to the third stone room, and the result was trouble.

A servant who came to clean up the courtyard cried in surprise: "It’s weird, someone used up the lamp oil here."

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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