Death Sutra

Chapter 988: Suspended case

As more details surfaced, the death of the Tianshan Zongdao guest was indiscriminately murdered by the iron-clad dragon king, which became a puzzling unsolved case, which made Fang Wen even more troublesome.

Fang Shiyi actually died in the night before the contest. He didn’t know why he sneaked into the territory of the army, and he also took four swordsmen. Only he was assassinated.

The place of death is located in Jinwo Lane. In some people's view, this explains why they must enter the enemy's scope. The Tianshan arch is small and the unrestricted killing attracts a large number of swordsmen, but it does not attract prostitutes and hackers. If you want to indulge in pleasure, you can only venture out of the nest.

This view was quickly refuted, and Fang Zhiyi was on the roof of a small brothel instead of a bed. It was like a voyeur, but no one would take a **** with four men, and no brothel guardian had the ability. Defeat the top killer from Jinpengbao.

Another credible claim is that Fang Shiyi was actually chasing someone on the night and went all the way to Jinwo Alley. The result was an ambush. This is a bit like the Dragon King's handwriting, but there are also many places that cannot be explained. For example, why did the Dragon King choose to kill in his own territory? He can do it without the scope of the Tianshan sect, even if it is exposed afterwards, it will not be blamed.

There are also four knives who can follow the party to carry out the task together. They are not mediocre. Wu Gong does not say that the assassination is definitely an expert. It is such a group of people who actually have no sneak attack on the leader. Known.

All they saw was a corpse on the roof, which was quickly brought back to the Tianshan sect. It successfully preserved the secret of the day until the match was over, and no one could cover it.

More doubts, Dragon King is still the biggest suspect. Fang Shuyi was assassinated. The benefits he got were obvious. The size and power in the city of Saitama used to be two boats. At this time, more and more people began to support only the Dragon Army and openly broke with Jinpengbao.

Fang Wen is worried that afterwards, he will question the reputation of Dragon King. As a result, he is more concerned. There are very few voices of doubt. The residents of Saitama City have naturally accepted the double standard: others can't kill them casually. Of course, the Dragon King can, otherwise what is the Dragon King?

They questioned that the Dragon King had shrunk his hands and refused to openly admit it.

In such an atmosphere, the second lottery draw is as much as Pang Jing expected, especially the names of Shangguanhong and Moline are so strange, even the surname of Shangguan and the rumors of the illegitimate son of the one-step king. Nor did it attract the interest of too many people.

Fang Wen is walking back and forth in front of the Dragon King. He was irritated by this unscrupulous assassination. "There must be someone behind the ghosts. The surface is good for the Dragon King. In fact, there are hidden traps. Where can I trap? If you know who the killer is, you can only be a king." What can he get from killing himself? He is not likely. Xiaoyuetang must be Xiaoyuetang."

Fang Wen finally stopped and looked at the Dragon King with excitement. "The lotus girl is a madman. Isn't her purpose to disturb the world? It has been stopped for a while. It is time to re-apply, assassinate the Tianshan knives and blame the Dragon King. This kind of thing is very similar to her style, right?"

"Yeah." Gu Shen admits this, "but a little bit of killing the chicken with a knife. Xiaoyuetang assassinated the old Khan in the North Court. Before that, the Dutch woman was very careful and never stunned."

After all, Fang Shiyi is only a killer. Even the top green face, his death is not enough to change the general trend of the city.

Clear thinking has become blurred. Fang Wen was sighing sighly. He confidently returned to Beiyu City from Beiting. His stomach was full of grandeur. He did not expect to have a deep conversation with the Dragon King, and he encountered the killer he was least good at. conspiracy.

The more he is not good at solving the problem he wants to solve, the more he can't think of the reason, the more he is annoyed.

Fang Wen is starting to walk back and forth again.

Gu Shen’s heart counted, and decided to go out again in two more laps. Even the most sturdy killer couldn’t stand the crowd.

A guard rescued the Dragon King in advance, and he brought a message that the military division was extremely surprised: the Tianshan Emperor advocated pleading to see.

"What is he doing?" Fang Wen stopped in amazement. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I will know when I see him."

Zhang stood in the middle of the courtyard, alone, and the followers stayed outside, clothed robes, or the dress of Mr. Teaching, but there was a ruler in the hand.

Fang Wen is welcoming, looking at the military master of the one-step king, the heart is devastated.

The two are considered direct opponents, but they haven't had much contact with each other. In Zhang Wei's eyes, Fang Wen is just a rural liar who is arrogant, and the shaking head military officer has repeatedly defeated the teachings.

In order to express their contempt, the two men clasped their hands at the same time, and greeted each other kindly.

"Don't Mr. Zhang come to the innocent? The North Court has a meeting, but has not yet consulted, and the gentleman is drifting east. Today, I am very happy to be here..."

"Fang brother is polite, Fang Fang Fengxue, Fang Xiong can suffer a lot of hard work."

"Where is the place, the big man makes a meritorious deed, and still cares about the bitter cold?" Fang Wen is actually a very painful meat that he has fallen down, but he will never show it in front of Zhang Wei.

"Oh, the brothers came back really in time, and a few days later, I am afraid that the road will not work."

"Haha, don't dare to say that it is still a bit of experience when passing customs clearance cards. It is not good. Dragon King will naturally send troops to open the way for me. Why can't the road be said? Mr. Zhang has considered it."


The two of you, Qian Qian, let me go for a while, and then I walked into the study of Dragon King.

Gu Shen was able to get up and hand in hand. When Zhang Hao saw the Dragon King, he replaced the hypocritical demeanor. He gave a little courtesy and saved all the words. He said directly: "Dragon King also wants to find the murderer as soon as possible?"

Fang Wen was laughing. He just wanted to sarcastically say that the Dragon King was not interested in the death of Tianshan Zong. The Dragon King cast a sigh of relief. He had to hold back and he was very unconvinced.

"There is such a master in Saitama City. Of course I want to know who it is."

Zhang Wei nodded solemnly and looked at Fang Wen seriously.

Fang Wen is quite upset and can't see it. He thought that if the dragon king had a little respect for the military division, he would not let me go out.

As he wished, Gu Shen did not embarrass his military master. Directly let him participate in the conversation. "Mr. Fang suspects that the murderer is from Xiaoyuetang, and Mr. Zhang has any opinion."

Zhang Wei accepted the existence of Fang Wen, but he did not look at him any more. He only spoke to the Dragon King. "The Dragon King is straightforward. I am not hiding, and Fang Shuyi was assassinated. It is a shame for Tianshan Zong and Jinpeng Fort. Many people say that the Dragon King is behind the scenes, but I don't think so."

"Mr. Zhang has a unique eye and is gratifying. I hope that Mr. Zhang often preaches outside." Fang Weng did not give a hint to the Dragon King, and rushed to say something.

Zhang Wei refused to accept the move and said it. "The night before, Fang Shuyi and others were actually chasing an assassin."

"Assassin? Who wants to assassinate?" Fang Wen is rushing to ask again.

"I." Zhang Wei said, his eyes still remain on the face of the Dragon King. "Dragon King must be able to guess who the assassin is."

Fang Wen felt that this sentence was a trap and should not be answered. However, without waiting for his reminder, the Dragon King actually jumped in and went forward, "Shang Guanhong."

"Well. Hong Gongzi hates me and has been monitoring Tianshan Zong. Serving the manipulator, he had some adventure the night before, and Fang Zhiyi brought people to catch up, and he was killed."

Zhang Wei seems to be telling the truth, without setting any traps, Fang Wen is slightly surprised. "Is it really Xiaoyuetang?"

Shangguanhong has completely invested in Xiaoyuetang, and his actions must be approved by the Dutch women.

"Shangguanhong does not have this ability." Gu Shenwei said that Shangguanhong's martial arts has indeed been impressive for nearly a year. It may not be an opponent of Fang Zhiyi, but he wants to kill a green face quietly. Still not very likely.

"So he has to have a helper." Zhang Wei's voice is more serious. "My people reported that Nanping also went to Jinwo Lane the night before."

I did go out for a night before the beginning of the South Screen. After I came back, I had to give Tie Ling to the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei did not immediately interface, Fang Wen was suddenly realized, the dark road this Zhang Huan is really insidious, up and said that he did not believe that the Dragon King is the murderer, after a few words, he will point the suspect to the Dragon King.

Chu Nan Screen is one of the most trusted people of Dragon King. If he assassinated Fang Shuyi, there is almost no difference between him and the Dragon King.

"The people of Tianshan Zong are really dedicated. I believe that the night before, Jinwo Lane is as lively as usual?"

Jinwo Alley is a gathering place for low-level brothels. The number of guests who receive each night is several times higher than that of Liuren Lane. When Fang Wen was trapped in Saitama City, it was not strange.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly. "I just want to find out the truth. Like the Dragon King, I and the One-Step King don't like the enemies hidden in the dark."

Fang Wen shook his head slightly to the Dragon King. The Dragon King blinked his eyes and seemed to understand what he meant. Who knows that the next words went along with Zhang Wei. "I have a suggestion. Mr. Zhang and Mr. Fang went to Xiaoyuetang to ask Shang Guanhong. I asked the South Screen, can I?"

Zhang Wei nodded in agreement. In fact, the most important purpose of his visit to the Dragon King was to seek the help of the Dragon King. It was only by the Tianshan sect that he could not open the door of Xiaoyuetang.

"I will write a letter to Xiaoyuetang Yuzhong, ask her to sell her personal feelings. Mr. Fang, please ask the Queen for a letter and write to Shangguanhong, let him have something to say."

Fang Wen is a tremble in his heart. He can't believe his own ears. He used to know the Queen of the Queen. He was so clear that he could still receive such great trust. He was really grateful for the meaning of zero, and he must not be in front of outsiders. Shown, so solemnly, it should be, and withdraw from the study.

"Dragon King does not believe that the two of them are murderers?" Zhang Wei asked.

"If Mr. Zhang knows these two people like me, they know that they can't join hands."

Zhang Wei once again smiled. "We rarely make mistakes in strangers. Betrayal usually happens to acquaintances, isn't it?"

Gu Shenwei actually heard a hint of threat. He looked down and thought for a while, saying: "Betrayal requires reason, and there is no betrayal for the reason."

Zhang Hao nodded his head and walked out of the study room with his back, which was a bit more taboo for the Dragon King.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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