Death Sutra

Chapter 989: deny

Fang Wen was once swearing to the Dragon King that he had no feeling of heart for the Queen, but when he walked to the small cross-sector, he still couldn’t control his nervousness, and he turned his mind to think about what kind of demeanor he would face in the future. It’s a good idea to move in which foot first.

The facts show that his tension is completely redundant. The Queen did not see him at all. He was sent back and forth by Xu Yanwei.

When the Queen was writing a letter, Xu Yanwei stood in the small courtyard and looked at it. "How did you do it?"

"Ah?" Fang Wen was just relieved and a little disappointed, so she could not understand her.

Xu Yanwei circled around him. "Hey, you are really a bag of rice, saying that fat is fat, that is thin and thin, is the Beiting people not eating meat every day? How are you still thin?"

Compared with Xu Yanwei's true character, Fang Wen prefers that pitiful and false face. He wanted to be moved by this face, and he lost his foot and regretted it.

"Oh... um..." Fang Wen was thinking about how to face the queen, completely ignoring Xu Yanwei, and seemed a little confused. "I am in a hurry..."

Xu Yanwei smiled, and when he was close to Fang Wen, he whispered intimately: "I want the kitchen to be delicious tonight, and I will personally deliver it to your room."

"Ah?" Fang Wen is unable to prevent it. The usual fangs and tricks are all not used. I can't think of excuses for a long time.

The maid in the house said, "The letter of the queen is written."

Xu Yanwei entered the house to get the letter, and he returned it to Fang Wen. He smiled at him and added a few temptations. "I prefer your skinny look."

Fang Wen is involuntarily still smiling, and he will forgot to forget the two words at once.

When the two-handed letter came out of the courtyard, he regretted it. This letter was written by the Queen of the Queen and hand-written, as if still retaining her body temperature and taste. Just think about it, Fang Wen feels that his hands are shaking and sweating, and he is worried about the Dragon King. Micro also appears to be mediocre.

In the small cross yard, Xu Yanwei closed the door. I also began to regret it. I thought that I had not touched a man for too long. Actually, the other party shook his head and rekindled. There were so many snow-capped mountain swordsmen in the army, which one is not stronger than him.

So the two who went against the road, one decided to sternly refused on the night, one decided not to go to the appointment.

Back to the study, the Dragon King has written a letter to the Dutch woman, and Fang Wen is put away. Going out with Zhang Hao to go to Xiaoyuetang.

Along the way, the two throw away the disguise, no one cares who, Fang Wen is to select 12 guards, just two more than Zhang Wei, control the mount, to ensure that they exceed a horse.

Zhang Wei seems to have forgotten the dragon king's army, and sat naturally on the saddle. A look of meditation.

Xiaoyuetang has a fixed base in the east of Nancheng, next to a knife village. There are many rumors about crazy disciples, and the swordsmen would rather go in and out of the village than to go to the house, so the street is extremely deserted.

The two male disciples who stayed with the wild horses kept the door and stared at the guests coldly. Neither go in to the notice or ask questions.

Everyone dismounted, and Fang Wen was in front of the archer: "In the case of the Dragon King Warrior Fang Wen, this is the Tianshan Emperor's sect, and there is something to see the sect of the sect. Please inform me."

"Don't see." A goalkeeper hard to spit out two words, as if this is already a huge concession.

Fang Wen was kneeling on the spot. He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Wei. He smiled and shook his head. He took out the letter from the Dragon King and said, "Can you give the Dragon King's letter to the imperial teacher? Let her decide to see and disappear."

The goalkeeper did not read the letter, but stared at the square. Yes, his eyes were full of guards. For a while, one person reached out and grabbed a letter. It seemed that it was covered with poison. "Wait."

Fang Wen was once again glanced at Zhang Wei, thinking that Xiaoyuetang was really a wicked door. No wonder Zhang Hao wants to look for the Dragon King with a thick face. If it is not so, I can only go to the hospital after a big fight.

Suddenly there was a small commotion behind him. Fang Wen was looking back and found that the guards were all very nervous. They pressed their weapons and started fighting at any time.

Further afield, more than a dozen Xiaoyuetang male and female disciples stand on both sides of the street, and there seems to be a hidden person on the roof, which has surrounded the group of seekers.

Zhang Wei waved his hand, and the knife door of Tianshan Zong loosened the handle, but his look was still vigilant.

Fang Wen is also smiling and waving. "Do not worry, Xiaoyuetang and Dragon King are not enemies." That is to say, he has no bottom in his heart, just do not want to show his face in front of Zhang Wei.

The response of the Dutch woman was quick and direct, and she directly sent Shangguanhong.

Shangguanhong was gloomy and stood on the steps. He looked at Zhang Hao coldly and proudly, as if to kill the teacher with his eyes.

Zhang Wei gave a short sneer. "You have been mixing on the rivers and lakes for so long, and you can't even hide a little bit of things."

Shangguanhong’s face was reddish, and he was forbearing again. He turned to Fang Wen, “What is it about me?”

Fang Wen is blaming Zhang Hao for the bad tone of the other party. He took out another letter and was really reluctant to hand it out. "The letter the queen gave you."

Shangguan Hongyi did not accept the letter. "I am a disciple of Xiaoyuetang. I only recognize the priests and do not recognize the queen."

"If you don't recognize it, look at it anyway."

Shangguanhong hesitated for a while before he took the letter. After reading two or three eyes, he tore it into pieces. "If you have something to say, the royal family will tell me to tell the truth and not use the letter of others."

Looking at the pieces of paper being blown away by the wind, Fang Wen was heartbroken. He didn't dare to show it. He had to cover it up with laughter. "That would be better, Mr. Zhang, please ask first."

Xiaoyuetang does not seem to invite guests to go in. The question is at the gate. Zhang Yu coughs and says in his unique teaching tone: "Shangguanhong, the night before..."

Shangguan Hong is anxious to dispel Zhang Jian’s arrogance and hate to say: “I wanted to kill you the night before, but unfortunately I didn’t get the chance.”

"There are opportunities." Zhang Wei said faintly, "Are you just killing me?"

Shang Guanhong stared at Zhang Wei, and seemed to think that it was an opportunity now, but he did not start to do it. "I don't need to turn around. I know what you want to ask. Fang Zhiyi is not killing me. His death has nothing to do with me. such."

Shangguanhong turned and just left, Zhang’s question has been exported. “You know who the assassin is.”

"Know how? Don't know what?" Shangguanhong can't hide the hatred of Zhang Wei, who is the initiator of all his tragic experiences.

Fang Wen is very willing to see Zhang Wei embarrassed, but to find out the truth is a more important task, so I looked at it for a while: "Dragon King does not think this assassination is related to Xiaoyuetang, I believe he is giving the priests The letter said very well that Hong Gongzi was a witness to the night, we just wanted to know a little clue."

Shangguanhong bowed his head and looked at the remaining pieces on the ground. He looked up and said, "I didn't see the assassination, but I know who is the hand."

"Who is it?" Fang Wen did not expect the unsolved case to be solved so easily.


"He? Who is he?"

"The night of the Central Plains enemies, I attacked me and stabbed me with a sword." Shang Guanhong touched the scar, and the sword almost killed him. "It must be him. The technique is exactly the same. I don't know anything else." If you are a man or a woman, you are always young. Don’t ask me."

Shang Guanhong turned to Zhang Wei again. "I swear to God that I will kill you sooner or later."

"Awaiting at any time." Zhang Wei slightly owes himself. "The killing of the teacher is the tradition of Shibao. I am willing to follow the footsteps of the ancestors."

Shangguanhong turned and went to the hospital, and the two gatekeepers did not let it go.

A group of people came to the plane and left under the watchful eyes of Xiaoyuetang disciples.

In the army, Gu Shen’s conversation with Chunan Screen was as blunt.

Chu Nan Screen not only became ruthless, but also a few more arrogant, although he bowed to the Dragon King as usual, but has been standing upright since then, holding the scabbard in his left hand, the right hand naturally drooping, as if from the last night, he did not prepare for it. Freed from the state.

"You left the Guard House the night before."


"You went to Jinwo Lane."

"Yeah." Chu Nanping answered with some hesitation.

"What to do?"

The first screen of the South Screen is closed, and the look that is ready to pull the sword is more obvious. "That is my own business."

"Tianshan Zongdao died in Jinwo Lane, and Zhang Wei believes that it is an ambush set up by you and Shangguanhong."

There was no rebuttal in the beginning of the South Screen, just shaking his head.

"I know that you are not the one you kill, I know what you are going to Jinwo Lane."

Chu Nan screen face a heavy murderous, "Do you send someone to follow me?"

"No need, even Tianshan Zong arranged a spy in Jinwo Lane, let alone me? But for you, I just guess, no need to provide information."

Chu Nan screen refused to speak.

"You want to use other women to forget Tie Ling."

Chu Nan screen blushes, both shy and angry, repeating: "That is my own business."

Gu Shenwei does not think so, "You enter three brothels, and each stay is very short, so I guess you have done nothing."

The face of Chunan Screen is even redder. He chose Jinwo Lane because he heard that there is more hidden and there are many guests. The prostitutes never ask Dong to ask the West, but he can't do it. Every time the prostitute just greets him. He fled in the wild, his heart full of disgust and contempt for himself, as if Tie Ling stood and looked at him.

"You have too much restraint on yourself, and even the simplest ones are constantly embarrassing. How can you cultivate a high sword?" Gu Shenwei said that his heart is more vigilant than the first Nanping.

The first finger of the south screen moved a little, but he did not pull the sword, but turned and left without saying a word.

Gu Shenwei doubts whether his stimulation is too urgent. The heart of Chu Nanping is as pure as the boyhood, and it is a very cruel behavior to force him to mature.

But this is an inevitable thing. The south screen of the juvenile state will never figure out what you want.

Zhang Wei and Fang Wen are back. The two did not believe in Shangguanhong, but they all agreed the same conclusion: There is a top master in the city of Saitama, who did not participate in the battle of the city, but wanted to destroy it.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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