And Huo Yunzi also took a step and successfully promoted to the level of spirit transformation.Originally in Cangyu City, his cultivation time was shorter than that of the city owner and the third old man.

Compared with many people in Cangyu City, his qualifications are definitely the oldest, and he still has half a step in the spiritual realm at the peak of the formation stage, and he also stayed for a very long time.

Besides, as the director-level figure of Cangyu City, he has a lot of elixir resources in his hands. Coupled with the accumulation of the past few decades, he has finally taken a crucial step and successfully advanced. The stage has reached the stage of spiritual transformation.

In this way, it can be said that the strength of Cangyu City is much stronger than before. The three masters in the early stage of spiritual transformation, plus the two masters in the middle stage of transformation, this lineup is in the nine Within the city limits, it can definitely be regarded as very powerful.

But even so, the city lord sitting on the main hall is still frowning.There was a change in the depths of the Great Wilderness, which was what he, the city lord of Cangyu, who was near the Great Wilderness, did not want to see it.

I saw that the city lord frowned, rubbed his head lightly with his hand, and said helplessly: "Three senior brothers, brother Huoyunzi, there is an accident in the depths of the Great Wilderness at this time. It's definitely not a good thing."

The three elders and Huo Yunzi naturally understood the current situation, and Liu Lao, who was the leader, said softly: "I don't know what kind of accident happened in the depths of this great wasteland, and it actually caused such a powerful energy fluctuation. Could it be that some powerful Beastmaster is transcending the calamity, or is there some strange treasure born?"

Hearing the words, Mo Lao murmured in a low voice: "With this kind of energy fluctuation, even after such a long distance, it can still feel like the ground is shaking when it reaches our Cangyu City, so the movement is definitely not small. Moreover, this energy aura also has energy fluctuations, which can definitely spread far away. At that time, there will be many forces and characters swarming."

After a slight pause, Mo Lao said helplessly: "Also, even if the energy fluctuations have not been released, during this period of time, the eyeliners of those forces may have already spread the news. It is estimated that it will not be much. For a long time, around our Cangyu City, the wind and clouds will gather."

The city owner also answered: "Exactly, and what I am most worried about now is that even if there is no treasure born in the depths of the wilderness, I am afraid that some people's minds have already revived."

The most hot-tempered old Cui shouted directly: "Huh! If those people really dare to come, they will definitely be called back and forth!"

Listening to his younger brother's words, Liu Lao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "The third child, the third child, you are such a big man, and you have lived for such a long time, why is this rashness still not corrected? I know what to say to you. You know, the people we can think of now are not terrible. Even if we only rely on our strength, we can handle it. But mainly those who stand behind them are the real ones. The mastermind behind the scenes. If they don't get rid of them, our Cangyu City will never have peace, but we are not their opponents... If what happens next is really as the fourth guessed, I'm afraid we Cangyu The city is really going to be in danger this time..." ..

Chapter 254 Helpless

When he heard his senior brother's instructions, Old Cui was obviously taken aback, but he was only full of bitterness and did not refute.

Obviously, he also agrees with his senior brother's words. If those who are standing behind the scenes really want to come, I am afraid that their Cangyu City will be in danger.

Although there is barely a chance of surviving, at least this kind of independent privilege is definitely gone, and it is very likely that they will be driven by others in the future, and the ancient inheritance of Cangyu City will probably be ruined by their hands. Lost.

Thinking of this, that old Cui's face is full of bitterness, and it is not just old Cui, but also other people. They can almost be said to be in the same vein except for Huo Yunzi, and they are taught by the same master. of.

Huo Yunzi is also an apprentice of one of their predecessors, and is also an authentic Cangyu City person. If Cangyu City is really lost in their hands, then they will definitely feel sorry for their master and Cangyu City. predecessors.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the hall immediately became extremely heavy, and no one spoke quietly, but this quietness made everyone's chest feel as if a big rock was pressed against them.

In the end, it was the city lord who broke the oppressive atmosphere.At this time, it is enough to see a person's character.Right now, the city lord of Cangyu City can be said to be the youngest among the few people present, and even his age is much younger than Huo Yunzi.

And at the youngest age, he was able to become the city lord, which can already show his extraordinaryness. This extraordinaryness is not only reflected in the combat power, but also in other aspects.

At this time, the voice of the city lord was not very high, but a firmness could be heard in his voice: "Brothers, if this is the case, then I am afraid that we will only have one fight.

I believe that if we fight to the death, our enemies will never be able to retreat, at least they will be injured.

Moreover, no matter what the outcome is, even if we all die in battle, the foundation of Cangyu City must not be lost in our hands.It is better to die in battle than to live in stealth! "

As soon as the city lord said these words, Cui Lao was already catering to him: "Yes, junior brother, what you said touched my heart, although Cangyu City is dangerous, at least we can fight, even if I Kill the old bones. In this way, under Jiuquan, you can also give the master an explanation..."

However, before Cui Lao's words were finished, Liu Lao interrupted him: "No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Hearing his senior brother's objection, Cui Lao couldn't help but be stunned, and Mo Lao also didn't understand, because he also agreed with his own junior brother's opinion. Several of his senior brothers must not watch Cangyu City in their place. throw away.

This is their promise to the master. He wondered why his senior brother objected. Is his senior brother greedy for life and fear of death?No, absolutely not, he still understands his senior brother, and is definitely not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death.

And Huo Yunzi never expressed his opinion from the beginning to the end. After all, in his heart, he is only the subordinate of the city master, even if he has become a master of spirit transformation.

But he still thinks so, not only him, but also his lineage, the purpose has always been to guard Cangyu City and help the city lord to rule Cangyu City.

So even if he has become a master of spirit transformation now, Huo Yunzi still thinks this way, as long as it is the order of the city lord, he will definitely obey, but after hearing Lao Lao's words, Huo Yunzi pondered for a while. , as if thinking of something.

At this time, Liu Lao was not angry when he saw his junior brother refuting him, but just smiled bitterly: "If this is the case, it is estimated that you and my senior brother still can't be sorry for the master.

If Cangyu City was lost in our hands, it would be too big. If we break the inheritance on this basis, I am afraid that under Jiuquan, we will have no face to see the master and his old man. "

And when Mr. Liu said this, everyone was enlightened, and it was the same after thinking about it carefully. If the teacher's sect broke the inheritance in his own hands, even if their brothers and sisters apologized by death, they would have no face to see the teacher under Jiuquan. Honored.

Elder Liu paused for a while and then continued: "I suggest that Junior Brother Qin and Huo Yunzi bring some of our Cangyu City disciples and go out for a while.

If Cangyu City can survive this crisis, then come back, if not, don't come back, wait for the strength to take revenge in the future. "

As soon as Liu Lao's words came out, the face of the city owner changed directly, because the Qin junior brother mentioned in Liu Lao's words was referring to him.

The city owner hurriedly interrupted Mr. Liu: "No, this is absolutely not possible, brothers, as the city owner of this Cangyu City, even if everyone leaves, it is absolutely impossible for me to leave one step."

On the other side, Mr. Mo and Mr. Cui heard the words and persuaded them together: "Brother, what you said makes sense, you are the most talented and even the strongest among our brothers. The three of us are the most talented. Old man, there is not much life left, even if he dies, it will not be a pity."

"But you are different. Compared to us, you are still young and have a long way to go. At least there is still room for further progress. You may also take revenge in the future. Not much use.

Don't forget, the master looked at you the most at that time, thinking that your talent was very powerful, and it was possible to come into contact with another level. I think if the master was there, he would definitely agree with our idea. "

Hearing this, the city lord was also silent. Although he was unwilling to admit it, he knew that what the three senior brothers said was right.Now, the three senior brothers are very old.

It can be said that if there is no adventure, I am afraid that there will be no further possibility in my life, and I still have room to move forward.

But he still didn't want to agree, because he was the city lord. Since he took over this title, he had to fight everything to protect it, and everyone could escape.

Only he can't, this is not only a kind of responsibility, but also a kind of helplessness.Of course, this is not how noble he is, how much he can't let go of the people in the city, and he simply wants to protect the inheritance of the teacher's door.

For this inheritance, he can give everything, even sacrifice more people, even if everyone here sacrifices, it is worthwhile in his eyes.

This, of course, also includes himself.What he said earlier about fighting to the death and apology with death is definitely not an empty phrase. ..

Chapter 255 The Past of Cangyu City

The city lord's brows became tighter and tighter, and the three elders of Cangyu seemed to want to persuade again, but at this moment, Huo Yunzi, who had not spoken, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Three elders, I agree that the city lord will leave with some of his disciples. But at the same time I am against it.

At least I, Huo Yunzi, absolutely cannot abandon Cangyu City to live, and I believe you all understand that our lineage has always guarded Cangyu City.

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