If I abandon Cangyu City to live, I am afraid that even after I die, I will have no face to see my elders. "

Hearing this, the three elders were helpless, but since Huo Yunzi had already said so, they couldn't say anything more.

Huo Yunzi pondered for a while and then continued: "And things won't necessarily evolve to such a bad point, all this is just our guess, this time the sudden change in the depths of the wilderness, no one expected it. arrive."

"No one will be prepared for this, and such a big movement will definitely attract a lot of people, maybe there are people who are related to my Cangyu City. When the old ancestor founded Cangyu City, he also met with many people. Forged a relationship.

Over the years, our Cangyu City has been able to remain indestructible, and there are some shadows of those families in it. Although it has been a thousand years, those friendly forces still exist, and they can play a role to some extent. At least some people think If you want to make a move, you will definitely have concerns. "

As soon as Huo Yunzi said these words, the three elders of Cangyu and the city lord were startled for a while, and then quickly came to their senses. Yes, things haven't reached the worst.

Right now, although the three elders of Cangyu and the city lord are not as far-reaching as Huo Yunzi thought, this does not mean that they are not as smart as Huo Yunzi. On the contrary, if they can sit in this position today, these people are definitely on the verge of success. Refined characters, intelligence is definitely not low.

It was just because they cared too much about Cangyu City, and their thoughts were a little stagnant for a while, and many things did not react at once.And Huo Yunzi has been in Cangyu City's position for a long time, because of the accident, everything is considered more comprehensively, and the person is more sober, so he can point out this layer.

And thinking of this, Cui Lao asked another question: "After so many years, I am afraid that those who were friends with the ancestors will not easily take action, and there may even be many people who are already thinking about the ancestors' stay. something down."

This time, Liu Lao, who has always liked to criticize his third junior brother, did not refute it. He also agreed with his junior brother. After so many years, I am afraid that some people who have benefited from the ancestors at the beginning also miss the things left by the ancestors. I am afraid Soon, it will be about the same as those who have the idea of ​​Cangyu City.

Right now, if anyone with a heart listens to the city lord's conversation here, they will find that in their words, they have already mentioned that there are some treasures left by the ancestors in Cangyu City.And as I mentioned earlier, the reason why Jiang Yuxin, Gu Chen and Luo Ren are so talented, they also came to Cangyu City to apprentice, it seems that they came for inheritance.

The small place of Cangyu City seems to be a little unusual, and there seems to be something hidden in the city.This small place seems to have a strong past.

In fact, the history of Cangyu City can be started from the first city lord. That first city lord, the three elders of Cangyu and Huo Yunzi mentioned the ancestors.

The vast area occupied by Cangyu City does not know when it has existed, but since it was recorded, there have been only some primitive villages and stockades here.

The residents here have been living a relatively primitive life, with the sunrise and sunset, plus hunting, etc. Although there is not much fun in life, it is still quiet and peaceful.

Moreover, the people here do not know how to cultivate, and some are just the most primitive breathing meditation, and those with the highest strength are only at the foundation-building level.

However, as long as there are people, there is bound to be a fight.This peaceful life continued for many years, until other cities expanded to this side, and some of the living habits of the people in the city also affected those around them.

Even some cultivation methods were passed in. These most primitive people in the wilderness finally realized that people could still cultivate to that level, and as their strength increased, wars gradually broke out here.

After all, enhancement requires resources, and the easiest way to accumulate resources is to loot.Since then, the original state here has gradually begun to disappear. At that time, for ordinary barren people, it was a period of darkness.

In people's memory, at that time in the Great Wilderness area, some were just killing and spreading fear, living like a corpse, and even people became the goods of those city nobles and became slaves.

This kind of life has been going on for a very long time, so long that I can't remember it until one day, a savior came here. The savior in their eyes was very young, but his strength was very powerful.

At least in their eyes, he calmed down the turmoil here by himself, and even used himself to make the nobles in the city compromise and no longer harm the desolate people here.

Later, in order to manage this place, the young man directly built another city here, that is, Cangyu City.It's just that the Cangyu City at that time was not only the current scale, it was much larger than the current Cangyu City.

At least the three elders of Cangyu and the others knew that the entire so-called Nine Cities of the Desolate Territory was the territory of Cangyu City in the past, and half of Youzhou City was also part of Cangyu City in the past.

There are even further areas, and some territories that now belong to the surrounding state cities were originally Cangyu City.In the past, Cangyu City, in terms of strength and territory, was not inferior to the current state city at all, and even exceeded it by a lot.

All of this is because of the young man. The young man's strength is very strong, and even with his own strength, he can resist the attack of a state city.

And that young man is also called the ancestor by the people in the current Cangyu City, but at that time, although this ancestor was powerful, he did not seem to have much ambition. After the establishment of Cangyu City, he only came forward to maintain The operation of Cangyu City also includes security, and it does not interfere with other things.

Moreover, he was only focused on cultivation and didn't care about others, so for a while, except for those who opposed him when he founded Cangyu City, other people still had a very good impression of him. .

In addition, the most famous feature of this old ancestor is that he loves to help others. Under normal circumstances, as long as someone asks for his door, he will help others. If there is a fight between two parties, he is also happy to be a peacemaker.

For a time, the ancestor of Cangyu City helped many people and forged a lot of karma. ..

Chapter 256

It can be said that the Cangyu City at that time was definitely the most prosperous period, and this old ancestor did not know where he was from, and he possessed many stunts and extremely powerful exercises.

Those combat skills and exercises are much stronger than those of the top forces in the surrounding big cities.

Many people have also speculated about the origin of this ancestor, but no one has ever confirmed it.In the eyes of some nobles in the surrounding cities, the ancestor of Cangyu City has always been a mystery in their eyes.

However, someone once mentioned that this old ancestor came from the Central Plains and was a disciple of a certain sect, and only escaped to the wasteland for some reasons.And some people believe this statement, some people don't, and in the end it's gone.

Those who believe believe that those with this kind of cultivation can only come from the great factions in the Central Plains, while those who do not believe think that the ancestor of Cangyu City is such a powerful existence, how could it be possible to escape come.

Of course, for Cangyu City, none of these matters.The most important thing is that the ancestor who founded Cangyu City is a very powerful person with a very noble character. They only need to know that under the leadership of the ancestor, their life is very peaceful.

During this period, Cangyu City, under the leadership of the ancestors, flourished for hundreds of years in this great wasteland. During this period, in the surrounding Youzhou and other large states, as well as several surrounding sects, no one dared to come. Invade Cangyu City.

However, with the passage of time, the number of times this ancestor appeared openly became less and less, and even sometimes, no one had seen this ancestor appear for more than ten years in a row.

In people's impressions, the most clear memory is that once for more than [-] years, the ancestors of Cangyu City did not appear.Many people speculate that the ancestor of Cangyu City has fallen. After all, as long as he is a human, there will be a time when his lifespan will be exhausted.

Moreover, in the eyes of people at that time, the age of this ancestor was absolutely terrifying, and it might even be nearly a thousand years old. After all, this ancestor has only ruled Cangyu City for five or six hundred years.

Approaching a thousand years old, this is already an extremely terrifying old age. Even if this ancestor was a master of the spiritual realm, it is absolutely impossible to survive for such a long time, which is far beyond the cognition of the inhabitants of the Great Wilderness.

So at that time, many people had already guessed that this ancestor may have fallen.Without the presence of the ancestors, many forces began to move around for a while, and the surrounding big states even united and began to scrape the territory of Cangyu City.

And the ancestors of Cangyu City usually focus on cultivation and don’t pay much attention to some common things. Therefore, except for the disciples passed down by the ancestors, there are not many masters in Cangyu City. Compared with those big states, the background is also somewhat different. insufficient.

In the past, it was good to have the ancestors in person, but now that the ancestors are gone, this kind of drawback is suddenly highlighted at the critical moment.

It didn't take long for Cangyu City to lose a lot of territory in one go, and seeing that Cangyu City has become like this, the ancestor still did not appear, which strengthened the confidence of some people, while some originally The forces that were still watching, also slowly began to join the battle group.

In fact, originally, Cangyu City was only built on a primitive tribe, and it was not very rich. Compared with those big states, it was even worse. Some top forces also looked down on the territory of Cangyu City.

The reason why these people are keen to divide Cangyu City is that they have been suppressed by the ancestor of Cangyu City for hundreds of years.

Second, they believe that even if this ancestor has fallen, he will definitely leave a lot of good things behind. At least the earth-level exercises that have been cultivated to the spiritual realm are definitely attractive to them. .

In the eyes of these Great Desolate people, the Spiritual God Realm is definitely a very terrifying powerhouse. The strength of the surrounding great states is already very terrifying, but the powerhouses who have cultivated to the Spiritual God Realm can be counted with both hands, even the spirits. The strong of God can be the law of a state.

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