Among these big states, only the family standing at the top of the pyramid, and the master of the big state are the strong spiritual gods, and they are only the initial stage of spiritual gods, and they will hardly continue to be promoted in the future. possible.

And the ancestor of Cangyu City is definitely an extremely powerful existence in their perception, at least much stronger than the few spiritual powerhouses in the surrounding big states.

Because there was a strong spiritual god who openly challenged the ancestor of Cangyu City, but in the end he lost his life.

Therefore, this ancestor's cultivation technique is very likely to surpass the lower grades of the earth. Faced with this kind of magic, even those who are strong in spirits and gods are also moved by it.Because even if they are strong spiritual gods, they have only practiced the low-level exercises, and they are the only ones.

If there is no adventure, they will never be able to set foot on a higher realm with the low-level exercises, so they definitely want to get the ancestor's exercises.

And the actions of these spiritual powerhouses made the already critical situation of Cangyu City even more dangerous, just when Cangyu City was about to be destroyed.

The first ancestor suddenly appeared in front of people's eyes again, and he appeared in Cangyu City covered in blood.In addition, the original ancestor has always been shown in front of people is the image of a young man.

But this time, it seems that he has aged a lot in an instant, his jet-black hair has also turned white, his whole body is covered in blood, and even his breath is very unstable.

This time, many people were stunned. Originally, they all thought that this ancestor might have fallen, so they dared to take action against Cangyu City.Unexpectedly, this ancestor appeared again, and for a time, many forces were directly scared away.

The families around Cangyu City are very jealous of this ancestor's prestige. In their eyes, no matter what the ancestor's cultivation is, in their impressions, he has never been defeated.

Therefore, some forces immediately retreated when they saw the appearance of the ancestors of Cangyu City, and these forces were also relatively weak forces. Originally, for them, there were those who were strong in spirits and gods, and their chances of getting the inheritance were already It has become very small, and this time the ancestor of Cangyu City came back, and he even dared not think about it.

Right now, seeing the status quo of Cangyu City, the ancestor was not surprised. It seemed that he already knew everything, and he did not investigate the retreating forces.

The tragic situation of the ancestors of Cangyu City fell in the eyes of those great forces. They all believed that the ancestor had no ability to continue fighting, and now they have assembled eight powerful spiritual gods. This is definitely a A terrifying force. ..

Chapter 257 Murderous

There are eight strong spiritual gods, this is the power of many top forces around, each of them is the head of a big family, and even the existence of the elder level.

This force would never appear at ordinary times, and this time it was only temporarily combined because of the promotion of interests.

This power is absolutely invincible in any state. In everyone's cognition, even if it is to deal with the ancestors of Cangyu City in its heyday, there is no problem.Not to mention that they are now facing the ancestor of Cangyu City who has been seriously injured.

In the past, the reason why these eight powerful spiritual gods did not unite to deal with the ancestors of Cangyu City was because the ancestors of Cangyu City were powerful, and secondly, they were afraid that the ancestors of Cangyu City would fight back when they were dying. They have their own thoughts, and they don't want to be that back.

However, this time things have developed to this point, and they simply have no scruples. The eight spiritual gods directly joined hands to deal with the ancestor of Cangyu City.

A big battle kicked off in Cangyu City, and many people were watching the battle. After all, the battle of the Spiritual God powerhouse is not something that can be seen under normal circumstances.However, most people think that this battle against the ancestors of Cangyu City is definitely going to fail.

After all, it was a joint attack by eight powerful spiritual gods. Even in the heyday of Cangyu City's ancestors, I'm afraid it would not be an opponent, not to mention the current state.

Everyone thinks that I am afraid this is a one-sided battle, a battle without suspense.

In the face of the eight powerful spiritual gods, the ancestor of Cangyu City did not speak, but many people could already feel that the surrounding air was getting colder, and the endless murderous aura was constantly spreading.

At this moment, everyone felt a chill in their bodies, as if they had walked in front of the gate of death.

Some people noticed that the aura that appeared around the ancestor of Cangyu City this time was completely different. Although the ancestor of Cangyu City in the past was very powerful, because he likes to help others and is very kind, the aura he exudes is also very good. People feel very comfortable.

And this time when he was injured, the peaceful aura emanating from the ancestors of Cangyu City had completely disappeared. Instead, there was only an endless murderous aura, and there was an extremely desolate aura surrounding his body.

That feeling is like dying.Before you can get close, it will make people feel endlessly desolate.

Right now, facing the eight powerful spiritual gods, the ancestor of Cangyu City did not make a move, and just stood there quietly, and the eight powerful spiritual gods were a little annoyed when they saw that the ancestor of Cangyu City did not make a move.

This is obviously to look down on them, one of them coldly said: "Leng Xuan, the eight of us together to deal with you, after all, it is a bit of a loss, we do not take advantage of you, you go first!"

As soon as these words came out, many people felt a little contemptuous. Eight people were against one, so why not take advantage of others?Can you be any more shameless?

However, they didn't dare to say such words. After all, the eight spiritual powerhouses were not something they could provoke from the Great Wilderness.

However, they also learned the name of the ancestor of Cangyu City, "Leng Xuan!" He really lived up to his name. At this moment, the ancestor of Cangyu City was exuding endless coldness from the inside out.

At this time, when he heard the words of this spiritual god, the ancestor of Cangyu City did not speak, as if he had completely ignored them, and even raised his feet to walk forward, and when his body moved, there was a trace on it. The blood was dripping down, and it looked extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Cangyu City residents couldn't even bear to watch it any longer. This is their city lord and also their benefactor. Without him, they would probably still be living a life of enslavement.

Seeing their benefactors like this, their hearts are also very uncomfortable, but their current mood is also very contradictory, and they naturally hope that the ancestors can show their power and defeat these infringers.

At the same time, they also knew that it was impossible.After all, this is the union of eight powerful spiritual gods. Even if they trust their own city lord, they will not think that their own city lord can really fight against these eight powerhouses.

I saw that the eight strong spiritual gods glanced at each other, and then frowned. If there were no people watching, I am afraid that the eight of them would have already swarmed up to solve the ancestor of Cangyu City.

But at the moment, there are so many people watching, and the eight of them are all top leaders. If they were to deal with someone who had been seriously injured and were afraid that they would take the first shot, they would definitely pull the trigger. Can't bear this face.

So, even if they want to make a move, they have to be patient for a while, and even they have already secretly said in their hearts that they will definitely look good on this guy later.

However, the ancestor of Cangyu City seemed to have not seen these eight powerhouses, and continued to walk forward on his own.

Seeing this, the eight powerful spiritual gods directly surrounded the ancestors of Cangyu City.Only then did the ancestor of Cangyu City glance at them and said coldly, "I'm in a bad mood, don't get in the way!"

The sight of the ancestor of Cangyu City directly caused the eight powerful spiritual gods to fall into an ice cellar, and their whole bodies became cold.At that moment, they felt as if they had walked before the gate of hell, and their lives and wealth seemed to be held in their hands, as if they could kill them directly with a single thought.

Shaking their heads, they drove this thought out of their minds, what a joke, the eight of them are masters at the level of spiritual gods, and the one opposite is better than one of them at best, and now the eight of them are Join forces, still use to be afraid of him?

At the same time, when the surrounding people heard the words of the ancestor of Cangyu City, they were all stunned. They thought that this adult is really fierce. He has obviously become what he is now, but he is still so domineering. Let the eight experts in the spiritual realm make way for him.

Could it be that this adult was overly injured and hurt his brain?Already delirious?Can't see the current situation?

But now, seeing that these people did not let go, but surrounded himself even tighter, the ancestor of Cangyu City still had the same expression, but his voice became colder: "I said that I am in a bad mood. , get out of here!"

Hearing this, the faces of the eight spiritual gods suddenly became ugly, and they actually let them go?They are dignified and powerful, when have they been treated like this?

Just as they were about to speak, the voice of the ancestors of Cangyu City rang again: "I gave you a chance, if you don't cherish it, then don't blame me."

The voice was very cold, as if it came from hell, and it was accompanied by endless murderous aura. At this moment, it seemed that the entire space was frozen.

The endless chill rises from the bottom of everyone's heart, very cold, very cold... ..

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