At least in the eyes of the real person Guangjie, in his eyes, these masters are not in the mainstream, and their cultivation is still much worse.

If Master Guangjie wanted to destroy these people, it would only be a matter of thought. Of course, he would not do so, because these people were only juniors to him, and they were nothing at all.

If he took action against these people, he would inevitably lead to the result of bullying the small. Although no one might know about it, the real Guangjie wouldn't do it.

He put down his wine gourd, walked towards Ichigo slowly, and placed his palm on Ichigo's shoulder under Ichigo's suspicious gaze.

A beam of light emanated directly from the hands of Master Guangjie, and then a mysterious light enveloped him and Ichigo's bodies. When the light dissipated, the two figures were no longer visible.

Even the small thatched hut that was originally built here has disappeared without a trace.

As for Ichigo, who was carried by Master Guangjie, he could only feel the light in front of him constantly flashing, and he felt that his body was constantly shifting positions with the light, even moving through space.

This speed is obviously extremely fast. If it was someone else, it would be absolutely impossible to detect it.But Ichigo's eyes are so vicious, and he has some vague guesses, so he can clearly feel these.

This is estimated to be similar to the method of shrinking the ground into an inch, but the power of the real person Guangjie is too strong, and he can already tear through the space.

After just a moment, it was no longer known how much distance Guangjie had walked with Ichigo.

Until the vision in front of Ichigo was restored again, he found that he was already in an endless jungle.

This dense forest is basically the same as where Ichigo and Guangjie lived in front of him. The mountains are still mountains, and the trees are still trees. It doesn't seem to be different.

At least Ichigo thinks so. If there is any difference, it should be that these trees look a lot thicker than the trees in front of the Great Wilderness near the periphery.

To be precise, it is very, very thick. The trees I saw in front of me were just trees that two people hugged together, and the thinnest trees here are much thicker than the trees I saw in front of Ichigo. The thickness of four or five people hugging together.

Not to mention the thick trees, each of which is extremely thick.

And if someone who is knowledgeable comes here to see it, they will find that these trees have definitely grown for countless years.

Even some types of trees have completely disappeared in the periphery of the Great Wilderness, and this kind of tree is not an exception in this forest, there are still a lot of them.

In addition, Ichigo can also feel very keenly that the temperature here seems to be higher than the place where he stayed before. ..

Chapter 278 Fire Attribute Mountains

Although this change is not very obvious, Ichigo is still very keenly aware of it, and Ichigo can vaguely feel that the spiritual power here seems to be thick and thin.

These changes were only detected because Ichigo's sensory abilities were also enhanced with the improvement of his cultivation.If it is placed before the breakthrough of Ichigo, I am afraid it may not be able to do it.

However, after Ichigo's breakthrough, he has become much more sensitive to the outside world. After all, the Core Formation Stage is a watershed in cultivation. Even if Ichigo's spiritual power cultivation is only the cultivation base of the peak of Foundation Establishment, his physical cultivation Wei has reached the yellow level, which is equivalent to the stage of forming an elixir.

At this stage, I can already get in touch with the power between heaven and earth. The cultivator's elixir is a medium that can be used to feel the world, so now Ichigo's perception of this kind of change between heaven and earth has become incomparably sharp. .

Right now, the spiritual power in this place seems to be a little unstable, and the spiritual power concentration seems to have become much richer in an instant, and then suddenly becomes lighter.

Afterwards, Ichigo looked around again. At this time, he was a little suspicious. He felt that there seemed to be a violent aura in the air, and this violent aura was also evil and full of killing.

Ichigo closed his eyes slightly, feeling it carefully.As for the real person Guangjie who brought him here, now he naturally knows where this place is.

Cloud Broken Mountains, this is one of the main mountain ranges in the Great Wilderness Forest!Although this mountain range is neither the largest nor the most dangerous in this wilderness, Master Guangjie knows that this Cloud Broken Mountain Range is definitely one of the most mysterious mountains in the wild forest.

When he first arrived here, Master Guangjie didn't find out what the difference was between the Cloud Broken Mountain Range, but he, who had fought several battles with the devil and failed to defeat him, unintentionally ran to this cloud. Broken Mountains.

However, it was discovered that this Cloud Broken Mountain Range turned out to be an ancestral land of the ancient wasteland clan. This group was the Fire Spirit Clan, which was once famous in the history of the wasteland.

According to rumors, this Fire Spirit Race was also one of the top races in the wasteland back then. All of its clansmen were born with innate fire spirit bodies, and they had an unusually keen perception of fire attribute spiritual power. The exercises are also the most yang and strong fire attribute exercises.

And this Yunduan Mountain Range is an ancestral land where they flourished, because this Yunduan Mountain Range was originally a fire attribute mountain range.

The Fire Spirit Clan's innate Fire Spirit physique is even more like a duck in water in this Cloud Broken Mountain Range. At the beginning, from this ancestral land, countless Fire Spirit Clan masters came out, and they were famous in the entire Myriad Spirit World. The presence.

Even in the ancient wasteland, it is an overlord-level force, and the Fire Spirit Clan of the wasteland has at least a history of more than [-] years.Whether or not they are so powerful every generation.

But at least, they have existed for such a long time, and despite the efforts of each generation, they are inseparable from the entire Cloud Broken Mountains.

Every generation of them, they have managed the entire Yunduan Mountain Range with heart, no matter it is the arrangement of the formation or anything else, in a word, the Yunduan Mountain Range is an important base for them to prosper and prosper.

But later, with the continuous expansion of the Fire Spirit Clan's power, many disciples within their clan began to move towards the outside world.

As a result, in the ancestral land of the Cloud Broken Mountain Range, there are fewer and fewer people left behind. In the end, I don't know when, the power of the Fire Spirit Race began to slowly weaken.

Even suffered a catastrophe that has not happened in [-] years, the Fire Spirit clan in the wasteland began to decline continuously, and the clan members suffered extremely heavy casualties.

At this time, the Fire Spirit Race began to retreat towards the ancestral land of the Cloud Broken Mountain Range, but in the end, the Fire Spirit Race still failed to survive the catastrophe, and finally the entire ethnic group disappeared into the long river of history. .

And this Cloud Broken Mountain Range was abandoned in the same way, because its spiritual power was too violent after all. It seems that other than the people of the Fire Spirit Clan, no cultivator can really absorb these spiritual powers for their own use.

When the catastrophe comes, the entire wasteland is not only the decline of the Fire Spirit Race, but also the other forces in the wasteland become weakened, and because the Cloud Broken Mountain Range is originally extremely large, so naturally there is no more power. be able to include it in attribution.

At the beginning, Master Guangjie came to this place unintentionally, but he was surprised to find the difference here. This place has endless fire spirit energy, and the fire spirit energy in the entire mountain range is actually continuous due to the earth's veins. !

Although this fire spirit power is useless to others, it is an excellent place for formation masters like him.

Immediately after a burst of rejoicing, Master Guangjie set up countless formations in this place, using the means of reaching the sky to connect the terrain of the entire mountain range and the spiritual power, and set up a great formation forbidding the sky.

Moreover, during the formation of the formation, Master Guangjie also discovered that there were some ancient formations left in the Cloud Broken Mountains. These remaining formations are also connected in series.

The endless spiritual power was linked together by real person Guangjie's great mana, including Jiu Ji Tianyang Formation, Void Refining Extreme Fire Formation, Earth Flame Ten Thousand Spirit Formation, etc.

After that, when Master Guangjie fought the devil again, he directly led the devil to this place, and borrowed the formation he set up in the Cloud Broken Mountains to seal the devil in the here.

However, at that time, the real person Guangjie did a lot of calculations, but he still did not expect that there was a blood river formed by the blood of the Fire Spirit tribe in the interior of the Cloud Broken Mountains!

The more important point is that this blood river was actually done by those extraterrestrial demons back then, and this ancestral land of the Fire Spirit Race was wiped out by those extraterrestrial demons.

Originally, as expected by Master Guangjie, the heaven and earth demon that was sealed in this place would be completely refined by this great formation in [-].

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