In the end, it was precisely because of this negligence that the results became very different. In this great formation, it was only able to suppress the extraterrestrial demon here, and it was impossible to refine it at all.

Even with the help of the underground blood river, the strength of the devil that was suppressed by the great formation actually began to recover, and the real person Guangjie was also the one who didn't pay attention to the old devil's way, and was injured on the spot. ..

Chapter 279 Battlefield

And when it first started, he didn't expect this result at all. Master Guangjie didn't expect that it had been countless years, and in this remote wilderness, there were still those left by the demons. back.

It was not until the real person Guangjie was plotted by the old demon that he reacted, but it was already a little late at this time, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to come back again.

What's more, when the big formation was set up, he hadn't considered retreating at all, so even Master Guangjie couldn't open the big formation easily.

Now because of the blood river, the strength of the old demon is constantly recovering, but because of the repressive power of this great formation, he can't get out of trouble, if the devil is really released from it.

Even the real person Guangjie dare not say that he can deal with the devil [-]%.

And he spent all these years in this great wilderness, also to solve this matter, although the devil is powerful, but his formation is not vegetarian after all.After many years, Master Guangjie has superimposed many formations in the original seal.

In the end, the old demon was sealed in it, and even if the demon had the ability to reach the sky, he could not break the seal at all.

It's just that every once in a while, the power of this seal will weaken, so Master Guangjie must make another shot himself to increase the strength of the seal.

With the passage of time, Master Guangjie slowly discovered that the time that each re-applied seal can be extended has gradually decreased, and the effect of each seal is also constantly weakening.

According to the observation of the real person Guangjie, the strength of this old demon is constantly recovering. Once the strength of the old demon recovers to a certain level, this big formation may not be able to resist.

And what Guangjie was most worried about was the blood river left by the Huoling clan who were the overlords of the Great Wilderness.You must know that the Fire Spirit Race was also an extremely powerful existence in the entire Myriad Spirit World.

Even if the entire clan was slaughtered by the foreign demon clan that day, the blood river that was left still contained extremely terrifying power.

Who can know what kind of means the outer demons left behind in the ancestral land of this Fire Spirit Race.

How the countless blood of the Fire Spirit Race were used by them again is not something that Master Guangjie can tell.

However, even if it is not clear, the real person Guangjie can guess that the backhand left by the outer demons is absolutely terrifying. Who knows, how long those outer demons have been operating silently in the Cloud Broken Mountains?

In the past few years, Master Guangjie has also tried his best to explore the Cloud Broken Mountain Range, and he has discovered a lot of things along the way.

For example, outside the sealed formation alone, there are many backhands left by the evil spirits.For example, in the underground north of the Yunduan Mountains, there are twelve gods and demons hiding in the ground.

Each of these monsters has extremely powerful strength. They are buried in the earth veins in the northern part of the Yunduan Mountains, and the yin fire there is extremely terrifying.

Judging from the time of burial, it is at least nearly [-] years old.In the past [-] years, these twelve monsters have been absorbing the yin fire and the aura of fire.

Over the years, their power has become extremely terrifying, but it seems that at the beginning of the burial, these twelve monsters have been severely injured, but they have not been completely destroyed, and even the method of burying is extremely hasty .

As a result, the speed at which they absorb the extreme yin energy has also become a lot slower.

Otherwise, if the twelve monsters really absorbed the earth evil and the extreme yin fire breath for more than [-] years, it would be impossible to completely destroy the twelve monsters just by relying on the real person Guangjie.

In addition, not only the north of the Yunduan Mountain Range has the means left by the extraterrestrial demon clan, but also the western north and south of the Yunduan Mountain Range, there are means left by the extraterrestrial demons.

Among them, in the western land, there are a large number of corpses of the alien demon family, and these are not just simple corpses, there is a trace of evil spirit in these corpses that has never dissipated.

As for the south, there is a huge gathering Yin evil formation, this huge gathering evil formation, the evil spirits of the entire Yunduan Mountains are continuously gathered.

What is different from the yin suffocation in the north of the Yunduan Mountain Range is that the concentration here is completely the yang suffocation.

This Cloud Broken Mountain Range was originally a mountain range filled with the power of endless violent flames. The fire evil spirit in it was particularly terrifying, and it was undoubtedly full of Yang evil spirits.

If those yin evil powers can revive dead corpses, then these yang evils are an excellent means of refining the corpses of these extraterrestrial demons.

When Master Guangjie discovered that the demons outside the sky were not trying to resurrect these corpses, but to refine these corpses, he was extremely surprised.

Even if he is well-informed, he can't guess what is going on for a while, and he can't figure out why those celestial demons refine all the corpses that are not completely dead in their own family.

But even if he couldn't figure it out at the time, Master Guangjie didn't think about it any more, so he cut off the earth's energy here, blocked those Yang Sha, or led them to other places.

Then all these corpses were removed. At that time, because he could not guess the reason, the real person Guangjie did not dare to dispose of these corpses at will.

It was not until the Nine Heavens Induced Lei Du'e Great Array was finally arranged and moved to the heaven and earth of Yang Zhi Gang Du'e Tribulation Lei, all these corpses were destroyed.

At that time, after the corpses were destroyed, there was also a riot in the center of the seal formation arranged by Master Guangjie, but the seal of Master Guangjie was indeed too strict, and countless large formations added together. No matter how big the movement was, it didn't break the seal in the end.

However, the riot stopped after the seven or eight formations were completely broken.

From the real perspective, the place where Master Guangjie arranged the seal can be said to be in the east of the entire Yunduan Mountains. When Master Guangjie arranged the formation, it was with the help of the purple energy of the Yunduan Mountains.

And since there are unusual places in the four directions of the Yunduan Mountains, the south, east, and northwest, at that time, the real Guangjie set his sights on the most central part of the Yunduan Mountains.

Later, it was discovered that this place is not just a backhand left by the demon, but a battlefield. ..

Chapter 280 Powerful Demon Corpse

In the middle of the Cloud Broken Mountain Range, there is a treasure wand that exudes endless thunder and lightning. To be precise, it is a black magic wand.

And at the tip of the magic wand, there was a huge corpse, the huge corpse was hundreds of feet in size, and the entire body had been buried under the Cloud Broken Mountain Range.

And what is extremely strange is that although the magic wand is very huge, it is only more than ten feet long at most, but it completely suppresses this huge corpse below.

At that time, when Master Guangjie saw the corpse, he immediately felt that the corpse contained boundless power, which was an extremely terrifying energy.

Even if Master Guangjie had fought against many celestial demons, he had never found any celestial demon with such powerful power.

Although the owner of this power has been dead for many years, the real person Guangjie was surprised to find that if he gave the corpse a chance, he might really be able to come back to life.

The real person Guangjie, who felt this at the time, was instantly horrified. He could feel that if he really revives the body of this extraterrestrial demon, I am afraid that in this world, absolutely no one can deal with him.

It's not that people in the Myriad Spirit World are not talented in cultivation, it's just because from the great catastrophe in the ancient times to the present, the spiritual power in the whole world has become much scarcer, and even those ancient exercises have been lost. .

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