Although I don't know how far this demon corpse was before he was alive, he is definitely an extraterrestrial demon in the ancient times, and even if he has not seen all the masters in today's world, Master Guangjie has heard of it to some extent.

He really couldn't think of any master who could defeat the energy of this demon corpse, let alone resurrect it.

This is at least an ancient powerful corpse, or even stronger, which is not something they can compete with now.

But because of this, the real person Guangjie is even more curious, what kind of person is the owner of this magic wand, and he actually killed such a terrifying alien demon here.

And he has suppressed his corpse for countless years, no matter what means it can use to get out of trouble.

You must know that the most difficult thing about the outer demons is not that they are powerful. If it is just because of their strength, then the number of creatures in this myriad world is huge, and there will always be strong people who can surpass the outer demons.

If it was just a competition of strength, all those demons outside the sky would have been slaughtered long ago.

The most terrifying thing about the demons in these days is that their whereabouts are extremely strange, the demons are invisible, and no one can accurately find their figures.

Sometimes, they are a big devil, hiding under the underground spring, and sometimes they are high above the nine heavens, hiding among the floating clouds.

There is no trace of them at all, and their vitality is extremely tenacious. No matter what they suffer, as long as they still have a trace of demonic energy, they can be resurrected again.

Moreover, they can also absorb the power of the monks for their own use, and the recovery speed of the magic power is also extremely fast.It should be noted that after so many years, Wanling World has never given up on the siege and suppression of these extraterrestrial demons.

But in the end, they either escaped, or let a trace of their devilish energy escape.Therefore, even though countless celestial demons have been destroyed over the years, they have not really hurt them.

Among them, most of the demons were sealed, and the same was true of the real Guangjie. Originally, even if the demon was powerful, the real Guangjie could defeat him.

However, if it is said that he is truly killed, it is impossible.Master Guangjie also realized this, so he tried his best to seal the old demon.

Fortunately, although these heavenly demons are difficult to deal with, they also have a fatal flaw, that is, they have no ability to reproduce in this world of all spirits.

I don't know how the alien demon family came into being. Anyway, people living in this world of ten thousand spirits found that the demons outside the heavens that have appeared in the past many years have always been those who have invaded the world of ten thousand spirits.

These demons have always been immutable, at least on the bright side. As for what happened behind the scenes, it's hard to say.

But what people in the world of all spirits don't know is that these extraterrestrial demons are the most evil and evil race in the extraterritorial space.

Each of their clansmen is formed by the evil aura that exists in the boundless space outside the domain, as well as the Origin Qi of various extraterritorial worlds.It can be said that the formation of each clan is extremely difficult.

And the celestial demons born in this way are all first-generation celestial demons, and even in the celestial demon family, there are not many such existences.Every one of them is born with extremely terrifying strength.

And through the combination of these first-generation celestial demons, the born celestial demons are called second-generation demons, and by analogy, the strength of these born celestial demons will be much weaker than that of the first-generation demons.

Moreover, every time a heavenly demon is born, it is extremely difficult, and the power of the maternal demon will also be lost due to childbirth.

So even if they are able to give birth, their number is extremely rare, and among them, maternal demons are even rarer.And behind every first-generation male celestial demon, there is a powerful group.

In fact, originally, those celestial demons who have just entered the world of all spirits are all fertile, but later experienced the accident in the extreme northern forbidden area. Although these celestial demons escaped the sanction of heaven, they also paid for the loss of reproduction. the price of ability.

Later, after many battles with the monks in the world of all spirits, the number of these extraterrestrial demons has dropped sharply. Basically, at the back, every powerful existence in the extraterrestrial demons, the monks in the world of all spirits have been recorded.

It's just that the real person Guangjie has no impression of the demon corpse in front of him. You must know that he is familiar with countless ancient books. He has known every powerful demon in the ancient times, but the one in front of him has become a corpse. The powerful demon, but he didn't have a clue.

And he had a vague feeling that this demon corpse seemed to be somewhat different from the demon head he had seen before, but he couldn't say what he really wanted to say. ..

Chapter 281: Nine Profound Flames Subduing the Devil's Pestle

Master Guangjie could feel that there seemed to be something in the body of this extraterrestrial demon that he had never felt before in other extraterrestrial demons.

This breath is extremely huge and mysterious, as if there are endless changes in it.

In fact, what Master Guangjie didn't know was that the corpse of the celestial demon in front of him was the first generation of celestial demon!

In the corpse of this first-generation celestial demon, there will naturally be more aura of the origin of the world in it than those of the second- and third-generation celestial demons.Moreover, this first-generation heavenly demon was also one of the generals who invaded the world of ten thousand spirits before his death.

The first generation of celestial demons is rare even in the entire celestial demon race, let alone among the group that entered the Myriad Spirit World.

In order to avoid the Heavenly Dao and squeeze into the space channel leading to the World of Myriad Spirits, the Heavenly Demon who entered the World of Myriad Spirits was not so powerful at first. Among them, a first-generation Heavenly Demon naturally had a very high status. of.

Although the real person Guangjie did not know the details, he could really feel the powerful power contained in the demon corpse in front of him.

And he was able to perceive that in this Cloud Broken Mountain Range, no matter in other places, or where the twelve golems existed, there was a faint force gathering here.

The real Guangjie who discovered this situation at the time couldn't help but be shocked. It had been at least [-] years, and a corpse had not been destroyed, which sounded incredible.

Coupled with the possibility of resurrection of this corpse now, how can this not be surprising?But the strange thing is, if it is really calculated according to the energy reserve, I am afraid that the energy gathered here has long been enough to resurrect the devil.

But over the years, apart from gathering energy, the body of this demon showed no sign of recovery at all, which undoubtedly made the real person Guangjie a little puzzled.

Later, after a detailed inspection by the real person Guangjie, after a few days, the reason was solved.

The key point here is the black magic pestle. Originally, the real Guangjie just thought that this magic pestle was the magic weapon of a powerful and powerful man in ancient times. The strong man took it and killed the devil. die.

It was only later that I discovered that there were still some mysteries hidden in it.This strange magic pestle is an extremely powerful magic weapon, but it is not a simple magic weapon at the same time.

It is the family tool of the entire ethnic group. Once in the Cloud Broken Mountains, the only powerful ethnic group was the Fire Spirit Clan. After consulting the information, Master Guangjie found that this strange demon-smuggling pestle was the town clan of the Fire Spirit Clan. The treasure, the Nine Profound Flames Conquer the Devil's Pestle.

Of course, relying on this magic weapon alone, it is naturally impossible to kill this powerful demon. After the investigation of the real person Guangjie in the vicinity, he found [-] corpses again.

The corpses this time are not those of the demons, but the corpses of the Fire Spirit Race. It's just that the owner of each corpse was not killed by anyone, but died after exhausting his own energy and soul. These eighty-one corpses are still just empty shells.

However, it can be seen from all aspects that the eighty-one Fire Spirit clansmen were definitely strong in the Fire Spirit clan. In the eyes of Master Guangjie, each of these strong people was probably not in his own life. under.

As for the nine corpses in front of them, the real Guangjie couldn't see through them. It could only be said that their strength far surpassed that of the real Guangjie at that time.

Afterwards, when the consciousness of the real person Guangjie entered the magic wand, he was even more shocked. The spirit and will of the Fire Spirit clansmen were already filled with the Nine Profound Flames.

This is the willpower left by countless Fire Spirit people after they sacrificed themselves, among which there are many scenes of the Fire Spirit Race exterminating their clan.

In the end, the Fire Spirit Clan used the power of the whole clan to destroy the pestle and die together with the old demon.

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