In the memory retained in the Nine Profound Flame Wand, Master Guangjie could see the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly, and he also knew a little about the identity of this old demon.

He is one of the nine leaders of the Heavenly Demon Clan that invaded this world, and one of the leaders of the Heavenly Demons. Originally, with the strength of the Fire Spirit Clan, he would not have been forced to such an extent by a single Demon Commander.

However, at that time, the commander did not invade the Fire Spirit Clan alone, but he used the power of a large army and invited twelve celestial golems to do so.

And because of the catastrophe of the world, the supreme power of the Fire Spirit Clan, and the most powerful people in the clan all went to the catastrophe, and there were only nine Shouyuan left in the Fire Spirit Clan. There are not many masters of the older generation, and there are other top masters.

In the end, ninety-nine-eighty-one masters joined forces to move this clan weapon, but just asking for it, still couldn't deal with the demons. In desperation, the Fire Spirit clan tried their best to save everyone's lives. , and then perished with those heavenly demons.

But obviously, the old demon also used some means before dying, and it is obvious that there is still a possibility of resurrection.However, because of the suppression of the Spiritual Mind of the entire Fire Spirit Clan, it was suppressed for the time being.

As long as this demon-destroying pestle is still there for a day, it is absolutely impossible for this old demon to escape and resurrect.But at the beginning, since the corpse of this old demon had been discovered by the real person Guangjie, he naturally had to make some moves.

No matter how powerful the old demon was in his lifetime, he was already dead after all, and there was still the suppression of the Nine Profound Flames, No matter how powerful the old demon was in his lifetime, but death is like a lamp. The strength of the corpse can still be dealt with some things.

At that time, Master Guangjie used a lot of methods, plus a lot of heaven and earth treasures, to constantly resolve the evil spirits of this place with the formation method.

In the end, the twelve golems, as well as the bodies of those extraterrestrial demons, were all destroyed by him.And because after the initial war, the layout of these back-hands was not so detailed, but it has not been discovered for a long time.

Therefore, it didn't take much effort for real Guangjie to destroy these things.It's just that it took a lot of effort to deal with the corpse of the last extraterrestrial demon commander.

In the old demon's body, it seems to contain some kind of extremely strange power, which is like the power of a law, no matter what Master Guangjie does, he can't break it.

In the end, the success was achieved by using the obsessional power of the Fire Spirit clansmen in the magic wand. ..

Chapter 282 Accident

With the help of the obsessional power of the Nine Profound Flame Wand, and the power of the entire Fire Spirit Clan, it took nearly a hundred years for Master Guangjie to truly remove all the layouts set by the Heavenly Demons here.

However, when Master Guangjie sealed the devil in this place back then, it was somewhat self-defeating. At that time, he didn't investigate the things under this mountain range in a hurry.

Although Master Guangjie spent hundreds of years to clear all these hidden dangers, after all, that demon corpse has been buried underground for at least [-] years. Even if Master Guangjie really has the ability to reach the sky, then It is also impossible to completely remove it.

The demon corpse in the ground had some influence on the seal of the demon head. Master Guangjie also knew this, so he strengthened the seal a few more layers, and he himself kept here all the time, not for a moment. dare to leave.After all, he has been here for thousands of years.

In the past thousand years, the real Guangjie has been here almost all the time, day and night, and the longest time he has been away is only more than ten years, just to find a way to eliminate this devil.

Not long ago, the real person Guangjie left here, thinking of a solution, if it can be successful, I am afraid that it can really kill the devil.

However, during the period of time he was away, several masters gathered from Youzhou and some nearby places, including spiritual experts.

If it is placed in the usual time when Master Guangjie is sitting here, not to mention a few spiritual powerhouses, even that Dongxuan master would not be able to get close to the sealed land at all.

And in normal times, as long as someone approached the Yunduan Mountain Range recklessly, Master Guangjie would use some means to scare these people away. In the past thousand years, the Yunduan Mountain Range has long since become this great wilderness. a mysterious place.

It's a pity that when I left that meeting, Master Guangjie thought that he could return early, so he didn't set any restrictions. Who knows that it took some time along the way.And just at this moment, some small accidents happened.

It was the space where Master Guangjie left. Those masters actually found the Yunduan Mountains on a treasure hunt. Originally, the Yunduan Mountains had always been a mysterious existence, so these people also wanted to find out.

Unconsciously, these people actually approached the location of the seal, and after the millennium, the original strength of the old demon has recovered a lot.

This seal formation has a faint loophole, and it can only rely on the continuous blessing of Guangjie real person to achieve a balance.In order to exert the maximum effect of the formation, Master Guangjie also abandoned many external things.

Just trying to improve the inner strength, in this way, the defensive strength outside this formation is somewhat insufficient. Even if the strength is insufficient, this formation cannot be shaken by a few spiritual monks.

However, if the old demon being suppressed inside happened to be rioting, the situation would be different.What's so undeniable is that the actions of those monks just awakened the alien demon in the seal.

In fact, after being sealed for thousands of years, the old demon's strength not only did not lose much, but because of the blood river and various reasons of the Cloud Broken Mountain Range itself, the old demon's skill has increased a lot.

The suffocating energy accumulated in the underground [-] years is undoubtedly a good medicine for the evil spirits outside the sky.

Therefore, the growth rate of the old demon's strength is extremely terrifying. Compared with a thousand years ago, it is completely improved by a grade, which is really different.

In the past thousand years, Master Guangjie has been constantly improving his strength in the continuous confrontation with the old demon. Unfortunately, no matter how powerful he is, after all, he is only a human body. How can the speed be compared to that devil?

Moreover, in the past thousand years, there are no resources suitable for the cultivation of Guangjie real people. The pure fire spirit power of Yunduan Mountains is a holy place for the monks of the fire attribute to cultivate.

But for other cultivators, it was not so beautiful, but Master Guangjie was known as the Ten Thousand Laws Heavenly Law in the past, and he also had some research on the way of fire, so that his strength was improved.

In the end, because the ancient legacy bureau was resolved, the Nine Profound Flame Wand of the Fire Spirit Clan also fell into the hands of Master Guangjie.And since this is the family weapon of the Fire Spirit Clan, there are naturally many secrets in it.

Relying on it, Master Guangjie found a lot of things left over by the Fire Spirit Race during the war, including a lot of resources for cultivation.In this way, the real strength of Guangjie began to grow again.

Otherwise, let the strength of the devil grow rapidly, I am afraid that the real Guangjie will not be able to hold on for a thousand years, and it is estimated that the devil will break the seal and come out.

However, no matter how strong the real person Guangjie became, he was not as fast as the devil devoured him madly.Under the situation, the power of the devil can gradually penetrate beyond the seal.

Of course, the power of the devil could not penetrate completely, at most it was only a trace of magic power.But how powerful the old demon is, it is just a trace of magic energy, which cannot be resisted by the spiritual powerhouse.

For the old demon, the strength of those spiritual gods was completely incompetent, and the old demon could easily kill them with just a little power.

However, the old demon didn't do that. He used the mind power of the outer demon to directly refine these spiritual powerhouses into puppets.

Use these puppets to help him destroy the seal formation from the outside, because this seal formation is completely aimed at the old demon. As long as the old demon touches, it will be strongly suppressed by the formation.

However, if these puppets take action, the power of backlash will be much weaker. This is also a defect left by the real Guangjie who pursues power without taking care of others.

Later, when Guangjie returned to this place and found all this, the seal had been destroyed a lot, although the area of ​​damage was not very large compared to the entire seal formation.

But after all, there is a loophole in a complete seal, and what kind of character is the demon inside, immediately attacking that flaw with all his strength.

As for the few spiritual puppets he controlled, as early as when he realized that Master Guangjie was about to return, not even the scum was left.

And Master Guangjie didn't expect such an accident at all. In a hurry, he started repairing the seal. He had already found a solution, but was disrupted by this sudden accident.

Now, the old demon had been suppressed for a thousand years, and suddenly he realized the hope of getting out of trouble, and he even desperately shot.The means are exhausted, extremely terrifying. ..

Chapter 283 Battle of the Souls

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