The way of the formation taught by Master Guangjie to Yihu is naturally different. Master Guangjie asks himself that he has come a long way on the way of formation. The spirit of protection.

Even the most basic spirit patterns are extremely subtle. The spirit patterns that have undergone countless tempering and the formations he passed on to Ichigo are all extremely harmonious, and it can be said that they operate naturally.

There is not a trace of inconvenience at all, so now Ichigo can actually arrange formations and instant formations at the same time. Although the most important of these is Ichigo's talent, the inheritance of Master Guangjie is also played a great role.

Ichigo moved his palm curiously. He is really interested in this formation now, and even he is already imagining that once he fights with someone, hundreds of formations will be thrown in an instant. .

In that case, I am afraid that the opponent can be destroyed directly.Where do you need to do it yourself?

Aside, the real Guangjie has come over at this moment, and then pushed him rudely, pushing him from fantasy to reality.

Yes, let’s restrain a little now, after all, my strength is still too weak, Ichigo has thought about it, if he and a master of the level of Master Guangjie really start to move, I am afraid that Master Guangjie only uses one finger The head can kill himself in minutes.

As for the real person Guangjie, although the perverted degree of Ichigo has been shocked to an incomparable level, as a master, he still feels that it is necessary to beat his apprentice again, so as to avoid Ichigo being too arrogant and going out to fight with others in the future. suffer. ..

Chapter 302 Swordsmanship

Immediately trying to make himself as serious as possible, Master Guangjie cleared his throat slightly and said, "Boy, it's not bad. But well, if it's just this level, it's not enough. If you are so patient against the enemy, I am afraid they will be destroyed long ago."

Then the real Guangjie said something again, and Ichigo pretended to be listening, but he actually had his own scruples in his heart.

In the end, Master Guangjie taught Yihu a lot of basic formations, and even one or two powerful formations.

However, the most important thing is that the real Guangjie passed it on to Yihu and a practice. If only this practice is mentioned, its grade is not the highest, but this practice has a special mystery in it.

For ordinary people, it may not be of much use, but for a control cultivator like the Spirit Array Master, this is definitely a peerless exercise.

Linglong Yushenjue, this exercise was specially created for the cultivation of spiritual power. Although it is not of the highest quality, it has many wonderful uses.

If you concentrate on your cultivation, this is definitely an extremely powerful technique, and it is definitely a rare treasure for a spiritual master.

Although Ichigo's mental power is extremely large now, he is not familiar with the method of spiritual cultivation in this world, let alone the method of spiritual control in this world.

Ichigo can do a lot of things, but it's not so handy to use, and it will take a lot of useless effort.

Right now, this exercise is what Ichigo needs most now.If you can practice successfully, you will be able to spend a lot less energy.

Moreover, among them, it records the cultivation experience of the real person Guangjie. If this is placed outside the Great Wilderness, it will definitely be scrambled by everyone.

With Guangjie Zhenren's formation cultivation base, it is also possible for those spirit formation masters to be destroyed.Even the top sectarian forces would be jealous of this.

And Ichigo just felt it with his own spiritual sense. As soon as it started running, with his eyesight, he immediately realized that this exercise is definitely a rare treasure.

He just wanted to verbally thank Master Guangjie, but he was puzzled to find that Master Guangjie looked a little strange at him. Ichigo couldn't tell what was going on.

Right now, Ichigo didn't know that it was the powerful talent he showed that deeply stimulated Master Guangjie, and even prompted Master Guangjie to secretly make a decision in his heart.

Master Guangjie decided to teach Yihu some more things. He originally thought that it was just a basic formation, and Yihu would probably spend a month to learn.

But now it's not even half a day, and Ichigo has already practiced almost.

Originally, there were some things that Master Guangjie did not intend to teach to Ichigo now, he was afraid that Ichigo would not be able to digest so much in a while.Originally, Mr. Guangjie planned to wait at least two or three months.

When Ichigo is almost done practicing the formation, he will teach Ichigo more advanced things.Originally, the time he gave to Ichigo to resolve the old demon would take at least a year or more.

However, after seeing the terrifying spiritual power of Ichigo, Master Guangjie changed his mind. Maybe Ichigo can create a miracle again?

Thinking like this, the figure of the real person Guangjie suddenly fluttered, and the whole person seemed to be completely transformed into a ray of light, which fell into Yihu's mind.

His whole person was like a sharp sword, stabbing directly at Ichigo, as if there was only this sword in the whole world.Ichigo's mind only felt a vibration and a buzzing sound.

In the endless rays of light, the sword was constantly expanding, and Ichigo's pupils gradually solidified, and there was a sword shadow in that pupil.

This sword kept stroking between the whole world, and one after another extremely strange, and extremely terrifying rays of light kept flashing between the heaven and the earth.

Dao Dao's sword light continued to circulate, and the incomparably terrifying aura quickly condensed, and each sword pierced, the power of the next sword would increase a lot.

Every time the sword is pierced, the entire void seems to be shaking. One sword is more powerful than the other. The power is like the waves of the river and sea. The technique is not inferior to the sword technique he used before.

Each sword seems to match the way of heaven and earth, with endless rhythm, unlike when Ichigo originally roamed in various two-dimensional planes, he simply pursued destructive power.

This sword technique is in harmony with the way of heaven, and every sword seems to be able to communicate with the world, which makes the power of the sword technique increase a little out of thin air.

However, this set of swordsmanship taught by Master Guangjie is not like other swordsmanship, it has so many tricks and is flashy.In the swordsmanship taught by Master Guangjie, every move is aimed at the enemy's vital points.

But this swordsmanship does not look boring, but there is a mysterious and mysterious feeling in it.Suddenly a sword stabbed out, the sword was as fast as lightning, making people's eyes unable to see clearly, as if it was about to pierce the whole world.

At the same time, this sword seems to have a thousand changes, and every incarnation of the sword carries a fierce aura that pierces the sky.This is completely different from the general Huajian, which only transforms a series of sword qi, but the actual attack power is extremely limited.

But Master Guangjie's sword, which is divided into thousands, seems to be the essence, and each sword has an earth-shattering power.

With the thousands of sword qi being shot out, each sword qi contains the domineering arrogance to slay the world, and has a terrifying aura of indomitable progress. The belief that you will never stop until you kill your opponent makes people sigh secretly. The killing sword is really beautiful.

Every sword shadow transformed by the real person Guangjie is a human sword and one. It is obviously just a sword, but it seems to contain endless changes. Ichigo's mind has been completely attracted. Really like art.

Right now, when the real person of Guangjie stabbed out another sword, this sword seemed to have endless power, and when combined with his strange movement, it looked even more terrifying and unusual. ..

Chapter 303 Teaching

The body of the real person Guangjie is like a phantom, as if hidden in an endless space, making people unpredictable at all, and with this terrifying swordsmanship, it is even more unpredictable.

Although Guangjie Zhenren's swordsmanship was originally inherited from his own Taixu Dao Sect, but later through the exchange and learning in Wuji Sword Sect, after obtaining the true inheritance of Wuji Sword Sect, the number of swordsmanship changed greatly.

Although he has already walked his own path, there are more or less shadows of Wuji Jianzong in the swordsmanship of the real person Guangjie.However, Wuji Jianzong is the number one kendo sect in the world, killing swords, magic swords, and extreme swords are all the best in the world.

And this strange movement method, the real person Guangjie used is the exercise method of Taixu Taoism.

This demonstration by the real person Guangjie, naturally, not only taught Yihu sword technique, but also directly taught this movement technique to Yihu.

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