And if you want to just teach the exercises, it's not enough. Superpowers like Taixu Daozong and this Wuji Jianzong naturally have specific exercises to match their fighting techniques.

Originally, these exercises were not passed on to outsiders, but the real Guangjie asked himself that Ichihu was the apprentice he accepted, so naturally he could not be regarded as an outsider.

It's just that the real person Guangjie has not been in contact with the sect for a long time, and he does not know how his sect has become now.

Here, Master Guangjie imparted to Ichihu, the Spiritual Void Supreme Xiaoyao Zhenjing. This is a practice that only the top figures among the true disciples of the sect are qualified to be given to practice.

However, Master Guangjie asked himself that as his own disciple, Ichigo was naturally qualified to practice this technique, and no one could say anything.

The figure transformed by the real person Guangjie naturally not only taught Yihu the body technique and swordsmanship, but also many other supporting items were also stuffed into Yihu.

Even with the powerful mental power of Ichigo, it is still a bit overwhelming at the moment, but Ichigo is now learning and using it, and running the Linglong Royal God Art.

Not to mention, just running the exercise for the first time, Ichigo felt refreshed, and his thoughts were clear.

As long as this exercise is performed, it is as if a person has created a few more mind apertures out of thin air. When he thinks about it, he immediately opens up much faster than usual.

Although the first time Ichihu is running the exercises, it can only do one thing, but this is also equivalent to doubling the mental ability and thinking ability out of thin air. In this way, when practicing other things, it is natural to come out soon. many.

It can be seen from this that the power of this exercise is so powerful that it doubles the efficiency out of thin air. If it is applied to cultivation, it is also extremely powerful.

It is conceivable that if this practice method spreads out, I am afraid it will be enough to set off a bloody storm and create a catastrophe in the world.

And with the blessing of this practice method, the speed of Yihu's practice has been accelerated a lot.On the side, Guangjie's spiritual absorptive ability is so powerful.

The thought that originally planned to stop was also smothered, and he continued to transmit secret techniques to Ichigo.

Moreover, the real person Guangjie also used his spiritual sense to completely engrave these things in Ichigo's mind. His illusionary figure evolved exercises directly next to Ichigo's soul, which made Ichigo's impression become extremely profound.

Following the movements of the real person Guangjie, he copied every trace of the rhythm contained in the secret technique he taught to Ichigo, in order to make Ichigo understand as smoothly as possible.

Although Ichigo's current state limits him from being able to learn it completely, it will still be much easier to understand.

Master Guangjie and Ichigo, the two sent one to study, but they were both so stubborn, and they were deadlocked for a while. It must be known that Master Guangjie knows so much, but so is Ichigo's mental endurance. of power.

This came and went, and three days had passed.In the past three days, neither of them has moved, and it is just like this, but the manpower is limited after all.

Ichigo's current state limits his strength. Although his spiritual power is extremely huge, it cannot be compared with what he used to be.In the past three days, even with the help of Linglong Yushen Jue, Ichigo's mental power has already reached its limit.

During these three days and three nights, Master Guangjie taught Yihu countless secret techniques, and Yihu accepted all of them rudely.If it weren't for the role of the Dayan Heart Sutra to contain all things, I'm afraid that his whole person is now crazy.

Master Guangjie was naturally able to sense that Ichigo's mental power was about to reach its limit, so he stopped it in time.

But Ichigo was really tired. As soon as the real Guangjie stopped, Ichigo fell to the ground. He was really tired after three days and three nights. It would be better if he just didn't sleep. But even if the mental strength is exhausted, it is really tired.

Seeing Ichigo falling to the ground, Master Guangjie didn't help him either. He just glanced at it, and a bed was created out of thin air under Ichigo.

This bed looks completely different from ordinary beds. The whole body of this bed is made of purple jade, which is transparent as a whole, and it looks extremely precious just by itself.

This is the Zixia jade bed, which is quite effective in treating mental power.As the breath continued to emanate from the jade bed, Ichigo's originally tired expression gradually relaxed.

The originally unstable breathing also calmed down. Upon seeing this, the real person Guangjie made a move with his palm, and one after another golden droplets were immediately swept out by him with one hand and sprinkled on Ichigo.

This golden droplet is also a top-quality treasure. If there is such a thing, I am afraid that this time the limit of Ichigo will be exhausted. Not only will there be no damage, but there will be many benefits.

After the golden droplets were thrown, Master Guangjie still seemed a little uneasy. With a flick of his finger, a formation was set up in an instant. This was just a rather tasteless formation for a cultivator, but in In the hands of the real person Guangjie, it is also very useful.

This formation can make people feel relaxed and happy, and also has the effect of benefiting the spirit and consolidating the qi.

After doing all this, Master Guangjie breathed a sigh of relief. He sat on the side by himself, picked up his wine gourd, and took a sip of wine. His expression was extremely complicated.But the joy in it couldn't be concealed.

This time, the real person Guangjie really taught Yihu a lot of things, and many of his exclusive secret techniques were also passed on to Yihu.

Moreover, Ichigo's talent really can't be described in words. Although it is impossible for Ichigo to fully understand the things taught by Master Guangjie for a while, but at least he has a little understanding and can use it. ..

Chapter 304 Cultivation

If all these things can be digested, I am afraid that the reliability of this operation will be inseparable, at least it will give Ichigo some life-saving means, and looking at this situation, Guangjie Master originally expected a year. , I'm afraid it's a bit too long.

The real person Guangjie really did not expect that Ichigo's talent was so powerful, it was really incredible.

Originally, he thought that Ichigo would be able to help him, but at least he would have to wait for more than a year, and this was the most optimistic situation, requiring him to exercise Ichigo day and night without daring to relax.

Even three or five years are within the consideration of Master Guangjie. After all, this confrontation with the old demon has lasted for more than a thousand years. Even if Master Guangjie has come up with a solution, he also understands that this matter is in no hurry.

Moreover, he is also confident in the seal of the old demon, thinking that the seal formation can last for at least another ten years, making the old demon immobile.

But now it seems that if Ichigo masters the things that Guangjie passed to him once, it will not be used in the last year.Looking at the current situation, half a year or eight or nine months is enough.

Master Guangjie sat quietly by the side, drinking one sip after another. Originally, the wine should have lost its taste after drinking too much, but this time, for some reason, the wine became more and more comfortable.

It is really wonderful, and contains endless taste.The more I drink, the happier it is, and gradually a gourd of wine is about to be consumed.

Yihu, who was lying on the side of the Zixia jade bed, showed no sign of waking up at all. On the Zixia jade bed, streaks of purple rays of light flowed out along the lines of the jade.

In the end, it flowed directly into Ichigo's body, and the purple rays of light reflected on Ichigo's body all turned purple, as transparent as purple jade, which was truly beautiful.

Even the meridian lines in Yihu's body can be seen, and the golden droplets in the hands of the real person Guangjie also entered Yihu's body together.

As soon as the golden droplet entered the body, it was absorbed and disappeared without a trace, but the golden light continued to wander through Yi Hu's body.

After the three days of calming down, the muscle tension caused by the high mental tension, the golden light passed, and the muscles of Ichigo's whole body relaxed.

Moreover, there is also energy in this golden light, which is constantly merging into Ichigo's body, and with these purple rays of light, it looks extremely dazzling.

After a while, vortices began to appear on Ichigo's body, and the power of stars rushed in frantically, and the thunder power in the sky was also drawn out by the vortex on Ichigo's body.

These energies eventually converged towards Ichigo's body.This is the effect produced by Ichigo's Jiuyao God of War Art that spontaneously operates.

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