This is one of the great things about physical cultivation. Once a physical cultivation cultivator experiences a limit, his strength will increase by a few points. Growth in adversity is the survival rule of physical cultivation.

These absorbed energies immediately changed Ichigo's physical body, and his physical strength seemed to have increased by a few points. , at any time it is possible to directly step into the late yellow stage.

If Ichigo is still conscious now, as long as he hits the realm again, then breaking the bottleneck will be a stable thing, but...he doesn't care about it at all right now.

In Ichigo's mind, the amount of information accumulated now is still extremely huge. Although he has fainted, the consciousness in his mind has not stopped at all, and he has been constantly pondering the things that Master Guangjie taught him. thing.

Although Ichigo used his astonishing spiritual power to engrave everything that Guangjie had passed down one by one, it still takes a lot of effort to truly understand it.

In the current spiritual world of Ichigo, what was passed down by the real Guangjie is being deduced over and over again.

If it were an ordinary person doing this, it would definitely lead to the exhaustion of mental strength, the death of the devil, or the physical body could not bear such a heavy burden. Although the spirit was fine, the physical body would die directly.

But now Ichigo has the real person Guangjie watching, and naturally he has no such concerns. For the real person Guangjie, a monk like Ichigo, as long as there is still a trace of breath, he can The other party pulled back from the gate of hell.

Under the care of Gentleman Guangjie, Ichigo's body not only did not melt, but his strength also improved a little, and he was protected by Gentleman Guangjie's soothing formation. No matter how the mental power of Ichigo was depleted, at most it was a comparison. Just tired.

It is impossible for Duan Duan to be in danger of life. Otherwise, the real Guangjie has been in vain for so many years. If some old guys know about it, I am afraid that he will laugh his teeth out.

And this is also the difference between monks who have apprenticeship and monks who have no apprenticeship in the world of practice.

Cultivators who have masters, when they cultivate, they are sheltered by people everywhere, which can improve a lot of efficiency, and those disciples of major sects don't have to worry about resources.

As for those scattered cultivators who do not have a teacher, it is extremely difficult to cultivate, and they have no cultivation resources at all, and they are even born in a wild way.

At this point, the current Ichigo can be said to be extremely lucky, but these current Ichigos are simply not considered.

In his mind now, there are only sword techniques, formation techniques, and movement techniques.In Ichigo's consciousness, his wrist was gently raised, and the sword energy was continuously vertical and horizontal, one turned into two, two into four, and four into eight.

The eight sword qi flew out at an extremely fast speed, and the sub-light sword shadow and the pole sword were used directly, and they shot to the sky together, but the figure of Ichigo did not stop, his body flashed, and it was another instant. appeared aside.

Endless murderous intent poured out of his body in an instant, the entire space seemed to be condensed at this moment, and even the eight lightning-fast sword qi paused slightly.

At this moment, Ichigo was like an unsheathed sword, slashing at the eight sword qi. If you can't kill your opponent, then you will fall directly under your opponent.

Fortunately, under this terrifying killing sword, the eight sword qi was shattered. If people saw this scene, they would be stunned. ..

Chapter 305 Enlightenment

Who is this?Isn't he crazy?Actually attacking yourself?But Ichigo did this. He continued to practice in this way. He never stopped. He was never soft on the enemy when he fought, but when he practiced, he was extremely strict with himself.

At this moment, such a scene is evolving in Ichigo's mind.One after another sword qi was constantly collapsing, turning into aftermath and shooting out all around.

Where the aftermath passed, trees exploded directly, and even the space trembled, as if it might be punctured at any time.

But just for a moment, Ichigo's body flashed again and again, and the whole person seemed to instantly turn into an illusory figure.His body was like a wandering Taixu, shuttled out from this violent energy storm.

No matter how violent this energy storm is, it is impossible to get close to Ichigo's body at all, and Ichigo's whole person is like being in a dream at this moment.

Compared with the ghosts of the previous Youluo footwork, this movement technique is completely different in terms of breath and characteristics.No matter how powerful the Youluo footwork is, it is only a Xuan-level practice. As for the practice that Ichigo is currently practicing, although he doesn't know what level it is, it is definitely much higher than the Youluo footwork.

Yihu has only just been practicing, and he has already felt that the speed of using this movement is no less than that of Youluo's footwork.

If we talk about artistic conception, this practice method is much better than the Youluo footwork method, and it is far from being on the same level.

Ichigo can feel it, and the feeling of this exercise is completely different from the Youluo footwork. It seems that every bit of power can be used just right.As the body technique unfolded, there was nothing but joy in the whole body.

It can be said that it is a move of the spirit, and the magic method is infinite.At this moment, during the action of Ichigo, he had secretly used the Spiritual Void Sutra, which was newly taught to him by Master Guangjie.

However, Ichihu didn't know that the body technique taught to him by Master Guangjie was also the first-class practice of Taixu Dao Sect.Once this practice has reached an extremely advanced level, everything in the world is just a dream.

The ten thousand li area is only one step away, and the world is boundless.This kind of cultivation technique is extremely precious even within the Taixu Dao Sect, and there are only very few people who are qualified to practice.

Although it was the first time for Ichigo to perform the exercises, his power was not trivial. With this technique alone, even if he encountered an enemy with a higher cultivation level than himself, even if he was no match, Ichigo could still escape.

For such life-saving skills, Ichigo naturally attaches great importance to it, but although he is easy to use, if he insists on exploring the truth contained in this practice.

Even if Ichigo has some of the original insight and vision, but under this new power system, it can't play a big role at all.

Now Ichigo can only study these more assiduously. At this moment, at the moment when his figure flashes, Ichigo's fingers have begun to twitch.

In just an instant, a formation was portrayed by Ichigo, and then he blessed him on his body.The next moment, Ichigo only felt his body lighten, and the already extremely fast movement became a little faster.

Right now, Ichigo was sprinting fast, when suddenly a mass of flames flashed in front of him, and in the flames, a flame leopard several meters long rushed out.

The leopard's claw slapped Ichigo fiercely in the face, which was extremely terrifying. If this fiery flame power touches a person, I am afraid it is enough to melt it directly.

This power is already extremely powerful, and even a master of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment may not be able to handle it here.

Ichigo's body kept dodging under the fire leopard's attack, no matter how powerful the fire leopard was, it couldn't touch Ichigo.

And here Ichigo is moving, and the fingers are not stopped at all.During a few ups and downs, two huge water dragons rose up at the same time and slammed into the huge flame leopard.

The endless water mist surged up in an instant, rushed towards the sky, and was swallowed up by the surging heat wave.

These two water dragons directly extinguished the raging flames, but at the same time, these two water dragons were also dried by the temperature emitted by the flames.

At the intersection of the two attacks, a small rainbow crossed out and hung above the sky, looking extremely beautiful.

These two attacks were all portrayed by Ichigo using the power of the formation. In terms of power alone, the power of each of the two formations reached the level of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

Almost among the formations, it is already the number one below the yellow level. The two formations are instantly cast at the same time, and this kind of formidable power is also extremely terrifying.

At that moment, it was equivalent to two masters who had established the Great Perfection of the Foundation at the same time, and it was completely a fatal blow. Even those masters at the stage of formation, if they wanted to resist head-on, it would be a little difficult.

These two arrays, although Ichigo was used for the first time, were extremely stable.In the future, if Ichigo really starts with people, this formation can have unexpected effects.

Ichigo's body continued to flicker, and in just an instant, a series of attacks of different forms flew out one after another, and the power of each attack was extremely powerful.

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