After a while, this cyan lotus directly turned into an incomparably fast ray of light. In just the blink of an eye, it had entered the spiritual sea of ​​Yihu, and the whole lotus was swaying in Yihu's spiritual sea. It was as if it was rooted in Yihu's spiritual sea.

At the same time, the blue rays of light kept rushing towards Ichigo's body, surging frantically towards Ichigo's spiritual sea.Faintly, it began to condense.

Wherever this cyan breath passed, Ichigo felt as if his entire body had been washed once, and his whole body was filled with endless power.However, this power seems to be a little too powerful.

Ichigo felt that his body was like an inflated balloon, the whole person seemed to be floating, and there was also a feeling of pain, Ichigo could feel it, if it wasn't for the moon spirit to absorb part of it In terms of energy, I am afraid that I have already been blown up by this terrifying energy.

But even so, Ichigo was definitely not feeling well.Because this energy is really terrifying, it is cleaning Yihu's limbs and bones all the time, as well as Yihu's whole body's Zhoutian acupoint, each of the [-] orifice acupoints is very smooth.

On the surface of his body, a trace of black dirt was immediately expelled. This was obviously because the impurities in Yihu's body were cleaned out. This time, his tendons became stronger and stronger.

Just at this stage, it is much stronger than when Ichihu Knot Pill was successful before, just the width of the meridians and the sea of ​​​​spirits have suddenly become much larger.

That cyan lotus flower kept shaking in Yihu's spiritual sea, exuding a wonderful rhythm. The chaotic energy continued to condense from top to bottom. This scene was really scary.

Under this cyan chaotic energy, Ichigo could feel that his damaged spiritual sea was beginning to recover, and the recovery speed was extremely fast.

It didn't take long for the Linghai to be completely repaired. At this time, in the center of the Linghai, a line of breath like a gossamer was constantly swimming.

This breath is much stronger than the breaths released by Yihu when he condensed the spirit pill. In the spirit sea of ​​​​protection, the appearance of spirit pills reappeared.

And this time is also very different from the last time. The cyan lotus flower moved as a whole and instantly flew into Ichigo's elixir.At this time, Qinglian seemed to be completely integrated with the elixir, or completely became a part of the elixir.

But right now, Ichigo is also a little dazed. He still hasn't figured out what's going on, so naturally he can't explain it clearly.

All he knew was that all of this had surpassed his cognition, and now the only real person, Guangjie, who knew the truth, did not speak.

However, there seems to be no harm in this kind of broken pills and re-condensation. Ichigo was a little worried before, but later he was relieved.

At this moment, all of this has basically stabilized, but it will take some time to break in in the end, so Ichigo spent another half day in torment.

In the past half a day, the spiritual power transformed by the green lotus kept washing Ichigo's body. His physique was stronger than the original one. In addition, he was originally the body of the late Huang rank. Now it can really be regarded as a Huang-level Great Consummation.

At this moment, a burst of light suddenly lit up in the direction of the Eight Paths in Yihu Linghai, arranged according to the way of heaven and earth gossip. It looked extremely mysterious. The eight rays of light gathered together, and I saw a pearl-like light group. which slowly formed.

The whole body of this light group is cyan, and it looks extremely mysterious, and no matter how small it is, it can produce an extremely terrifying coercion. This is indeed a real panacea!

Although its size is smaller than that of the elixir condensed by Ichigo, it is far more powerful than the elixir that Ichigo condensed before, and it is not comparable to the elixir condensed by Ichigo.

If the elixir that Ichigo had condensed earlier was the moon, then this one was like a scorching sun, with infinite power.

You must know that the elixir that was condensed by Yihu was already a second-grade elixir, and the elixir condensed now is even more powerful. Isn't this a proper first-grade elixir?

However, these current Ichigos still have no way of knowing. As for the real person Guangjie on the side, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a strange look flashed in the dark, but in just a moment, he had returned to normal.

It's just that the joy on his old face couldn't be concealed.

"It's really unexpected to be able to reach this level. Looking at the arrogance of ancient today, I'm afraid it can be ranked first. However, with Qinglian as the body, it should be the same, otherwise it would be too bad. some."

Real Guangjie thought secretly in his heart.

Originally, he also expected that Ichigo would get the protection of Qinglian, plus he used some means to reverse it with the power of the sky, this time Ichigo's elixir can definitely break through to the first rank, but he didn't expect it. Ichigo can do so much!

With the power of that chaotic green lotus, Ichigo successfully condensed a first-grade chaotic elixir. Just looking at its power, I am afraid that it is the best among first-grade elixir! ..

Chapter 314 Confrontation

But at the moment, this elixir has just been completed, and with it, there will naturally be the catastrophe of heaven and earth. At this time, the entire sky is instantly darkened, and the endless thunderclouds seem to crush the sky, endless. The sound of thunder boomed, and the entire sky seemed to collapse.

The thunder light kept flashing, streaks of light in the sky, as if the sky was split open, the strong thunder force made people feel numb on the scalp, and it was impossible to stop it.

The endless thunder power spreads continuously in the sky and the earth, and the thunder light has already hit the surrounding ground, leaving big pits on the ground in just an instant.

Just looking at the power, this top tier one spiritual pill thunder tribulation is more terrifying than the second grade spiritual pill, and it can almost be said that it is not at the same level at all.

Feeling this terrifying Lei Wei, Yihuo's scalp was also a little numb. He could feel the power of this thunder, even if he was close to the Huang-level Great Perfection flesh body, he might not be able to bear it.

You must know that his physical cultivation in the late yellow stage is equivalent to the spiritual power cultivation in the late stage of the formation of pills. Even so, he can't bear it.

It can also be seen from this that how powerful the first-grade spirit pill is. As soon as the pill is condensed, it is necessary to pass through the heavenly calamity comparable to the consummation of the pill, and it can only be crossed by oneself. Not busy, this requires the monks to have at least the strength of the Great Perfection when they form the alchemy.

And this is almost impossible, so from ancient times to the present, everyone who can produce a first-grade elixir is a peerless genius. As long as he can truly grow up, he will definitely become a master in the era of suppression.

But now, Ichigo just wants to know how to get through the catastrophe in front of him.

At present, Ichigo's physical strength is the realm of the late Huang level. If you add his Jiuyao War God Art, it should be enough to match the combat power of the Great Perfection level of Jiedan. If it was before, Ichigo might think that this is the case. The combat power is enough to deal with the catastrophe of this level.

But when Yihu crossed the calamity of body repair before, the power of the robbery was really too terrifying.The catastrophe in front of him seems ordinary, but who knows what else is waiting for him.

Ichigo was really worried about this unpredictable way of heaven, and he could only pray that he would not encounter any inhuman treatment in the future.

Thinking of this, Ichigo can't help but feel a little depressed. He obviously didn't do anything. Why did this catastrophe come to trouble him for no reason? If it is because of his breakthrough in cultivation, but his breakthrough is too inexplicable. Bar?

Of course, Ichigo was just thinking about it in his own heart. If someone else knew about Ichigo's mental activities, he would probably have the heart to hack him to death.After all, Yihu has already obtained a [-]st rank elixir for nothing, is he still not satisfied?

But Ichigo wanted to think about it, if possible, he naturally hoped that this kind of inexplicable would come back a few more times.Of course, if the pain during the period can be a little less, it will be better.

At the same time, just as Ichigo was thinking about it, the tribulation thunder had already smashed down on his head, and the thunder was rolling, as if the entire sky was collapsing. People standing under it were like a drop in the ocean, and Ichigo felt like he was A boat in the sea.

It could be overturned at any time, and the whole sky thunder slammed down directly towards Ichigo.Ichigo hurriedly put on his posture, although he was complaining, but when the real crisis came, Ichigo would not relax at all.

The demeanor of the strong man was fully displayed at this moment.

Ichigo's whole body's power has been running non-stop at this time, no matter how high his own power becomes, as long as he is a little familiar with it, Ichigo can instantly master it.

After all, Ichigo's control of energy is absolutely superb. With the movement of Ichigo's body, the power of his whole body is condensed in the same place in the body in just an instant. At this moment, Ichigo's body began to flicker, and the whole People are like walking out of a dream. When the thunderbolt fell, it passed directly through him.

This day, the thunder actually slammed into the phantom that Ichigo had previously left in place. I didn't expect Ichigo to be so agile that even the thunder could flash past!

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