The powerful exercises that Ichigo learned were all in use at this time. I saw Ichigo's body flashing again and again, leaving behind a trail of phantoms, and every thunder that fell from the sky was from Ichigo passed through it, but it didn't touch his body at all.

This is indeed very powerful, but if the power of this catastrophe is just that, it is too unchallenging.In fact, it didn't take long for Ichigo to slowly feel the difficulty. He was already unable to avoid it. The next thunder that fell from the sky could only choose to carry it hard.

But even so, Ichigo is completely true.I saw his right hand clenched tightly, his index finger and middle finger stand side by side, pinching out a sword finger, and then turning his body, an incomparably fierce attack instantly rushed out, this sword is full of indomitable breath.

If you just look at the move, this move seems to be unremarkable, and there is no change, but under this move, no one can avoid it, and the mysterious aura is constantly flashing. As if locked on the target directly.

If this sword is really cut, it is absolutely unavoidable. Ichigo directly uses his hand to make a sword and slashes out with a ruthless sword. This falling thunder is directly cut off by him, but his After all, kendo is a beginner, and it was not possible to replace the sword with the palm of the hand.

This time, although the thunder was cut off, Ichigo himself was also uncomfortable. The whole person was rubbing against each other, and he took a lot of steps back. Only then did he stop the strength of his backing, but he stepped on it. The ground has been shattered.

However, it was somewhat blocked. Next, facing the Thunder Ichigo, he used a lot of means, one after another, but at the end, he was too strong and weak, and it was difficult to continue to resist.

At this time, Ichigo's body was already numb from the shock of the continuous thunderbolt.

But at this moment, the elixir in Yihu suddenly began to rotate rapidly, and the phantom of a green lotus quickly emerged behind him, and there were still bursts of voices that kept ringing. ..

Chapter 315 The Power of Qinglian

This green lotus phantom stretched out directly behind Ichigo, as if it had a posture of supporting the sky. Ichigo felt very strange.

He felt that the green lotus grew out of his body, without the slightest sense of disobedience.

Ichigo was a little curious as to where this green lotus came from. He only remembered that it seemed that this thing shattered the elixir that he had condensed earlier, causing him to suffer great pain.

But what's going on now?This green lotus seems to have entered his body. Thinking of this, Ichigo's consciousness directly looked inward and found that on top of his spiritual pill, there was indeed a phantom of green lotus attached to it. .

Ichigo felt a little confused when he saw it. He didn't know if his current situation was normal.

In fact, what Ichigo didn't know was that this kind of thing was completely incredible in the eyes of other people.

These top-notch treasures in the world, and only such heaven-defying treasures, can be materialized and attached to the Spirit Pill.

Since then, Ichigo's elixir has also acquired some abilities of this green lotus, which is a life-long task for many people. If you say it out, even the top powerhouses in Wanling World will be moved. of.

Even if they are stronger than them, they have never had such good fortune. It is impossible to smelt a chaotic treasure in the stage of forming a pill, not to mention that they cannot obtain this kind of thing. It is impossible to refine it.

Ichigo was able to refine this green lotus, which can be said to be all due to Master Guangjie. Master Guangjie once saw a method of smelting from an ancient secret method, so he used it. On Ichigo's body.

And even if he uses such a secret technique, he has to rely on the power of the Dao. This is how difficult it is. I am afraid that in this world, there are not many strong people who can do this.

So now, there is the good fortune that Ichigo has obtained now, and having such a chaotic treasure transformed into Ichigo's elixir god, the benefits to Ichigo in the future are absolutely huge, and from now on, as long as Ichigo's strength Enhancement, the ability of this Qinglian will also be enhanced.

But there is a bad point. After Ichigo, the speed of cultivation may be slower. In fact, it is not slower to be accurate, but if Ichigo wants to be promoted again, the spiritual power required is estimated. Much higher than ordinary people.

But of course, this is not completely a bad thing, because he has more spiritual power than ordinary people, which means that Ichigo is much stronger than ordinary people in the same realm.

Of course, these Ichigo still don't know, he just looked at the elixir in his body doubtfully, feeling unspeakably weird, even though he was in a deep sleep.

But when his first elixir was condensed, Ichigo could feel it slightly. He could feel that there was absolutely no phantom of Qinglian on his first elixir.

The phantom of this green lotus must have come from that weird green lotus, and Ichigo can only wait to ask the real person Guangjie later, Ichigo believes that the real person Guangjie must know this.

As for now, Ichigo can feel that this Qinglian phantom on his own elixir has no bad effect on him.

Even his own strength has been increased because of this, especially at this moment, the phantom of the green lotus that flashed behind Ichigo, Ichigo can feel that it contains extremely terrifying energy.

Moreover, Ichigo could feel that when the phantom of Qinglian existed, his own spiritual power was passing by rapidly, but now he was consuming the huge energy generated when Qinglian merged with himself.

Although these energies are powerful, they are non-renewable things. Ichigo's body spiritual power has become saturated, and even the moon spirit cannot absorb it, so these powers can only be used for consumption at present.

Ichigo made a rough estimate, according to the speed at which this green lotus phantom consumes energy, if he wants to manipulate it.

If you use all the spiritual power you have, you can only maintain it for a quarter of an hour. If you want to use it to launch a more powerful attack, the Qinglian phantom will probably exist for a shorter time.

So now, while he was still able to maintain it, Ichigo acted directly, and the phantom of Qinglian behind him began to sway slightly, only to see the falling thunder shattered directly.

Of course, the power of the calamity cannot stop here, and the thunder of the sky keeps bombarding one after another, but this green lotus phantom seems to be reluctant to come, shaking frequently, no matter how many thunders fall. , are directly absorbed.

The power of this Qinglian is really too powerful. After solving these thunders, Qinglian's phantom still seems to be unsatisfied, and it starts to grow again, and it has become nearly ten thousand feet high in an instant!

The phantom of the green lotus rises into the sky, endless spiritual power and the power of chaos are constantly radiating out, the whole world seems to be infected by it, and some plants around the phantom of the green lotus begin to surge crazily. Get moving.

In an instant, these plants seemed to have been hit with hormones and began to grow wildly, and they had doubled in height in just an instant, but even so, there was no sign of stopping.

And some of the surrounding medicinal materials began to grow immediately. Originally, the medicinal materials were only ten years old, but in the blink of an eye, they have become a hundred years of elixir, and even some medicinal materials have become precious treasures!

The surrounding of this green lotus phantom seems to have infinite vitality. Wherever this vitality passes, everything is brought back to life.

And Ichigo's feeling was even more obvious. His body was affected by such a huge vitality, and it didn't take long for him to start to recover. The injury on his body recovered directly after a while.

Ichigo couldn't help but be overjoyed. With this green lotus in his hand, he would definitely take advantage of others in future battles.And when it really hits the point of life and death, there are more possibilities for survival.

However, this green lotus is obviously far more than just this means. I saw the green lotus phantom shaking slightly, and the chaotic aura radiated out, but this time it released not vitality, but endless destruction. , the chaotic aura gathered on this green lotus phantom can be said to be terrifying, and it seems to be able to destroy everything. ..

Chapter 316 Suppression

At this time, Ichigo felt that these chaotic energies with the meaning of destruction were not within his control. To be honest, the green lotus phantom behind him was completely independent and beyond his control.

Perhaps this is not enough. It can only be said that the energy contained in this green lotus is too violent and too powerful. Such terrifying chaotic energy is naturally not something that Ichigo can control.

After all, the moment when the phantom of the green lotus burst out, the spiritual power released was really terrifying.

Right now, the Qinglian phantom has soared to a height of ten thousand feet, and endless chaotic spiritual power is beating on it.

Dao Dao's aura of destruction continued to radiate out, and feeling this power, the sky-filled Lei Wei became even more terrifying.

The thunder continued to fall, hitting the entire earth, as if to directly destroy this green lotus phantom, or to issue a warning.

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