But this Qinglian phantom did not give in at all, Qinglian shook slightly, and went directly towards the thundercloud that filled the sky, rumbling!

Next, an even more stunned scene happened. I saw that the thunderclouds in the sky were directly smashed by this huge green lotus phantom. disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Ichigo was a little surprised when he saw this, so powerful?You must know that even if Ichigo made a full-strength shot of the power of thunder accumulated in the sky just now, he was probably not more than half sure of being able to carry it.

But now, the thunderclouds in the sky were shattered by the phantom of the green lotus, which made Ichigo feel a little dreamy, as if all this happened in a dream, a little unrealistic.

If this scene is seen by others, it is estimated that the other party will be even more surprised.You must know that this is the thunder catastrophe of a top-grade spiritual pill. It is a catastrophe of ten deaths and no life, and few people have survived it safely since ancient times.

And those who are the only ones who have survived the Thunder Tribulation, as long as there are no accidents, they can become the super powerhouses of the era of suppression, and now, this so-called ten-death-no-life calamity is just like this by Qinglian Dissipated as soon as it hit?

It sounds incredible, but it is really happening at this moment, which is really unimaginable.Immediately, Ichigo understood that this Qinglian was definitely an extraordinary treasure.

And now, the only person who is relatively calm is Master Guangjie. He is the most calm, as if all this has long been expected by him.

He knows the origin of this green lotus, this is a real treasure of chaos, even those ancient powers will snatch each other for this.

You must know that he Guangjie has suffered a lot in order to get this thing, but in the end, he has never had the chance to use this green lotus.At this moment, it is also a pretty good way to use it as the Dao base of the Ichigo Pill.

As a treasure of that level, Master Guangjie knew clearly about Qinglian's power, and the top-grade first-grade spiritual pill condensed by Yihu in front of him could represent its power.

At this moment, under the sublimation of these treasures, how powerful the power released is, no one can tell, but at least it is stronger than the power of thunder in the sky.

Right now, the scattered power of thunder is a very good proof, but this result was completely expected for the real person Guangjie, so he did not show any surprise.

Because he knew that the more difficult thing was still to come, that the calamity of the heart and the fire of the earth were extremely terrifying. When Master Guangjie condensed the first-grade elixir, he did not know how much he suffered, or even a little bit. It is death.

It was also fortunate that his master was still alive in the world back then. If it hadn't been for the rescue of the master who was the head of the Taixu Daoist sect, I am afraid that Guangjie Zhenren would have already perished.

So even if this thunder calamity is over now, Master Guangjie is extremely terrifying for the latter two.

The calamity of heart and earth fire kills people invisibly. No matter how powerful this green lotus is, it is extremely difficult to help Yihu to endure the calamity of heart and fire.

The real person Guangjie here is thinking that the heart calamity of Ichigo has come, and an invisible force is constantly invading Ichigo's heart, as if to enter the depths of Ichigo's heart.

This force is extremely violent and domineering, as if to knock down Ichigo's mind in an instant. If this force really succeeds in invading, I am afraid that Ichigo will become an idiot from now on.

However, at this critical juncture, Ichigo's soul sea and deep inside, suddenly appeared the phantom of a green lotus. This green lotus is not big, compared to the phantom of the green lotus that is thousands of feet tall. Said to be very small, only about three feet or so.

Floating quietly in the center of the soul sea of ​​Yihu, it exudes a foggy atmosphere, and bursts of energy are constantly emitting.

The sound of the voice is also constantly coming out, as if to cleanse all the sins in this world.

Under this sound, Ichigo only felt that his mind was completely calmed down, it seemed that the whole world, the whole world, had calmed down.

Ichigo slowly closed his eyes, he felt a gust of wind blowing in the depths of his heart, extremely comfortable, he could feel the endless vitality around him.

Suddenly, Qinglian in Ichigo's soul sea shook. At this moment, Ichigo's heart was completely purified, and the whole inner world was round and round, without the slightest fluctuation at all.

This time, the power of the heart robbery can't invade, and it continued for a while, and the heart robbery of Ichigo finally dissipated. Now there are no flaws in the heart of Ichigo, and the heart robbery will be entangled, and it will have no effect. of.

And just after the heart robbery stopped, the hot earth fire breath immediately poured into Yihu's body, and there was no sign of this earth fire calamity.

There was no pause, just for a moment, the endless ground fires quietly burned all over Ichigo's body.

This flame is completely different from ordinary flames. Even if Ichihu has experienced the calamity of body repair once, there is still no good way to deal with it.

At this moment, as the phantom of Qinglian shook for a while, the ground fire burning within Yihu was directly suppressed. ..

Chapter 317 Officially Entering the Formation Stage

No matter how powerful the ground fire in Yihu's body is, he can't stir up any waves. The chaotic aura emanating from Qinglian completely suppresses the power of these fires, making it impossible to stir up any waves at all. .

However, this is also difficult for Ichigo. Although this terrifying impact is suppressed in Ichigo's body, so that the power of earth fire cannot erupt, it is also extremely painful.

The beads of sweat on Yihu’s head kept dripping. Right now, although the power of the earth fire was suppressed by the power of Qinglian, it could still play a role in tempering the body, and because of the strength of Qinglian. In fact, the effect is much better.

Ichigo's physique was also continuously strengthened under the impact of this powerful energy. Fortunately, the power of the fire did not last too long this time, and I don't know if it was because of Qinglian. It disappeared so peacefully.

At this time, Ichigo's body was exuding blue rays of light. The rays of light looked extremely mysterious. With the black long coat on Ichigo's body, coupled with the purple-blond hair band, look. When it woke up, it smelled like a fairy.

The blue rays of light flickered on Ichigo's body, constantly tempering Ichigo's body. This green lotus is really too perverted, and it deserves to be a first-class treasure in the world.

At the moment, the chaotic energy of the Daodao poured into Yihuo's body from the limbs of Yihu's limbs and Zhou Tian's acupoint, and the light of the blue lotus also entered Yihu's spiritual sea. Lian Xuying was also submerged in Yihu's elixir.

Chaos Qinglian, with divine light inside.Ichigo felt that Qinglian became quiet after entering his elixir, and everything seemed to be calm again, without a trace of turbulence.

After a while, after the spiritual power in the body calmed down, Ichigo continued to practice here quietly for more than three days, and finally got used to it.

After finishing the practice, Ichigo stood up, raised his palm, and shook it gently, only to feel a terrifying power surging in his body, is this the power of the Core Formation Stage?Really good.

In this world, the realm of the Core Formation Stage can be regarded as the real entry point. Although looking at the world, the Core Formation Stage is nothing, but it represents the achievements of Yihu in this world after all.

It has been almost four months since he came to this world. His strength has gone from nothing to the current spiritual power cultivation stage, and coupled with the late stage of physical cultivation, he is already considered a master at least in the area of ​​Cangyu City. Walking around the world can be considered a little bit of self-preservation.

Coupled with some of the methods taught to him by Master Guangjie, as well as his own combat experience, if he encounters someone stronger than himself, as long as it is not too outrageous, even if Ichigo can't beat him, he can still escape.

Ichigo thought secretly in his heart, but if it were known, Ichigo had no cultivation base from that point, and now the spiritual cultivation stage and the late yellow level realm of physical cultivation, only such a short period of time has passed. , I don't know what the other party will think.

It is estimated that it will be too shocking to add, is this still a human being?Even the peerless geniuses of the superpowers are not so terrifying, right?This is too speechless.

But they don't know yet, even so, Ichigo still dislikes his own cultivation speed being too slow. If someone knows what Ichigo is thinking, I don't know if the monks in this world will directly hack Ichigo with one knife.

At the moment, another person with the same thoughts as Ichigo is also nearby. When Guangjie saw Ichigo opened his eyes, he also stood up, opened his mouth, and yawned fiercely. The real Guangjie did not move.

Ichigo closed his eyes and practiced for three days here, and he also entered meditation for three consecutive days.Now that Ichigo woke up, he was no longer in meditation.

On the side, Ichigo also saw this scene. For the cheap master Guangjie, if Ichigo was a little reluctant at first, now Ichigo is really grateful to him.

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