But if he is at the stage of forming an elixir, it is not necessarily the case, because his power of elixir is not as good as that of the weakest cultivator at the stage of forming an elixir.

And for the power of the elixir, he can't use it freely.Out of curiosity, after a slight scan of the guardian spirit, he found the reason. This middle-aged man should be a master of the alchemy stage.

The so-called Summary Pill Stage is a person whose cultivation base has reached the threshold of the Pill Formation Stage, but did not pass through the Heavenly Tribulation, and finally survived by luck.

You must know that between heaven and earth, there are generally only two outcomes of transcending a calamity, or failing to transcend it.

But if the cultivator can't survive the calamity, he will either die or die, or his cultivation will be completely crippled, and he will become a crippled person from now on.

But in this world, after all, there are still accidents. Although some people have failed to transcend the calamity, they not only survived, but their original cultivation is still there.

This is the Summary Pill Realm, but in this way, this cultivator may no longer be able to improve his realm.

It can only be this state for a lifetime.Although cruel, it is not bad compared to becoming a waste.

And this middle-aged man is such an existence, and Ichigo is also looking at him carefully. Although the strength of the middle-aged man is not very good, Ichigo has never seen the battle of the cultivators in the Dan realm. Woolen cloth.

At this time, seeing that Ichigo was only perfunctory to himself, and then looked away, Hu Yue couldn't help being slightly annoyed.

You must know that their Hu family is also the number one family in the entire Cangyu City, and she is the arrogant daughter of the entire Hu family. ..

Chapter 335 Ignore

Seeing Ichigo despising her, Hu Yue couldn't help being a little annoyed. She looked at Hu Yu and asked, "Xiaoyu, are you sure this guy saved you? Could it be that your eyes are wrong?"

As soon as Hu Yue said this, Hu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. She didn't expect that her sister would speak like this, and she couldn't help feeling anxious.

In any case, Ichigo was the one who saved her, and Hu Yu thought Ichigo's strength was extremely powerful.

In case Ichigo is provoked by Hu Yue, then the people present in the Hu family are by no means Ichigo's opponents.In Hu Yu's opinion, to be able to kill the scarred man with one move, Ichigo's cultivation is definitely higher than that of Uncle Liu who died to protect her.

And Uncle Liu is already in the late stage of foundation building, and he is not the opponent of the scarred man. That guardian also has the power of foundation building great perfection.

Although there are not a lot of masters in the foundation building and the Hu family, as the big family in Cangyu City, there are also a few masters in the Hu family who are connected with Dan.

However, none of the members of the Hu family who are present at the scene are the masters of their Hu family's core formation. Originally, the Hu family sisters just came out to experience, including Uncle Liu who was in the later stage of foundation building, Uncle Ping who was successful in foundation building, and others. Several masters of foundation building in the clan followed.

I think this lineup is enough for them to go around in the wild forest, as long as they don't go too deep.

But who knew that they had gone the wrong way, wandering around in this barren forest for a long time, and later they met these wicked people, which is really unlucky.

Hu Yu was also rescued by Yihu when he was in danger. If Hu Yue's words were inappropriate at this time and angered Yihu, the situation would be even worse.

So hearing her cousin's slightly impolite words, Hu Yu was also quite anxious: "Sister Yue'er, this senior really saved me, and this senior is also a master, just using one move Deal with the villain."

Hearing that Hu Yu was so eager to defend Yihu, Hu Yue's brows furrowed even more.

In his heart, he secretly thought that his little sister was still young and ignorant of the world. No matter how he looked at it, this young man was nothing but a playboy who was hollowed out by alcohol.

Looking at his pale face and thin body, where is the demeanor of a master?I'm afraid it will fall down when the wind blows.

The little sister is also true. She brought her here without looking at anyone. It's really too naive.

He immediately frowned and said, "Xiaoyu, you are still young and inexperienced, so you can be considered a master? I think it's just a hollowed-out person.

He didn't even have a trace of spiritual power on his body, so he could solve the villain with one move?I think he may not even have the courage to approach, right?

Perhaps the villain and Uncle Liu have already lost both sides of the fight, this guy just picked up a leak. "

"You are really big-hearted. You dare to follow any stranger. What if the other party has bad intentions? Fortunately, you are back, otherwise you don't know what will happen."

Hu Yu was a little stunned when she heard it. Hu Yue said these words without any shyness, and Ichihu was on the side. Naturally, her words completely fell into Yihu's ears.

Hu Yu didn't expect her cousin to speak like this, so she couldn't help being a little stunned. She thought that Ichigo was definitely a master, after all, she had seen Ichigo's outburst of spiritual pressure with her own eyes.

It's a pity that she explained to her cousin, but her cousin didn't believe it at all, and Hu Yu was a little anxious all of a sudden.

Since she couldn't tell Hu Yue clearly, Hu Yu could only go to another person to tell her, only to see her saying to an injured middle-aged man next to her: "Uncle Ping, what I said is true, it is really this. A senior saved me."

The one called Uncle Ping was a middle-aged man with an inch head. His physique was extremely burly and he looked very strong, but at the moment his body was covered with many scars and looked a bit terrifying.

His cultivation of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment can be said to be the most powerful among the people of the Hu family who traveled this time.But even so, he was seriously injured.

Hearing Hu Yu's words at this time, Uncle Ping also shook his head with a wry smile.

The young lady is really too kind, and she is too easily deceived. In fact, as early as when Ichigo first appeared, this Uncle Ping had already noticed.

As the captain of the Hu family's guard, he must always be vigilant, but no matter how he sees it, Ichigo is just an ordinary person.

He didn't even have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power on his body, and looking at his pale face, I'm afraid his physique was inferior to that of ordinary people.

At this moment, seeing that Uncle Ping didn't agree with him, Hu Yu didn't know what to say. What he said was the truth, but why did no one believe it?

For a moment, Hu Yu felt a little helpless, and his eyes were a little too afraid to look at Ichigo beside him.

As for Hu Yue, when she saw Uncle Ping shaking his head, she naturally believed that what she had guessed was correct, and Ichigo was just an ordinary person.

In the eyes of a cultivator like her, ordinary people are like trash. People like this who don't even have a trace of cultivation are naturally not worthy of their Hu family's favor.

And their Hu family should be friends with those who are powerful and powerful, for example, the young man who is battling that wicked man at the moment.

Thinking of this, Hu Yue looked at Ichigo and frowned slightly. She found that Ichigo was still watching the battle at the moment, and she couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.

When she spoke just now, she didn't mean to avoid Ichigo at all. If it was put on anyone, I'm afraid they would be able to understand the meaning and leave it long ago.But Ichigo remained motionless, completely ignoring her.

Seeing Ichigo like this, Hu Yue felt even more that her thoughts were right.

She thought that Ichigo had been dismantled by herself now, and the reason why she didn't say anything was that she just wanted to keep pretending.

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