Poor Ichigo really doesn't know what Hu Yue is thinking now, although he heard the conversation between Hu Yu and Hu Yue and that uncle Ping just now.

It's just that I don't want to pay attention, because Ichigo has absolutely no need to prove anything to them.

No matter how the Hu family looked at him, Ichigo only regarded them as air. As long as the Hu family could finally bring him back to Cangyu City, it was enough. The rest had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to care about it. ..

Chapter 336

Ignore him for the time being, Ichigo is now focusing on the battle between the two in the field. Although the two are not very high, their strength is not too strong.

But when they really fought, it was full of spiritual energy, and there was some coercion, but just looking at it for a while, Ichigo's eyebrows were a little wrinkled.

When these two fought against each other, their moves were too simple, almost only the collision of strength and the competition of spiritual power. As for things such as combat skills, they lacked a lot.

Like that wicked man, he only knows a few tricks when he fights, but he is very powerful, and just relying on these few tricks can make the young man exhausted.

Compared to this villain, the young man had more tricks, but his methods were still extremely simple.And Ichigo looked after them, and the efficiency of using spiritual power seemed to be very low.

Often a lot of spiritual power is wasted by them.Ichigo looked at it for a while, then shook his head, the fighting ability of the two was still not good.

During the battle between the two, they missed many opportunities for each other, and their moves were not clever enough. Ichigo was confident that if he used as much spiritual power as the two of them, he could definitely solve it easily. Their.

After Ichigo continued to watch the battlefield, he finally couldn't stand it anymore. That young man's strength and adaptability were really weak. He clearly wanted to overwhelm the wicked person in realm, and the wicked person had to be distracted. Pay attention to the master of the late stage of Dandan on the side.

Even so, this young man could not take down the villain for a long time, he was really a waste.Ichigo couldn't help shaking his head again, and then he stopped watching the battle between the two, like this kind of boring battle, don't watch it!

At this time, Ichigo shook his head, but Hu Yue just happened to see it.Seeing this, Hu Yue couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Who did this man think he was? You must know that there were two masters fighting on the field.

This is a rare scene, and the young man in the field, at first glance, is Tianjiao who came out of the big family. It seems that he is only in his thirties, and he already has the cultivation base of the formation stage.

This can almost be compared to the elders of her Hu family, even if compared to her father, it is similar.And the old guard next to the young man exudes even more terrifying aura.

This coercion was even higher than that of her father. She had only felt this terrible coercion from her third uncle, Hu Yu's father, the head of the Hu family.

If there is anyone in the entire Hu family who is stronger than this old man, it is probably only Hu Yue's grandfather who has been in seclusion for many years.

However, her grandfather was already the most powerful existence in the Hu family, and the other party was just the guard of the young man who formed the core.

This strength is far beyond what a small Hu family can match.And the young man who was fighting in the field was handsome and handsome.

Hu Yue looked at the young man with a bit of admiration subconsciously in his eyes, but at this moment, Ichigo turned out to be shaking his head and sighing.

As if to disdain the battle on the field.This scene was seen by Hu Yue again, which made her even more annoyed that Ichigo was an ordinary person.

So, Hu Yue deliberately raised her voice and said, "Look, Xiaoyu, the one who is fighting against that wicked person in the arena is Qi Dong, the proud son of the Qi family in Youzhou City. He is only in his thirties, but he is already The master of the Core Formation Stage."

"If you don't have him this time, I'm afraid you will never see my sister and me again, and those of us in the Hu family will definitely be killed by those wicked people."

"This Qi Shaoxia is really a good man, a true genius, but much better than some people who pretend to be masters, like some people, they only pretend to be masters, and they pretend to be dismissive when they see the battle in the field. I really don't know how to be ashamed."

As soon as Hu Yue said these words, Yihu frowned slightly.Although he was too lazy to fight with women, it did not mean that he had no temper.

Naturally, Hu Yu heard something in her sister's words. She could hear the sarcasm of Ichigo in her sister's words, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

Subconsciously, Hu Yu said, "Cousin, don't say it anymore, this senior really saved me. He's not a master, he's really powerful, you can't talk like that!"

But Hu Yue is still unrelenting: "Xiaoyu, you are still young and easy to be deceived. This person is just an ordinary person, and you don't know the purpose of approaching you!"

When she said this, her voice was already a little loud, and it was completely equivalent to saying it in front of Ichigo.

Ichigo's eyes narrowed slightly. He was trying to convince himself not to do it. Otherwise, he was not sure whether he would kill all these people. Although it was a little troublesome, he was definitely capable of doing it.

And now, since the words have come to this point, Hu Yue simply ignored it, threw a bag at Yihu, and said, "Hey, I don't care who you are or who you are when you approach my sister. Be attentive."

"But I still advise you to leave quickly. There are fifty taels of gold and ten spirit stones in this bag, which can be regarded as a little thanks to you for saving my sister by coincidence. Leave quickly. If you want to do something wrong, I will The Hu family in Cangyu City will definitely pay the price!"

When Hu Yue said this, Hu Yu kept pulling her sleeves as if to stop her, but she ignored her.

Ichigo smiled faintly when he heard the words, fifty taels of gold plus ten low-grade spirit stones?Is this to send beggars?For a monk, these things are not farts.

He was the one who saved Miss Hu's family. Although Ichigo didn't ask for anything in return, with the importance of Hu Yu, even if the Hu family gave him a thousand spiritual stones, it wasn't much.

But at this moment, Hu Yue wanted to send herself away, and even drove her away, and in her last words, she used the name of the Hu family in Cangyu City to suppress herself, which was really deceiving.

Ichigo couldn't help but look cold, and said indifferently, "Hmph, fifty taels of gold and ten spirit stones are really big. I dare you to ask, that's how your Hu family treats people?" ..

Chapter 337 The ignorant Hu Yue

Although Ichigo's voice was not loud, it was full of endless chills. In the end, his voice was a bit colder: "If your Hu family is so unreasonable, I don't think it is necessary to exist anymore."

Ichigo believes that he is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a good person. If someone offends him, he will not choose to endure.And with the family to suppress him, Ichigo didn't mind letting the family go to pieces.

As soon as Ichigo said this, everyone in the Hu family was stunned. Could this kid be crazy?Originally, the Hu family promised to thank him for the gift, but it was just to thank him for saving the young lady once.

Just killing a severely injured man with a scar, this ability is only the level of a warrior, and he dares to say such words.

How bold is this, you must know that the Hu family is now the largest family in Cangyu City.

With the only Lin family able to compete with the Hu family, for some reason, all the masters in the clan were wiped out, and now the Hu family has become a veritable overlord-level force in Cangyu City.

This strength is placed in the entire nine cities, and it is also among the top families. Only one master of spiritual transformation can build a city alone. Now the Hu family's status in Cangyu City, apart from the city lord's mansion, there is no more. People can cover it!

You must know that the strength of the current City Lord’s Mansion can really be called terrifying. There are five masters of transforming spirits alone, and it is said that when the wind and clouds gathered in Cangyu City some time ago, the City Lord’s Mansion got another copy. chance.

That old Mo actually took advantage of this opportunity to directly enter the late stage of Spirit Transformation, and even jumped two levels within a few months.

At the moment, the City Lord's Mansion has three early stage spirit transformations, one middle stage spirit transformation, and one late stage spirit transformation master. Looking at the entire Nine Cities, this strength is definitely an overlord-level force.Even if it is placed in Youzhou City, it is not considered the bottom, enough to become a major force.

Therefore, their Hu family is naturally no match for the City Lord's Mansion, but apart from the City Lord's Mansion, their Hu family is the boss in Cangyu City.

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