The situation in front of me at the moment is really slap in the face!Hu Yueer felt really irritable and embarrassed.

But embarrassment turned into embarrassment. Even for the Hu family, Hu Yueer had to try to persuade Ichigo so that he could not kill Qi Yun recklessly.

At the same time, Yihu was stunned when he heard Hu Yueer's words. This woman is really an idiot. Don't you see that the fate of their Hu family is also in his own hands?

As long as he wants to kill them, it's just a matter of raising his hands. Where did this woman come from to be so bold and dare to intercede for others? Do you really think that he will not do anything to her?

Yi Hu's face was expressionless, and the sword qi condensed in his hand showed no sign of dissipating, but after being interrupted by Hu Yue'er, the sword qi that had been used to end Qi Yun's life finally stopped.

Ichigo had already made up his mind in his heart that as long as the woman didn't give enough reasons, he wouldn't mind swinging another sword to take the lives of several Hu family members!

For Ichigo, he has endured Hu Yueer for a long time today. I am afraid that if this situation is placed in front of anyone with the same strength as Ichigo, I am afraid that he will be cut off with a sword!

It was amazing that Ichigo could endure for so long. He also understood that he still didn't want to kill women.Of course, if it's really unbearable, it's okay to kill a few...

Seeing that Ichigo just paused for a while, without any intention of stopping, Hu Yueer's scalp was numb, and she could feel the sword energy on Ichigo's body was a little colder.

That sword energy was really like the ice in the twelfth lunar month, and it was uncomfortably cold. Hu Yue'er felt that her blood flow seemed to be slowing down...

Hu Yue'er knew in her heart that if she couldn't give a reason next, Ichigo would definitely kill herself without hesitation, or kill the Hu family behind her.

In Hu Yue'er's eyes, the life of the Hu family, which is very precious, is just a matter of sword energy to Ichigo!

So, Hu Yue'er could only bite the bullet and say, "You can't kill him, he is the eldest young master of the Qi family, and the strength of the Qi family is absolutely extraordinary!"

"Do you know the spirit transformation realm? I can tell you clearly that although your strength is already extremely powerful, the master of the spirit transformation realm is not something you can imagine."

"And don't think that the Qi family is far away in Youzhou City, and there is nothing you can do about it. As far as I know, the Qi family also has a spirit transformation master in Cangyu City, and it is said that there are more than one!"

"If you really kill the young master of the Qi family, it won't do you any good. With the ability of the Qi family, you will definitely be able to find out your whereabouts. I admit that I was wrong before. The talent is indeed very powerful.

Even as long as you are given some time, it is not impossible to cultivate into the spirit transformation realm, but now you will definitely not be the opponent of the spirit transformation master! "

Hu Yueer finished saying these words in one breath, her back was sweating a little, but her heart was inexplicably relaxed, and when she finally said these words, Hu Yueer suddenly felt a sense of relief.

As soon as Hu Yue'er finished speaking, she did not expect that Qi Yun, who was snot and tearful, also hurriedly said: "Senior, as long as you let me go, the matter between me and you will be written off!

You have a lot of people, just let me go. I have no eyes and bumped into you in front of me! "

"Also please don't care, as long as you let me go, what do you want, I will satisfy you next time, my Qi family does have spirit transformation masters in Cangyu City, if you kill me, they will definitely avenge me !"

"Cangyu City has my second grandfather in charge. He is already a master in the late stage of spiritual transformation, and there are several of my uncles in Cangyu City. One of them is a master in the middle stage of transformation, and the other two are also in the early stage of transformation. the powerhouse!

If you kill me, it really won't do you any good, you might as well let me leave, I promise to convince the second grandfather and a few uncles to make war with you into jade and silk! "

At the juncture of life and death, Qi Yun, the son of the Qi family, finally regained his IQ once. His words were clearly begging for mercy, but secretly he also revealed the strength of their Qi family in Cangyu City, which was used to deter Ichigo!

After these words, although it seems to be begging for mercy, it is actually a needle hidden in the cotton, and if you just look at Qi Yun's expression, you can't see any clues.

At such a critical moment of life and death, Qi Yun had lost his mind and could only beg for mercy with snot and tears, but after Hu Yue'er's interruption, he was a little more awake. Qi Yun will also have some means.

Hu Yue'er was stunned when she heard the words. She could naturally understand what Qi Yun meant, but she didn't expect that this guy wasn't really stupid at least.

She just finished speaking, and Qi Yun knew how to take advantage of the situation, and followed the words, and by the way, said the strength of their Qi family in Cangyu City, which was used to deter Ichigo!

Next, Hu Yue'er looked at Yihu nervously, her palms were faintly sweating, but her heart was somewhat relaxed. She believed that when this matter was placed in front of any normal person, I am afraid that there would be some scruples.

However, what she didn't expect was that the Qi family's power in Cangyu City was stronger than she imagined.

However, the more this happened, the more relieved Hu Yue'er was, and secretly said, a master in the late stage of spiritual transformation, a middle stage of spiritual transformation and two early stages of spiritual transformation, this power can even sweep across the entire Cangyu City.

This force is really going to be shot, I am afraid that Cangyu City, except for the City Lord's Mansion, even if all the forces are added together, I am afraid that it will not be able to resist.

This next guard should not be shot again.Unless he really wants to die!

But Hu Yue'er was thinking about it when she heard a low shout from Yihu's mouth, with only one short word: "Death."

The next moment, a terrifying coercion swept across and rushed directly towards Qi Yun. When Hu Yue'er reacted, she already found that a large hole had been pierced directly through Qi Yun's body! ..

Chapter 371

With Hu Yueer's gaze, Qi Yun's entire chest has been penetrated!

The sword intent condensed by Ichigo's sword is too overbearing. Qi Yun didn't react at all, and he was already killed on the spot. At this time, his face still had an unbelievable look!

Qi Yun didn't understand until he died, how Ichigo dared to kill himself, he was just an ant. Although his strength was higher than his own, he was only at the stage of forming an elixir. In front of their Qi family, he was nothing more than a Just a bigger ant!

As long as their Qi family dispatches a spirit transformation master, they can completely kill this person, so that he will never be able to turn over, and there are four spirit transformation masters in Cangyu City. , how dare he really do it?

Moreover, he had already promised to write off it with him. Although only Qi Yun knew in his heart whether it would be written off or not, he believed that as long as he was a normal person, no one would refuse.

Because in front of the Qi family, a mere pill formation stage can't make any waves at all, but how dare Ichigo, how dare he make a move regardless of the consequences, is he a lunatic?

Do not!He is a demon, a demon that eats people without spitting out bones!It's a pity that when Qi Yun understood this truth, he was already dead and could no longer die!

And Hu Yue'er's shock was no less than Qi Yun, who was already dead. She didn't expect that Ichigo would actually take action and actually kill the eldest young master of the Qi family!

Is he really not afraid of Qi's revenge?Isn't he afraid that the four spirit transformation masters sitting in Cangyu City will attack him?

As long as the four spirit transformation masters are dispatched, they don't even need to be dispatched together. As long as one spirit transformation master is dispatched, Ichigo has absolutely no chance of winning!

Hu Yueer's heart is also extremely complicated at the moment, is this person really a reckless man?Is he really just a foolish madman?

Yes, [-]% of the time, I am afraid this is the only explanation!However, Hu Yue'er was still a little angry, and her voice was a little higher, as if she wasn't too afraid of Ichigo.

I just heard Hu Yue'er say directly: "Do you know that you are really reckless in doing this, you are really happy to kill him, but what about the Qi family? What about the four spirit transformation masters? If they take action If you do, you will definitely die without a burial!"

"I really don't know what you think, that's the Qi family, how many masters of spirit transformation there are..."

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