When Hu Yueer said this, her tone was a little faster for no reason, but before she could finish speaking, Ichigo said coldly: "Enough! Stop chattering, believe it or not I cut your tongue?"

Hu Yue'er stopped immediately when she heard the words. She would not doubt whether the person in front of her would do this. In her eyes, Ichigo was simply a lunatic!

Hu Yue'er didn't dare to speak anymore, the whole scene became extremely quiet for a while, and at the same time it was extremely embarrassing, even the sound of the wind blowing the leaves could be clearly heard.

After a long time, the silence was finally broken. The one who spoke was the little girl in purple, Hu Yu.

I saw Hu Yu biting her lip tightly, and her little hand was also pinching the corner of her clothes tightly. Although her head was lowered a bit, it couldn't hide the worry on her face!

The little girl was so nervous that she was about to cry. She raised her head and glanced at Qi Yun's corpse, her face turned even paler.

Yes, after all, she is just a little girl of sixteen or seventeen. She doesn't even dare to kill a chicken at ordinary times. How could she ever see so many dead people?

At this time, Hu Yu's face was pale, and she was about to cry, but she still bit her lip.

There was also a hint of choking in his voice: "Big brother, hurry up and run for your life, their Qi family's power is indeed very strong, you can't resist it! And their four spirit transformation masters who are currently in Cangyu City, Even my grandfather is no match for them!"

When Ichigo heard these words from Hu Yu, and seeing her worried look, her expression could not help softening a bit.Speaking of which, Ichigo is not a hard-hearted person after all, nor is he a cold-blooded and bloodthirsty person.

His cold-blooded side is only revealed when he is facing the enemy, and it is naturally not like this in normal times.

The next moment, Ichigo walked over to Hu Yu, and Hu Yue'er looked at him as if he was facing a big enemy. Who knows if this guy will suddenly become fierce, his sister is just a little girl, really want to start Come on, haven't you been hacked alive by Ichigo?

However, the next scene left Hu Yueer stunned.Ichigo just raised his palm and placed it lightly on Hu Yu's head, after rubbing her hair, he smiled and said, "Haha, I'm not that weak.

What does the mere Spirit Transformation realm count?Just because they wanted me to run away from the wind, it would be too shameless. If my cheap master knew about this, they would have to laugh at me for being unpromising! "

Ichigo is really right. For him, there is really nothing to be afraid of, let alone fleeing in a panic.Is the spirit realm very powerful?No matter how powerful he is, can he still have a high realm of Guangjie?

Although Ichigo doesn't know what realm his cheap master is, at least it must be more than the realm of spirit transformation, and the real person Guangjie is probably much higher than the realm of spirit transformation!

As soon as Ichigo said this, Hu Yu subconsciously relaxed a lot, although she also felt that Ichigo didn't take the Spirit Transformation Realm seriously, which sounded incredible.But she didn't know what was going on, but she believed it!

I saw Hu Yu immediately burst into laughter: "It turns out that the big brother also has a master, I thought the big brother was practicing by himself!"

Hearing this, Ichigo patted Hu Yu's head lightly, and the previous irritability for no reason was swept away, and his mood was much happier.

"Of course, if I don't have a master, how did my cultivation come from? Could it be that it jumped out of a crack in the stone?"

The two laughed and talked like this, but the people around them didn't dare to let out the air, for fear of angering Ichigo again.

However, they never thought that this seemingly cold-blooded young man actually had such a side.Looking at the young man there who was laughing with his sister, Hu Yueer couldn't help being a little lost.

It turns out that he can laugh... I thought he was a cold-blooded killer...

The wind blew gently, the sun also rose, this chilling battlefield finally ushered in a calm. ..

Chapter 372 Hu Yueer's Anxiety

At this time, Hu Yueer was somewhat attracted by what Ichigo said. Did he also have a master?I don't know if what Ichigo said was true, but if it was true, it would be terrifying.

It should be noted that Ichigo is already such a monster, so how strong should his master be?

To be able to cultivate such evildoers, his master must be even more amazing, right?

It might even be above the Spirit Transformation Realm?No wonder Yihu is not afraid that the Qi family has masters of spirit transformation!

Right now, although I don't know whether Ichigo's words are credible or not, Hu Yue'er hopes it is true, because only in this way can Ichigo be able to fight against the Qi family, and only in this way will their Hu family not be implicated and be attacked by Qi. Destroy the house!

And if you think about it, there is no fake. After all, Ichigo is only about twenty years old, about the same age as Hu Yueer, but his strength is already so terrifying.

If you just rely on Ichigo to cultivate by yourself, I am afraid it is impossible to reach such a high level, right?You must know that the Qi Gathering Stage and the Foundation Building Stage are all good, as long as you are willing to work hard, plus the continuous accumulation of spiritual power and energy.

However, although it is not absolutely impossible to achieve the stage of forming a pill by relying on oneself alone, the process is definitely very difficult. Among those loose people who have reached the stage of forming a pill by themselves, which one is not a guy who has cultivated for at least several decades?

Not to mention the cultivation of the pill formation stage, it is not easy to experience the pill formation period alone. The danger of the formation of pills is definitely not something ordinary people can imagine!

Moreover, Hu Yueer, who came from a family power, naturally knows that in order to reach the elixir stage, he must rely on the medicines of the five elements.

So even though Ichigo seemed to be joking just now, Hu Yueer already believed what Ichigo said.

Seeing that Ichigo was talking and laughing with her cousin at this time, Hu Yueer felt agitated for no reason, and she didn't even understand why. Could it be that Ichigo is too good?

But Ichigo slapped himself in the face several times, and even killed the members of his Hu family. How could he have a good impression of him? Shouldn't he hate him to the core?

And this guy always has a cold and arrogant face no matter who he is, but why is he so kind to his cousin?Could it be that he fell in love with his sister?

How can this work?Yu'er was still young, she was only a sixteen-year-old child, Hu Yue'er was a little anxious, and she didn't know what she was anxious about.

But at this moment, Hu Yu'er didn't know the thoughts in Hu Yue'er's mind.Hu Yue'er was right, Hu Yu was just a child. Originally, Hu Yu was sad because of Yihu's attack on the Hu family.

But at the moment when she was laughing with Ichigo, she had left all the sadness behind. In Hu Yu's eyes, Ichigo was still a good person.

Although Ichigo killed a few of his own clansmen, they were the first to take action.As for killing the young master of the Qi family, it was also the first guardian who was provoked by the other party.

Hu Yu is still a girl's heart, as long as she thinks it is right, she is right, even if she is still condemning and hurting herself just a moment ago.And Ichigo tried his best to save himself earlier!

Although Yihu was confident that He Dao's palm would not kill him when he went to save Hu Yu, Hu Yu didn't think so.

In Hu Yu's eyes, He Dao is already an extremely powerful expert, and his strength is even comparable to that of her grandfather.

He Dao is afraid that he has been practicing for seventy or eighty years, but how old is Ichigo?Even if you practice in the womb, it will only be more than [-] years.

Even if Ichigo can beat He Dao, but being hit by He Dao in such a completely undefended way, I am afraid that he will lose his life, right?

So Hu Yu regarded Yihu's going to save her as Yihu's life-saving rescue.In this way, Hu Yu has a more favorable impression of Ichigo. In her heart, Ichigo is really kind to her.

"Big brother, when will I be able to be as powerful as you?" At this moment, Hu Yuzheng raised his head and asked, his eyes full of anticipation, looking extremely cute.

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